# Tk::Pane.pm # # Copyright (c) 1997-1998 Graham Barr . All rights reserved. # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. package Tk::Pane; use vars qw($VERSION); $VERSION = '3.008'; # $Id: //depot/Tk8/Tk/Pane.pm#8 $ use Tk; use Tk::Widget; use Tk::Derived; use Tk::Frame; use strict; use base qw(Tk::Derived Tk::Frame); Construct Tk::Widget 'Pane'; sub ClassInit { my ($class,$mw) = @_; $mw->bind($class,'',['QueueLayout',4]); $mw->bind($class,'', 'NoOp'); return $class; } sub Populate { my $pan = shift; my $frame = $pan->Component(Frame => "frame"); $pan->afterIdle(['Manage',$pan,$frame]); $pan->afterIdle(['QueueLayout',$pan,1]); $pan->Delegates( DEFAULT => $frame, # FIXME # These are a hack to avoid an existing bug in Tk::Widget::DelegateFor # which has been reported and should be fixed in the next Tk release see => $pan, xview => $pan, yview => $pan, ); $pan->ConfigSpecs( DEFAULT => [$frame], -sticky => [PASSIVE => undef, undef, undef], -gridded => [PASSIVE => undef, undef, undef], -xscrollcommand => [CALLBACK => undef, undef, undef], -yscrollcommand => [CALLBACK => undef, undef, undef], ); $pan; } sub grid { my $w = shift; $w = $w->Subwidget('frame') if (@_ && $_[0] =~ /^(?: bbox |columnconfigure |location |propagate |rowconfigure |size |slaves)$/x); $w->SUPER::grid(@_); } sub slave { my $w = shift; $w->Subwidget('frame'); } sub pack { my $w = shift; $w = $w->Subwidget('frame') if (@_ && $_[0] =~ /^(?:propagate|slaves)$/x); $w->SUPER::pack(@_); } sub QueueLayout { shift if ref $_[1]; my($m,$why) = @_; $m->afterIdle(['Layout',$m]) unless ($m->{LayoutPending}); $m->{LayoutPending} |= $why; } sub AdjustXY { my($w,$Wref,$X,$st,$scrl,$getx) = @_; my $W = $$Wref; if($w >= $W) { my $v = 0; if($getx) { $v |= 1 if $st =~ /[Ww]/; $v |= 2 if $st =~ /[Ee]/; } else { $v |= 1 if $st =~ /[Nn]/; $v |= 2 if $st =~ /[Ss]/; } if($v == 0) { $X = int(($w - $W) / 2); } elsif($v == 1) { $X = 0; } elsif($v == 2) { $X = int($w - $W); } else { $X = 0; $$Wref = $w; } $scrl->Call(0,1) if $scrl; } elsif($scrl) { $X = 0 if $X > 0; $X = $w - $W if(($X + $W) < $w); $scrl->Call(-$X / $W,(-$X + $w) / $W); } else { $X = 0; $$Wref = $w; } return $X; } sub Layout { my $pan = shift; my $why = $pan->{LayoutPending}; my $slv = $pan->Subwidget('frame'); return unless $slv; my $H = $slv->ReqHeight; my $W = $slv->ReqWidth; my $X = $slv->x; my $Y = $slv->y; my $w = $pan->width; my $h = $pan->height; my $yscrl = $pan->{Configure}{'-yscrollcommand'}; my $xscrl = $pan->{Configure}{'-xscrollcommand'}; $yscrl = undef if(defined($yscrl) && UNIVERSAL::isa($yscrl, 'SCALAR') && !defined($$yscrl)); $xscrl = undef if(defined($xscrl) && UNIVERSAL::isa($xscrl, 'SCALAR') && !defined($$xscrl)); if($why & 1) { $h = $pan->{Configure}{'-height'} || 0 unless($h > 1); $w = $pan->{Configure}{'-width'} || 0 unless($w > 1); $h = $H unless($h > 1 || defined($yscrl)); $w = $W unless($w > 1 || defined($xscrl)); $w = 100 if $w <= 1; $h = 100 if $h <= 1; $pan->GeometryRequest($w,$h); } my $st = $pan->{Configure}{'-sticky'} || ''; $pan->{LayoutPending} = 0; $slv->MoveResizeWindow( AdjustXY($w,\$W,$X,$st,$xscrl,1), AdjustXY($h,\$H,$Y,$st,$yscrl,0), $W,$H ); } sub SlaveGeometryRequest { my ($m,$s) = @_; $m->QueueLayout(1); } sub LostSlave { my($m,$s) = @_; $m->{Slave} = undef; } sub Manage { my $m = shift; my $s = shift; $m->{Slave} = $s; $m->ManageGeometry($s); $s->MapWindow; $m->QueueLayout(2); } sub xview { my $pan = shift; unless(@_) { my $scrl = $pan->{Configure}{'-xscrollcommand'}; return (0,1) unless $scrl; my $slv = $pan->Subwidget('frame'); my $sw = $slv->ReqWidth; my $ldx = $pan->rootx - $slv->rootx; my $rdx = $ldx + $pan->width; $ldx = $ldx <= 0 ? 0 : $ldx / $sw; $rdx = $rdx >= $sw ? 1 : $rdx / $sw; return( $ldx , $rdx); } elsif(@_ == 1) { my $widget = shift; my $slv = $pan->Subwidget('frame'); xyview(1,$pan, moveto => ($widget->rootx - $slv->rootx) / $slv->ReqWidth); } else { xyview(1,$pan,@_); } } sub yview { my $pan = shift; unless(@_) { my $scrl = $pan->{Configure}{'-yscrollcommand'}; return (0,1) unless $scrl; my $slv = $pan->Subwidget('frame'); my $sh = $slv->ReqHeight; my $tdy = $pan->rooty - $slv->rooty; my $bdy = $tdy + $pan->height; $tdy = $tdy <= 0 ? 0 : $tdy / $sh; $bdy = $bdy >= $sh ? 1 : $bdy / $sh; return( $tdy, $bdy); } elsif(@_ == 1) { my $widget = shift; my $slv = $pan->Subwidget('frame'); xyview(0,$pan, moveto => ($widget->rooty - $slv->rooty) / $slv->ReqHeight); } else { xyview(0,$pan,@_); } } sub xyview { my($horz,$pan,$cmd,$val,$mul) = @_; my $slv = $pan->Subwidget('frame'); return unless $slv; my($XY,$WH,$wh,$scrl,@a); if($horz) { $XY = $slv->x; $WH = $slv->ReqWidth; $wh = $pan->width; $scrl = $pan->{Configure}{'-xscrollcommand'}; } else { $XY = $slv->y; $WH = $slv->ReqHeight; $wh = $pan->height; $scrl = $pan->{Configure}{'-yscrollcommand'}; } $scrl = undef if(UNIVERSAL::isa($scrl, 'SCALAR') && !defined($$scrl)); if($WH < $wh) { $scrl->Call(0,1); return; } if($cmd eq 'scroll') { my $dxy = 0; my $gridded = $pan->{Configure}{'-gridded'} || ''; my $do_gridded = ($gridded eq 'both' || (!$horz == ($gridded ne 'x'))) ? 1 : 0; if($do_gridded && $mul eq 'pages') { my $ch = ($slv->children)[0]; if(defined($ch) && $ch->manager eq 'grid') { @a = $horz ? (1-$XY,int($slv->width / 2)) : (int($slv->height / 2),1-$XY); my $rc = ($slv->gridLocation(@a))[$horz ? 0 : 1]; my $mrc = ($slv->gridSize)[$horz ? 0 : 1]; $rc += $val; $rc = 0 if $rc < 0; $rc = $mrc if $rc > $mrc; my $gsl; while($rc >= 0 && $rc < $mrc) { $gsl = ($slv->gridSlaves(-row => $rc))[0]; last if defined $gsl; $rc += $val; } if(defined $gsl) { @a = $horz ? ($rc,0) : (0,$rc); $XY = 0 - ($slv->gridBbox(@a))[$horz ? 0 : 1]; } else { $XY = $val > 0 ? $wh - $WH : 0; } $dxy = $val; $val = 0; } } $dxy = $mul eq 'pages' ? ($horz ? $pan->width : $pan->height) : 10 unless $dxy; $XY -= $dxy * $val; } elsif($cmd eq 'moveto') { $XY = -int($WH * $val); } $XY = $wh - $WH if($XY < ($wh - $WH)); $XY = 0 if $XY > 0; @a = $horz ? ( $XY, $slv->y) : ($slv->x, $XY); $slv->MoveWindow(@a); $scrl->Call(-$XY / $WH,(-$XY + $wh) / $WH); } sub see { my $pan = shift; my $widget = shift; my %opt = @_; my $slv = $pan->Subwidget('frame'); my $anchor = defined $opt{'-anchor'} ? $opt{'-anchor'} : ""; if($pan->{Configure}{'-yscrollcommand'}) { my $yanchor = lc(($anchor =~ /([NnSs]?)/)[0] || ""); my $pty = $pan->rooty; my $ph = $pan->height; my $pby = $pty + $ph; my $ty = $widget->rooty; my $wh = $widget->height; my $by = $ty + $wh; my $h = $slv->ReqHeight; if($yanchor eq 'n' || ($yanchor ne 's' && ($wh >= $h || $ty < $pty))) { my $y = $ty - $slv->rooty; $pan->yview(moveto => $y / $h); } elsif($yanchor eq 's' || $by > $pby) { my $y = $by - $ph - $slv->rooty; $pan->yview(moveto => $y / $h); } } if($pan->{Configure}{'-xscrollcommand'}) { my $xanchor = lc(($anchor =~ /([WwEe]?)/)[0] || ""); my $ptx = $pan->rootx; my $pw = $pan->width; my $pbx = $ptx + $pw; my $tx = $widget->rootx; my $ww = $widget->width; my $bx = $tx + $ww; my $w = $slv->ReqWidth; if($xanchor eq 'w' || ( $xanchor ne 'e' && ($ww >= $w || $tx < $ptx))) { my $x = $tx - $slv->rootx; $pan->xview(moveto => $x / $w); } elsif($xanchor eq 'e' || $bx > $pbx) { my $x = $bx - $pw - $slv->rootx; $pan->xview(moveto => $x / $w); } } } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Tk::Pane - A window panner =for category Derived Widgets =head1 SYNOPSIS use Tk::Pane; $pane = $mw->Scrolled(Pane, Name => 'fred', -scrollbars => 'soe', -sticky => 'we', -gridded => 'y' ); $pane->Frame; $pane->pack; =head1 DESCRIPTION B provides a scrollable frame widget. Once created it can be treated as a frame, except it is scrollable. =head1 OPTIONS =over 4 =item B<-gridded> =E I Specifies if the top and left edges of the pane should snap to a grid column. This option is only useful if the widgets in the pane are managed by the I geometry manager. Possible values are B, B and B. =item B<-sticky> =E I