# $Id: Node.pm,v 1.12 2000/11/30 16:09:26 matt Exp $ package XML::XPath::Node; use strict; use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT $AUTOLOAD %EXPORT_TAGS @EXPORT_OK); use Exporter; use Carp; @ISA = ('Exporter'); sub UNKNOWN_NODE () {0;} sub ELEMENT_NODE () {1;} sub ATTRIBUTE_NODE () {2;} sub TEXT_NODE () {3;} sub CDATA_SECTION_NODE () {4;} sub ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE () {5;} sub ENTITY_NODE () {6;} sub PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE () {7;} sub COMMENT_NODE () {8;} sub DOCUMENT_NODE () {9;} sub DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE () {10;} sub DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE () {11;} sub NOTATION_NODE () {12;} # Non core DOM stuff sub ELEMENT_DECL_NODE () {13;} sub ATT_DEF_NODE () {14;} sub XML_DECL_NODE () {15;} sub ATTLIST_DECL_NODE () {16;} sub NAMESPACE_NODE () {17;} # per-node constants # All sub node_parent () { 0; } sub node_pos () { 1; } sub node_global_pos () { 2; } # Element sub node_prefix () { 3; } sub node_children () { 4; } sub node_name () { 5; } sub node_attribs () { 6; } sub node_namespaces () { 7; } sub node_ids () { 8; } # Char sub node_text () { 3; } # PI sub node_target () { 3; } sub node_data () { 4; } # Comment sub node_comment () { 3; } # Attribute # sub node_prefix () { 3; } sub node_key () { 4; } sub node_value () { 5; } # Namespaces # sub node_prefix () { 3; } sub node_expanded () { 4; } @EXPORT = qw( UNKNOWN_NODE ELEMENT_NODE ATTRIBUTE_NODE TEXT_NODE CDATA_SECTION_NODE ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE ENTITY_NODE PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE COMMENT_NODE DOCUMENT_NODE DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE NOTATION_NODE ELEMENT_DECL_NODE ATT_DEF_NODE XML_DECL_NODE ATTLIST_DECL_NODE NAMESPACE_NODE ); @EXPORT_OK = qw( node_parent node_pos node_global_pos node_prefix node_children node_name node_attribs node_namespaces node_text node_target node_data node_comment node_key node_value node_expanded node_ids ); %EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'node_keys' => [ qw( node_parent node_pos node_global_pos node_prefix node_children node_name node_attribs node_namespaces node_text node_target node_data node_comment node_key node_value node_expanded node_ids ), @EXPORT, ], ); my $global_pos = 0; sub nextPos { my $class = shift; return $global_pos += 5; } sub resetPos { $global_pos = 0; } my %DecodeDefaultEntity = ( '"' => """, ">" => ">", "<" => "<", "'" => "'", "&" => "&" ); sub XMLescape { my ($str, $default) = @_; return undef unless defined $str; $default ||= ''; if ($XML::XPath::EncodeUtf8AsEntity) { $str =~ s/([\xC0-\xDF].|[\xE0-\xEF]..|[\xF0-\xFF]...)|([$default])|(]]>)/ defined($1) ? XmlUtf8Decode ($1) : defined ($2) ? $DecodeDefaultEntity{$2} : "]]>" /egsx; } else { $str =~ s/([$default])|(]]>)/ defined ($1) ? $DecodeDefaultEntity{$1} : ']]>' /gsex; } #?? could there be references that should not be expanded? # e.g. should not replace &#nn; ¯ and &abc; # $str =~ s/&(?!($ReName|#[0-9]+|#x[0-9a-fA-F]+);)/&/go; $str; } # # Opposite of XmlUtf8Decode plus it adds prefix "&#" or "&#x" and suffix ";" # The 2nd parameter ($hex) indicates whether the result is hex encoded or not. # sub XmlUtf8Decode { my ($str, $hex) = @_; my $len = length ($str); my $n; if ($len == 2) { my @n = unpack "C2", $str; $n = (($n[0] & 0x3f) << 6) + ($n[1] & 0x3f); } elsif ($len == 3) { my @n = unpack "C3", $str; $n = (($n[0] & 0x1f) << 12) + (($n[1] & 0x3f) << 6) + ($n[2] & 0x3f); } elsif ($len == 4) { my @n = unpack "C4", $str; $n = (($n[0] & 0x0f) << 18) + (($n[1] & 0x3f) << 12) + (($n[2] & 0x3f) << 6) + ($n[3] & 0x3f); } elsif ($len == 1) { # just to be complete... $n = ord ($str); } else { die "bad value [$str] for XmlUtf8Decode"; } $hex ? sprintf ("&#x%x;", $n) : "&#$n;"; } sub new { my $class = shift; no strict 'refs'; my $impl = $class . "Impl"; my $this = $impl->new(@_); if ($XML::XPath::SafeMode) { return $this; } my $self = \$this; return bless $self, $class; } sub AUTOLOAD { my $method = $AUTOLOAD; $method =~ s/.*:://; # warn "AUTOLOAD $method!\n"; no strict 'refs'; *{$AUTOLOAD} = sub { my $self = shift; my $olderror = $@; # store previous exceptions my $obj = eval { $$self }; if ($@) { if ($@ =~ /Not a SCALAR reference/) { croak("No such method $method in " . ref($self)); } croak $@; } if ($obj) { # make sure $@ propogates if this method call was the result # of losing scope because of a die(). if ($method =~ /^(DESTROY|del_parent_link)$/) { $obj->$method(@_); $@ = $olderror if $olderror; return; } return $obj->$method(@_); } }; goto &$AUTOLOAD; } package XML::XPath::NodeImpl; use vars qw/@ISA $AUTOLOAD/; @ISA = ('XML::XPath::Node'); sub new { die "Virtual base method"; } sub getNodeType { my $self = shift; return XML::XPath::Node::UNKNOWN_NODE; } sub isElementNode {} sub isAttributeNode {} sub isNamespaceNode {} sub isTextNode {} sub isProcessingInstructionNode {} sub isPINode {} sub isCommentNode {} sub getNodeValue { return; } sub getValue { shift->getNodeValue(@_); } sub setNodeValue { return; } sub setValue { shift->setNodeValue(@_); } sub getParentNode { my $self = shift; return $self->[XML::XPath::Node::node_parent]; } sub getRootNode { my $self = shift; while (my $parent = $self->getParentNode) { $self = $parent; } return $self; } sub getElementById { my $self = shift; my ($id) = @_; # warn "getElementById: $id\n"; my $root = $self->getRootNode; my $node = $root->[XML::XPath::Node::node_ids]{$id}; # warn "returning node: ", $node->getName, "\n"; return $node; } sub getName { } sub getData { } sub getChildNodes { return wantarray ? () : []; } sub getChildNode { return; } sub getAttribute { return; } sub getAttributes { return wantarray ? () : []; } sub getAttributeNodes { shift->getAttributes(@_); } sub getNamespaceNodes { return wantarray ? () : []; } sub getNamespace { return; } sub getLocalName { return; } sub string_value { return; } sub get_pos { my $self = shift; return $self->[XML::XPath::Node::node_pos]; } sub set_pos { my $self = shift; $self->[XML::XPath::Node::node_pos] = shift; } sub get_global_pos { my $self = shift; return $self->[XML::XPath::Node::node_global_pos]; } sub set_global_pos { my $self = shift; $self->[XML::XPath::Node::node_global_pos] = shift; } sub renumber { my $self = shift; my $search = shift; my $diff = shift; foreach my $node ($self->findnodes($search)) { $node->set_global_pos( $node->get_global_pos + $diff ); } } sub insertAfter { my $self = shift; my $newnode = shift; my $posnode = shift; my $pos_number = eval { $posnode->[XML::XPath::Node::node_children][-1]->get_global_pos() + 1; }; if (!defined $pos_number) { $pos_number = $posnode->get_global_pos() + 1; } eval { if ($pos_number == $posnode->findnodes( 'following::node()' )->get_node(1)->get_global_pos()) { $posnode->renumber('following::node()', +5); } }; my $pos = $posnode->get_pos; $newnode->setParentNode($self); splice @{$self->[XML::XPath::Node::node_children]}, $pos + 1, 0, $newnode; for (my $i = $pos + 1; $i < @{$self->[XML::XPath::Node::node_children]}; $i++) { $self->[XML::XPath::Node::node_children][$i]->set_pos($i); } $newnode->set_global_pos($pos_number); } sub insertBefore { my $self = shift; my $newnode = shift; my $posnode = shift; my $pos_number = ($posnode->getPreviousSibling() || $posnode->getParentNode)->get_global_pos(); if ($pos_number == $posnode->get_global_pos()) { $posnode->renumber('self::node() | descendant::node() | following::node()', +5); } my $pos = $posnode->get_pos; $newnode->setParentNode($self); splice @{$self->[XML::XPath::Node::node_children]}, $pos, 0, $newnode; for (my $i = $pos; $i < @{$self->[XML::XPath::Node::node_children]}; $i++) { $self->[XML::XPath::Node::node_children][$i]->set_pos($i); } $newnode->set_global_pos($pos_number); } sub getPreviousSibling { my $self = shift; my $pos = $self->[XML::XPath::Node::node_pos]; return unless $self->[XML::XPath::Node::node_parent]; return $self->[XML::XPath::Node::node_parent]->getChildNode($pos); } sub getNextSibling { my $self = shift; my $pos = $self->[XML::XPath::Node::node_pos]; return unless $self->[XML::XPath::Node::node_parent]; return $self->[XML::XPath::Node::node_parent]->getChildNode($pos + 2); } sub setParentNode { my $self = shift; my $parent = shift; # warn "SetParent of ", ref($self), " to ", $parent->[XML::XPath::Node::node_name], "\n"; $self->[XML::XPath::Node::node_parent] = $parent; } sub del_parent_link { my $self = shift; $self->[XML::XPath::Node::node_parent] = undef; } sub dispose { my $self = shift; foreach my $kid ($self->getChildNodes) { $kid->dispose; } foreach my $kid ($self->getAttributeNodes) { $kid->dispose; } foreach my $kid ($self->getNamespaceNodes) { $kid->dispose; } $self->[XML::XPath::Node::node_parent] = undef; } sub find { my $node = shift; my ($path) = @_; my $xp = XML::XPath->new(); # new is v. lightweight return $xp->find($path, $node); } sub findvalue { my $node = shift; my ($path) = @_; my $xp = XML::XPath->new(); return $xp->findvalue($path, $node); } sub findnodes { my $node = shift; my ($path) = @_; my $xp = XML::XPath->new(); return $xp->findnodes($path, $node); } sub matches { my $node = shift; my ($path, $context) = @_; my $xp = XML::XPath->new(); return $xp->matches($node, $path, $context); } sub to_sax { my $self = shift; unshift @_, 'Handler' if @_ == 1; my %handlers = @_; my $doch = $handlers{DocumentHandler} || $handlers{Handler}; my $dtdh = $handlers{DTDHandler} || $handlers{Handler}; my $enth = $handlers{EntityResolver} || $handlers{Handler}; $self->_to_sax ($doch, $dtdh, $enth); } sub DESTROY {} use Carp; sub _to_sax { carp "_to_sax not implemented in ", ref($_[0]); } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME XML::XPath::Node - internal representation of a node =head1 API The Node API aims to emulate DOM to some extent, however the API isn't quite compatible with DOM. This is to ease transition from XML::DOM programming to XML::XPath. Compatibility with DOM may arise once XML::DOM gets namespace support. =head2 new Creates a new node. See the sub-classes for parameters to pass to new(). =head2 getNodeType Returns one of ELEMENT_NODE, TEXT_NODE, COMMENT_NODE, ATTRIBUTE_NODE, PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE or NAMESPACE_NODE. UNKNOWN_NODE is returned if the sub-class doesn't implement getNodeType - but that means something is broken! The constants are exported by default from XML::XPath::Node. The constants have the same numeric value as the XML::DOM versions. =head2 getParentNode Returns the parent of this node, or undef if this is the root node. Note that the root node is the root node in terms of XPath - not the root element node. =head2 to_sax ( $handler | %handlers ) Generates sax calls to the handler or handlers. See the PerlSAX docs for details (not yet implemented correctly). =head1 MORE INFO See the sub-classes for the meaning of the rest of the API: =over 4 =item * L =item * L =item * L =item * L =item * L =item * L =back =cut