package Tk::Multi::Text ; use strict; use vars qw($printCmd $defaultPrintCmd $VERSION); use base qw(Tk::Derived Tk::Frame Tk::Multi::Any); $VERSION = sprintf "%d.%03d", q$Revision: 2.4 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/; # Items to export into callers namespace by default. Note: do not export # names by default without a very good reason. Use EXPORT_OK instead. # Do not simply export all your public functions/methods/constants. $printCmd = $defaultPrintCmd = 'lp -ol70 -otl66 -o12 -olm10' ; Tk::Widget->Construct('MultiText'); # Preloaded methods go here. # Autoload methods go after =cut, and are processed by the autosplit program. sub Populate { my ($cw,$args) = @_ ; require Tk::Label; require Tk::ROText; $cw->{_printCmdRef} = \$printCmd ; my $data = delete $args->{'data'} || delete $args->{'-data'} ; my $title = delete $args->{'title'} || delete $args->{'-title'} || 'anonymous'; $cw ->{'title'} = $title ; my $menu = delete $args->{'menu_button'} || delete $args->{'-menu_button'}; die "Multi window $title: missing menu_button argument\n" unless defined $menu ; my $subref = sub {$menu->Popup(-popover => 'cursor', -popanchor => 'nw')}; #$cw->bind ('', $subref); #$slaveWindow->bind ('', $subref); #Tk::bind($cw, '', $subref); my $titleLabel = $cw->Label(text => $title.' display')-> pack(qw/fill x/) ; $titleLabel -> bind('', $subref); $menu->command(-label=>'print...', command => [$cw, 'print' ]) ; $menu->command(-label=>'clear', command => [$cw, 'clear' ]); # print stuff $cw->{_printToFile} = 0; $cw->{_printFile} = ''; my $slaveWindow = $cw -> Scrolled ('ROText') -> pack(qw/-fill both -expand 1/) ; $cw->Advertise('text' => $slaveWindow) ; $cw->ConfigSpecs( 'relief' => [$cw], 'borderwidth' => [$cw], 'scrollbars'=> [$slaveWindow, undef, undef,'osoe'], 'width' => [$slaveWindow, undef, undef, 80], 'height' => [$slaveWindow, undef, undef, 5], 'DEFAULT' => [$slaveWindow] ) ; $cw->Delegates('command' => $menu, 'clear' => $cw, DEFAULT => $slaveWindow) ; # needed to avoid geometry problems with packAdjuster #$cw->DoWhenIdle(sub{ $cw->packPropagate(0);}) ; $cw->SUPER::Populate($args); $cw-> insertText (@$data) if defined $data ; $cw->yview('moveto', 1) ; # move diplay to the end } sub insertText { my $cw= shift ; foreach (@_) { $cw->insert('end',$_) ; } $cw->yview('moveto', 1) ; } sub clear { my $cw= shift ; $cw->delete('1.0','end') ; } sub printableDump { my $cw= shift ; return $cw->get('0.0','end') ; } 1; __END__ # Below is the stub of documentation for your module. You better edit it! =head1 NAME Tk::Multi::Text - Tk composite widget with a scroll window and more =head1 SYNOPSIS use Tk::Multi::Manager; use Tk::Multi::Text ; my $manager = yourWindow -> MultiManager ( menu => $menu_ref , # optionnal title => "windows" # optionnal ) -> pack (); # Don't pack it, the managet will do it my $w1 = $manager -> newSlave('type' => 'MultiText', 'title' => 'a_label'); =head1 DESCRIPTION This composite widget features : =over 4 =item * a scrollable read-only text window (based on ROtext) =item * A print menu button (The shell print command may be modified by setting $Tk::Multi::Text::printCmd to the appropriate shell command. By default, it is set to 'lp -ol70 -otl66 -o12 -olm10') =item * a clear menu button. =back This widget will forward all unrecognize commands to the ROtext object. Note that this widget should be created only by the Multi::Manager. =head1 WIDGET-SPECIFIC OPTIONS =head2 title Some text which will be displayed above the test window. =head2 menu_button The log window feature a set of menu items which must be added in a menu. This menu ref must be passed with the menu_button prameter to the object during its creation. =head2 data A string which will be displayed in the text window. =head1 WIDGET-SPECIFIC METHODS =head2 insertText($some_text) Insert the passed string at the bottom of the text window =head2 print Will raise a popup window with an Entry to modify the actual print command, a print button, a default button (to restore the default print command), and a cancel button. =head2 clear Is just a delete('1.0','end') . =head1 Delegated methods By default all widget method are delegated to the Text widget. Excepted : =head2 command(-label => 'some text', -command => sub {...} ) Delegated to the menu entry managed by Multi::Manager. Will add a new command to the aforementionned menu. =head1 TO DO Defines ressources for the config options. =head1 AUTHOR Dominique Dumont, Copyright (c) 1997-1998 Dominique Dumont. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =head1 SEE ALSO perl(1), Tk(3), Tk::Multi(3), Tk::Multi::Manager(3) =cut