# # Copyright (C) 1998 Ken MacLeod # XML::Grove::Visitor is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # # $Id: Visitor.pm,v 1.2 1998/04/11 15:42:30 ken Exp $ # use strict; package XML::Grove::Visitor; package XML::Grove::_Common; sub accept { my $self = shift; die "XML::Grove::Visitor: accept called on unsupported object of class \`" . ref ($self) . "'\n"; } sub accept_name { my $self = shift; return $self->accept (@_); } # the following only work on elements, and the caller should know it, # we may want these to die. sub children_accept { # no action return (); } sub children_accept_name { # no action return (); } sub attr_accept { # FIXME should this die? this should never be called unless you # know the object you're visiting is an element # no action return (); } sub _children_accept { my $self = shift; my $array = shift; my $visitor = shift; my @return; my $ii; for ($ii = 0; $ii <= $#$array; $ii ++) { my ($child) = $array->[$ii]; if (!ref ($child)) { push @return, $visitor->visit_scalar ($child, @_); } else { push @return, $child->accept ($visitor, @_); } } return @return; } sub _children_accept_name { my $self = shift; my $array = shift; my $visitor = shift; my @return; my $ii; for ($ii = 0; $ii <= $#$array; $ii ++) { my ($child) = $array->[$ii]; if (!ref ($child)) { push @return, $visitor->visit_scalar ($child, @_); } else { push @return, $child->accept_name ($visitor, @_); } } } package XML::Grove::_Common::Iter; sub accept { my $self = shift; die "XML::Grove::Visitor: accept called on unsupported object of class \`" . ref ($self) . "'\n"; } sub accept_name { my $self = shift; return $self->accept (@_); } sub children_accept { # no action return (); } sub children_accept_name { # no action return (); } sub attr_accept { # no action return (); } sub _children_accept { my $self = shift; my $array = shift; my $visitor = shift; my @return; my $ii; for ($ii = 0; $ii <= $#$array; $ii ++) { my ($child) = $array->[$ii]; if (!ref ($child)) { my $iter = bless ([$child, $self, $array, $ii], 'XML::Grove::Scalar::Iter'); push @return, $visitor->visit_scalar ($iter, @_); } else { my $iter = $child->iter ($self, $array, $ii); push @return, $iter->accept ($visitor, @_); } } return @return; } sub _children_accept_name { my $self = shift; my $array = shift; my $visitor = shift; my @return; my $ii; for ($ii = 0; $ii <= $#$array; $ii ++) { my ($child) = $array->[$ii]; if (!ref ($child)) { my $iter = bless ([$child, $self, $array, $ii], 'XML::Grove::Scalar::Iter'); push @return, $visitor->visit_scalar ($iter, @_); } else { my $iter = $child->iter ($self, $array, $ii); push @return, $iter->accept_name ($visitor, @_); } } return @return; } package XML::Grove; sub accept { my $self = shift; my $visitor = shift; return $visitor->visit_grove ($self, @_); } sub children_accept { my $self = shift; return $self->_children_accept ($self->contents, @_); } sub children_accept_name { my $self = shift; return $self->_children_accept_name ($self->contents, @_); } package XML::Grove::Iter; sub accept { my $self = shift; my $visitor = shift; return $visitor->visit_grove ($self, @_); } sub children_accept { my $self = shift; return $self->_children_accept ($self->contents, @_); } sub children_accept_name { my $self = shift; return $self->_children_accept_name ($self->contents, @_); } package XML::Grove::Element; sub accept { my $self = shift; my $visitor = shift; return $visitor->visit_element ($self, @_); } sub accept_name { my $self = shift; my $visitor = shift; my $name = $self->name; $name =~ s/\W/_/g; my $name_method = "visit_name_$name"; return $visitor->$name_method ($self, @_); } sub children_accept { my $self = shift; return $self->_children_accept ($self->contents, @_); } sub children_accept_name { my $self = shift; return $self->_children_accept_name ($self->contents, @_); } sub attr_accept { my $self = shift; my $attr = shift; my $visitor = shift; my $attrs = $self->attr($attr); if (ref($attrs) eq 'ARRAY') { return $self->_children_accept ($attrs, $visitor, @_); } else { return $visitor->visit_scalar ($attrs, @_); } } package XML::Grove::Element::Iter; sub accept { my $self = shift; my $visitor = shift; return $visitor->visit_element ($self, @_); } sub accept_name { my $self = shift; my $visitor = shift; my $name = $self->name; $name =~ s/\W/_/g; my $name_method = "visit_name_$name"; return $visitor->$name_method ($self, @_); } sub children_accept { my $self = shift; return $self->_children_accept ($self->contents, @_); } sub children_accept_name { my $self = shift; return $self->_children_accept_name ($self->contents, @_); } sub attr_accept { my $self = shift; my $attr = shift; my $visitor = shift; my $attrs = $self->attr($attr); if (ref($attrs) eq 'ARRAY') { return $self->_children_accept ($attrs, $visitor, @_); } else { my $iter = bless ([$attrs, $self, undef, -1], 'XML::Grove::Scalar::Iter'); return $visitor->visit_scalar ($iter, @_); } } package XML::Grove::Entity; sub accept { my $self = shift; my $visitor = shift; return $visitor->visit_entity ($self, @_); } package XML::Grove::Entity::Iter; sub accept { my $self = shift; my $visitor = shift; return $visitor->visit_entity ($self, @_); } package XML::Grove::PI; sub accept { my $self = shift; my $visitor = shift; return $visitor->visit_pi ($self, @_); } package XML::Grove::PI::Iter; sub accept { my $self = shift; my $visitor = shift; return $visitor->visit_pi ($self, @_); } package XML::Grove::Comment; sub accept { my $self = shift; my $visitor = shift; return $visitor->visit_comment ($self, @_); } package XML::Grove::Comment::Iter; sub accept { my $self = shift; my $visitor = shift; return $visitor->visit_comment ($self, @_); } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME XML::Grove::Visitor - add visitor/callback methods to XML objects =head1 SYNOPSIS use XML::Grove::Visitor; @results = $xml_object->accept ($visitor, ...); @results = $xml_object->accept_name ($visitor, ...); @results = $xml_object->children_accept ($visitor, ...); @results = $xml_object->children_accept_name ($visitor, ...); @results = $element->attr_accept ($attr, $visitor, ...); =head1 DESCRIPTION XML::Grove::Visitor adds visitor methods (callbacks) to XML objects and their iterators. A ``visitor'' is a class (a package) that has methods (subs) corresponding to the objects in the classes being visited. You use the visitor methods by creating an instance of your visitor class, and then calling `C' on the top-most object you want to visit, that object will in turn call your visitor back with `C>', where I is the type of object. There are several forms of `C'. Simply calling `C' calls your package back using the object type of the object you are visiting. Calling `C' on an element object calls you back with `C>' where I is the tag name of the element, on all other objects it's as if you called `C'. All of the forms of `C' return a concatenated list of the result of all `C' methods. `C' calls `C' on each of the children of the element. This is generally used in element callbacks to recurse down into the element's children, you don't need to get the element's contents and call `C' on each item. `C' does the same but calling `C' on each of the children. `C' calls `C' on each of the objects in the named attribute. If the child object you are visiting is a Perl scalar, you will be called back with `C'. The complete list of callbacks defined by XML::Grove::Visitor are: visit_grove visit_element visit_entity visit_pi visit_comment visit_scalar When using `C' methods with an iterator, the child objects you get called back with will also be iterators, including `C'. See also the examples `C' and `C'. =head1 HMM These are random ideas that haven't been implemented yet: =over 4 =item * Some people like their subs a little simpler, i.e. drop the `C'. In SGML::Grove, tag names were called back with the SGML equivalent, `C>' (generic identifier). Both of these could possibly be made into options. =item * Several objects fall into subclasses, or you may want to be able to subclass a visited object and still be able to tell the difference. In SGML::Grove I had used the package name in the callback (`C') instead of a generic name (`C'). The idea here would be to try calling `C>' with the most specific class first, then try superclasses, and lastly to try the generic. =back =head1 AUTHOR Ken MacLeod, ken@bitsko.slc.ut.us =head1 SEE ALSO perl(1), XML::Parser(3), XML::Parser::Grove(3). Extensible Markup Language (XML) =cut