package Tk::Reindex; use vars qw($VERSION); $VERSION = '3.002'; # $Id: //depot/Tk8/TextList/ $ use Tk; use base qw(Tk::Derived); sub Populate { my ($w, $args) = @_; $w->_callbase('Populate',$args); $w->ConfigSpecs(-linestart => ["PASSIVE", "lineStart", "LineStart", 0], -toindexcmd => ["CALLBACK", "toIndexCmd", "ToIndexCmd" , [\&to_index,$w]], -fromindexcmd => ["CALLBACK", "fromIndexCmd","FromIndexCmd", [\&from_index,$w]]); } sub import { my($module,$base)=@_; my $pkg=(caller)[0]; no strict 'refs'; *{"${pkg}::_reindexbase"}=sub{$base}; } sub _callbase { my($w,$sub)=(shift,shift); my $supersub=$w->_reindexbase()."::$sub"; $w->$supersub(@_); } BEGIN { # list of subroutines and index argument number (-1 as first element means return value) my %subs=('bbox' => [0], 'compare' => [0,2], 'delete' => [0,1], 'dlineinfo' => [0], 'dump' => \&_find_dump_index, 'get' => [0,1], 'index' => [-1,0], 'insert' => [0], 'mark' => \&_find_mark_index, 'search' => \&_find_search_index, 'see' => [0], 'tag' => \&_find_tag_index, 'window' => [1], 'image' => [1], ); foreach my $sub (keys %subs) { my $args=$subs{$sub}; my $argsub=ref $args eq 'CODE'?$args:sub{$args}; my $newsub=sub { my($w)=shift; my(@iargs)=grep($_<=$#_,@{$argsub->(@_)}); my $iret=shift @iargs if @iargs && $iargs[0]==-1; my(@args)=@_; @args[@iargs]=$w->Callback(-toindexcmd,@args[@iargs]); my(@ret)=$w->_callbase($sub,@args); @ret=$w->Callback(-fromindexcmd,@ret) if $iret; wantarray?@ret:$ret[0]; }; no strict 'refs'; *{$sub}=$newsub; } } sub to_index { my $w=shift; my $offset=$w->cget(-linestart)+1; my(@args)=@_; foreach (@args) { s/^\d+(?=\.)/$&+$offset/e; } @args; } sub from_index { my $w=shift; my $offset=$w->cget(-linestart)+1; my(@args)=@_; foreach (@args) { s/^\d+(?=\.)/$&-$offset/e } @args; } sub _find_dump_index { my $idx=_count_options(@_); [$idx,$idx+1]; } sub _find_search_index { my $idx=_count_options(@_); [$idx+1,$idx+2]; } sub _count_options { my $idx=0; while($_[$idx]=~/^-/g) { $idx++; $idx++ if $' eq 'count' or $' eq 'command'; last if $' eq '-'; } $idx; } sub _find_tag_index { return [1] if $_[0] eq 'names'; return [2,3] if $_[0]=~/^(add|remove|nextrange|prevrange)$/; return [-1] if $_[0] eq 'ranges'; return []; } sub _find_mark_index { return [2] if $_[0] eq 'set'; return [1] if $_[0] eq 'next' or $_[0] eq 'previous'; return []; } 1; =head1 NAME Tk::Reindex - change the base index of Text-like widgets =for category Derived Widgets =head1 SYNOPSIS use Tk::ReindexedText; $t1=$w->ReindexedText(-linestart => 2); use Tk::ReindexedROText; $t2=$w->ReindexedROText(-linestart => 0); =head1 DESCRIPTION Creates a new widget class based on B-like widgets that can redefine the line number base (normally B widgets start line numbers at 1), or possibly other manipulations on indexes. =head1 STANDARD OPTIONS The newly-defined widget takes all the same options as the base widget, which defaults to B. =head1 WIDGET-SPECIFIC OPTIONS =item Name: B =item Class: B =item Switch: B<-linestart> Sets the line number of the first line in the B widget. The default B<-toindexcmd> and B<-fromindexcmd> use this configuration option. -item Name: B B -item Class: B B -item Switch: B<-toindexcmd> B<-fromindexcmd> These two options specify callbacks that are called with a list of indexes and are responsible for translating them to/from indexes that the base B widget can understand. The callback is passed the widget followed by a list of indexes, and should return a list of translated indexes. B<-toindexcmd> should translate from 'user' indexes to 'native' B-compatible indexes, and B<-fromindexcmd> should translate from 'native' indexes to 'user' indexes. The default callbacks simply add/subtract the offset given by the B<-linestart> option for all indexes in 'line.character' format. It would probably be prudent to make these functions inverses of each other. =head1 CLASS METHODS =item import To make new Reindex widgets, this function should be called via B with the name of the Text-like base class that you are extending with "Reindex" capability. 'use base(Tk::Reindex Tk::nameofbasewidget)' should also be specified for that widget. =head1 BUGS I've used the word "indexes" instead of "indices" throughout the documentation. All the built-in perl code for widget bindings & methods will use the new 'user' indexes. Which means all this index manipulation might might break code that is trying to parse/manipulate indexes. Or even assume that '1.0' is the beginning index. B comes to mind. =head1 AUTHOR Andrew Allen This code may be distributed under the same conditions as Perl. =cut