#!/usr/bin/perl package X11::Protocol::Connection; # Copyright (C) 1997 Stephen McCamant. All rights reserved. This program # is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under the same # terms as Perl itself. use Carp; use strict; use vars '$VERSION'; $VERSION = 0.01; sub give { croak "X11 connection object doesn't support output"; } sub get { croak "X11 connection object doesn't support input"; } sub fh { croak "X11 connection object is incompatible with perl filehandles"; } sub open { croak "X11 connection object can't open itself"; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME X11::Protocol::Connection - Perl module abstract base class for X11 client to server connections =head1 SYNOPSIS # In connection object module package X11::Protocol::Connection::CarrierPigeon; use X11::Protocol::Connection; @ISA = ('X11::Protocol::Connection'); sub open { ... } sub give { ... } sub get { ... } sub fh { ... } ... # In program $connection = X11::Protocol::Connection::CarrierPigeon ->open($host, $display_number); $x = X11::Protocol->new($connection); $connection->give($data); $reply = unpack("I", $connection->get(4)); use IO::Select; $sel = IO::select->new($connection->fh); if ($sel->can_read == $connection->fh) ... =head1 DESCRIPTION This module is an abstract base class for the various X11::Protocol::Connection::* modules that provide connections to X servers for the X11::Protocol module. It provides stubs for the following methods: =head2 open $conn = X11::Protocol::Connection::Foo->open($host, $display_num) Open a connection to the specified display (numbered from 0) on the specified $host. =head2 give $conn->give($data) Send the given data to the server. Normally, this method is used only by the protocol module itself. =head2 get $data = $conn->get($n) Read $n bytes of data from the server. Normally, this method is used only by the protocol module itself. =head2 fh $filehandle = $conn->fh Return an object suitable for use as a filehandle. This is mainly useful for doing select() and other such system calls. =head1 AUTHOR Stephen McCamant . =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L. =cut