package Tk::SearchDialog; my $RCSRevKey = '$Revision: 0.42 $'; $RCSRevKey =~ /Revision: (.*?) /; $VERSION=$1; use vars qw( $VERSION ); =head1 NAME Dialog Widget for Perl/Tk Text. =head1 SYNOPSIS use Tk::SearchDialog; my $dialog = $mw -> SearchDialog; my @searchoptions = $dialog -> Show; =head1 DESCRIPTION The Tk::SearchDialog widget pops up a dialog box that allows entry of search and/or replacement text, and search options. The SearchDialog returns a list of ($option, $value) pairs (see below) when the user clicks the "Search!" button, and undef if the user clicks the "Cancel" button. =head1 SEARCH OPTIONS The SearchDialog returns a list with the following search specifications. All specifications are string scalar values. The '-option*' options are set to '1' when selected, and '0' or undef if not selected. Labels and titles are read-only. =head2 -searchstring =head2 -replacestring =head2 -optioncase =head2 -optionregex =head2 -optionbackward =head2 -optionquery =head2 -entrylabel =head2 -replacelabel =head2 -optiontitle =head2 -optcaselabel =head2 -optregexlabel =head2 -optbackwardlabel =head2 -optquerylabel =head2 -searchlabel =head2 -cancellable =head2 -accept =head1 BUGS Allow all option defaults to be set by the calling module. Should have some entry validation. =head1 VERSION INFORMATION $Id:,v 0.42 2000/12/30 12:02:47 kiesling Exp $ Author: =cut use Tk qw(Ev); use Carp; use Tk::widgets qw( LabEntry Button Frame Listbox Scrollbar ); use base qw(Tk::Toplevel); Construct Tk::Widget 'SearchDialog'; my $defaultfont="*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-12-*"; sub Cancel { shift -> withdraw; return undef; } sub Accept { my ($w, $args) = @_; $w -> {'Configure'}{'-accept'} = '1'; } sub Populate { my ($w, $args) = @_; require Tk::Label; require Tk::Entry; require Tk::Frame; require Tk::Checkbutton; $w -> SUPER::Populate( $args ); $w -> ConfigSpecs(-searchstring => ['PASSIVE', undef, undef, ''], -replacestring => ['PASSIVE', undef, undef, ''], -optioncase => ['PASSIVE', undef, undef, ''], -optionregex => ['PASSIVE', undef, undef, ''], -optionbackward => ['PASSIVE', undef, undef, ''], -optionquery => ['PASSIVE', undef, undef, ''], -entrylabel => ['PASSIVE', undef, undef, "Search Pattern: "], -replacelabel => ['PASSIVE', undef, undef, "Replace String: "], -optiontitle => ['PASSIVE', undef, undef, "Search Options:" ], -optcaselabel => ['PASSIVE', undef, undef, "Case Sensitive" ], -optregexlabel => ['PASSIVE', undef, undef, "Regular Expression" ], -optbackwardlabel => ['PASSIVE', undef, undef, "Search Backward" ], -optquerylabel => ['PASSIVE', undef, undef, "Replace without Asking" ], -searchlabel => ['PASSIVE', undef, undef, "Search!" ], -cancellabel => ['PASSIVE', undef, undef, "Cancel" ], -accept => ['PASSIVE', undef, undef, undef ] ); my $f = $w -> Component( Frame => 'entryframe', -container => 0, -relief => 'groove', -borderwidth => 3 ); # search pattern my $s = $w->Component( Label => 'searchlabel', -textvariable => \$w->{'Configure'}{'-entrylabel'}, -font => $defaultfont ); $s->grid( -in => $f, -column => 1, -row => 1, -padx => 5, -pady => 5 ); my $searchpat = $w -> Component( Entry => 'searchstring', -width => 30, -textvariable => \$w -> {'Configure'}{'-searchstring'}); $searchpat->grid( -in => $f, -column => 2, -row => 1, -padx => 5, -pady => 5 ); my $s1 = $w->Component( Label => 'replacelabel', -textvariable => \$w -> {'Configure'}{'-replacelabel'}, -font => $defaultfont ); $s1->grid( -in => $f, -column => 1, -row => 2, -padx => 5, -pady => 5 ); my $replace = $w -> Component( Entry => 'replacestring', -width => 30, -textvariable => \$w -> {'Configure'}{'-replacestring'}); $replace -> grid( -in => $f, -column => 2, -row => 2, -padx => 5, -pady => 5, -columnspan => 3 ); $f -> grid( -in => $w, -row => 1, -columnspan => 5, -sticky => 'ew', -ipady => 5 ); my $s2 = $w -> Component( Label => 'optionsTitle', -textvariable => \$w -> {'Configure'}{'-optiontitle'}, -font => $defaultfont ); $s2 -> grid( -in => $w, -row => 3, -column => 1, -sticky => 'w', -padx => 5, -pady => 5 ); my $case = $w -> Component( Checkbutton => 'optcase', -textvariable => \$w->{'Configure'}{'-optcaselabel'}, -font => $defaultfont, -variable => \$w -> {'Configure'}{'-optioncase'} ); $case -> grid( -in => $w, -row => 4, -column => 1, -sticky => 'w', -padx => 5, -pady => 5 ); my $regex = $w -> Component( Checkbutton => 'optregex', -textvariable => \$w -> {'Configure'}{'-optregexlabel'}, -font => $defaultfont, -variable => \$w -> {'Configure'}{'-optionregex'} ); $regex -> grid( -in => $w, -row => 5, -column => 1, -sticky => 'w', -padx => 2, -pady => 2 ); my $backward = $w -> Component( Checkbutton => 'optbackward', -textvariable => \$w -> {'Configure'}{'-optbackwardlabel'}, -font => $defaultfont, -variable => \$w -> {'Configure'}{'-optionbackward'} ); $backward -> grid( -in => $w, -row => 4, -column => 2, -sticky => 'w', -padx => 2, -pady => 2 ); my $query = $w -> Component( Checkbutton => 'optquery', -textvariable => \$w -> {'Configure'}{'-optquerylabel'}, -font => $defaultfont, -variable => \$w -> {'Configure'}{'-optionbackward'} ); $query-> grid( -in => $w, -row => 5, -column => 2, -sticky => 'w', -padx => 2, -pady => 2 ); my $s3 = $w -> Component( Label => 'blank', -text => '', -font => $defaultfont ); $s3 -> grid( -in => $w, -row => 6, -column => 1 ); my $f1 = $w -> Component( Frame => 'buttonframe', -container => 0, -relief => 'groove', -borderwidth => 3 ); my $ab = $f1 -> Component ( Button => 'searchacceptbutton', -textvariable => \$w -> {'Configure'}{'-searchlabel'}, -font => $defaultfont, -default => 'active', -command => ['Accept', $w]) -> grid( -in => $f1, -column => 2, -row => 1, -padx => 10, -pady => 5 ); my $cb = $f1 -> Component ( Button => 'cancelbutton', -textvariable => \$w -> {'Configure'}{'-cancellabel'}, -font => $defaultfont, -default => 'normal', -command => ['Cancel', $w]) -> grid( -in => $f1, -column => 4, -row => 1, -padx => 20, -pady => 2 ); $f1 -> grid( -in => $w, -row => 7, -columnspan => 5, -sticky => 'ew' ); return $w; } sub Show { my ($w, $args) = @_; $w -> waitVariable( \$w -> {'Configure'}{'-accept'} ); $w -> withdraw; return %{$w -> {'Configure'}}; } 1; __END__;