package Tk::More; use strict; use vars qw($VERSION @ISA); $VERSION = substr(q$Revision: 1.9 $, 10) . ""; use Tk::Derived; use Tk::Frame; @ISA = qw(Tk::Derived Tk::Frame); Construct Tk::Widget 'More'; #sub ClassInit { # my ($class, $mw) = @_; # # $class->SUPER::ClassInit($mw); # # ## xxx: useless 'because it's bound to frame and not rotext :-( # $mw->bind($class, '', [qw(xview scroll -1 units)]); # $mw->bind($class, '', [qw(xview scroll 1 units)]); # $mw->bind($class, '', [qw(yview scroll -1 units)]); # $mw->bind($class, '', [qw(yview scroll 1 units)]); # # return $class; #}; sub Populate { my ($cw, $args) = @_; require Tk::ROText; require Tk::LabEntry; $cw->SUPER::Populate($args); my $search; my $e = $cw->LabEntry( -labelPack=>[-side =>'left'], -textvariable => \$search, -relief => 'flat', -state => 'disabled', )->pack(-side=>'bottom', -fill => 'x', -expand=>'no'); $cw->Advertise('searchentry' => $e); my $t = $cw->ROText(-cursor=>undef)->pack(-fill => 'both' , -expand => 'yes'); $cw->Advertise('text' => $t); $t->tagConfigure('search', -foreground => 'red'); $t->bind('', [$cw, 'Search', 'Next']); # xxx forw/backw search should be recoded :-( # $t->bind('', [$cw, 'Search', 'Prev']); $t->bind('', [$cw, 'ShowMatch', 'Next']); $t->bind('', [$cw, 'ShowMatch', 'Prev']); $t->bind('', $t->bind(ref($t),'')); $t->bind('', ['yview', 'scroll', 1, 'units']); $t->bind('', ['yview', 'scroll', -1, 'units']); $t->bind('', sub { $_[0]->yview('scroll', 1, 'units'); Tk->break; }); $t->bind('', sub { $_[0]->yview('scroll', -1, 'units'); Tk->break; }); $t->bind('', $t->bind(ref($t),'')); $t->bind('', $t->bind(ref($t),'')); # Not documented (makes sense?) $t->bind('', ['xview', 'scroll', 1, 'units']); $t->bind('', ['xview', 'scroll', -1, 'units']); # $t->bind('', $t->bind(ref($t),'')); # $t->bind('', $t->bind(ref($t),'')); $t->bind('', $t->bind(ref($t),'')); $t->bind('', $t->bind(ref($t),'')); $t->bind('', $t->bind(ref($t),'')); # xxx should be 1/2 screen $t->bind('', $t->bind(ref($t),'')); # xxx should be 1/2 screen $e->bind('',[$cw, 'SearchText']); $cw->Delegates('DEFAULT' => $t, 'Search' => 'SELF', 'ShowMatch' => 'SELF', ); $cw->ConfigSpecs( -insertofftime => [$t, qw(insertOffTime OffTime 0)], # no blinking -insertwidth => [$t, qw(insertWidth InsertWidth 0)], # invisible -padx => [$t, qw(padX Pad 5p)], -pady => [$t, qw(padY Pad 5p)], -searchcase => ['PASSIVE', 'searchCase', 'SearchCase', 1], 'DEFAULT' => [$t] ); $cw; } sub Search { my ($cw, $direction) = @_; $cw->{DIRECTION} = $direction; my $e = $cw->Subwidget('searchentry'); $e->configure(-label => 'Search ' . ($direction eq 'Next'?'forward:':'backward:') ); $e->configure(-relief=>'sunken',-state=>'normal'); $e->focus; } sub SearchText { my ($cw) = @_; my($t, $e) = ($cw->Subwidget('text'), $cw->Subwidget('searchentry')); unless ($cw->search_text($t, $e->get, 'search') ) { $cw->bell; } $e->configure(-label=>''); $t->see( '@1,0' ); # xxx better start at current pos as in more ??? $t->markSet('insert' ,'@1,0'); $cw->ShowMatch($cw->{DIRECTION}); $t->focus; $e->configure(-relief=>'flat', -state=>'disabled'); } # xxx when search changes from forward to backward (or vice versa) # 'insert' jumps from end to start of match (start to end) # instead of the next (prev) match sub ShowMatch { my ($cw, $method) = @_; my $t = $cw->Subwidget('text'); if ($cw->{DIRECTION} ne 'Next') { $method = 'Next' if $method eq 'Prev'; $method = 'Prev' if $method eq 'Next'; } my $cur = $t->index('insert'); $method = "tag". $method . "range"; # $method: Next or Prev my @ins = $t->$method('search',$cur); unless (@ins) { $cw->bell; return; } @ins = reverse @ins unless $method eq 'tagNextrange'; $t->markSet('insert' ,$ins[1]); #XXX my(@beforeVisible) = $t->yview; $t->see($ins[0]); # my($currVisible) $ins[0]; } # Load copied from TextUndo (xxx yy marks changes) sub Load { my ($text,$file) = @_; if (open(FILE,"<$file")) { $text->MainWindow->Busy; $text->SUPER::delete('1.0','end'); #yy delete $text->{UNDO}; while () { $text->SUPER::insert('end',$_); } close(FILE); #yy $text->{FILE} = $file; $text->markSet('insert', '@1,0'); $text->MainWindow->Unbusy; } else { $text->BackTrace("Cannot open $file:$!"); } } # search_text copied from demo (modified) sub search_text { # The utility procedure below searches for all instances of a given # string in a text widget and applies a given tag to each instance found. # Arguments: # # w - The window in which to search. Must be a text widget. # string - string to search for. The search is done # using exact matching only; no special characters. # tag - Tag to apply to each instance of a matching string. my($w, $t, $string, $tag) = @_; return unless length($string); $w->tag('remove', $tag, qw/0.0 end/); my($current, $length, $found) = ('1.0', 0, 0); my $insert = $w->index('insert'); my @search_args = ('-regexp'); push @search_args, '-nocase' unless ($w->cget('-searchcase')); while (1) { $current = $w->search(@search_args, -count => \$length, '--', $string, $current, 'end'); last if not $current; $found = 1; $w->tag('add', $tag, $current, "$current + $length char"); $current = $w->index("$current + $length char"); } $w->markSet('insert', $insert); $found; } # end search_text #package Tk::More::Status; # ## Implement status bar # 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Tk::More - a 'more' or 'less' like text widget =head1 SYNOPSIS use Tk::More; $more = $parent->More(...text widget options ...); $more->Load(FILENAME); =head1 DESCRIPTION B is a readonly text widget with additional key bindings as found in UNI* command line tool C. As in C an additional status/command line is added at the bottom. =head1 ADDITIONAL BINDINGS =over 4 =item Key-G goto end of file =item Key-f like next key =item Key-b like prior key =item Key-k like up key =item Key-j like down key =item Key-/ search forward =item Key-n find next match =item Key-N find previous match =back =head1 BUGS Besides that most of more bindings are not implemented. This bugs me most (high to low priority): * Reverse search missing * better status line implementation * Cursor movement: up/down move displayed area regardless where insert cursor is * add History, Load, Search (also as popup menu) * Key-u and Key-d should move 1/2 screen and not 90% of a screen * bad history impl. =head1 SEE ALSO L more(1) =head1 AUTHOR Achim Bohnet > Copyright (c) 1997-1998 Achim Bohnet. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut