package XFontSelect; my $RCSRevKey = '$Revision: 0.42 $'; $RCSRevKey =~ /Revision: (.*?) /; $VERSION=$1; use vars qw( $VERSION ); =head1 NAME Font Selection Dialog. =head1 SYNOPSIS use Tk; use Tk::XFontSelect; my $fontdialog = $mw -> FontSelect; my $font = $fontdialog -> Show; =head1 DESCRIPTION The Tk::XFontSelect widget displays a dialog box that lists the descriptors of all of the fonts that are present on the system. Selecting a font descriptor and pressing the "Accept" button returns to the main application a string containing that font descriptor. The list of font descriptors is generated by the xlsfonts command, a standard utility of the XFree86 Rev. 3.3.2 distribution. =head1 SEE ALSO xlsfonts(1) man page. =head1 VERSION INFO First Release Version $Revision: 0.42 $ =cut use Tk qw(Ev); use Carp; use Tk::widgets qw( LabEntry Button Frame Listbox Scrollbar ); use base qw(Tk::Toplevel); Construct Tk::Widget 'XFontSelect'; my $defaultfont="*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-12-*"; sub Cancel { shift -> withdraw; return undef; } sub Accept { my ($w) = shift; $w->configure( -font => $w -> Subwidget('fontlist')-> get($w -> Subwidget('fontlist') -> curselection ) ); $w->withdraw; } sub Populate { my($w, $args) = @_; require Tk::Listbox; require Tk::Button; require Tk::Dialog; require Tk::DialogBox; require Tk::Toplevel; $w -> SUPER::Populate( $args ); my $l = $w -> Component( 'ScrlListbox' => 'fontlist', -height => 15, -width => 50, -scrollbars => 'se', -font => $defaultfont ) -> pack; $l -> Subwidget('yscrollbar') -> configure(-width=>10); $l -> Subwidget('xscrollbar') -> configure(-width=>10); my $f1 = $w -> Component( Frame => 'buttonframe', -container => 0, -relief => 'groove', -borderwidth => 3 ); my $ab = $f1 -> Component ( Button => 'acceptbutton', -text => 'Accept', -font => $defaultfont, -default => 'active', -command => ['Accept', $w]) -> pack( -side => 'left', -padx => 10, -pady => 5 ); my $cb = $f1 -> Component ( Button => 'cancelbutton', -text => 'Cancel', -font => $defaultfont, -default => 'normal', -command => ['Cancel', $w]) -> pack( -side => 'left', -padx => 20, -pady => 2 ); $f1 -> pack( -side => 'bottom', -expand => '1', -fill => 'x' ); $w -> ConfigSpecs ( -font => ['PASSIVE', undef, undef, ''] ); return $w; } sub Show { my $w = shift; $w -> grab; $w -> watchcursor; my @systemfonts; { open FONTLIST, 'xlsfonts|' or die "Could not get system fonts using xlsfonts.\n"; while ( ) { @systemfonts = map {split /^/m; } ; } close FONTLIST; my $l = $w -> Subwidget('fontlist'); foreach $f ( @systemfonts ) { chomp $f; $l -> insert( 'end', $f ); } } $w -> defaultcursor; $w -> waitVariable(\$w -> {Configure}{-font} ); return $w -> cget(-font); } sub watchcursor { my $w = shift; $w -> Busy( -recurse => '1' ); } sub defaultcursor { my $w = shift; $w -> Unbusy( -recurse => '1' ); } 1; __END__;