package Tk::TableEdit; use Tk; use Tk::TabbedForm; use Tk::SplitFrame; use Tk::Columns; use Tk::Frame; use Tk::Pane; use base qw (Tk::Derived Tk::Frame); use vars qw ($VERSION); use strict; use Carp; $VERSION = '0.01'; Tk::Widget->Construct ('TableEdit'); *separator = \&Tk::TableEdit::Separator; *file = \&Tk::TableEdit::File; *Save = \&Tk::TableEdit::Commit; *Load = \&Tk::TableEdit::Fetch; sub Populate { my ($this, $p_Parameters) = (shift, @_); my $l_SplitFrame = $this->{m_SplitWidget} = $this->Component ( 'SplitFrame' => 'SplitFrame', '-orientation' => 'vertical', '-sliderposition' => 120, '-padbefore' => 100, '-padafter' => 200, ); my $l_ColumnWidget = $this->{m_ColumnWidget} = $l_SplitFrame->Component ( 'Columns' => 'Columns', '-command' => sub {$this->SelectRow (@_);}, ); my $l_Pane = $l_SplitFrame->Scrolled ( 'Pane', '-scrollbars' => 'osoe', '-relief' => 'flat', '-borderwidth' => 2, '-sticky' => 'nsew', ); my $l_TabWidget = $this->{m_TabWidget} = $l_Pane->Component ( 'TabbedForm' => 'TabFrame', ); my $l_ButtonFrame = $this->{m_ButtonFrame} = $this->Frame ( '-borderwidth' => 0, ); $this->ConfigSpecs ( '-tabfont' => [$l_TabWidget], '-separator' => ['METHOD'], '-file' => ['METHOD'], ); foreach my $l_Name (qw (Clear Insert Update Delete Reload Cancel OK Apply)) { my $l_Button = $l_ButtonFrame->Button ( '-command' => sub {$this->ButtonEvent ($l_Name, @_);}, '-text' => $l_Name, '-borderwidth' => 1, '-relief' => 'raised', ); $l_Button->pack ( '-anchor' => 'nw', '-side' => 'left', ); } $l_TabWidget->pack ( '-fill' => 'both', '-expand' => 'true', ); $l_SplitFrame->place ( '-anchor' => 'nw', '-x' => 5, '-y' => 5, '-relwidth' => 1.0, '-relheight' => 1.0, '-height' => - (($l_ButtonFrame->children())[0]->reqheight() + 15), '-width' => - 10, ); $l_ButtonFrame->place ( '-x' => 5, '-y' => - 5, '-relwidth' => 1.0, '-rely' => 1.0, '-height' => ($l_ButtonFrame->children())[0]->reqheight(), '-width' => - 10, '-anchor' => 'sw', ); $this->GeometryRequest ( $l_SplitFrame->reqwidth(), $l_SplitFrame->reqheight() + $l_ButtonFrame->reqheight(), ); $this->bind ( '' => sub {$this->Fetch() if ($this->{m_Changes} == 2);} ); $this->{m_SectionList} = []; $this->configure ('-separator' => '|'); $this->SUPER::Populate (@_); $this->{m_Changes} = 2; return $this; } sub Item { my $this = shift; my $l_Widget = $this->{m_TabWidget}->Item (@_); return unless (Exists ($l_Widget)); if ($l_Widget->{m_SectionName} ne 'Global') { $this->{m_ColumnWidget}->configure ( '-columnlabels' => [$this->{m_TabWidget}->GetItemNames ($this->GetSectionNameList())], ); } return $l_Widget; } sub SetItemValues { my ($this, @p_Values) = @_; my @l_ItemArray = $this->{m_TabWidget}->GetItemNames ($this->GetSectionNameList()); for (my $l_Index = 0; $l_Index <= $#l_ItemArray; ++$l_Index) { $this->{m_TabWidget}->SetItemValue ($l_ItemArray [$l_Index], $p_Values [$l_Index]); } } sub GetItemValues { my ($this) = @_; my @l_ItemArray = $this->{m_TabWidget}->GetItemNames ($this->GetSectionNameList()); my @l_Array; for (my $l_Index = 0; $l_Index <= $#l_ItemArray; ++$l_Index) { push (@l_Array, $this->{m_TabWidget}->GetItemValue ($l_ItemArray [$l_Index])); } return @l_Array; } sub GetSectionNameList() { return (grep (!/^Global/, $_[0]->{m_TabWidget}->GetSectionNames())); } sub SelectRow { my $this = shift; my $l_CurrentIndex = $this->CurrentIndex ($this->{m_ColumnWidget}->curselection()); $this->SetItemValues ( $l_CurrentIndex > -1 ? $this->{m_ColumnWidget}->get ($l_CurrentIndex) : () ); } sub CurrentIndex { my ($this, $p_Index) = (shift, @_); return $this->{m_ColumnWidget}->curselection() unless (defined ($p_Index)); croak if ($p_Index < 0); $this->{m_ColumnWidget}->selectionClear (0, 'end'); $this->{m_ColumnWidget}->selectionSet ($this->{m_Current} = $p_Index); return $p_Index; } sub Fetch { my ($this) = (shift, @_); my $l_File = $this->cget (-file); my $l_Buffer; return unless (defined ($l_File)); $this->{m_ColumnWidget}->delete (0, 'end'); if (defined (open (FILE, '<'.$l_File))) { while (defined ($l_Buffer = )) { chomp $l_Buffer; $this->RecordIn (split ('\\'.$this->{m_Separator}, $l_Buffer)); } $this->CurrentIndex (0); $this->{m_Changes} = 0; $this->SelectRow(); close (FILE); } } sub Commit { my ($this) = (shift, @_); my $l_File = $this->cget ('-file'); my $l_Separator = $this->cget ('-separator'); return unless ($this->{m_Changes} && defined ($l_File) && defined ($l_Separator)); if (open (FILE, '>'.$l_File)) { $this->Busy(); printf FILE ( "%s\n", join ($l_Separator, ('Global', $this->{m_TabWidget}->GetItemNames ('Global'))) ); printf FILE ( "%s\n", join ($this->{m_Separator}, $this->RecordOut ('Global')) ); printf FILE ( "%s\n", join ($l_Separator, ('Normal', $this->{m_TabWidget}->GetItemNames ($this->GetSectionNameList()))) ); for (my $l_Index = 0; $l_Index < $this->{m_ColumnWidget}->size(); ++$l_Index) { printf FILE ( "%s\n", join ($this->{m_Separator}, $this->RecordOut ($l_Index)) ); } $this->{m_Changes} = 0; $this->Unbusy(); close (FILE); } } sub RecordOut { my $this = shift; my $p_Index = shift; my @l_Array = (''); if ($p_Index eq 'Global') { foreach my $l_Key ($this->{m_TabWidget}->GetItemNames ('Global')) { push (@l_Array, $this->{m_TabWidget}->GetItemValue ($l_Key)); } } elsif ($p_Index > -1) { push (@l_Array, $this->{m_ColumnWidget}->get ($p_Index)); } return @l_Array; } sub RecordIn { my $this = shift; my $l_Format = shift; if ($l_Format eq 'Global') { $this->{m_FormatType} = $l_Format; @{$this->{m_Format}} = @_; } elsif ($l_Format eq 'Normal') { my @l_ItemArray = $this->{m_TabWidget}->GetItemNames ($this->GetSectionNameList()); $this->{m_FormatType} = $l_Format; @{$this->{m_Format}} = (); foreach my $l_Key (@_) { for (my $l_Index = 0; $l_Index <= $#l_ItemArray; ++$l_Index) { if ($l_Key eq $l_ItemArray [$l_Index]) { push (@{$this->{m_Format}}, $l_Index); } } } } elsif ($this->{m_FormatType} eq 'Global') { for (my $l_Index = 0; $l_Index <= $#{$this->{m_Format}}; ++$l_Index) { $this->{m_TabWidget}->SetItemValue (${$this->{m_Format}}[$l_Index], $_[$l_Index]); } } elsif ($this->{m_FormatType} eq 'Normal') { my @l_Array; foreach my $l_Index (@{$this->{m_Format}}) { $l_Array [$l_Index] = shift; } $this->{m_ColumnWidget}->insert ('end', @l_Array); } } sub Separator { return ($_[0]->{m_Separator} = (defined ($_[1]) ? $_[1] : $_[0]->{m_Separator})); } sub File { return ($_[0]->{m_File} = (defined ($_[1]) ? $_[1] : $_[0]->{m_File})); } sub ButtonEvent { my ($this, $p_Command) = (shift, @_); my $l_ColumnWidget = $this->{m_ColumnWidget}; if ($p_Command eq 'Clear') { foreach my $l_Key ($this->{m_TabWidget}->GetItemNames ($this->GetSectionNameList())) { $this->{m_TabWidget}->SetItemValue ($l_Key); } } elsif ($p_Command eq 'Insert') { $l_ColumnWidget->insert ('end', $this->GetItemValues()); $this->CurrentIndex ($l_ColumnWidget->size() - 1); $this->{m_Changes} = 1; } elsif ($p_Command eq 'Delete') { my $l_CurrentIndex = $this->CurrentIndex(); $l_ColumnWidget->delete ($l_CurrentIndex); $this->CurrentIndex ($l_CurrentIndex - 1); $this->{m_Changes} = 1; $this->SelectRow(); } elsif ($p_Command eq 'Reload') { $this->Fetch(); } if ($p_Command eq 'Apply' || $p_Command eq 'OK' || $p_Command eq 'Update') { my $l_CurrentIndex = $this->CurrentIndex(); $l_ColumnWidget->insert ($l_CurrentIndex, $this->GetItemValues()); $l_ColumnWidget->delete ($l_CurrentIndex + 1); $this->CurrentIndex ($l_CurrentIndex); $this->{m_Changes} = 1; } if ($p_Command eq 'Apply' || $p_Command eq 'OK') { $this->Commit(); } if ($p_Command eq 'OK' || $p_Command eq 'Cancel') { $this->toplevel()->destroy(); } } 1; __END__ =cut =head1 NAME Tk::TableEdit - A simple flat-file DBMS editor using Tk::SplitFrame, Tk::TabbedForm, and Tk::Columns =head1 SYNOPSIS use Tk; my $MainWindow = MainWindow->new(); Tk::MainLoop; =head1 DESCRIPTION A compound widget built from the TabbedForm, SplitFrame, and Column widgets. It implements a simplified interface to a flat file database. Try out the demo. =head1 AUTHORS Damion K. Wilson, =head1 HISTORY =cut