package Tk::Pod::Search; use strict; use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION); $VERSION = substr q$Revision: 1.3 $, 10 . ""; use Carp; use Tk::Frame; Construct Tk::Widget 'PodSearch'; @ISA = 'Tk::Frame'; #sub ClassInit { # my ($class,$mw) = @_; # #} sub Populate { my ($cw, $args) = @_; require Tk::Listbox; require Tk::Label; require Tk::BrowseEntry; my $l = $cw->Scrolled('Listbox',-scrollbars=>'w'); #xxx BrowseEntry V1.3 does not honour -label at creation time :-( #my $e = $cw->BrowseEntry(-labelPack=>[-side=>'left'],-label=>'foo', #-listcmd=> ['_logit', 'list'], #-browsecmd=> ['_logit', 'browse'], #); my $e = $cw->BrowseEntry(); my $s = $cw->Label(); $l->pack(-fill=>'both', -side=>'top', -expand=>1); $s->pack(-anchor => 'e', -side=>'left'); $e->pack(-fill=>'x', -side=>'left', -expand=>1); $cw->Advertise( 'entry' => $e->Subwidget('entry') ); $cw->Advertise( 'listbox' => $l->Subwidget('listbox') ); $cw->Advertise( 'browse' => $e); $cw->Delegates( 'focus' => $cw->Subwidget('entry'), ); $cw->ConfigSpecs( -label => [{-text=>$s}, 'label', 'Label', 'Search:'], -indexdir => ['PASSIVE', 'indexDir', 'IndexDir', undef], -command => ['CALLBACK', undef, undef, undef], -search => ['METHOD', 'search', 'Search', ""], 'DEFAULT' => [ $cw ], ); $cw->Subwidget('listbox')->bind('', [\&_load_pod, $cw]); $cw->Subwidget('entry')->bind('',[\&_search,$cw,$l]); undef; } sub addHistory { my ($w, $obj) = @_; $w->Subwidget('browse')->insert(0,$obj); } sub _logit { print "logit=|", join('|',@_),"|\n"; } sub search { my $cw = shift; my $e = $cw->Subwidget('entry'); if (@_) { my $search = shift; $search = join(' ', @$search) if ref($search) eq 'ARRAY'; $e->delete(0,'end'); $e->insert(0,$search); return undef; } else { return $e->get; } } sub _load_pod { my $l = shift; my $cw = shift; my $pod = pretty2path( $l->get(($l->curselection)[0])); $cw->Callback('-command', $pod); } sub _search { my $e = shift; my $w = shift; my $l = shift; my $find = $e->get; require Tk::Pod::Search_db; #xxx: always open/close DBM files??? my $idx = Tk::Pod::Search_db->new($w->{Configure}{-indexdir}); my @hits = $idx->searchWords($find); if (@hits) { $l->delete(0,'end'); while (@hits) { $l->insert('end', sprintf("%6.3f %s", shift @hits, path2pretty($idx->prefix . '/'. shift(@hits)) ) ); } $l->see(0); $l->activate(0); } else { croak "No POD documentation in Library matches: '$find'"; } } # Converts /where/ever/it/it/Mod/Sub/ # to Mod/Sub/ (/where/ever/it/is) # and vice versa. Assumes that module subdirectories # start with an upper case char. (xxx: Better solution # when perlindex gives more infos. sub path2pretty { my @path = split '/', shift, -1; # shift @path if $path[0] eq ""; # due to leading / my $pretty = pop(@path); while (@path) { last if $path[-1] !~ /^[A-Z]/; $pretty = pop(@path) . '/' . $pretty; } #xxx is there a min 40c_or_more format directive? sprintf "%-40s (%s)", $pretty, join('/',@path); } sub pretty2path { local($_) = shift; /([^\s]+) \s+\( (.*) \)/x; $2 . '/' . $1; } #$path = '/where/ever/it/is/Tk/'; print "orig|",$path, "|\n"; #$nice = path2pretty $path; print "nice|",$nice, "|\n"; #$path = pretty2path $nice; print "path|",$path, "|\n"; 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Tk::Pod::Search - Widget to access perlindex POD full text index =for section General Purpose Widget =head1 SYNOPSIS use Tk::Pod::Search; ... $widget = $parent->PodSearch( ... ); ... $widget->configure( -search => WORDS_TO_SEARCH ); =head1 DESCRIPTION GUI interface to the full POD text indexer B. =head1 OPTIONS =over 4 =item B Search =item B search =item B -search Expects a list of words (or a whitespace seperated list). =item B undef =item B undef =item B -command Defines a call back that is called when the use selects a POD file. It gets the full path name of the POD file as argument. =back =head1 METHODS =over 4 =item I<$widget>->BI<(...,?...?)> =back =head1 SEE ALSO Tk::Pod::Text, tkpod, perlindex, Tk::Pod, Tk::Parse, Tk::Pod::Search_db =head1 KEYWORDS widget, tk, pod, search, full text =head1 AUTHOR Achim Bohnet > Copyright (c) 1997-1998 Achim Bohnet. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut