package Tk::Pod::Text; use strict; use Carp; use Config; use Tk::Frame; use Tk::Pod; use Tk::Parse; use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @POD $IDX); $VERSION = substr(q$Revision: 1.20 $, 10) + 1 . ""; @ISA = qw(Tk::Frame); Construct Tk::Widget 'PodText'; BEGIN { @POD = (@INC, grep(-d, split($Config{path_sep}, $ENV{'PATH'}))); $IDX = undef; }; sub Dir { my $class = shift; unshift(@POD,@_); } sub Find { my ($file) = @_; my $dir; foreach $dir ("",@POD) { my $prefix; foreach $prefix ("","pod/") { my $suffix; foreach $suffix ("",".pod",".pm") { my $path = "$dir/" . $prefix . $file . $suffix; return $path if (-r $path && -T $path); $path =~ s,::,/,g; return $path if (-r $path && -T $path); } } } return undef; } sub findpod { my ($w,$name) = @_; $w->BackTrace("Invalid path/file/module name: '$name'") if $name !~ /^[-_+:.\/A-Za-z0-9]+$/; Find($name) or $w->BackTrace("Can't find POD Invalid file/module name: '$name'"); } sub file { my $w = shift; if (@_) { #print "loading $_[0] ...\n"; my $file = shift; $w->{'File'} = $file; my $path = $w->findpod($file); my $last = $w->cget('-path'); $w->history_add($last) if $last; $w->configure('-path' => $path); $w->delete('1.0' => 'end'); #use Benchmark; # my $t = new Benchmark; $w->process($path); # print &timediff(new Benchmark, $t)->timestr,"\n"; } else { return $w->{'File'}; } } sub reload { my ($w) = @_; # remember old y position my ($currpos) = $w->yview; $w->delete('0.0','end'); $w->process($w->cget('-path')); # restore old y position $w->yview(moveto => $currpos); # set (invisible) insertion cursor into the visible text area $w->markSet(insert => '@0,0'); } sub edit { my ($w) = @_; my $path = $w->cget('-path'); my $edit = $ENV{XEDITOR} || $ENV{VISUAL} || $ENV{'EDITOR'} || 'vi'; if (defined $edit) { if (fork) { wait; # parent } else { #child if (fork) { # still child exec("true"); } else { # grandchild exec("$edit $path"); } } } } sub Populate { my ($w,$args) = @_; require Tk::More; $w->SUPER::Populate($args); $w->privateData()->{history} = []; my $p = $w->Scrolled('More', -scrollbars => 'w'); $w->Advertise('more' => $p->Subwidget('more')); $p->pack(-expand => 1, -fill => 'both'); # XXX Subwidget stuff needed because Scrolled does not # delegate bind, bindtag to the scrolled widget. Tk402.* (and before?) # (patch posted and included in Tk402.004) $p->Subwidget('scrolled')->bind('', [$w, 'DoubleClick']); $p->Subwidget('scrolled')->bind('',[$w, 'ShiftDoubleClick']); $p->configure(-font => $w->Font(family => 'courier')); $p->tag('configure','text', -font => $w->Font(family => 'times')); $p->tag('configure','C',-font => $w->Font(family=>'courier', weight=>'medium' )); $p->tag('configure','S',-font => $w->Font(family=>'courier', weight=>'bold', slant => 'o')); $p->tag('configure','B',-font => $w->Font(family=>'times', weight=>'bold', )); $p->tag('configure','I',-font => $w->Font(family=>'times', weight=>'medium', slant => 'i')); $p->tag('configure','S',-font => $w->Font(family=>'times', weight=>'medium', slant => 'i')); $p->tag('configure','F',-font => $w->Font(family=>'helvetica', weight=>'bold', )); $p->insert('0.0',"\n"); $w->{List} = []; # stack of =over $w->{Item} = undef; $w->{'indent'} = 0; $w->{Length} = 64; $w->{Indent} = {}; # tags for various indents my $m = $p->Menu(-tearoff => 0); $p->Subwidget('scrolled')->bind('', sub { $m->Popup(-popover => 'cursor', -popanchor => 'nw')}); $m->command(-label => 'Back', -command => sub { $w->configure('-file' => $w->history_back) if $w->history_size; $w->history_back; # XXX arrgh, logic!. Todo: Forward (cmp Tk/ } ); $m->command(-label => 'Reload', -command => sub{$w->reload} ); $m->command(-label => 'Edit', -command => sub{$w->edit} ); $m->command(-label => 'Search...', -command => ['SearchFullText', $w]); $w->Delegates(DEFAULT => $p, 'SearchFullText' => 'SELF', ); $w->ConfigSpecs( '-file' => ['METHOD' ], '-path' => ['PASSIVE' ], '-poddone' => ['CALLBACK'], '-wrap' => [ $p, qw(wrap Wrap word) ], # -font ignored because it does not change the other fonts #'-font' => [ 'PASSIVE', undef, undef, undef], '-scrollbars' => [ $p, qw(scrollbars Scrollbars w ) ], 'DEFAULT' => [ $p ], ); $args->{-width} = $w->{Length}; } my %tag = qw(C 1 B 1 I 1 L 1 F 1 S 1 Z 1); sub Font { my ($w,%args) = @_; $args{'family'} = 'times' unless (exists $args{'family'}); $args{'weight'} = 'medium' unless (exists $args{'weight'}); $args{'slant'} = 'r' unless (exists $args{'slant'}); $args{'size'} = 140 unless (exists $args{'size'}); $args{'spacing'} = '*' unless (exists $args{'spacing'}); $args{'slant'} = substr($args{'slant'},0,1); my $name = "-*-$args{'family'}-$args{'weight'}-$args{'slant'}-*-*-*-$args{'size'}-*-*-$args{'spacing'}-*-iso8859-1"; return $name; } sub ShiftDoubleClick { my ($w) = @_; my $sel = $w->SelectionGet; if (defined $sel) { my $file; if ($file = $w->findpod($sel)) { $w->MainWindow->Pod('-file' => $sel); } else { $w->BackTrace("No POD documentation found for '$sel'"); } } } sub DoubleClick { my ($w) = @_; my $sel = $w->SelectionGet; if (defined $sel) { my $file; if ($file = $w->findpod($sel)) { $w->configure('-file'=>$file); } else { $w->BackTrace("No POD documentation found for '$sel'"); } } } sub Link { my ($w,$how,$index,$link) = @_; #print STDERR "how=$how|index=$index|link=$link|\n"; # FIX another ugly hack, breaks with $how $link =~ s|^/||; my (@range) = $w->tag('nextrange',$link, '1.0'); @range = $w->tag('nextrange',"\"$link\"",'1.0') unless @range == 2; # XXX wrong if mode is 'new' if (@range == 2) { #print "range $range[0], $range[1], |", $w->get(@range), "|\n"; $w->yview("$range[0] linestart"); } else { my $man = $link; # $man =~ s/^"/\/"/; # L<"sec"> ==> L my $sec; ($man,$sec) = split(m#/#,$link) if ($link =~ m#/#); $man =~ s/::/\//g; if ($how eq 'reuse') { my $file = $w->cget('-file'); #print "man=($man) file=(",$file,")\n"; $w->configure('-file' => $man) unless ( defined $file and ($file =~ /$man\.\w+$/ or $file eq $man) ); } else { #print "after man=($man)\n"; $man = $w->cget('-file') if ($man eq ""); #print "before man=($man)\n"; $w = $w->MainWindow->Pod('-file' => $man); } # XXX big docs like Tk::Text take too long until # they return if (defined $sec) { #print "end man=($sec)\n"; # handle sections: head1, head2 and items my $start = ($w->tag('nextrange',$sec, '1.0'))[0]; $w->BackTrace("Section '$sec' not found\n") unless (defined $start); $w->yview("$start linestart"); } } } sub SearchFullText { my $w = shift; unless (defined $IDX && $IDX->IsWidget) { require Tk::Pod::Search; # $IDX = $w->Toplevel(-title=>'Perl Library Full Text Search'); $IDX->PodSearch( -command => sub{ $w->configure('-file' => shift); $w->focus; } )->pack(-fill=>'both',-expand=>'both'); } $IDX->deiconify; $IDX->raise; (($IDX->children)[0])->focus; } my %translate = ( 'lt' => '<', 'gt' => '>', 'amp' => '&', 'auml' => 'ä', 'Auml' => 'Ä', 'ouml' => 'ö', 'Ouml' => 'Ö', 'uuml' => 'ü', 'Uuml' => 'Ü', 'space' => ' ', 'szlig' => 'ß', 'tab' => "\t", ); # '<' and '>' have been replaced with \x7f because E<..> have been # turned into real characters. sub _expand { my ($w,$line) = @_; if ($line =~ /^(.*?)\b([A-Z])\x7f(.*?)\x7f(.*)$/) { my ($pre,$tag,$what,$post) = ($1,$2,$3,$4); $w->insert('end -1c',$pre); { my $start = $w->index('end -1c'); $what = $w->_expand($what); if ($tag eq 'L') { if ($what =~ s/^([^|\x7f]+)\|//) # L { my $show = $1; # print "man/sec=($what) show=($show)\n"; $w->delete("$start +".length($show)."c", "end -1c"); } $tag = '!'.$what; # XXX: ButtonRelease is same as Button due to tag('nextrange'...) # so leaving link area with pressed button nevertheless selects # a link when button is released $w->tag('bind',$tag, '', [$w,'Link', 'reuse',Tk::Ev('@%x,%y'),$what]); $w->tag('bind',$tag, '', [$w,'Link', 'new', Tk::Ev('@%x,%y'),$what]); $w->tag('bind',$tag, '', [$w,'Link', 'new', Tk::Ev('@%x,%y'),$what]); $w->tag('configure',$tag, -underline => 1, -foreground => 'blue', ); } $w->tag('add',$tag,$start,'end -1c'); } $post = $w->_expand($post); return $pre . $what . $post; } else { $w->insert('end -1c',$line); return $line; } } sub expand { my ($w,$line) = @_; $line =~ s/[<>]/\x7f/g; $line =~ s/E\x7f([A-Za-z]*)\x7f/$translate{$1}/g; return (_expand ($w, $line)); } sub append { my $w = shift; my $line; foreach $line (@_) { $w->expand($line); } } sub text { my ($w,$body) = @_; $body = join(' ',split(/\s*\n/,$body)); my $start = $w->index('end -1c'); $w->append($body,"\n\n"); $w->tag('add','text',$start,'end -1c'); } sub verbatim { my ($w,$body) = @_; my $line; foreach $line (split(/\n/,$body)) { # Really need to have length after tabs expanded. my $l = length($line)+$w->{indent}; if ($l > $w->{Length}) { $w->{Length} = $l; $w->configure(-width => $l) if ($w->viewable); } } $w->insert('end -1c',$body . "\n\n",['verbatim']); } my $num; sub head1 { my ($w,$title) = @_; my $start = $w->index('end -1c'); # my $tag = "\"$title\""; # XXX needed? my $tag = "title"; $w->append($title); $num = 2 unless (defined $num); $w->tag('add',$tag,$start,'end -1c'); $w->tag('configure',$tag,-font => $w->Font(family => 'times', weight => 'bold',size => 180)); $w->tag('raise',$tag,'text'); $w->append("\n\n"); } sub head2 { my ($w,$title) = @_; my $tag ="\"$title\""; my $start = $w->index('end -1c'); $w->append($title); $w->tag('add',$tag,$start,'end -1c'); $w->tag('configure',$tag, -font => $w->Font(family => 'times', weight => 'bold')); $w->tag('raise',$tag,'text'); $w->append("\n\n"); } *head3 = \&head2; sub IndentTag { my ($w,$indent) = @_; my $tag = "Indent" . ($indent+0); unless (exists $w->{Indent}{$tag}) { $w->{Indent}{$tag} = $indent; $indent *= 8; $w->tag('configure',$tag, -lmargin2 => $indent . 'p', -rmargin => $indent . 'p', -lmargin1 => $indent . 'p' ); } return $tag; } sub enditem { my ($w) = @_; my $item = delete $w->{Item}; if (defined $item) { my ($start,$indent) = @$item; $w->tag('add',$w->IndentTag($indent),$start,'end -1c'); } } sub item { my ($w,$title) = @_; $w->enditem; my $type = $w->{listtype}; my $indent = $w->{indent}; #print STDERR "item(",join(',',@_,$type,$indent),")\n" unless ($type == 1 || $type == 3); my $start = $w->index('end -1c'); $title =~ s/\n/ /; $w->append($title); $w->tag('add',$title,$start,'end -1c'); $w->tag('configure',$title,-font => $w->Font(weight => 'bold')); $w->tag('raise',$title,'text'); $w->append("\n") if ($type == 3); $w->append(" ") if ($type != 3); $w->{Item} = [ $w->index('end -1c'), $w->{indent} ]; } sub setindent { my ($w,$arg) = @_; $w->{'indent'} = $arg } sub listbegin { my ($w) = @_; my $item = delete $w->{Item}; push(@{$w->{List}},$item); } sub listend { my ($w) = @_; $w->enditem; $w->{Item} = pop(@{$w->{List}}); } sub over { } sub back { } # XXX should not manipulate Toplevel sub filename { my ($w,$title) = @_; $w->toplevel->title($title); } sub setline {} sub setloc {} sub endfile {} sub listtype { my ($w,$arg) = @_; $w->{listtype} = $arg } sub cut {} sub process { my ($w,$file) = @_; my @save = @ARGV; @ARGV = $file; $w->toplevel->Busy; # print STDERR "Parsing $file\n"; my (@pod) = Simplify(Parse()); my ($cmd,$arg); # print STDERR "Render $file\n"; my $update = 2; undef @{$w->{'sections'}}; while ($cmd = shift(@pod)) { my $arg = shift(@pod); if ($cmd =~ /^head(\d+)/) { my $head = $1; my $arg = $arg; $arg =~ s/E<([^>]+)>/$Tk::Parse::Escapes{$1}/g; push @{$w->{'sections'}}, [$head, $arg, $w->index('end')]; } $w->$cmd($arg); unless ($update--) { $w->update; $update = 2; } } $w->parent->add_section_menu if $w->parent->can('add_section_menu'); $w->Callback('-poddone', $file); # set (invisible) insertion cursor to top of file $w->markSet(insert => '@0,0'); $w->toplevel->Unbusy; @ARGV = @save; } sub history_add { my ($w,$file) = @_; #print STDERR "History add = '$file'\n"; $w->BackTrace("Not a text file '$file'. Can't add to history\n") unless -f $file; my $hist = $w->privateData()->{history}; push @$hist, $file; undef; } sub history_back { my ($w) = @_; my $hist = $w->privateData()->{history}; if (@$hist) { #print STDERR "History last = ", $w->privateData()->{history}->[-1], "\n"; return pop(@$hist) } else { $w->BackTrace("History is empty"); } } sub history_size { my ($w) = @_; #print STDERR "History size = ", scalar(@{ $w->privateData()->{history} }), "\n"; scalar @{ $w->privateData()->{history} }; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Tk::Pod::Text - POD browser widget =head1 SYNOPSIS use Tk::Pod::Text; $pod = $parent->PodText( -file => ? -scrollbars => ? ); $file = $pod->cget('-path'); # ?? the name path is confusing :-( =cut # also works with L. Therefore it stays undocumented :-) # $pod->Link(manual/section) # as L see perlpod =head1 DESCRIPTION B is a readonly text widget that can display POD documentation. =head1 SEE ALSO L L L L L =head1 KNOWN BUGS See TODO files of Tk-Pod distribution =head1 POD TO VERIFY B WIDGET For B see L. A C font. Text in I. A <=for> paragraph is hidden between here =for refcard this should not be visisble. and there. A file: F. A variable $a without markup. S is in SEE. German Umlaute: =over 4 =item auml: E, =item Auml: E, =item ouml: E, =item Ouml: E, =item Uuml: E, =item Uuml: E, =item sz: E. =back Pod with Umlaut: L and ExtUtils::MakeMaker. Details: L or perl, perlfunc. Here some code in a as is paragraph use Tk; my $mw = MainWindow->new; ... MainLoop __END__ Fonts: S, C, B, I, normal, or file F Mixed Fonts: B>, B>, B> Other POD docu: Tk::Font, Tk::BrowseEntry =head1 AUTHOR Nick Ing-Simmons > Code currently maintained by Achim Bohnet >. Please send bug reports to >. Copyright (c) 1998 Nick Ing-Simmons. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut