{ package DBD::ExampleP; use DBI qw(:sql_types); @EXPORT = qw(); # Do NOT @EXPORT anything. $VERSION = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision: 10.11 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/o); # $Id: ExampleP.pm,v 10.11 2000/06/11 00:06:02 timbo Exp $ # # Copyright (c) 1994,1997,1998 Tim Bunce # # You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public # License or the Artistic License, as specified in the Perl README file. @statnames = qw(dev ino mode nlink uid gid rdev size atime mtime ctime blksize blocks name); @statnames{@statnames} = (0 .. @statnames-1); @stattypes = (SQL_INTEGER, SQL_INTEGER, SQL_INTEGER, SQL_INTEGER, SQL_INTEGER, SQL_INTEGER, SQL_INTEGER, SQL_INTEGER, SQL_INTEGER, SQL_INTEGER, SQL_INTEGER, SQL_INTEGER, SQL_INTEGER, SQL_VARCHAR); @stattypes{@statnames} = @stattypes; $drh = undef; # holds driver handle once initialised $err = 0; # The $DBI::err value $gensym = "SYM000"; # used by st::execute() for filehandles sub driver{ return $drh if $drh; my($class, $attr) = @_; $class .= "::dr"; ($drh) = DBI::_new_drh($class, { 'Name' => 'ExampleP', 'Version' => $VERSION, 'Attribution' => 'DBD Example Perl stub by Tim Bunce', }, ['example implementors private data']); $drh; } sub default_user { return ('',''); } } { package DBD::ExampleP::dr; # ====== DRIVER ====== $imp_data_size = 0; use strict; sub connect { # normally overridden, but a handy default my($drh, $dbname, $user, $auth)= @_; my($this) = DBI::_new_dbh($drh, { 'Name' => $dbname, 'User' => $user, }); $this->STORE(Active => 1); $this; } sub data_sources { return ("dbi:ExampleP:dir=."); # possibly usefully meaningless } sub disconnect_all { # we don't need to tidy up anything } sub DESTROY { undef } } { package DBD::ExampleP::db; # ====== DATABASE ====== $imp_data_size = 0; use strict; sub prepare { my($dbh, $statement)= @_; my($fields, $dir) = $statement =~ m/^\s*select\s+(.*?)\s+from\s+(\S*)/i; return $dbh->DBI::set_err(1, "Syntax error in select statement (\"$statement\")") unless defined $fields and defined $dir; my @fields = ($fields eq '*') ? keys %DBD::ExampleP::statnames : split(/\s*,\s*/, $fields); my @bad = map { defined $DBD::ExampleP::statnames{$_} ? () : $_ } @fields; return $dbh->DBI::set_err(1, "Unknown field names: @bad") if @bad; my ($outer, $inner) = DBI::_new_sth($dbh, { 'Statement' => $statement, }, ['example implementors private data']); $inner->{'dbd_param'}->[1] = $dir if $dir !~ /\?/; $outer->STORE('NAME' => \@fields); $outer->STORE('NULLABLE' => [ (0) x @fields ]); $outer->STORE('NUM_OF_FIELDS' => scalar(@fields)); $outer->STORE('NUM_OF_PARAMS' => ($dir !~ /\?/) ? 0 : 1); $outer; } sub table_info { my $dbh = shift; # Return a list of all subdirectories my $dh = "DBD::ExampleP::".++$DBD::ExampleP::gensym; my $haveFileSpec = eval { require File::Spec }; my $dir = $haveFileSpec ? File::Spec->curdir() : "."; my @list; { no strict 'refs'; opendir($dh, $dir) or return $dbh->DBI::set_err(int($!), "Failed to open directory $dir: $!"); while (defined(my $file = readdir($dh))) { next unless -d $file; my($dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid) = stat(_); my $pwnam = undef; # eval { scalar(getpwnam($uid)) } || $uid; push(@list, [ $dir, $pwnam, $file, 'TABLE']); } close($dh); } # We would like to simply do a DBI->connect() here. However, # this is wrong if we are in a subclass like DBI::ProxyServer. $dbh->{'dbd_sponge_dbh'} ||= DBI->connect("DBI:Sponge:", '','') or return $dbh->DBI::set_err($DBI::err, "Failed to connect to DBI::Sponge: $DBI::errstr"); my $attr = { 'rows' => \@list, 'NUM_OF_FIELDS' => 4, 'NAME' => ['TABLE_QUALIFIER', 'TABLE_OWNER', 'TABLE_NAME', 'TABLE_TYPE'], 'TYPE' => [DBI::SQL_VARCHAR(), DBI::SQL_VARCHAR(), DBI::SQL_VARCHAR(), DBI::SQL_VARCHAR()], 'NULLABLE' => [1, 1, 1, 1] }; my $sdbh = $dbh->{'dbd_sponge_dbh'}; my $sth = $sdbh->prepare("SHOW TABLES FROM $dir", $attr) or return $dbh->DBI::set_err($sdbh->err(), $sdbh->errstr()); $sth; } sub type_info_all { my ($dbh) = @_; my $ti = [ { TYPE_NAME => 0, DATA_TYPE => 1, COLUMN_SIZE => 2, LITERAL_PREFIX => 3, LITERAL_SUFFIX => 4, CREATE_PARAMS => 5, NULLABLE => 6, CASE_SENSITIVE => 7, SEARCHABLE => 8, UNSIGNED_ATTRIBUTE=> 9, FIXED_PREC_SCALE=> 10, AUTO_UNIQUE_VALUE => 11, LOCAL_TYPE_NAME => 12, MINIMUM_SCALE => 13, MAXIMUM_SCALE => 14, }, [ 'VARCHAR', DBI::SQL_VARCHAR, 1024, "'","'", undef, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0,0,undef,0,0 ], [ 'INTEGER', DBI::SQL_INTEGER, 10, "","", undef, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0,0,undef,0,0 ], ]; return $ti; } sub disconnect { shift->STORE(Active => 0); return 1; } sub FETCH { my ($dbh, $attrib) = @_; # In reality this would interrogate the database engine to # either return dynamic values that cannot be precomputed # or fetch and cache attribute values too expensive to prefetch. return 1 if $attrib eq 'AutoCommit'; # else pass up to DBI to handle return $dbh->SUPER::FETCH($attrib); } sub STORE { my ($dbh, $attrib, $value) = @_; # would normally validate and only store known attributes # else pass up to DBI to handle if ($attrib eq 'AutoCommit') { return 1 if $value; # is already set Carp::croak("Can't disable AutoCommit"); } return $dbh->SUPER::STORE($attrib, $value); } sub DESTROY { my $dbh = shift; $dbh->disconnect if $dbh->FETCH('Active'); undef } # This is an example to demonstrate the use of driver-specific # methods via $dbh->func(). # Use it as follows: # my @tables = $dbh->func($re, 'examplep_tables'); # # Returns all the tables that match the regular expression $re. sub examplep_tables { my $dbh = shift; my $re = shift; grep { $_ =~ /$re/ } $dbh->tables(); } } { package DBD::ExampleP::st; # ====== STATEMENT ====== $imp_data_size = 0; use strict; no strict 'refs'; # cause problems with filehandles my $haveFileSpec = eval { require File::Spec }; sub bind_param { my($sth, $param, $value, $attribs) = @_; return $sth->DBI::set_err(2, "Can't bind_param $param, only one parameter") unless $param == 1; $sth->{'dbd_param'}->[$param] = $value; return 1; } sub execute { my($sth, @dir) = @_; my $dir; if (@dir) { $dir = $dir[0]; } else { $dir = $sth->{'dbd_param'}->[1]; return $sth->DBI::set_err(2, "No bind parameter supplied") unless defined $dir; } $sth->finish; # # If the users asks for directory "long_list_4532", then we fake a # directory with files "file4351", "file4350", ..., "file0". # This is a special case used for testing, especially DBD::Proxy. # if ($dir =~ /^long_list_(\d+)$/) { $sth->{dbd_dir} = [ $1 ]; # array ref indicates special mode $sth->{dbd_datahandle} = undef; } else { $sth->{dbd_dir} = $dir; $sth->{dbd_datahandle} = "DBD::ExampleP::".++$DBD::ExampleP::gensym; opendir($sth->{dbd_datahandle}, $dir) or return $sth->DBI::set_err(2, "opendir($dir): $!"); } $sth->STORE(Active => 1); 1; } sub fetch { my $sth = shift; my $dh = $sth->{dbd_datahandle}; my $dir = $sth->{dbd_dir}; my %s; if (ref $dir) { # special fake-data test mode my $num = $dir->[0]--; unless ($num > 0) { $sth->finish(); return; } my $time = time; @s{@DBD::ExampleP::statnames} = ( 2051, 1000+$num, 0644, 2, $>, $), 0, 1024, $time, $time, $time, 512, 2, "file$num") } else { # normal mode my $f = readdir($dh); unless ($f) { $sth->finish; return; } my $file = $haveFileSpec ? File::Spec->catfile($dir, $f) : "$dir/$f"; # put in all the data fields @s{ @DBD::ExampleP::statnames } = (stat($file), $f); } # return just what fields the query asks for my @new = @s{ @{$sth->{NAME}} }; return $sth->_set_fbav(\@new); } *fetchrow_arrayref = \&fetch; sub finish { my $sth = shift; closedir($sth->{dbd_datahandle}) if $sth->{dbd_datahandle}; $sth->{dbd_datahandle} = undef; $sth->{dbd_dir} = undef; $sth->SUPER::finish(); return 1; } sub FETCH { my ($sth, $attrib) = @_; # In reality this would interrogate the database engine to # either return dynamic values that cannot be precomputed # or fetch and cache attribute values too expensive to prefetch. if ($attrib eq 'TYPE'){ my @t = @DBD::ExampleP::stattypes{ @{ $sth->{NAME} } }; return \@t; } # else pass up to DBI to handle return $sth->SUPER::FETCH($attrib); } sub STORE { my ($sth, $attrib, $value) = @_; # would normally validate and only store known attributes # else pass up to DBI to handle return $sth->{$attrib} = $value if $attrib eq 'NAME' or $attrib eq 'NULLABLE'; return $sth->SUPER::STORE($attrib, $value); } sub DESTROY { undef } } 1;