package Tk::Workspace; my $RCSRevKey = '$Revision: 1.64 $'; $RCSRevKey =~ /Revision: (.*?) /; $VERSION=$1; require Exporter; use Carp; use Env qw( PS1 ); use Tk qw(Ev); use Tk::MainWindow; use Tk::WorkspaceText; use Tk::Entry; use Tk::DialogBox; use Tk::Dialog; use Tk::RemoteFileSelect; use Tk::ColorEditor; use Tk::XFontSelect; use Tk::SearchDialog; use Tk::Shell qw( VERSION ishell shell_client shell_cmd ); use FileHandle; use IO::File; use IPC::Open3; use IPC::Open2; use IO::Select; @ISA=qw(Tk::Widget Exporter); # Set this to the pathname of the workspace.xpm on your system. my $iconpath = "/home/kiesling/.icons/workspace.xpm"; $SIG{WINCH} = \&do_win_signal_event; sub do_win_signal_event { Tk::Event::DoOneEvent(255); $SIG{WINCH} = \&do_win_signal_event; } my ($ptk_major_ver, $ptk_minor_ver) = split /\./, $Tk::VERSION; if( ( $ptk_major_ver lt '800' ) || ( $ptk_minor_ver lt '015' ) ) { die "Fatal Error: \nThis version of Requires Perl/Tk 800.022."; } my $cmdhelptext = <<'end-of-cmd-help'; Usage: workspace [options] Options: -background | -bg Menu and dialog background color. -textbackground Background color of text. -foreground | -fg Menu and dialog text color. -textforeground Foreground color of text. -font | -fn X11 font for menus and dialogs. -importfile Read into workspace at startup. -exportfile Write workspace text to . -dump Display text on console. -class Resource class name. -xrm Load X resources containing . -display | -screen Name of X display. -title Name of workspace. -help Display this message. -iconic Iconify window on startup. -motif Use Motif look-and-feel. -synchronous Synchronous communication with X server. For debugging. -write Write workspace to disk. -quit Exit without saving workspace. Options can begin with either one (`-'), or two (`--') dashes. end-of-cmd-help my @Workspaceobject = ('#!/usr/bin/perl', 'my $text=\'\';', 'my $geometry=\'565x351+100+100\';', 'my $wrap=\'word\';', 'my $fg=\'black\';', 'my $bg=\'white\';', 'my $name=\'\';', 'my $menuvisible=\'1\';', 'my $scrollbars=\'\';', 'my $insert=\'1.0\';', 'my $font=\'*-courier-medium-r-*-*-12-*"\';', 'use Tk;', 'use Tk::Workspace;', 'use strict;', 'use FileHandle;', 'use Env qw(HOME);', 'my $workspace = Tk::Workspace -> new ( menubarvisible => $menuvisible, ', 'scroll => $scrollbars );', '$workspace -> name($name);', '$workspace -> textfont($font);', '$workspace -> text -> insert ( \'end\', $text );', '$workspace -> text -> configure( -foreground => $fg, -background => $bg, -font => $font, -insertbackground => $fg );', '$workspace -> text -> pack( -fill => \'both\', -expand => \'1\');', 'bless($workspace,\'Tk::Workspace\');', '$workspace -> wrap( $wrap );', '$workspace -> geometry( $geometry, $insert );', '$workspace -> commandline;', 'MainLoop;' ); my $defaultbackgroundcolor="white"; my $defaultforegroundcolor="black"; my $defaulttextfont="*-courier-medium-r-*-*-12-*"; my $menufont="*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-12-*"; my $clipboard; # Internal clipboard. sub new { my $proto = shift; my $class = ref( $proto ) || $proto; my @construct_args = @_; my @cmd_args = &custom_args( @ARGV ); my $self = { window => new MainWindow, name => 'workspace', textfont => undef, # default is approximate width and height of 80x24 char. text widget width => undef, height => undef, # x and y origin are not defined until the workspace is # saved again. x => undef, y => undef, foreground => $defaultforegroundcolor, background => $defaultbackgroundcolor, textfont => '*-courier-medium-r-*-*-12-*', filemenu => undef, editmenu => undef, optionsmenu => undef, wrapmenu => undef, scrollmenu => undef, modemenu => undef, helpmenu => undef, exportmenu => undef, encodingmenu => undef, menubar => undef, popupmenu => undef, menubarvisible => undef, scroll => undef, scrollbuttons => undef, insertionpoint => undef, hasnet => undef, importfile => undef, outputmode => undef, outputfile => undef, filter => undef, text => [], cmdargs => (), searchopts => (), # Flattened hash returned from SearchDialog widget. unicode => undef, encoding => undef }; bless($self, $class); my $i; for( $i = 0; $i < $#construct_args; ) { $self -> {$construct_args[$i]} = $construct_args[$i + 1]; $i += 2; } push @{$self -> {cmdargs}}, @cmd_args; if( &requirecond( "Net::FTP" ) ) { $self -> hasnet('1') } $self -> {window} -> {parent} = $self; $self -> {text} = $self -> {window} -> Scrolled( 'WorkspaceText', -font => $defaulttextfont, -background => $defaultbackgroundcolor, -exportselection => 'true', -borderwidth => 0, Name => 'workspaceText' ); if( &requirecond("Unicode::Map") ) { if( &requirecond("Unicode::String") ) { $self -> {hasunicode} = '1'; } } if( -f $iconpath ) { my $icon = $self -> {text} -> toplevel -> Pixmap(-file => $iconpath); $self -> {window} -> toplevel -> iconimage($icon); } &menus( $self ); &set_scroll( $self ); my $t = $self -> text; $t -> Subwidget('yscrollbar') -> configure(-width=>10); $t -> Subwidget('xscrollbar') -> configure(-width=>10); $self -> window -> protocol( WM_TAKE_FOCUS, sub{ $self -> wmgeometry}); # Prevents errors when trying to paste from an empty clipboard. $t -> clipboardAppend( '' ); $self -> focusFollowsMouse; $self -> {encoding} = 'iso88591'; $t -> focus; $t -> markGravity( 'insert', 'right' ); return $self; } # Standard X11 toolkit arguments: # Refer to the Tk::CmdLine manual page. # one parameter each my @std_parm_args = ( '-background', '-bg,', '-class', '-display', '-screen', '-font', '-fn', '-foreground', '-fg', '-title', '-xrm' ); # no parameters my @std_bool_args = ( '-iconic', '-motif', '-synchronous' ); sub custom_args { my (@args) = @_; my( @newargs, $i, $need_parm ); $need_parm = 0; LOOP: foreach $i ( @args ) { # POSIX-ly correct. $i =~ s/--/-/; if ( grep /$i/, @std_parm_args ) { die "Missing required parameter for argument $prev_arg.\n" if $need_parm == 1; $need_parm = 1; $prev_arg = $i; next LOOP; } elsif ( grep /$i/, @std_bool_args ) { die "Missing required parameter for argument $prev_arg.\n" if $need_parm == 1; $prev_arg = $i; next LOOP; } else { if( $need_parm == 1 ) { $need_parm = 0; next LOOP; } push @newargs, ($i); } } return @newargs; } # Class-specific arguments. # Args that require a parameter. my @parm_args = ( '-importfile', '-textforeground', '-textbackground', '-exportfile' ); # Boolean -- No parameter. my @bool_args = ('-help', '-write', '-quit', '-dump' ); sub commandline { my ($self) = @_; my ($need_parm, $i, $prev_arg, $arg, @workargs, $nargs ); $nargs = @{$self -> {cmdargs}}; for( $i = $nargs; $i >= 0; $i-- ) { push @workargs, (${$self -> {cmdargs}}[$i]); } while( defined ( $i = pop @workargs ) ) { $i =~ s/--/-/; if( scalar( grep {/$i/} @parm_args ) > 0 ) { die "Missing required parameter for argument $prev_arg.\n" if $need_parm == 1; $need_parm = 1; $prev_arg = $i; } elsif ( grep {/$i/} @bool_args ) { die "Missing parameter for argument $prev_arg.\n" if $need_parm == 1; $need_parm = 0; $prev_arg = $i; # argument that is a boolean $i =~ s/\-//; $self -> $i('1'); } elsif( $need_parm == 1 ) { # parameter for argument. $need_parm = 0; $prev_arg =~ s/\-//; $self -> $prev_arg($i); } else { die "Parameter error: $prev_arg, $i.\n"; } } } ### ### Class methods ### sub bind { my $self = shift; ($self -> window) -> SUPER::bind('', sub{$self -> user_import}); ($self -> window) -> SUPER::bind('', sub{$self -> ws_export}); ($self -> window) -> SUPER::bind('', sub{$self -> ws_cut}); ($self -> window) -> SUPER::bind('', sub{$self -> ws_copy}); ($self -> window) -> SUPER::bind('', sub{$self -> ws_paste}); ($self -> window) -> SUPER::bind('', sub{$self -> self_help}); ($self -> window) -> SUPER::bind('', sub{$self -> write_to_disk('')}); ($self -> window) -> SUPER::bind('', sub{$self -> write_to_disk('1')}); ($self -> window) -> SUPER::bind('', sub{$self -> ws_undo}); ($self -> window) -> SUPER::bind('', sub{$self -> ws_search}); ($self -> window) -> SUPER::bind('', sub{$self -> ws_search_again}); ($self -> window) -> SUPER::bind('', sub{$self -> goto_line}); # unbind the right mouse button. ($self -> window) -> SUPER::bind('Tk::TextUndo', '<3>', ''); $self -> {window} -> SUPER::bind( '', [\&postpopupmenu, $self, Ev('X'), Ev('Y') ] ); } sub WrapMenuItems { my ($w) = @_; my $v; tie $v,'Tk::Configure',$w,'-wrap'; return [ [radiobutton => 'Word', -variable => \$v, -value => 'word'], [radiobutton => 'Character', -variable => \$v, -value => 'char'], [radiobutton => 'None', -variable => \$v, -value => 'none'], ]; } sub EncodingMenuItems { my ($self) = @_; return [ [radiobutton => 'ISO-8859-1 (Single Byte)', -variable => \$self -> {encoding}, -value => 'iso88591'], [radiobutton => 'UTF16 (Multibyte)', -variable => \$self -> {encoding}, -value => 'utf16'], ]; } sub ScrollMenuItems { my ($self) = @_; return [ [checkbutton => 'Left', -command => sub{$self -> scrollbar('w')}, -variable => \$lscroll ], [checkbutton => 'Right', -command => sub{$self -> scrollbar('e')}, -variable => \$rscroll ], [checkbutton => 'Top', -command => sub{$self -> scrollbar('n')}, -variable => \$tscroll ], [checkbutton => 'Bottom', -command => sub{$self -> scrollbar('s')}, -variable => \$bscroll], ]; } sub menus { my $self = shift; $self -> {menubar} = ($self -> {window} ) -> Menu ( -type => 'menubar', -font => $menufont, Name => 'workspaceMenuBar'); $self -> {popupmenu} = ($self -> {window} ) -> Menu ( -type => 'normal', -tearoff => '', -font => $menufont, Name => 'workspacePopupMenu' ); $self -> {filemenu} = ($self -> {menubar}) -> Menu; $self -> {editmenu} = ($self -> {menubar}) -> Menu; $self -> {optionsmenu} = ($self -> {menubar}) -> Menu; $self -> {wrapmenu} = ($self -> {menubar}) -> Menu; $self -> {scrollmenu} = ($self -> {menubar}) -> Menu; $self -> {modemenu} = ($self -> {menubar}) -> Menu; ($self -> {helpmenu}) = ($self -> {menubar}) -> Menu; ($self -> {encodingmenu}) = ($self -> {menubar}) -> Menu; $self -> {menubar} -> add ('cascade', -label => 'File', -menu => $self -> {filemenu} ); $self -> {menubar} -> add ('cascade', -label => 'Edit', -menu => $self -> {editmenu} ); $self -> {menubar} -> add ('cascade', -label => 'Options', -menu => $self -> {optionsmenu} ); $self -> {menubar} -> add ('separator'); $self -> {menubar} -> add ('cascade', -label => 'Help', -menu => $self -> {helpmenu} ); if( ( $self -> menubarvisible ) =~ m/1/ ) { $self -> {menubar} -> pack( -anchor => 'w', -fill => 'x' ); } $self -> {popupmenu} -> add ('cascade', -label => 'File', -menu => $self -> {filemenu} -> clone( $self -> {popupmenu}, 'normal' )); $self -> {popupmenu} -> add ('cascade', -label => 'Edit', -menu => $self -> {editmenu} -> clone( $self -> {popupmenu}, 'normal' ) ); $self -> {popupmenu} -> add ('cascade', -label => 'Options', -menu => $self -> {optionsmenu} -> clone( $self -> {popupmenu}, 'normal' ) ); $self -> {popupmenu} -> add ('separator'); $self -> {popupmenu} -> add ('cascade', -label => 'Help', -menu => $self -> {helpmenu} -> clone( $self -> {popupmenu}, 'normal' ) ); $self -> {filemenu} -> add ( 'command', -label => 'Import Text...', -state => 'normal', -accelerator => 'Alt-I', -command => sub{$self -> user_import}); $self -> {filemenu} -> add ( 'command', -label => 'Export Text', -accelerator => 'Alt-W', -command => sub{$self -> ws_export}); $self -> {filemenu} -> add ('separator'); $self -> {filemenu} -> add ( 'command', -label => 'System Command...', -state => 'normal', -command => sub{shell_cmd($self)}); $self -> {filemenu} -> add ( 'command', -label => 'Shell', -state => 'normal', -command => sub{ishell($self)}); $self -> {filemenu} -> add ( 'command', -label => 'Filter...', -state => 'normal', -command => sub{&filter_text($self)}); $self -> {filemenu} -> add ('separator'); $self -> {filemenu} -> add ( 'command', -label => 'Save...', -state => 'normal', -accelerator => 'Alt-S', -command => sub{$self -> write_to_disk('')}); $self -> {filemenu} -> add ( 'command', -label => 'Exit...', -state => 'normal', -accelerator => 'Alt-Q', -command => sub{$self -> write_to_disk('1')}); ($self -> { filemenu }) -> configure( -font => $menufont ); $self -> {editmenu} -> add ( 'command', -label => 'Undo', -state => 'normal', -accelerator => 'Alt-U', -font => $menufont, -command => sub{$self -> ws_undo}); $self -> {editmenu} -> add ('separator'); $self -> {editmenu} -> add ( 'command', -label => 'Cut', -state => 'normal', -accelerator => 'Alt-X', -font => $menufont, -command => sub{$self -> ws_cut}); $self -> {editmenu} -> add ( 'command', -label => 'Copy', -accelerator => 'Alt-C', -state => 'normal', -font => $menufont, -command => sub{$self -> ws_copy}); $self -> {editmenu} -> add ( 'command', -label => 'Paste', -accelerator => 'Alt-V', -state => 'normal', -font => $menufont, -command => sub{$self -> ws_paste}); $self -> {editmenu} -> add ('separator'); ($self -> {editmenu}) -> add( 'command', -label => 'Search & Replace...', -accelerator => 'Alt-F', -state => 'normal', -font => $menufont, -command => sub{$self -> ws_search} ); ($self -> {editmenu}) -> add( 'command', -label => 'Repeat Last Search', -accelerator => 'Alt-G', -state => 'normal', -font => $menufont, -command => sub{$self -> ws_search_again}); $self -> {editmenu} -> add ( 'command', -label => 'Evaluate Selection', -state => 'normal', -command => sub{$self -> evalselection()}); ($self -> { editmenu }) -> configure( -font => $menufont ); $self -> {editmenu} -> add ('separator'); $self -> {editmenu} -> add ( 'command', -label => 'Goto Line...', -state => 'normal', -font => $menufont, -accelerator => 'Alt-J', -command => sub{$self->goto_line}); ($self -> { optionsmenu }) -> configure( -font => $menufont ); $self -> {optionsmenu} -> add ( 'cascade', -label => 'Word Wrap', -menu => $self -> {wrapmenu} ); $items = &WrapMenuItems($self -> {text}); $self -> {wrapmenu} -> AddItems( @$items ); $self -> {optionsmenu} -> add ( 'cascade', -label => 'Scroll Bars', -menu => $self -> {scrollmenu} ); $self -> {scrollbuttons} = &ScrollMenuItems( $self ); $self -> {scrollmenu} -> AddItems( @{$self -> {scrollbuttons}} ); $self -> {optionsmenu} -> add( 'cascade', -labe => 'Output Encoding', -menu => $self -> {encodingmenu}); $items = &EncodingMenuItems($self); $self -> {encodingmenu} -> AddItems( @$items ); $self -> {encodingmenu} -> configure( -font => $menufont ); if( $self -> hasunicode !~ /1/ ) { $self -> {encodingmenu} -> entryconfigure( 2, -state => 'disabled' ); } $self -> {optionsmenu} -> add ( 'command', -label => (($self -> menubarvisible)?'Hide ':'Show '). 'Menubar', -command => [\&togglemenubar, $self ] ); $self -> {optionsmenu} -> add ('separator'); $self -> {optionsmenu} -> add ( 'command', -label => 'Color Editor...', -state => 'normal', -font => $menufont, -command => [\&elementColor, $self]); $self -> {optionsmenu} -> add ( 'command', -label => 'Text Font...', -state => 'normal', -font => $menufont, -command => [\&ws_font, $self]); $self -> {helpmenu} -> add ( 'command', -label => 'About...', -state => 'normal', -font => $menufont, -command => sub{$self -> about}); $self -> {helpmenu} -> add ( 'command', -label => 'Help...', -state => 'normal', -font => $menufont, -accelerator => "F1", -command => sub{$self -> self_help}); } ### ### Instance methods. ### sub hasunicode { my $self = shift; if(@_) { $self -> {hasunicode} = shift } return $self -> {hasunicode}; } sub textforeground { my ($self, $arg) = @_; ( $self -> {text} ) -> configure( -foreground => $arg ); } sub textbackground { my ($self, $arg) = @_; ( $self -> {text} ) -> configure( -background => $arg ); } sub importfile { my ($self, $arg) = @_; open I, "<$arg" or warn "Importfile: Couldn't open $arg: ".@!."\n"; while( ) { $self -> text -> insert( $self -> text -> index( 'insert' ), $_ ); } close I; $self ->{text}->{SubWidget}{workspacetext}{modified} = '1'; } sub exportfile { my ($self, $arg) =@_; open O, ">>$arg" or warn "Exportfile: Couldn't open $arg: ".@!."\n"; print O $self -> text -> get( '1.0', 'end' ); close O; } sub dump { my ($self, $arg) = @_; print $self -> text -> get( '1.0', $self -> text -> index( 'end' ) ); } sub write { my ($self, $args) = @_; $self -> write_to_disk( 0 ); } sub quit { my ($self, $arg) = @_; $self -> window -> WmDeleteWindow; } sub title { my ($self, $arg) = @_; $self -> window -> configure( -title => $arg ); $self -> window -> update; $self -> name( $arg ); $self ->{text}->{SubWidget}{workspacetext}{modified} = '1'; } sub window { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self -> {window} = shift } return $self -> {window} } sub text { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self -> {text} = shift } return $self -> {text} } sub name { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self -> {name} = shift } return $self -> {name} } sub help { my $self = shift; print STDERR $cmdhelptext; $self -> window -> WmDeleteWindow; } sub textfont { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self -> {textfont} = shift } return $self -> {textfont} } sub workspaceobject { return @Workspaceobject; } sub menubar { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self -> {menubar} = shift } return $self -> {menubar} } sub menubarvisible { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self -> {menubarvisible} = shift } return $self -> {menubarvisible} } sub popupmenu { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self -> {popupmenu} = shift } return $self -> {popupmenu} } sub filemenu { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self -> {filemenu} = shift } return $self -> {filemenu}; } sub outputfile { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self -> {outputfile} = shift } return $self -> {outputfile}; } sub filter { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self -> {filter} = shift } return $self -> {filter}; } sub wrap { my $self = shift; my $w = $self -> {wrapmenu}; if( @_) { my $m = shift; if ( $m =~ m/word/ ) { $w -> invoke( 1 ) }; if ( $m =~ m/char/ ) { $w -> invoke( 2 ) }; if ( $m =~ m/none/ ) { $w -> invoke( 3 ) }; } return ($self -> {text}) -> cget('-wrap'); } sub parent_ws { # We say parent_ws because MainWindows' parents are not recognized # by default. my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self -> {parent_ws} = shift } return $self -> {parent_ws} } sub editmenu { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self -> {editmenu} = shift } return $self -> {editmenu} } sub helpmenu { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self -> {helpmenu} = shift } return $self -> {helpmenu} } sub optionsmenu { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self -> {optionsmenu} = shift } return $self -> {optionsmenu} } sub width { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self -> {width} = shift } return $self -> {width} } sub height { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self -> {height} = shift } return $self -> {height} } # show or hide menubar sub togglemenubar { my $self = shift; $self -> {text} -> packForget; $self -> {menubar} -> packForget; if( ($self -> {menubarvisible}) =~ m/1/ ) { $self -> {menubarvisible} = ''; } else { $self -> {menubar} -> pack( -side => 'top', -anchor => 'w', -fill => 'x' ); $self -> {menubarvisible} = '1'; } $self -> optionsmenu -> entryconfigure( 4, -label => (($self -> menubarvisible) ? 'Hide ': 'Show ' ) . 'Menubar' ); $self -> {text} -> pack( -side => 'top', -fill => 'both', -expand => '1' ); $self ->{text}->{SubWidget}{workspacetext}{modified} = '1'; return $self -> {menubarvisible} } sub x { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self -> {x} = shift } return $self -> {x} } sub outputmode { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self -> {outputmode} = shift } return $self -> {outputmode} } sub y { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self -> {y} = shift } return $self -> {y} } sub scroll { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self -> {scroll} = shift } return $self -> {scroll} } sub hasnet { my $self = shift; if( @_ ) { $self -> {hasnet} = shift } return $self -> {hasnet} } sub insertionpoint { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self -> {insertionpoint} = shift } return $self -> {insertionpoint} } sub open { my ($name) = @_; my @command_line = ( "\./" . $name . ' &'); system( @command_line ); } sub wmgeometry { my ($self) = @_; my $g = $self -> window -> geometry; $g =~ m/([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)\+([0-9]+)\+([0-9]+)/; $self -> width($1); $self -> height($2); $self -> x($3); $self -> y($4); $self -> geometry( $g, $self -> text -> index( 'insert' ) ); } sub geometry { my ($self, $g, $i) = @_; my $nargs = scalar @_; if( $nargs == 3 ) { $g =~ m/([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)\+([0-9]+)\+([0-9]+)/; $self -> width($1); $self -> height($2); $self -> x($3); $self -> y($4); $self -> window -> geometry( $g ); $self -> insertionpoint( $i ); $self -> text -> markSet( 'insert', $self -> insertionpoint ); $self -> text -> see( 'insert' ); } elsif ( $nargs == 1 ) { my $cg = $self -> window -> geometry; $cg =~ m/([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)\+([0-9]+)\+([0-9]+)/; $self -> width($1); $self -> height($2); $self -> x($3); $self -> y($4); my $ip = $self -> text -> index( 'insert' ); $self ->{text}->{SubWidget}{workspacetext}{modified} = '1'; return ($cg, $ip); } else { warn "geometry: wrong no. of arguments: $nargs.\n"; } } sub postpopupmenu { my $w = shift; my $self = shift; my $x = shift; my $y = shift; # my $g = ($self -> window) -> geometry; # $g =~ m/([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)\+([0-9]+)\+([0-9]+)/; # $self -> width($1); $self -> height($2); $self -> x($3); # $self -> y($4); ($self -> popupmenu) -> post( $x, $y ); } sub goto_line { my $self = shift; my $d = $self -> window -> DialogBox( -title => 'Goto Line', -buttons => [qw/Ok Cancel/], -default_button => 'Ok' ); my $l = $d -> add( 'Label', -text => 'Line Number: ', -font => $menufont ) -> pack( -side => 'left', -padx => 5, -pady => 5 ); my $e = $d -> add( 'Entry', -width => 10 ) -> pack( -side => 'left', -padx => 5, -pady => 5 ); my ($row, $col) = split /\./, $self -> text -> index('insert'); $e -> insert( '1.0', $row ); if( ( $resp = $d -> Show ) =~ /Ok/ ) { $self -> text -> markSet( 'insert', $e -> get.'.0' ); $self -> text -> see( 'insert' ); } } sub scrollbar { my $self = shift; if (@_) { my ($p) = @_; if (($p=~m/w/)&&($lscroll=='1')){ $self->{scroll}.='w'; $self->{scroll} =~ s/e//; $rscroll = '0'; } elsif (($p=~m/e/)&&($rscroll=='1')) { $self->{scroll}.='e'; $self->{scroll} =~ s/w//; $lscroll = '0'; } elsif (($p=~m/n/)&&($tscroll=='1')) { $self->{scroll} = 'n' . $self -> {scroll}; $self->{scroll} =~ s/s//; $bscroll = '0'; } elsif(($p=~m/s/)&&($bscroll=='1')) { $self->{scroll} = 's' . $self -> {scroll}; $self->{scroll} =~ s/n//; $tscroll = '0'; } else { $self -> {scroll} =~ s/$p//; } &set_scroll( $self ); $self ->{text}->{SubWidget}{workspacetext}{modified} = '1'; return $self -> {scroll}; } } sub set_scroll { my ($self) = @_; $self -> {text} -> configure( -scrollbars => $self -> {scroll} ); $self -> {text} -> pack( -expand => '1', -fill => 'both' ); if( $self -> {scroll} =~ /w/ ) { $lscroll = '1' } if( $self -> {scroll} =~ /e/ ) { $rscroll = '1' } if( $self -> {scroll} =~ /n/ ) { $tscroll = '1' } if( $self -> {scroll} =~ /s/ ) { $bscroll = '1' } } sub ws_font { my ($self) = @_; my ($oldgeometry, $dialog, $f, $x, $y, $newwidth, $newheight); $dialog = ($self -> {window}) -> XFontSelect; my $f = $dialog -> Show; ($self -> text) -> configure( -font => $f ); $self -> textfont( $f ); $oldgeometry = ($self -> window) -> geometry(); $oldgeometry =~ m/.+x.+\+(.+)\+(.+)/; $x = $1; $y = $2; $newwidth = ($self -> text) -> reqwidth; $newheight = ($self -> text) -> reqheight; $self -> geometry($newwidth . 'x' . $newheight . '+' . $x . '+' . $y, $self -> insertionpoint ); $self ->{text}->{SubWidget}{workspacetext}{modified} = '1'; return; } sub elementColor { my ($w) = @_; my ($attribute, $color); my $c = $w -> window -> ColorEditor( -widgets => [$w -> text] ); $self ->{text}->{SubWidget}{workspacetext}{modified} = '1'; $c -> Show; } sub filter_text { my $self = shift; my $resp = $self -> filter_dialog; return if $resp =~ /Cancel/; my $name = $self -> name; my $cmd = $self -> filter; return if $cmd eq ''; my $tmpname = $self -> mktmpfile; my $cmdstring; $cmdstring = "cat $tmpname | $cmd "; $self -> watchcursor; # insert to self if( ( $self -> outputmode ) =~ /self/ ) { $self->text->insert($self->text->index('insert'),`$cmdstring`); `rm -f $tmpname`; } # output to file if( ( $self -> outputmode ) =~ /file/ ){ my $ofilename = $self -> outputfile; if( $ofilename ne '' ) { if( $ofilename =~ /\:/ ) { $ofilename =~ s/^\///; $self -> remotefilter( 'file', $ofilename, $cmdstring ); } else { `$cmdstring >$ofilename`; } } } # output to terminal if( ( $self -> outputmode ) =~ /terminal/ ) { my $ofilename = $self -> outputfile; $cmdstring = $cmdstring . (($ofilename ne '') ? ' >'.$ofilename : ''); system $cmdstring; `rm -f $tmpname`; } # output to new workspace if( ( $self -> outputmode ) =~ /new/ ) { my $newname = $self -> outputfile; return if $newname eq ''; my $outfile = "$tmpname.output"; `$cmdstring >$outfile`; if( $newname =~ /\:/ ) { my ($host, $remotename) = split /\:/, $newname; $remotename =~ s/^\///; &create( $remotename ); `./$remotename -importfile $outfile -write -quit &`; `rm -f $tmpname $outfile`; if( ($self -> hasnet) !~ /1/ ) { $self -> error( "Network not enabled:\nNetwork library modules not found." ); return; } require Tk::LoginDialog; my $d = ($self -> {window}) -> LoginDialog; my $resp = $d -> Show; my $uid = $d -> cget( '-userid' ); my $pwd = $d -> cget( '-password' ); return if $resp !~ /Login/; my $ftp = Net::FTP -> new( $host, Debug => 1 ); return if ! defined $ftp; $ftp -> login( $uid, $pwd ); $ftp -> put( $remotename ); $ftp -> close; } else { &create( $newname ); `./$newname -importfile $outfile -write -quit &`; `rm -f $tmpname $outfile`; } } $self ->{text}->{SubWidget}{workspacetext}{modified} = '1'; $self -> defaultcursor; } sub remotefilter { my ($self, $mode, $ofilename, $cmdstring ) = @_; if( ($self -> hasnet) !~ /1/ ) { $self -> error( "Network not enabled:\nNetwork library modules not found." ); return; } require Tk::LoginDialog; my $name = $self -> name; my ($localfile); my $d = ($self -> {window}) -> LoginDialog; my $resp = $d -> Show; my $uid = $d -> cget( '-userid' ); my $pwd = $d -> cget( '-password' ); return if $resp !~ /Login/; my ($hostid, $outputpath) = split /\:/, $ofilename; my $ftp = Net::FTP -> new( $hostid, Debug => 1 ); return if ! defined $ftp; $ftp -> login( $uid, $pwd ); if ( $mode =~ /file/ ) { $localfile = $self -> makelocal( $cmdstring ); $ftp -> put( $localfile, $outputpath ); $ftp -> close; } } sub makelocal { my ($self, $cmdstring) = @_; my $name = $self -> name; my $localfile = "/tmp/tmp$name"."$$.tmp"; open( CMD, "$cmdstring |" )or return error( "Couldn't start $cmdstring." ); open LOCALFILE, ">$localfile" or return error( "Could not open $localfile" ); while( ) { print LOCALFILE $_; } close CMD; close LOCALFILE; return $localfile; } sub error { my $self = shift; my $message = shift; return if $message eq ''; my $d = ($self -> {window}) -> Dialog( -title => 'Workspace Error', -text => $message, -bitmap => 'info', -default_button => 'Ok', -font => $menufont, -buttons => [qw/Ok/] ); $d -> Show; } sub mktmpfile { my $self = shift; my $name = $self -> name; open FILE, ">/tmp/$name$$.tmp" or warn "Could not open /tmp/$name$$\: @!\n"; my $contents = $self -> text -> get( '1.0', 'end' ); printf FILE $contents; close FILE; return "/tmp/$name$$.tmp"; } sub filter_dialog { my $self = shift; my $dw = ($self->window)->DialogBox( -title => 'Filter', -buttons => ['Ok', 'Cancel']); my $f1 = $dw -> Frame( -container => '0' ); my $f2 = $dw -> Frame( -container => '0', -relief => groove, -borderwidth => '3' ); my $f3 = $dw -> Frame( -container => '0' ); my $cl = $f1 -> Label( -text => 'Filter:', -font => $menufont ); $cl -> pack( -side => 'left' ); my $cm = $f1 -> Entry( -width => 47 ) -> pack( -side => 'left', -padx => 5 ); $f1 -> pack( -ipady => 10, -fill => 'both', -expand => '1' ); $f2 -> Label( -text => "\nOutput To:", -font => $menufont ) -> pack( -anchor => 'w' ); my $b1 = $f2 -> Radiobutton ( -text => 'Self', -font => $menufont, -state => 'normal', -variable => \$self -> {outputmode}, -value => 'self' ) -> pack( -side => 'left' ); my $b2 = $f2 -> Radiobutton ( -text => 'File', -font => $menufont, -state => 'normal', -variable => \$self -> {outputmode}, -value => 'file' ) -> pack( -side => 'left' ); my $b3 = $f2 -> Radiobutton ( -text => 'Terminal', -font => $menufont, -state => 'normal', -variable => \$self -> {outputmode}, -value => 'terminal' ) -> pack( -side => 'left' ); my $b4 = $f2 -> Radiobutton ( -text => 'New Workspace', -font => $menufont, -state => 'normal', -variable => \$self -> {outputmode}, -value => 'new' ) -> pack( -side => 'left' ); $b1 -> select; $f2 -> Label( -text => "\n" ) -> pack( -anchor => 'w' ); $f2 -> pack( -expand => '1', -fill => 'both', -ipady => 10); $f3 -> Label( -text => 'Output File: ', -font => $menufont ) -> pack( -side => 'left' ); my $ofil = $f3 -> Entry( -width => 40 ) -> pack( -side => 'left', -expand => '1', -fill => 'x', -padx => 5 ); $f3 -> Label( -text => "\n" ) -> pack( -anchor => 'w' ); $f3 -> pack( -expand => '1', -fill => 'x' ); my $resp = $dw -> Show; $self->filter( $cm -> get ); $self->outputfile( $ofil -> get ); return $resp; } sub write_to_disk { my $self = shift; my $quit = shift; my $workspacename = $self -> name; my $height = $self -> height; my $width = $self -> width; my $t = $self -> {text}; my $geometry; my $workspacepath = $workspacename; my $tmppath = $workspacepath . ".tmp"; my $contents; my $object; my $x; my $y; my $fg; my $bg; my $f; my $resp; my $wrap; my $mb; my $sb; my $ip; if( $quit ) { if($t->{SubWidget}{workspacetext}{modified} !~ m/1/) { goto EXIT; } elsif ( ( $resp = &close_dialog($self) ) =~ m/Cancel/) { return; } elsif ($resp !~ m/Yes/ ) { goto EXIT; } } $self -> watchcursor; open FILE, ">>" . $tmppath; $contents = ($self -> text) -> get( '1.0', 'end' ); printf FILE '#!/usr/bin/perl' . "\n"; $geometry= ($self -> window) -> geometry; $geometry =~ m/([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)\+([0-9]+)\+([0-9]+)/; $width = $1; $height = $2; $x = $3; $y = $4; $wrap = $self -> wrap; $mb = $self -> menubarvisible; $sb = $self -> {scroll}; $fg = ($self -> text) -> cget('-foreground'); $bg = ($self -> text) -> cget('-background'); $ip = ($self -> text) -> index( 'insert' ); $f = $self -> textfont; # concatenate text. printf FILE 'my $text = <<\'end-of-text\';' . "\n"; printf FILE $contents; printf FILE "end-of-text\n"; # This re-creates on the default workspace object, except # the first line, the name, height and width, x and y orgs, # foreground and background colors, # and the initial empty text.; my @tmpobject = @Workspaceobject; grep { s/name\=\'\'/name=\'$workspacename\'/ } @tmpobject; grep { s/geometry\=\'.*\'/geometry=\'$geometry\'/ } @tmpobject; grep { s/wrap\=\'.*\'/wrap=\'$wrap\'/ } @tmpobject; grep { s/fg\=\'.*\'/fg=\'$fg\'/ } @tmpobject; grep { s/bg\=\'.*\'/bg=\'$bg\'/ } @tmpobject; grep { s/font\=\'.*\'/font=\'$f\'/ } @tmpobject; grep { s/menuvisible\=\'.*\'/menuvisible=\'$mb\'/ } @tmpobject; grep { s/scrollbars\=\'.*\'/scrollbars=\'$sb\'/ } @tmpobject; grep { s/insert\=\'.*\'/insert=\'$ip\'/ } @tmpobject; grep { s/#!\/usr\/bin\/perl// } @tmpobject; grep { s/my \$text=\'\'\;// } @tmpobject; foreach $line ( @tmpobject ) { printf FILE $line . "\n"; }; close FILE; { my @remove_old = ( 'mv', $tmppath, $workspacepath ); system( @remove_old ); } { # set restrictive perms until I get the umask lockup # figured out. chmod 0700, $workspacepath; } $self -> defaultcursor; $t->{SubWidget}{workspacetext}{modified} = ''; EXIT: if ( $quit ) { $self -> window -> WmDeleteWindow; } } # Create a new Workspace executable if one doesn't exist. sub create { my ($workspacename) = ((@_)?@_:'Workspace'); my $Source; my $directory = ''; # Where are we. # Make sure a workspace executable of the same basename # doesn't exist already. If it does, make the old workspace # a backup. if ( -e $workspacename ) { rename $workspacename, $workspacename . '.bak'; } # try again. #Name the workspace... my @tmpobject = @Workspaceobject; grep { s/name\=\'\'/name\=\'$workspacename\'/ } @tmpobject; grep { s/Construct Tk::Workspace/Construct Tk::Workspace \'$workspacename\'\;/ } @tmpobject; open FILE, ">" . $workspacename or die "Can't open Workspace " . $workspacename; # This creates on the default workspace object. foreach $line ( @tmpobject ) { printf FILE $line . "\n"; } close FILE; # Havn't figured out a way to use the umask function w/o # locking up... until then, set perms to rwx for owner only. chmod 0700, $workspacename; utime time, time, ($workspacename); return( $workspacename ); } sub ws_copy { my $self = shift; my $selection; if ( ! (($self -> {text}) -> tagRanges('sel')) ) { return; } # per clipboard.txt, this asserts workspace text widget's # ownership of X display clipboard, and clears it. ($self -> {text}) -> clipboardClear; $selection = ($self -> {text}) -> SelectionGet(-selection => 'PRIMARY', -type => 'STRING' ); # Appends PRIMARY selection to X display clipboard. ($self -> {text}) -> clipboardAppend($selection); $clipboard = $selection; # our clipboard, not X's. return $selection; } sub ws_cut { my $self = shift; my $selection; if ( ! (($self -> {text}) -> tagRanges('sel')) ) { return; } # per clipboard.txt, this asserts workspace text widget's # ownership of X display clipboard, and clears it. ($self -> {text}) -> clipboardClear; $selection = ($self -> {text}) -> SelectionGet(-selection => 'PRIMARY', -type => 'STRING' ); # Appends PRIMARY selection to X display clipboard. ($self -> {text}) -> clipboardAppend($selection); ($self ->{text}) -> delete(($self -> {text}) -> tagRanges('sel')); $clipboard = $selection; # our clipboard, not X's. $self -> {text} -> {SubWidget}{workspacetext}{modified} = '1'; return $selection; } sub ws_paste { my $self = shift; my $selection; my $point; # Don't use CLIPBOARD because of a bug? in PerlTk... # # Checks PRIMARY selection, then X display clipboard, # and returns if neither is defined. # ($self -> {text}) -> # selectionOwn(-selection => 'CLIPBOARD'); # if ( ! (($self -> {text}) -> tagRanges('sel')) # or (($selection = ($self -> {text}) # -> SelectionGet(-selection => 'PRIMARY', # -type => 'STRING')) == '') ) { # return; # } # if ($self -> {text} -> tagRanges('sel')) { # $selection = ($self -> {text}) # -> SelectionGet(-selection => 'PRIMARY', # -type => 'STRING'); # } else { # $selection = $clipboard; # } $selection = ($self -> {text}) -> clipboardGet; $point = ($self -> {text}) -> index("insert"); ($self -> {text}) -> insert( $point, $selection); ($self -> {text}) -> see( 'insert' ); $self -> {text} -> {SubWidget}{workspacetext}{modified} = '1'; return $selection; } sub ws_undo { my $self = shift; my $undo; $undo = ($self -> {text}) -> undo; $self ->{text}->{SubWidget}{workspacetext}{modified} = '1'; return $self } sub evalselection { my $self = shift; my $s; my $result; $s = ($self -> {text}) -> SelectionGet( -selection => 'PRIMARY', -type => 'STRING' ); $result = eval $s; ($self -> {text}) -> insert( ( ( $self -> {text} ) -> tagNextrange( 'sel', '1.0', 'end' ))[1], $result ); } sub about { my $self = shift; my $aboutdialog; my $title_text; my $version_text; my $name_text; my $mod_time; my $line_space; # blank label as separator. my @filestats = { $device, $inode, $nlink, $uid, $gid, $raw_device, $size, $atime, $mtime, $ctime, $blksize, $blocks }; @filestats = stat ($self -> {name}); $aboutdialog = ($self -> {window}) -> DialogBox( -buttons => ["Ok"], -title => 'About' ); $title_text = $aboutdialog -> add ('Label'); $version_text = $aboutdialog -> add ('Label'); $name_text = $aboutdialog -> add ('Label'); $mod_time = $aboutdialog -> add ('Label'); $line_space = $aboutdialog -> add ('Label'); $title_text -> configure ( -font => $menufont, -text => ' by ' ); $version_text -> configure ( -font => $menufont, -text => "Version: $VERSION"); $name_text -> configure ( -font => $menufont, -text => "\'" . $self -> {name} . "\'" ); $mod_time -> configure ( -font => $menufont, -text => 'Last File Modification: ' . localtime($filestats[9]) ); $line_space -> configure ( -font =>$menufont, -text => ''); $name_text -> pack; $mod_time -> pack; $line_space -> pack; $title_text -> pack; $version_text -> pack; $aboutdialog -> Show; } sub cmd_import { my( $ws, $args ) = @_; print "$args\n"; } sub user_import { my $self = shift; my $import; my $filedialog; my $filename = ''; my ($l, $unistr, $transtr, $mapobj, $ans, $tmpfile, $basename); my $nofiledialog; if( ( $ans = $self -> hasunicode ) eq '1' ) { $l = Unicode::String -> new( '' ); $unistr = Unicode::String -> new( '' ); $mapobj = Unicode::Map -> new( "ISO-8859-1" ); } $filedialog = ($self -> {window}) -> RemoteFileSelect ( -directory => '.'); $filename = $filedialog -> Show; $self -> watchcursor; if( $filename =~ /\:/ ) { my $hostname = $filedialog -> cget( -hostname ); my $uid = $filedialog -> cget( -userid ); my $passwd = $filedialog -> cget( -password ); my $transcript = $filedialog -> cget( -transcript ); $filename =~ s/^.*\://; $filename =~ /^.*\/(.*)/; $basename = $1; $tmpfile = "/tmp/$basename"; my $ftp = Net::FTP->new( $hostname, $transcript ); $ftp -> login( $uid, $passwd ); if ( ( $ftp -> get( $filename, $tmpfile ) ) ne $tmpfile ) { print "Could not create $hostname:$filename.\n"; } open IMPORT, "< $tmpfile" or &filenotfound($self); while ( $l = ) { $unistr .= $l; } if( $ans eq '1' ) { $transtr = $mapobj -> from_unicode( $unistr ); ($self -> {text}) -> insert ( 'insert', $transtr ); } else { ($self -> {text}) -> insert ( 'insert', $unistr ); } $ftp -> quit; } elsif ( $filename ) { open IMPORT, "< $filename" or &filenotfound($self); while ( $l = ) { $unistr .= $l; } if( $ans eq '1' ) { $transtr = $mapobj -> from_unicode( $unistr ); ($self -> {text}) -> insert ( 'insert', $transtr ); } else { ($self -> {text}) -> insert ( 'insert', $unistr ); } } ($self -> {text}) -> pack; close IMPORT; unlink( $tmpfile ) if -e $tmpfile; $self ->{text}->{SubWidget}{workspacetext}{modified} = '1'; $self -> defaultcursor; } sub ws_export { my $self = shift; my $encoding = $self -> {encoding}; my ($filedialog, $ftp, $l, $l2, $mapobj); my $filename = undef; $filedialog = ($self -> {window})->RemoteFileSelect ( -directory => '.' ); return if ! defined ( $filename = $filedialog -> Show ); $self -> watchcursor; if( $encoding =~ /utf16/ ) { $mapobj = Unicode::Map -> new('ISO-8859-1'); $l2 = Unicode::String -> new( '' ); } if( $filename =~ /\:/ ) { my $hostname = $filedialog -> cget( -hostname ); my $uid = $filedialog -> cget( -userid ); my $passwd = $filedialog -> cget( -password ); my $transcript = $filedialog -> cget( -transcript ); $ftp = Net::FTP->new( $hostname, $transcript ); $filename =~ s/^.*\://; $filename =~ /^.*\/(.*)/; my $basename = $1; my $tmpfile = "/tmp/$basename"; open OFN, "+> $tmpfile" or &filenotfound( $self ); if( $encoding =~ /utf16/ ) { $ftp -> binary; $l2 = $mapobj -> to_unicode( ($self -> {text}) -> get( '1.0', 'end' ) ); syswrite OFN, $l2, length( $l2 ); } else { print OFN ($self -> {text}) -> get( '1.0', 'end' ); } close OFN; $ftp -> login( $uid, $passwd ); if ( ( $ftp -> put( $tmpfile, $filename ) ) ne $filename ) { print "Could not create $hostname:$filename.\n"; } $ftp -> quit; unlink ($tmpfile); } else { open OFN, "+> $filename" or &filenotfound( $self ); if( $encoding =~ /utf16/ ) { $l2 = $mapobj -> to_unicode(($self -> {text}) -> get( '1.0', 'end' )); syswrite OFN, $l2, length( $l2 ); } else { print OFN ($self -> {text}) -> get( '1.0', 'end' ); } close OFN; } $self -> defaultcursor; } sub close_dialog { my $self = shift; my $dialog; my $response; my $notice = "Save this workspace\nbefore closing?"; $dialog = ( $self -> {window} ) -> Dialog( -title => 'Close Workspace', -text => $notice, -bitmap => 'question', -buttons => [qw/Yes No Cancel/]); return $response = $dialog -> Show; } sub filenotfound { my $self = shift; my $nofiledialog = ($self -> {window}) -> DialogBox( -buttons => ["OK"], -title => 'File Error' ); my $filenotfound = $nofiledialog -> add ( 'Label'); $filenotfound -> configure ( -font => $menufont, -text => 'Could not open file.'); $filenotfound -> pack; $nofiledialog -> Show; } sub my_directory { open PATHNAME, "pwd |"; read PATHNAME, $directory, 512; close PATHNAME; } sub self_help { my $libfilename = &libname; my $help_text; my $helpwindow; my $textwidget; open HELP, 'pod2text < '.$libfilename.' |' or $help_text = "Unable to process help text for $libfilename."; while () { $help_text .= $_; } close( HELP ); $helpwindow = new MainWindow( -title => "$appfilename Help" ); my $textframe = $helpwindow -> Frame( -container => 0, -borderwidth => 1 ) -> pack; my $buttonframe = $helpwindow -> Frame( -container => 0, -borderwidth => 1 ) -> pack; $textwidget = $textframe -> Scrolled( 'Text', -font => $defaulttextfont, -scrollbars => 'e' ) -> pack( -fill => 'both', -expand => 1 ); $textwidget -> Subwidget('yscrollbar') -> configure(-width=>10); $textwidget -> Subwidget('xscrollbar') -> configure(-width=>10); $textwidget -> insert( 'end', $help_text ); $buttonframe -> Button( -text => 'Close', -font => $menufont, -command => sub{$helpwindow -> DESTROY} ) -> pack; } # return the pathname to the module. sub libname { my ($i, $val); foreach $i ( keys( %:: ) ) { $val = $::{$i}; if ( $val =~ /Workspace\.pm/ ) { $val =~ s/\*main::\_\ window -> Busy( -recurse => '1' ); } sub defaultcursor { my $app = shift; $app -> window -> Unbusy( -recurse => '1' ); } sub ws_search_again { my $self = shift; my ($t, @oplist, %opts, $opkey, $opval, $i, $firstmatch, $newinsert, $matchlength, @tkopts, $newcol, $row, $col ); push @oplist, @{$self -> {searchopts}}; for($i=0;$i<=@oplist;$i+=2){$opts{$oplist[$i]}=$oplist[$i+1]} return if $opts{'-searchstring'} eq ''; my $s = $opts{'-searchstring'}; ($opts{'-optioncase'} ne '1') ? push @tkopts, ('-nocase') : '' ; ($opts{'-optionregex'} eq '1') ? push @tkopts, ('-regex') : ' '; ($opts{'-optionbackward'} eq '1') ? push @tkopts, ('-backwards') : push @tkopts, ('-forward'); $t = $self -> text; $newinsert = $t -> index('insert'); ($row, $col) = split /\./, $newinsert; $matchlength = length($s); $newcol = $col+$matchlength; $col += 1; $newinsert="$row\.$col"; if(($opts{'-replacestring'} ne '' ) && ( $opts{-optionregex} ne '1')){ local $r = $opts{'-replacestring'}; $newinsert = $t -> index('insert'); ($row, $col) = split /\./, $newinsert; $col += 1; $newinsert="$row\.$col"; $firstmatch = $t -> search( @tkopts,$s,$newinsert); if( $firstmatch ne '' ) { ($row, $col) = split /\./, $firstmatch; $t -> markSet( 'insert', $firstmatch ); $t -> see( 'insert' ); $matchlength = length($s); $newcol = $col+$matchlength; for( $i = $col; $i < $newcol; $i++ ) { $t -> tagAdd( 'sel', "$row\.$i" ); } $t -> delete( $firstmatch, "$row\.$i" ); $t -> insert( $t -> index('insert'), $r ); $newcol=$col+length($r); for( $i = $col; $i < $newcol; $i++ ) { $t -> tagAdd( 'sel', "$row\.$i" ); } } } else { $t->tagRemove('sel',$t->index('insert'), "$row\.$newcol"); $firstmatch = $t -> search( @tkopts,$s,$newinsert); if( $firstmatch ne '' ) { ($row, $col) = split /\./, $firstmatch; $t -> markSet( 'insert', $firstmatch ); $t -> see( 'insert' ); $newcol = $col+$matchlength; for( $i = $col; $i < $newcol; $i++ ) { $t -> tagAdd( 'sel', "$row\.$i" ); } } } } sub ws_search { my $self = shift; my ($t, @oplist, %opts, $opkey, $opval, $i, $firstmatch, $nextmatch, $matchlength, @tkopts, ); $t = $self -> text; push @oplist, @{$self -> {searchopts}}; my $d = $self -> window -> SearchDialog( @oplist ); @oplist = $d -> Show; for($i=0;$i<=@oplist;$i+=2){$opts{$oplist[$i]}=$oplist[$i+1]} return if $opts{'-searchstring'} eq ''; $t -> tagRemove( 'sel', '1.0', 'end' ); push @{$self -> {searchopts}}, @oplist; my $s = $opts{'-searchstring'}; ($opts{'-optioncase'} ne '1') ? push @tkopts, ('-nocase') : '' ; ($opts{'-optionregex'} eq '1') ? push @tkopts, ('-regex') : ' '; ($opts{'-optionbackward'} eq '1') ? push @tkopts, ('-backwards') : push @tkopts, ('-forward'); if(($opts{'-replacestring'} ne '' ) && ( $opts{-optionregex} ne '1')){ local $r = $opts{'-replacestring'}; $firstmatch = $t -> search( @tkopts,$s,$t->index('insert')); if( $firstmatch ne '' ) { local ($row, $col) = split /\./, $firstmatch; local $newcol; $t -> markSet( 'insert', $firstmatch ); $t -> see( 'insert' ); $matchlength = length($s); $newcol = $col+$matchlength; for( $i = $col; $i < $newcol; $i++ ) { $t -> tagAdd( 'sel', "$row\.$i" ); } $t -> delete( $firstmatch, "$row\.$i" ); $t -> insert( $t -> index('insert'), $r ); $newcol=$col+length($r); for( $i = $col; $i < $newcol; $i++ ) { $t -> tagAdd( 'sel', "$row\.$i" ); } } } else { $firstmatch = $t -> search( @tkopts,$s,$t->index('insert')); if( $firstmatch ne '' ) { local ($row, $col) = split /\./, $firstmatch; local $newcol; $t -> markSet( 'insert', $firstmatch ); $t -> see( 'insert' ); $matchlength = length($s); $newcol = $col+$matchlength; for( $i = $col; $i < $newcol; $i++ ) { $t -> tagAdd( 'sel', "$row\.$i" ); } } } } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME, multi-purpose text processor. (File browser, shell, editor) script. Requires Perl/Tk; optionally Net::FTP. =head1 SYNOPSIS # Create a workspace from the shell prompt: mkws "workspace" # Open an existing workspace from the shell prompt: workspace [-background | -bg ] [-textbackground ] [-foreground | -fg ] [-textforeground ] [-font | -fn ] [-importfile ] [-exportfile ] [-dump] [-xrm ] [-class ] [-display | -screen ] [-title ] [-help] [-iconic] [-motif] [-synchronous] [-write] [-quit] # Open from a Perl script: use Tk; use Tk::Workspace; Tk::Workspace::open(Tk::Workspace::create("workspace")); # Create workspace object within a Perl script: $w = Tk::Workspace -> new( x => 100, y => 100, width => 300, height => 250, textfont => "*-courier-medium-r-*-*-12-*", foreground => 'white', background => 'black', menuvisible => 'true', scroll => 'se', insert => '1.0', menubarvisible => 'True', text => 'Text to be inserted', name => 'workspace' ); =head1 DESCRIPTION Workspace uses the Tk::TextUndo widget to create an embedded Perl text editor. The resulting file can be run as a standalone program. =head1 OPTIONS In normal use, common X toolkit options apply to non-text areas, like the window border and menus. Text resources can also be specified, but they often have a lower priority than the Workspace's saved values and user selections. Refer to the section: X RESOURCES, below. Command line options are described more fully in the Tk::CmdLine manual page. =head2 X Toolkit Options =over 4 =item -foreground | -fg Foreground color of widgets. -fg is a synonym for -foreground. =item -background | -bg Background color of widgets. -bg is a synonym for -background. =item -class Name of X Window resource class. In normal use, this is overriden by the Workspace name. =item -display | -screen Name of X display. -screen is a synonym for -display. =item -font | -fn Font descriptor for widgets. -fn is a synonym for -font. =item -iconic Start with the window iconfied. =item -motif Adhere as closely as possible to Motif look-and-feel standards. =item -name Specifies the name under which X resources can be found. Refer to the section: X RESOURCES, below. =item -synchronous Requests should be sent to the X server synchronously. Mainly useful for debugging. =item -title Title of the window. This is overridden by the Workspace. =item -xrm Specifies a resource pattern to override defaults. Refer to the section: X RESOURCES, below. =back =head2 Workspace Specific Options =over 4 =item -textforeground Set the color of the text foreground. Overrides the Workspace's own setting. =item -textbackground Set the color of the text background. Overrides the Workspace's own setting. =item -importfile At startup, import into the workspace at the cursor position. =item -exportfile Export the text of the workspace to . =item -title Set the window title and workspace name. =item -write Save the workspace in its current state. If the window is not yet drawn, use the default geometry of 565x351+100+100 and insertion cursor index of 1.0. =item -dump Print the Workspace text to standard output. =item -quit Close the Workspace without saving. =back =head1 X RESOURCES In normal use, a workspace's Xresources begin with its name in lower-case letters. myworkspace*borderwidth: 3 myworkspace*relief: sunken myworkspace*takefocus: true Top-level options are described in the Tk::Toplevel and Tk::options manual pages. In addition, several subwidgets have standard names, so properties can easily apply to all Workspaces: Widget Resource Name ------ ------------- Text Editor workspaceText Menu Bar Menus workspaceMenuBar Popup Menus workspacePopupMenu Examples of resource settings that apply to all Workspaces: *workspaceText*insertwidth: 5 *workspaceText*spacing1: 20 *workspaceMenuBar*foreground: white *workspaceMenuBar*background: darkslategray *workspacePopupMenu*foreground: white *workspacePopupMenu*background: mediumgray Complete descriptions of the options that each widget recognizes are given in the Tk::Text, Tk::TextUndo, and Tk::Menu manual pages. =head1 MENU FUNCTIONS A workspace contains a menu bar with File, Edit, Options, and Help menus. The menus also pop up by pressing the right mouse button (Button-3) over the text area, whether the menu bar is visible or not. The menu functions are provided by the Tk::Workspace, Tk::TextUndo, Tk::Text, and Tk::Widget modules. =head2 File Menu Import Text -- Insert the contents of a selected text file at the insertion point. Export Text -- Write the contents of the workspace to a text file. The Import and Export Text functions allow saving to files on remote hosts using FTP, if the Perl Net::FTP module is installed. Please refer to the file INSTALL in the distribution archive and the Tk::RemoteFileSelect manual page. System Command -- Prompts for the name of a command to be executed by the shell, /bin/sh. The output is inserted into the workspace. For example, to insert a manual page into the workspace, enter: man | colcrt - | col -b Shell -- Starts an interactive shell. The prompt is the PS1 prompt of the environment where the workspace was started. At present the workspace shell recognizes only a subset of the bash prompt variables, and does not implement command history or setting of environment variables in the subshell. Due to I/O blocking, results can be unpredictable, especially if the called program causes an eof condition on STDERR. For details refer to the Tk::Shell POD documentation. Refer to the bash(1) manual page for further information. Typing 'exit' leaves the shell and returns the workspace to normal text editing mode. Filter -- Specify a filter and output destination for the text in the Workspace. A ``filter'' is defined as a program that takes its input from standard input, STDIN, and sends its output to standard output, STDOUT. By default, output is inserted into the Workspace at the cursor position. Other destinations are: - File--Write output to the file name specified. - Terminal--Write output to the Workspace's STDOUT or to a character device specified as the output file. - New Workspace--Write output to a new Workspace with the name specified. If the Perl Net::FTP module is installed, filter output can be sent to a remote host, using the pathname syntax, hostname:/filepathname . Save -- Save the workspace to disk. Quit -- Close the workspace window, optionally saving to disk. Workspaces are saved with file mode permissions 0700 (read, write, and execute for the owner of the file). =head2 Edit Menu Undo -- Reverse the next previous change to the text. Cut -- Delete the selected text and place it on the X clipboard. Copy -- Copy the selected text to the X clipboard. Paste -- Insert text from the X clipboard at the insertion point. Evaluate Selection -- Interpret the selected text as Perl code. Search & Replace -- Open a dialog box to enter search and/or replace strings. Users can select options for exact upper/lower case matching, regular expression searches, forward or backward searches, and no query on replace. If "Replace without Asking" is selected, then all search matches will be replaced. The default is to prompt before the replacement. Replacements for regular expression matches are not supported. Goto Line -- Go to the line entered by the user. Which Line -- Report the line and column position of the insertion point. =head2 Options Menu Wrap -- Select how the text should wrap at the right margin. Scroll Bars -- Select from scroll bars at right or left, top or bottom of the text area. Encoding -- Select the encoding to use when exporting text. Does not affect the Workspace text itself. When importing, the text is mapped into ISO-8859-1, regardless of encoding. This option is only available if the UTF16 libraries are installed on the system. If they aren't, then the Workspace uses the default ISO 8859-1 encoding. Refer to the file INSTALL in the distribution archive for information about the required libraries. Show/Hide Menubar -- Toggle whether the menubar is visible. A popup version of the menus is always available by pressing the right mouse button (Button 3) over the text area. Color Editor -- Pops up a Color Editor window. You can select the text attribute that you want to change from the Colors -> Color Attributes menu. If your system libraries have an rgb.txt file, a list of the available colors is displayed on the left-hand side of the window. Double-clicking on a color name, or selecting its color space parameters from the sliders in the middle of the ColorEditor, displays that color in the swatch on the right-hand side of the window. Pressing the Apply... button at the bottom of the Color Editor applies the color selection to the text. The most useful attributes for Workspace text are foreground, background, and insertBackground. Text Font -- Select text font from list of system fonts. =head2 Help Menu About -- Report name of workspace and modification time, and version of library. Help -- Display the POD documentation in a text window formatted by pod2text. =head1 KEY BINDINGS For further information, please refer to the Tk::Text and Tk::bind man pages. Alt-Q Quit, Optionally Saving Text Alt-S Save Workspace to Disk Alt-I Import Text Alt-W Export Text Alt-U Undo Alt-X Copy Selection to Clipboard and Delete Alt-C Copy Selection to Clipboard Alt-V Insert Clipboard Contents at Cursor Alt-F Search & Replace Right, Ctrl-F Forward Character Left, Ctrl-B Backward Character Up, Ctrl-P Up One Line Down, Ctrl-N Down One Line Shift-Right Forward Character Extend Selection Shift-Left Backward Character Extend Selection Shift-Up Up One Line, Extend Selection Shift-Down Down One Line, Extend Selection Ctrl-Right, Meta-F Forward Word Ctrl-Left, Meta-B Backward Word Ctrl-Up Up One Paragraph Ctrl-Down Down One Paragraph PgUp Scroll View Up One Screen PgDn Scroll View Down One Screen Ctrl-PgUp Scroll View Right Ctrl-PgDn Scroll View Left Home, Ctrl-A Beginning of Line End, Ctrl-E End of Line Ctrl-Home, Meta-< Beginning of Text Ctrl-End, Meta-> End of Text Ctrl-/ Select All Ctrl-\ Clear Selection F16, Copy, Meta-W Copy Selection to Clipboard F20, Cut, Ctrl-W Copy Selection to Clipboard and Delete F18, Paste, Ctrl-Y Paste Clipboard Text at Insertion Point Delete, Ctrl-D Delete Character to Right, or Selection Backspace, Ctrl-H Delete Character to Left, or Selection Meta-D Delete Word to Right Meta-Backspace, Meta-Delete Delete Word to Left Ctrl-K Delete from Cursor to End of Line Ctrl-O Open a Blank Line Ctrl-X Clear Selection Ctrl-T Reverse Order of Characters on Either Side of the Cursor Mouse Button 1: Single Click: Set Insertion Cursor at Mouse Pointer Double Click: Select Word Under the Mouse Pointer and Position Cursor at the Beginning of the Word Triple Click: Select Line Under the Mouse Pointer and Position Cursor at the Beginning of the Line Drag: Define Selection from Insertion Cursor Shift-Drag: Extend Selection Double Click, Shift-Drag: Extend Selection by Whole Words Triple Click, Shift-Drag: Extend Selection by Whole Lines Ctrl: Position Insertion Cursor without Affecting Selection Mouse Button 2: Click: Copy Selection into Text at the Mouse Pointer Drag:Shift View Mouse Button 3: Pop Up Menu Bar Meta Escape =head1 METHODS There is no actual API specification, but Workspaces recognize the following instance methods: about, bind, close_dialog, cmd_import, commandline, create, custom_args, defaultcursor, do_win_signal_event, dump, editmenu, elementColor, evalselection, exportfile, filemenu, filenotfound, filter, filter_dialog, filter_text, fontdialogaccept, fontdialogapply, fontdialogclose, geometry, goto_line, havenet, height, helpmenu, importfile, insertionpoint, libname, menubar, menubarvisible, menus, mktmpfile, my_directory, name, new, open, optionsmenu, outputfile, outputmode, parent_ws, popupmenu, postpopupmenu, quit, requirecond, scroll, scrollbar, self_help, set_scroll, text, textbackground, textfont, textforeground, title, togglemenubar, user_import, watchcursor, what_line, width, window, wmgeometry, workspaceobject, wrap, write, write_to_disk, ws_copy, ws_cut, ws_export, ws_font, ws_paste, ws_undo, x, y The following class methods are available: new, ScrollMenuItems, WrapMenuItems, workspaceobject. The 'new' constructor recognizes the settings of the following options, which are used by the : window, name, textfont, width, height, x, y, foreground, background, textfont, filemenu, editmenu, optionsmenu, wrapmenu, scrollmenu, modemenu, helpmenu, menubar, popupmenu, menubarvisible, scroll, scrollbuttons, insertionpoint, text =head1 CREDITS Tk::Workspace by (Robert Kiesling) Perl/Tk by Nick Ing-Simmons. Tk::ColorEditor widget by Steven Lidie. Perl by Larry Wall and many others. =head1 REVISION $Id:,v 1.64 2001/03/21 15:28:14 kiesling Exp $ =head1 SEE ALSO: Tk::overview(1), Tk::ColorEditor(1), perl(1) manual pages. =cut