# $Id: NodeSet.pm,v 1.13 2000/08/24 16:22:58 matt Exp $ package XML::XPath::NodeSet; use strict; use XML::XPath::Boolean; use overload '""' => \&to_literal; sub new { my $class = shift; bless [], $class; } sub sort { my $self = shift; @$self = sort { $a->get_global_pos <=> $b->get_global_pos } @$self; return $self; } sub pop { my $self = shift; pop @$self; } sub push { my $self = shift; my (@nodes) = @_; push @$self, @nodes; } sub append { my $self = shift; my ($nodeset) = @_; push @$self, $nodeset->get_nodelist; } sub shift { my $self = shift; shift @$self; } sub unshift { my $self = shift; my (@nodes) = @_; unshift @$self, @nodes; } sub prepend { my $self = shift; my ($nodeset) = @_; unshift @$self, $nodeset->get_nodelist; } sub size { my $self = shift; scalar @$self; } sub get_node { # uses array index starting at 1, not 0 my $self = shift; my ($pos) = @_; $self->[$pos - 1]; } sub get_nodelist { my $self = shift; @$self; } sub to_boolean { my $self = shift; return (@$self > 0) ? XML::XPath::Boolean->True : XML::XPath::Boolean->False; } sub string_value { my $self = shift; return '' unless @$self; return $self->[0]->string_value; } sub to_literal { my $self = shift; return XML::XPath::Literal->new( join('', map { $_->string_value } @$self) ); } sub to_number { my $self = shift; return XML::XPath::Number->new( $self->to_literal ); } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME XML::XPath::NodeSet - a list of XML document nodes =head1 DESCRIPTION An XML::XPath::NodeSet object contains an ordered list of nodes. The nodes each take the same format as described in L. =head1 SYNOPSIS my $results = $xp->find('//someelement'); if (!$results->isa('XML::XPath::NodeSet')) { print "Found $results\n"; exit; } foreach my $context ($results->get_nodelist) { my $newresults = $xp->find('./other/element', $context); ... } =head1 API =head2 new() You will almost never have to create a new NodeSet object, as it is all done for you by XPath. =head2 get_nodelist() Returns a list of nodes. See L for the format of the nodes. =head2 string_value() Returns the string-value of the first node in the list. See the XPath specification for what "string-value" means. =head2 to_literal() Returns the concatenation of all the string-values of all the nodes in the list. =head2 get_node($pos) Returns the node at $pos. The node position in XPath is based at 1, not 0. =head2 size() Returns the number of nodes in the NodeSet. =head2 pop() Equivalent to perl's pop function. =head2 push(@nodes) Equivalent to perl's push function. =head2 append($nodeset) Given a nodeset, appends the list of nodes in $nodeset to the end of the current list. =head2 shift() Equivalent to perl's shift function. =head2 unshift(@nodes) Equivalent to perl's unshift function. =head2 prepend($nodeset) Given a nodeset, prepends the list of nodes in $nodeset to the front of the current list. =cut