# $Id: Step.pm,v 1.34 2001/03/16 11:19:17 matt Exp $ package XML::XPath::Step; use XML::XPath::Parser; use XML::XPath::Node; use strict; # the beginnings of using XS for this file... # require DynaLoader; # use vars qw/$VERSION @ISA/; # $VERSION = '1.0'; # @ISA = qw(DynaLoader); # # bootstrap XML::XPath::Step $VERSION; sub test_qname () { 0; } # Full name sub test_ncwild () { 1; } # NCName:* sub test_any () { 2; } # * sub test_attr_qname () { 3; } # @ns:attrib sub test_attr_ncwild () { 4; } # @nc:* sub test_attr_any () { 5; } # @* sub test_nt_comment () { 6; } # comment() sub test_nt_text () { 7; } # text() sub test_nt_pi () { 8; } # processing-instruction() sub test_nt_node () { 9; } # node() sub new { my $class = shift; my ($pp, $axis, $test, $literal) = @_; my $axis_method = "axis_$axis"; $axis_method =~ tr/-/_/; my $self = { pp => $pp, # the XML::XPath::Parser class axis => $axis, axis_method => $axis_method, test => $test, literal => $literal, predicates => [], }; bless $self, $class; } sub as_string { my $self = shift; my $string = $self->{axis} . "::"; my $test = $self->{test}; if ($test == test_nt_pi) { $string .= 'processing-instruction('; if ($self->{literal}->value) { $string .= $self->{literal}->as_string; } $string .= ")"; } elsif ($test == test_nt_comment) { $string .= 'comment()'; } elsif ($test == test_nt_text) { $string .= 'text()'; } elsif ($test == test_nt_node) { $string .= 'node()'; } elsif ($test == test_ncwild || $test == test_attr_ncwild) { $string .= $self->{literal} . ':*'; } else { $string .= $self->{literal}; } foreach (@{$self->{predicates}}) { next unless defined $_; $string .= "[" . $_->as_string . "]"; } return $string; } sub as_xml { my $self = shift; my $string = "\n"; $string .= "" . $self->{axis} . "\n"; my $test = $self->{test}; $string .= ""; if ($test == test_nt_pi) { $string .= '{literal}->value) { $string .= '>'; $string .= $self->{literal}->as_string; $string .= ''; } else { $string .= '/>'; } } elsif ($test == test_nt_comment) { $string .= ''; } elsif ($test == test_nt_text) { $string .= ''; } elsif ($test == test_nt_node) { $string .= ''; } elsif ($test == test_ncwild || $test == test_attr_ncwild) { $string .= '' . $self->{literal} . ''; } else { $string .= '' . $self->{literal} . ''; } $string .= "\n"; foreach (@{$self->{predicates}}) { next unless defined $_; $string .= "\n" . $_->as_xml() . "\n"; } $string .= "\n"; return $string; } sub evaluate { my $self = shift; my $from = shift; # context nodeset # warn "Step::evaluate called with ", $from->size, " length nodeset\n"; $self->{pp}->set_context_set($from); my $initial_nodeset = XML::XPath::NodeSet->new(); # See spec section 2.1, paragraphs 3,4,5: # The node-set selected by the location step is the node-set # that results from generating an initial node set from the # axis and node-test, and then filtering that node-set by # each of the predicates in turn. # Make each node in the nodeset be the context node, one by one for(my $i = 1; $i <= $from->size; $i++) { $self->{pp}->set_context_pos($i); $initial_nodeset->append($self->evaluate_node($from->get_node($i))); } # warn "Step::evaluate initial nodeset size: ", $initial_nodeset->size, "\n"; $self->{pp}->set_context_set(undef); $initial_nodeset->sort; return $initial_nodeset; } # Evaluate the step against a particular node sub evaluate_node { my $self = shift; my $context = shift; # warn "Evaluate node: $self->{axis}\n"; # warn "Node: ", $context->[node_name], "\n"; my $method = $self->{axis_method}; my $results = XML::XPath::NodeSet->new(); no strict 'refs'; eval { $method->($self, $context, $results); }; if ($@) { die "axis $method not implemented [$@]\n"; } # filter initial nodeset by each predicate foreach my $predicate (@{$self->{predicates}}) { $results = $self->filter_by_predicate($results, $predicate); } return $results; } sub axis_ancestor { my $self = shift; my ($context, $results) = @_; my $parent = $context->getParentNode; START: return $results unless $parent; if (node_test($self, $parent)) { $results->push($parent); } $parent = $parent->getParentNode; goto START; } sub axis_ancestor_or_self { my $self = shift; my ($context, $results) = @_; START: return $results unless $context; if (node_test($self, $context)) { $results->push($context); } $context = $context->getParentNode; goto START; } sub axis_attribute { my $self = shift; my ($context, $results) = @_; foreach my $attrib (@{$context->getAttributes}) { if ($self->test_attribute($attrib)) { $results->push($attrib); } } } sub axis_child { my $self = shift; my ($context, $results) = @_; foreach my $node (@{$context->getChildNodes}) { if (node_test($self, $node)) { $results->push($node); } } } sub axis_descendant { my $self = shift; my ($context, $results) = @_; my @stack = $context->getChildNodes; while (@stack) { my $node = pop @stack; if (node_test($self, $node)) { $results->push($node); } push @stack, $node->getChildNodes; } } sub axis_descendant_or_self { my $self = shift; my ($context, $results) = @_; my @stack = ($context); while (@stack) { my $node = pop @stack; if (node_test($self, $node)) { $results->push($node); } push @stack, $node->getChildNodes; } } sub axis_following { my $self = shift; my ($context, $results) = @_; START: my $parent = $context->getParentNode; return $results unless $parent; while ($context = $context->getNextSibling) { axis_descendant_or_self($self, $context, $results); } $context = $parent; goto START; } sub axis_following_sibling { my $self = shift; my ($context, $results) = @_; while ($context = $context->getNextSibling) { if (node_test($self, $context)) { $results->push($context); } } } sub axis_namespace { my $self = shift; my ($context, $results) = @_; return $results unless $context->isElementNode; foreach my $ns (@{$context->getNamespaces}) { if ($self->test_namespace($ns)) { $results->push($ns); } } } sub axis_parent { my $self = shift; my ($context, $results) = @_; my $parent = $context->getParentNode; return $results unless $parent; if (node_test($self, $parent)) { $results->push($parent); } } sub axis_preceding { my $self = shift; my ($context, $results) = @_; # all preceding nodes in document order, except ancestors START: my $parent = $context->getParentNode; return $results unless $parent; while ($context = $context->getPreviousSibling) { axis_descendant_or_self($self, $context, $results); } $context = $parent; goto START; } sub axis_preceding_sibling { my $self = shift; my ($context, $results) = @_; while ($context = $context->getPreviousSibling) { if (node_test($self, $context)) { $results->push($context); } } } sub axis_self { my $self = shift; my ($context, $results) = @_; if (node_test($self, $context)) { $results->push($context); } } sub node_test { my $self = shift; my $node = shift; # if node passes test, return true my $test = $self->{test}; return 1 if $test == test_nt_node; if ($test == test_any) { return 1 if $node->isElementNode && defined $node->getName; } local $^W; if ($test == test_ncwild) { return unless $node->isElementNode; my $match_ns = $self->{pp}->get_namespace($self->{literal}, $node); if (my $node_nsnode = $node->getNamespace()) { return 1 if $match_ns eq $node_nsnode->getValue; } } elsif ($test == test_qname) { return unless $node->isElementNode; if ($self->{literal} =~ /:/) { my ($prefix, $name) = split(':', $self->{literal}, 2); my $match_ns = $self->{pp}->get_namespace($prefix, $node); if (my $node_nsnode = $node->getNamespace()) { # warn "match: '$self->{literal}' match NS: '$match_ns' got NS: '", $node_nsnode->getValue, "'\n"; return 1 if ($match_ns eq $node_nsnode->getValue) && ($name eq $node->getLocalName); } } else { # warn "Node test: ", $node->getName, "\n"; return 1 if $node->getName eq $self->{literal}; } } elsif ($test == test_nt_text) { return 1 if $node->isTextNode; } elsif ($test == test_nt_comment) { return 1 if $node->isCommentNode; } # elsif ($test == test_nt_pi && !$self->{literal}) { # warn "Unreachable code???"; # return 1 if $node->isPINode; # } elsif ($test == test_nt_pi) { return unless $node->isPINode; if (my $val = $self->{literal}->value) { return 1 if $node->getTarget eq $val; } else { return 1; } } return; # fallthrough returns false } sub test_attribute { my $self = shift; my $node = shift; # warn "test_attrib: '$self->{test}' against: ", $node->getName, "\n"; # warn "node type: $node->[node_type]\n"; my $test = $self->{test}; return 1 if ($test == test_attr_any) || ($test == test_nt_node); if ($test == test_attr_ncwild) { my $match_ns = $self->{pp}->get_namespace($self->{literal}, $node); if (my $node_nsnode = $node->getNamespace()) { return 1 if $match_ns eq $node_nsnode->getValue; } } elsif ($test == test_attr_qname) { if ($self->{literal} =~ /:/) { my ($prefix, $name) = split(':', $self->{literal}, 2); my $match_ns = $self->{pp}->get_namespace($prefix, $node); if (my $node_nsnode = $node->getNamespace()) { return 1 if ($match_ns eq $node_nsnode->getValue) && ($name eq $node->getLocalName); } } else { return 1 if $node->getName eq $self->{literal}; } } return; # fallthrough returns false } sub test_namespace { my $self = shift; my $node = shift; # Not sure if this is correct. The spec seems very unclear on what # constitutes a namespace test... bah! my $test = $self->{test}; return 1 if $test == test_any; # True for all nodes of principal type if ($test == test_any) { return 1; } elsif ($self->{literal} eq $node->getExpanded) { return 1; } return; } sub filter_by_predicate { my $self = shift; my ($nodeset, $predicate) = @_; # See spec section 2.4, paragraphs 2 & 3: # For each node in the node-set to be filtered, the predicate Expr # is evaluated with that node as the context node, with the number # of nodes in the node set as the context size, and with the # proximity position of the node in the node set with respect to # the axis as the context position. if (!ref($nodeset)) { # use ref because nodeset has a bool context die "No nodeset!!!"; } # warn "Filter by predicate: $predicate\n"; my $newset = XML::XPath::NodeSet->new(); for(my $i = 1; $i <= $nodeset->size; $i++) { # set context set each time 'cos a loc-path in the expr could change it $self->{pp}->set_context_set($nodeset); $self->{pp}->set_context_pos($i); my $result = $predicate->evaluate($nodeset->get_node($i)); if ($result->isa('XML::XPath::Boolean')) { if ($result->value) { $newset->push($nodeset->get_node($i)); } } elsif ($result->isa('XML::XPath::Number')) { if ($result->value == $i) { $newset->push($nodeset->get_node($i)); } } else { if ($result->to_boolean->value) { $newset->push($nodeset->get_node($i)); } } } return $newset; } 1;