# Converted from menu.tcl -- # # This file defines the default bindings for Tk menus and menubuttons. # It also implements keyboard traversal of menus and implements a few # other utility procedures related to menus. # # @(#) menu.tcl 1.34 94/12/19 17:09:09 # # Copyright (c) 1992-1994 The Regents of the University of California. # Copyright (c) 1994 Sun Microsystems, Inc. # # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. package Tk::Menubutton; require Tk; use vars qw($VERSION); $VERSION = '3.025'; # $Id: //depot/Tk8/Menubutton/Menubutton.pm#25 $ use base qw(Tk::Widget); Construct Tk::Widget 'Menubutton'; import Tk qw(&Ev $XS_VERSION); bootstrap Tk::Menubutton; sub Tk_cmd { \&Tk::menubutton } sub InitObject { my ($mb,$args) = @_; my $menuitems = delete $args->{-menuitems}; my $tearoff = delete $args->{-tearoff}; $mb->SUPER::InitObject($args); if ((defined($menuitems) || defined($tearoff)) && %$args) { $mb->configure(%$args); %$args = (); } $mb->menu(-tearoff => $tearoff) if (defined $tearoff); $mb->AddItems(@$menuitems) if (defined $menuitems) } # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Elements of tkPriv that are used in this file: # # cursor - Saves the -cursor option for the posted menubutton. # focus - Saves the focus during a menu selection operation. # Focus gets restored here when the menu is unposted. # inMenubutton - The name of the menubutton widget containing # the mouse, or an empty string if the mouse is # not over any menubutton. # popup - If a menu has been popped up via tk_popup, this # gives the name of the menu. Otherwise this # value is empty. # postedMb - Name of the menubutton whose menu is currently # posted, or an empty string if nothing is posted # A grab is set on this widget. # relief - Used to save the original relief of the current # menubutton. # window - When the mouse is over a menu, this holds the # name of the menu; it's cleared when the mouse # leaves the menu. #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Overall note: # This file is tricky because there are four different ways that menus # can be used: # # 1. As a pulldown from a menubutton. This is the most common usage. # In this style, the variable tkPriv(postedMb) identifies the posted # menubutton. # 2. As a torn-off menu copied from some other menu. In this style # tkPriv(postedMb) is empty, and the top-level menu is no # override-redirect. # 3. As an option menu, triggered from an option menubutton. In thi # style tkPriv(postedMb) identifies the posted menubutton. # 4. As a popup menu. In this style tkPriv(postedMb) is empty and # the top-level menu is override-redirect. # # The various binding procedures use the state described above to # distinguish the various cases and take different actions in each # case. #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Menu::Bind -- # This procedure is invoked the first time the mouse enters a menubutton # widget or a menubutton widget receives the input focus. It creates # all of the class bindings for both menubuttons and menus. # # Arguments: # w - The widget that was just entered or just received # the input focus. # event - Indicates which event caused the procedure to be invoked # (Enter or FocusIn). It is used so that we can carry out # the functions of that event in addition to setting up # bindings. sub ClassInit { my ($class,$mw) = @_; $mw->bind($class,'','NoOp'); $mw->bind($class,'','Enter'); $mw->bind($class,'','Leave'); $mw->bind($class,'<1>','ButtonDown'); $mw->bind($class,'',['Motion','up',Ev('X'),Ev('Y')]); $mw->bind($class,'',['Motion','down',Ev('X'),Ev('Y')]); $mw->bind($class,'','ButtonUp'); $mw->bind($class,'','PostFirst'); $mw->bind($class,'','PostFirst'); return $class; } sub ButtonDown {my $w = shift; my $Ev = $w->XEvent; $Tk::inMenubutton->Post($Ev->X,$Ev->Y) if (defined $Tk::inMenubutton); } sub PostFirst { my $w = shift; my $menu = $w->cget('-menu'); $w->Post(); $menu->FirstEntry() if (defined $menu); } # Enter -- # This procedure is invoked when the mouse enters a menubutton # widget. It activates the widget unless it is disabled. Note: # this procedure is only invoked when mouse button 1 is *not* down. # The procedure B1Enter is invoked if the button is down. # # Arguments: # w - The name of the widget. sub Enter { my $w = shift; $Tk::inMenubutton->Leave if (defined $Tk::inMenubutton); $Tk::inMenubutton = $w; if ($w->cget('-state') ne 'disabled') { $w->configure('-state','active') } } sub Leave { my $w = shift; $Tk::inMenubutton = undef; return unless Tk::Exists($w); if ($w->cget('-state') eq 'active') { $w->configure('-state','normal') } } # Post -- # Given a menubutton, this procedure does all the work of posting # its associated menu and unposting any other menu that is currently # posted. # # Arguments: # w - The name of the menubutton widget whose menu # is to be posted. # x, y - Root coordinates of cursor, used for positioning # option menus. If not specified, then the center # of the menubutton is used for an option menu. sub Post { my $w = shift; my $x = shift; my $y = shift; return if ($w->cget('-state') eq 'disabled'); return if (defined $Tk::postedMb && $w == $Tk::postedMb); my $menu = $w->cget('-menu'); return unless (defined($menu) && $menu->index('last') ne 'none'); my $tearoff = $Tk::platform eq 'unix' || $menu->cget('-type') eq 'tearoff'; my $wpath = $w->PathName; my $mpath = $menu->PathName; unless (index($mpath,"$wpath.") == 0) { die "Cannot post $mpath : not a descendant of $wpath"; } my $cur = $Tk::postedMb; if (defined $cur) { Tk::Menu->Unpost(undef); # fixme } $Tk::cursor = $w->cget('-cursor'); $Tk::relief = $w->cget('-relief'); $w->configure('-cursor','arrow'); $w->configure('-relief','raised'); $Tk::postedMb = $w; $Tk::focus = $w->focusCurrent; $menu->activate('none'); $menu->GenerateMenuSelect; # If this looks like an option menubutton then post the menu so # that the current entry is on top of the mouse. Otherwise post # the menu just below the menubutton, as for a pull-down. eval {local $SIG{'__DIE__'}; my $dir = $w->cget('-direction'); if ($dir eq 'above') { $menu->post($w->rootx, $w->rooty - $menu->ReqHeight); } elsif ($dir eq 'below') { $menu->post($w->rootx, $w->rooty + $w->Height); } elsif ($dir eq 'left') { my $x = $w->rootx - $menu->ReqWidth; my $y = int((2*$w->rooty + $w->Height) / 2); if ($w->cget('-indicatoron') == 1 && defined($w->cget('-textvariable'))) { $menu->PostOverPoint($x,$y,$menu->FindName($w->cget('-text'))) } else { $menu->post($x,$y); } } elsif ($dir eq 'right') { my $x = $w->rootx + $w->Width; my $y = int((2*$w->rooty + $w->Height) / 2); if ($w->cget('-indicatoron') == 1 && defined($w->cget('-textvariable'))) { $menu->PostOverPoint($x,$y,$menu->FindName($w->cget('-text'))) } else { $menu->post($x,$y); } } else { if ($w->cget('-indicatoron') == 1 && defined($w->cget('-textvariable'))) { if (!defined($y)) { $x = $w->rootx+$w->width/2; $y = $w->rooty+$w->height/2 } $menu->PostOverPoint($x,$y,$menu->FindName($w->cget('-text'))) } else { $menu->post($w->rootx,$w->rooty+$w->height); } } }; if ($@) { Tk::Menu->Unpost; die $@ } $Tk::tearoff = $tearoff; if ($tearoff) { $menu->focus; $w->SaveGrabInfo; $w->grabGlobal; } } # Motion -- # This procedure handles mouse motion events inside menubuttons, and # also outside menubuttons when a menubutton has a grab (e.g. when a # menu selection operation is in progress). # # Arguments: # w - The name of the menubutton widget. # upDown - "down" means button 1 is pressed, "up" means # it isn't. # rootx, rooty - Coordinates of mouse, in (virtual?) root window. sub Motion { my $w = shift; my $upDown = shift; my $rootx = shift; my $rooty = shift; return if (defined($Tk::inMenubutton) && $Tk::inMenubutton == $w); my $new = $w->Containing($rootx,$rooty); if (defined($Tk::inMenubutton)) { if (!defined($new) || ($new != $Tk::inMenubutton && $w->toplevel != $new->toplevel)) { $Tk::inMenubutton->Leave(); } } if (defined($new) && $new->IsMenubutton && $new->cget('-indicatoron') == 0 && $w->cget('-indicatoron') == 0) { if ($upDown eq 'down') { $new->Post($rootx,$rooty); } else { $new->Enter(); } } } # ButtonUp -- # This procedure is invoked to handle button 1 releases for menubuttons. # If the release happens inside the menubutton then leave its menu # posted with element 0 activated. Otherwise, unpost the menu. # # Arguments: # w - The name of the menubutton widget. sub ButtonUp { my $w = shift; my $tearoff = $Tk::platform eq 'unix' || (defined($w->cget('-menu')) && $w->cget('-menu')->cget('-type') eq 'tearoff'); if ($tearoff && (defined($Tk::postedMb) && $Tk::postedMb == $w) && (defined($Tk::inMenubutton) && $Tk::inMenubutton == $w)) { $Tk::postedMb->cget(-menu)->FirstEntry(); } else { Tk::Menu->Unpost(undef); } } # end ButtonUp # Some convenience methods sub menu { my ($w,%args) = @_; my $menu = $w->cget('-menu'); if (!defined $menu) { require Tk::Menu; $w->ColorOptions(\%args) if ($Tk::platform eq 'unix'); $menu = $w->Menu(%args); $w->configure('-menu'=>$menu); } else { $menu->configure(%args); } return $menu; } sub separator { require Tk::Menu::Item; shift->menu->Separator(@_); } sub command { require Tk::Menu::Item; shift->menu->Command(@_); } sub cascade { require Tk::Menu::Item; shift->menu->Cascade(@_); } sub checkbutton { require Tk::Menu::Item; shift->menu->Checkbutton(@_); } sub radiobutton { require Tk::Menu::Item; shift->menu->Radiobutton(@_); } sub AddItems { shift->menu->AddItems(@_); } sub entryconfigure { shift->menu->entryconfigure(@_); } sub entrycget { shift->menu->entrycget(@_); } sub FindMenu { my $child = shift; my $char = shift; my $ul = $child->cget('-underline'); if (defined $ul && $ul >= 0 && $child->cget('-state') ne 'disabled') { my $char2 = $child->cget('-text'); $char2 = substr("\L$char2",$ul,1) if (defined $char2); if (!defined($char) || $char eq '' || (defined($char2) && "\l$char" eq $char2)) { $child->PostFirst; return $child; } } return undef; } 1; __END__