package Tk::Pod; use strict; use Tk (); use Tk::Toplevel; use vars qw($VERSION @ISA); $VERSION = substr(q$Revision: 1.15 $, 10) + 2 . ""; @ISA = qw(Tk::Toplevel); Construct Tk::Widget 'Pod'; sub Populate { my ($w,$args) = @_; require Tk::Pod::Text; require Tk::Menubar; $w->SUPER::Populate($args); my $searchcase = 0; my $p = $w->Component('PodText' => 'pod', -searchcase => $searchcase)->pack(-expand => 1, -fill => 'both'); my $mbar = $w->Component('Menubar' => 'menubar'); my $file = $mbar->Component('Menubutton' => 'file', '-text' => 'File', '-underline' => 0); $file->command('-label'=>'Open...', '-underline'=>0, '-command' => ['openfile',$w]); $file->command('-label'=>'Re-Read', '-underline'=>0, '-command' => ['reload',$p] ); $file->command('-label'=>'Edit', '-underline'=>0, '-command' => ['edit',$p] ); $file->separator; $file->command('-label'=>'Close', '-underline'=>0, '-command' => ['quit',$w] ); my $search = $mbar->Component('Menubutton' => 'search', '-text' => 'Search', '-underline' => 0); $search->command('-label'=>'Search', '-underline'=>0, '-accelerator' => '/', '-command' => ['Search', $p, 'Next']); $search->command('-label'=>'Search backwards', '-underline'=>7, '-command' => ['Search', $p, 'Prev']); $search->command('-label'=>'Repeat search', '-underline'=>0, '-accelerator' => 'n', '-command' => ['ShowMatch', $p, 'Next']); $search->command('-label'=>'Repeat backwards', '-underline'=>1, '-accelerator' => 'N', '-command' => ['ShowMatch', $p, 'Prev']); $search->checkbutton('-label'=>'Case sensitive', '-underline'=>0, -variable => \$searchcase, '-command' => sub { $p->configure(-searchcase => $searchcase) }); $search->separator; $search->command('-label'=>'Search full text', '-underline'=>7, '-command' => ['SearchFullText', $p, 'Prev']); my $help = $mbar->Component('Menubutton' => 'help', -side=>'right', '-text' => 'Help', '-underline' => 0); # xxx restructure to not reference to tkpod $help->command('-label' => 'Usage...', -command => sub{ $w->parent->Pod(-file=>'Tk::Pod_usage.pod') }); $help->command('-label' => 'Programming...', -command => sub{$w->parent->Pod(-file=>'Tk/')} ); { my $tkversion = $Tk::VERSION; $tkversion =~ s/_//g; # so 800.0_01 < 800.002 if ($tkversion lt '800.000') { $help->pack('-side'=>'right','-anchor'=>'e'); $file->pack('-side'=>'left','-anchor'=>'w'); $mbar->pack('-side'=>'top', '-fill'=>'x', '-before'=>($w->packSlaves)[0]); } } $w->Delegates('Menubutton' => $mbar, DEFAULT => $p); $w->ConfigSpecs('DEFAULT' => [$p]); # $w->process($path); $w->protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW',['quit',$w]); } my $fsbox; sub openfile { my ($cw,$p) = @_; unless (defined $fsbox && $fsbox->IsWidget) { require Tk::FileSelect; $fsbox = $cw->FileSelect(); } my $file = $fsbox->Show(); $cw->configure(-file => $file) if defined $file && -r $file; } sub Dir { require Tk::Pod::Text; Tk::Pod::Text::Dir(@_) } sub quit { shift->destroy } sub add_section_menu { my($pod) = @_; my $mbar = $pod->Subwidget('menubar'); my $section = $mbar->Subwidget('section'); if (defined $section) { $section->cget(-menu)->delete(0, 'end'); } else { $section = $mbar->Component('Menubutton' => 'section', '-text' => 'Section', -underline => 1); } my $podtext = $pod->Subwidget('pod'); my $text = $podtext->Subwidget('more')->Subwidget('text'); $text->tag('configure', '_section_mark', -background => 'red', -foreground => 'black', ); my $sdef; foreach $sdef (@{$podtext->{'sections'}}) { my($head, $subject, $pos) = @$sdef; $section->command (-label => (" " x ($head-1)) . $subject, -command => sub { my($line) = split(/\./, $pos); $text->tag('remove', '_section_mark', qw/0.0 end/); $text->tag('add', '_section_mark', $line-1 . ".0", $line-1 . ".0 lineend"); $text->yview("_section_mark.first"); $text->after(500, [$text, qw/tag remove _section_mark 0.0 end/]); }, ); } } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Tk::Pod - POD browser toplevel widget =head1 SYNOPSIS use Tk::Pod Tk::Pod->Dir(@dirs) # add dirs to search path for POD $pod = $parent->Pod( -file = > $name # search and display POD for name ); =head1 DESCRIPTION Simple POD browser with hypertext capabilities in a C widget =head1 SEE ALSO L L L L =head1 AUTHOR Nick Ing-Simmons > Code currently maintained by Achim Bohnet >. Please send bug reports to >. Copyright (c) 1997-1998 Nick Ing-Simmons. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut