package Tk::IconCanvas; use Tk; use Tk::Scrollbar; use Tk::Frame; use vars qw ($VERSION $SERIAL_NUMBER @COPYLIST $DRAGDROP $ICON_DEFAULTS); use base qw (Tk::Derived Tk::Frame Tk::Widget); use strict; use Carp; $SERIAL_NUMBER = 0; $VERSION = '0.02'; @COPYLIST = (); $DRAGDROP = 0; $ICON_DEFAULTS = { '-font' => '-adobe-times-medium-r-normal--17-*-*-*-*-*-*-*', '-title' => '(Untitled)', '-pixmap' => undef, '-attach' => undef, '-menu' => undef, '-x' => 50, '-y' => 50, }; Tk::Widget->Construct ('IconCanvas'); sub Populate { my $this = shift; my $l_Frame = $this->Frame(); my $l_Canvas = $l_Frame->Scrolled ( 'Canvas', '-scrollbars' => 'osoe', '-scrollregion' => [0, 0, 300, 200], ); $l_Frame->pack ( '-fill' => 'both', '-expand' => 'true', ); $l_Canvas->pack ( '-fill' => 'both', '-expand' => 'true', ); $l_Canvas = $this->{m_Canvas} = $l_Canvas->Subwidget ('scrolled'); $this->{'m_NormalCursor'} = $this->cget ('-cursor'); $this->ConfigSpecs ( 'DEFAULT' => [$l_Canvas], '-background' => [[$l_Canvas], 'background', 'backGround', 'white'], '-normalcolor' => [['PASSIVE'], 'normalcolor', 'normalColor', 'black'], '-selectcolor' => [['PASSIVE'], 'selectcolor', 'selectColor', 'red'], '-iconspacing' => [['PASSIVE'], 'iconspacing', 'iconSpacing', 20], '-dragallowed' => [['PASSIVE'], 'dragallowed', 'dragAllowed', 1], '-autoadjust' => [['METHOD'], 'autoadjust', 'autoAdjust', 1], '-bg' => [[$l_Canvas], 'bg', 'bg', 'white'], '-menuselection' => ['METHOD'], '-command' => ['CALLBACK'], '-selection' => ['METHOD'], '-items' => ['METHOD'], '-selected' => ['METHOD'], '-opaque' => ['PASSIVE'], '-attach' => ['METHOD'], '-detach' => ['METHOD'], '-menu' => ['PASSIVE'], ); $this->Delegates ( 'DEFAULT' => $l_Canvas, ); $this->SUPER::Populate (@_); $this->Tk::bind ('' => sub {$this->ArrangeItems() if ($this->cget ('-autoadjust'));}); $l_Canvas->Tk::bind ('' => sub {$this->SelectionEvent ('', $l_Canvas);}); $l_Canvas->Tk::bind ('' => sub {$this->MenuEvent (@_);}); $l_Canvas->Tk::bind ('' => sub {$this->MenuEvent (@_);}); $l_Canvas->Tk::bind ('' => sub {$this->DropEvent (@_);}); unless (defined ($ICON_DEFAULTS->{'-pixmap'})) { if (defined ($ICON_DEFAULTS->{'-pixmap'} = $this->GetPixmap ('folder'))) { $ICON_DEFAULTS->{'-pixmap'}->{'m_PixmapSource'} = 'folder'; } } $this->GeometryRequest (300, 200); $this->configure ('-opaque' => 0); return $this; } sub Icon { my ($this, %p_Parameters) = @_; my $l_ID = 'Icon_'.++$SERIAL_NUMBER; my $l_Canvas = $this->{m_Canvas}; my $l_Pixmap; my $l_Name; foreach my $l_Key (keys %{$ICON_DEFAULTS}) { $p_Parameters {$l_Key} = $ICON_DEFAULTS->{$l_Key} unless (defined ($p_Parameters {$l_Key})); } if (ref ($l_Pixmap = $p_Parameters {'-pixmap'}) ne 'Tk::Pixmap') { $l_Pixmap = $p_Parameters {'-pixmap'} = $this->GetPixmap ($l_Name = $p_Parameters {'-pixmap'}); $l_Pixmap->{'m_PixmapSource'} = $l_Name if (defined ($l_Pixmap)); } if (ref ($p_Parameters {'-pixmap'}) ne 'Tk::Pixmap') { $l_Pixmap = $p_Parameters {'-pixmap'} = $ICON_DEFAULTS->{'-pixmap'}; } my $l_Menu = $p_Parameters {'-menu'}; my $l_X = $p_Parameters {'-x'}; my $l_Y = $p_Parameters {'-y'}; my $l_PictureItem = $l_Canvas->create ( 'image', $l_X, $l_Y, -image => $l_Pixmap, ); my $l_TextItem = $l_Canvas->create ( 'text', $l_X, $l_Y, '-fill' => $this->cget ('-normalcolor'), '-text' => $p_Parameters {'-title'}, '-font' => $p_Parameters {'-font'}, ); $l_Canvas->move ( $l_TextItem, (($l_Canvas->bbox ($l_PictureItem)) [2] - ($l_Canvas->bbox ($l_TextItem)) [2]) / 4, $l_Pixmap->height() / 2 + 5, ); $l_Canvas->delete ($l_ID); $l_Canvas->addtag ($l_ID, 'withtag', $l_TextItem); $l_Canvas->addtag ($l_ID, 'withtag', $l_PictureItem); $l_Canvas->addtag ('IconImage', 'withtag', $l_PictureItem); $l_Canvas->addtag ('IconText', 'withtag', $l_TextItem); $l_Canvas->addtag ('Icon', 'withtag', $l_ID); $l_Canvas->raise ($l_ID, 'all'); $l_Canvas->bind ($l_ID, '' => sub {$this->SelectionEvent ($l_ID, @_, 'shifted');}); if (defined ($l_Menu)) { $l_Canvas->bind ($l_ID, '' => sub {$this->MenuEvent ($l_Canvas, $l_ID, $l_Menu, @_);}); $l_Canvas->bind ($l_ID, '' => sub {$this->MenuEvent ($l_Canvas, $l_ID, $l_Menu, @_);}); } $l_Canvas->bind ($l_ID, '' => sub {$this->LaunchEvent ($l_ID, @_);}); $l_Canvas->bind ($l_ID, '' => sub {$this->ReleaseEvent ($l_ID, @_);}); $l_Canvas->bind ($l_ID, '' => sub {$this->SelectionEvent ($l_ID, @_);}); $l_Canvas->bind ($l_ID, '' => sub {$this->DragEvent ($l_ID, @_);}); $this->LineAttach ($l_ID, $p_Parameters {'-attach'}) if (defined ($p_Parameters {'-attach'})); $this->ArrangeItems() if ($this->cget ('-autoadjust')); $this->ItemMove ($l_ID, 0, 0); return ($l_ID); } #========================================================================================= # Event Handlers #========================================================================================= sub MenuEvent { my ($this, $p_Canvas, $p_Item, $p_Menu) = (shift, @_); if (Exists ($p_Menu = defined ($p_Menu) ? $p_Menu : $this->cget ('-menu')) && ! $this->{m_MenuActive}) { my $l_Event = $p_Canvas->XEvent(); ($p_Menu->{m_Canvas} = $this)->{m_MenuSelection} = $p_Item; $this->{m_MenuActive} = 1; $p_Menu->Popup() if ($Tk::VERSION < 800.005); $p_Menu->post ( $l_Event->x() + $p_Canvas->rootx(), $l_Event->y() + $p_Canvas->rooty(), ); } $this->{m_MenuActive} = defined ($p_Item); } sub LaunchEvent { return ( defined ($_[0]->cget ('-command')) ? &{$_[0]->cget ('-command')} ($_[1], $_[0], $_[2]) : undef ); } sub SelectionEvent { my ($this, $p_Item, $p_Canvas) = (shift, @_); if ($p_Item ne '') { my $l_Event = $p_Canvas->XEvent(); $this->SelectItem ($p_Item, $_[-1] eq 'shifted'); $p_Canvas->raise ($p_Item, 'all'); $this->{m_SelectionActive} = 1; $this->{m_X} = $l_Event->x(); $this->{m_Y} = $l_Event->y(); } else { $this->DeselectItem() unless ($this->{m_SelectionActive}); $this->{m_SelectionActive} = 0; } } sub DragEvent { my ($this, $p_Item, $p_Canvas) = (shift, @_); if ($this->cget ('-dragallowed')) { my $l_Opaque = $this->cget ('-opaque') && $this->cget ('-opaque') ne 'false'; my $l_PositionX = $this->pointerx() - $this->rootx(); my $l_PositionY = $this->pointery() - $this->rooty(); my $l_Event = $p_Canvas->XEvent(); my @l_DeleteList = (); my @l_NewList = (); foreach my $l_Item ($this->cget ('-selection')) { if ($l_PositionX < 0 || $l_PositionY < 0 || $l_PositionX > $this->width() || $l_PositionY > $this->height()) { push (@l_DeleteList, $l_Item); $DRAGDROP = 1; } else { push (@l_NewList, $l_Item); } if ($l_Opaque) { $this->move ($l_Item, $l_Event->x() - $this->{m_X}, $l_Event->y() - $this->{m_Y}); } } $this->delete (@l_DeleteList) if ($#l_DeleteList > -1); $this->configure ('-cursor' => 'hand1'); $this->{'m_Selection'} = [@l_NewList]; if ($l_Opaque) { $this->{m_X} = $l_Event->x(); $this->{m_Y} = $l_Event->y(); } } } sub ReleaseEvent { my ($this, $p_Item, $p_Canvas) = (shift, @_); $this->configure ('-cursor' => $this->{'m_NormalCursor'}); if ($this->cget ('-dragallowed')) { my $l_Event = $p_Canvas->XEvent(); foreach my $l_Item ($this->cget ('-selection')) { $this->move ($l_Item, $l_Event->x() - $this->{m_X}, $l_Event->y() - $this->{m_Y}); $p_Canvas->raise ($l_Item, 'all'); $this->CancelDrag(); } } if ($this->cget ('-autoadjust')) { $this->ArrangeItems(); } $p_Canvas->raise ($p_Item, 'all'); } sub DropEvent { my $this = shift; $this->paste() if ($DRAGDROP); $this->CancelDrag(); } sub CancelDrag { my $this = shift; $this->configure ('-cursor' => $this->{'m_NormalCursor'}); $DRAGDROP = 0; } #========================================================================================= # Item Manipulation Methods #========================================================================================= sub SelectItem { my ($this, $p_Item, $p_Shifted) = (shift, @_); if ($this->IsItemSelected ($p_Item)) { $this->DeselectItem ($p_Item) if ($p_Shifted); return; } my $l_TextID = $this->GetIconComponent ('text', $p_Item); $this->DeselectItem() if (! $p_Shifted); $this->itemconfigure ($l_TextID, '-fill' => $this->cget ('-selectcolor')); push (@{$this->{m_Selection}}, $p_Item); return $p_Item; } sub DeselectItem { my ($this, @p_Items) = (shift, @_); my %l_Hash; foreach my $l_Item ($#p_Items == -1 ? $this->find ('withtag', 'Icon') : @p_Items) { my ($l_Tag) = (grep (/^Icon_/, $this->gettags ($l_Item))); $l_Hash {$l_Tag} = 1; } foreach my $l_Item (keys %l_Hash) { if (defined (my $l_TextItem = $this->GetIconComponent ('text', $l_Item))) { @{$this->{m_Selection}} = grep (!/^$l_Item$/, @{$this->{m_Selection}}); $this->itemconfigure ($l_TextItem, '-fill' => 'black'); } } } sub ItemMove { my ($this, $p_Item, $p_X, $p_Y) = (shift, @_); my $l_Canvas = $this->{m_Canvas}; my @l_Scroll = @{$l_Canvas->cget ('scrollregion')}; my %l_Hash; foreach my $l_Attachment ($this->FindAttachmentInList ($p_Item, keys %{$this->{m_Attachments}})) { $l_Hash {${${$this->{m_Attachments}}{$l_Attachment}}[0]} = 1; } $l_Hash {$p_Item} = 1; foreach my $l_Item (keys %l_Hash) { $l_Canvas->move ($l_Item, $p_X, $p_Y); } @l_Scroll [2..3] = ($l_Canvas->bbox ('all')) [2..3]; $l_Canvas->configure ('-scrollregion' => [@l_Scroll]); $this->LineAdjust(); } sub delete { my ($this, @p_Parameters) = @_; $this->copy (@p_Parameters); foreach my $l_ID (@p_Parameters) { $this->LineDetach ($l_ID); $this->{m_Canvas}->delete ($l_ID); } } #====================================================================================== # Do not override the following two methods in the subclass, they may potentially get # lists of items which we don't want to have to handle. The overrideable ones are # shown afterwards. #====================================================================================== sub copy { my ($this, @p_Parameters) = @_; @COPYLIST = (); foreach my $l_ID (@p_Parameters) { push (@COPYLIST, $this->CopyInstance ($l_ID)); } } sub paste { my ($this, @p_Parameters) = @_; foreach my $l_ID (@COPYLIST) { $this->PasteInstance ($l_ID); } $this->CancelDrag(); } #====================================================================================== # Here, these are the overrideable cut & paste methods. Note that they return a # reference to the hash table so that any downline methods can modify or replace it # the hash contains the information used to reinstantiate the icon #====================================================================================== sub CopyInstance { my ($this, $p_Item) = @_; return unless defined ($p_Item); my $l_ImageItem = $this->GetIconComponent ('image', $p_Item); my $l_TextItem = $this->GetIconComponent ('text', $p_Item); my $l_Pixmap = $this->itemcget ($l_ImageItem, '-image'); my $l_Text = $this->itemcget ($l_TextItem, '-text'); my $l_Font = $this->itemcget ($l_TextItem, '-font'); my $l_HashRef = { '-pixmap' => $l_Pixmap->{'m_PixmapSource'}, '-title' => $l_Text, '-font' => $l_Font, }; return $l_HashRef; } sub PasteInstance { my ($this, $p_HashRef) = @_; my $l_Return = undef; if (ref ($p_HashRef) eq 'HASH') { $l_Return = $this->Icon ( -x => $this->pointerx() - $this->rootx(), -y => $this->pointery() - $this->rooty(), %{$p_HashRef}, ); #==================================================================== # I'm not really sure if we should be deleting keys that are specific # to this class, but it protects the higher layers from having to # concern themselves with avoiding them. #==================================================================== delete $p_HashRef->{'-pixmap'}; delete $p_HashRef->{'-title'}; delete $p_HashRef->{'-font'}; } return $l_Return; # This gets passed upwards so that reimplementations can modify it } sub ArrangeItems { my ($this) = (shift, @_); my $l_Canvas = $this->{m_Canvas}; my %l_Hash; foreach my $l_Item ($this->find ('withtag', 'Icon')) { my ($l_Tag) = (grep (/^Icon_/, $this->gettags ($l_Item))); $l_Hash {$l_Tag} = 1; } my @l_Frame = ($this->width(), $this->height()); my @l_Region = @{$l_Canvas->cget ('scrollregion')}; my $l_DefaultSpacing = $this->cget ('-iconspacing'); my ($l_X, $l_Y, $l_MaxY) = (10, 10, 0, 0); foreach my $l_Object (keys %l_Hash) { my (@l_Bounds) = $l_Canvas->bbox ($l_Object); my ($l_DeltaX, $l_DeltaY) = ($l_X - $l_Bounds [0], $l_Y - $l_Bounds [1]); $this->move ($l_Object, $l_DeltaX, $l_DeltaY); @l_Bounds = $l_Canvas->bbox ($l_Object); $l_X = $l_Bounds [2] + $l_DefaultSpacing; $l_MaxY = ($l_Bounds [3] > $l_MaxY ? $l_Bounds [3] + 10 : $l_MaxY); if ($l_X > $l_Frame [0] - 64) { $l_Y = $l_MaxY; $l_MaxY = 0; $l_X = 10; } } } sub IsItemSelected { return (defined $_[1] && grep (/^$_[1]$/, @{$_[0]->{m_Selection}}) > 0); } #========================================================================================= # Component Collection Handling #========================================================================================= sub GetIconComponent { my ($this, $p_Which, $p_Item) = (shift, @_); my @l_List = $this->find ('withtag', $p_Item); my $l_Return = undef; for (my $l_Index = 0; $l_Index <= $#l_List && ! defined ($l_Return); ++$l_Index) { $l_Return = $l_List [$l_Index] if ($this->type ($l_List [$l_Index]) eq $p_Which); } return $l_Return; } sub GetPixmap { my $this = shift; my $l_Name = undef; my @l_List = ( Tk->findINC ($_[0].'.xpm'), Tk->findINC ($_[0]), 'icon/'.$_[0].'.xpm', 'icon/'.$_[0], $_[0].'.xpm', $_[0], ); for (my $l_Index = 0; $l_Index <= $#l_List && ! defined ($l_Name); ++$l_Index) { $l_Name = $l_List [$l_Index] if (-f $l_List [$l_Index]); } return ( defined ($this->{'m_PixmapCache'}->{$l_Name}) ? $this->{'m_PixmapCache'}->{$l_Name} : ( -f $l_Name ? $this->{'m_PixmapCache'}->{$l_Name} = $this->toplevel()->Pixmap ('-file' => $l_Name) : undef ) ); } #========================================================================================= # Attachment Manipulation #========================================================================================= sub LineAttach { my ($this, $p_From, $p_To) = (shift, @_); ($p_From, $p_To) = @{$p_From} if (ref ($p_From) eq 'ARRAY'); return unless (defined ($p_From) && defined ($p_To)); return if (defined ($this->FindAttachmentByAttachment ($p_From, $p_To))); my $l_Canvas = $this->{m_Canvas}; my @l_FromBox = $l_Canvas->bbox ($this->GetIconComponent ('image', $p_From)); my @l_ToBox = $l_Canvas->bbox ($this->GetIconComponent ('image', $p_To)); my $l_ID = $l_Canvas->create ( 'line', 0,0,0,0, -fill => 'black', -width => '2.0', ); $this->{m_Attachments}->{$l_ID} = [$p_From, $p_To]; #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Something strange happens here sometimes. It may be something # to do with the cut/paste mechanism, I don't really know. It # manifests itself as a "phantom" attachment selection. The # attachment selection includes an "invisible" object above the # upper left corner of the canvas. #--------------------------------------------------------------- # foreach my $l_Key (keys %{$this->{m_Attachments}}) # { # printf ("Attached [%s] to [%s]\n", $l_Key, @{$this->{m_Attachments}->{$l_Key}}); # } $this->LineAdjust ($p_From, $p_To); return $l_ID; } sub LineDetach { my ($this, $p_From, $p_To) = (shift, @_); if (ref ($p_From) eq 'ARRAY') { ($p_From, $p_To) = @{$p_From}; } foreach my $l_ID ($this->FindAttachmentByAttachment ($p_From, $p_To)) { $this->{m_Canvas}->delete ($l_ID); delete ${$this->{m_Attachments}}{$l_ID}; } } sub LineAdjust { my ($this, $p_From, $p_To) = (shift, @_); my %l_Hash = %{$this->{m_Attachments}}; my $l_Canvas = $this->{m_Canvas}; foreach my $l_ID ($this->FindAttachmentByAttachment ($p_From, $p_To)) { next unless (ref ($l_Hash {$l_ID}) eq 'ARRAY' && $#{$l_Hash {$l_ID}} > 0); my ($l_From, $l_To) = @{$l_Hash {$l_ID}}; my @l_FromBox = $l_Canvas->bbox ($this->GetIconComponent ('image', $l_From)); my @l_ToBox = $l_Canvas->bbox ($this->GetIconComponent ('image', $l_To)); $l_Canvas->coords ( $l_ID, $l_FromBox [0] + (($l_FromBox [2] - $l_FromBox[0]) / 2), $l_FromBox [1] + (($l_FromBox [3] - $l_FromBox[1]) / 2), $l_ToBox [0] + (($l_ToBox [2] - $l_ToBox[0]) / 2), $l_ToBox [1] + (($l_ToBox [3] - $l_ToBox[1]) / 2), ); $l_Canvas->lower ($l_ID); } } sub FindAttachmentByID { return ${$_[0]->{m_Attachments}}{$_[1]}; } sub FindAttachmentByAttachment { my ($this, $p_From, $p_To) = (shift, @_); my @l_List = $this->FindAttachmentInList ( $p_To, $this->FindAttachmentInList ($p_From, keys %{$this->{m_Attachments}}) ); return ($#l_List >= 0 ? @l_List : undef); } sub FindAttachmentInList { my ($this, $p_IconID, @p_Keys) = (shift, @_); my @l_Return = (@p_Keys); if ($p_IconID ne '') { my %l_Hash = %{$this->{m_Attachments}}; @l_Return = (); foreach my $l_ID (@p_Keys) { my ($l_From, $l_To) = (@{$l_Hash {$l_ID}}); push (@l_Return, $l_ID) if ($p_IconID eq $l_From || $p_IconID eq $l_To); } } return @l_Return; } #========================================================================================= # ConfigSpec Option Methods #========================================================================================= sub menuselection { return $_[0]->{m_MenuSelection}; } sub selection { return @{$_[0]->{m_Selection}}; } sub autoadjust { $_[0]->{m_AutoAdjust} = $_[1] if (defined ($_[1])); $_[0]->ArrangeItems() if ($_[0]->{m_AutoAdjust}); return $_[0]->{m_AutoAdjust}; } sub items { my $this = shift; my %l_Hash; foreach my $l_Item ($this->find ('withtag', 'Icon')) { $l_Hash {(grep (/^Icon_/, $this->gettags ($l_Item)))[0]} = 1; } return (keys %l_Hash); } #========================================================================================= # Alias Methods #========================================================================================= sub detach { return LineDetach (@_); } sub attach { return LineAttach (@_); } sub move { return ItemMove (@_); } sub selected { return IsItemSelected (@_); } 1; #========================================================================================= # END OF MODULE #========================================================================================= __END__ =cut =head1 NAME Tk::IconCanvas - Canvas with dragable icon management =head1 SYNOPSIS use Tk; my $MainWindow = MainWindow->new(); Tk::MainLoop; =head1 DESCRIPTION =head1 AUTHORS Damion K. Wilson, =head1 HISTORY =cut