package Tk::Axis; =head1 NAME Tk::Axis - Canvas with Axes =for category Derived Widgets =head1 SYNOPSIS use Tk::Axis; $widget = $parent->Axis( -height => $height, -margin => $margin, -tick => $tick, -tickfont => $tickfont, -tst => $tst, -width => $width, -xmin => $xmin, -xmax => $xmax, -ymin => $ymin, -ymax => $ymax, ); # $height - height of the window # $width - width ...... # $xmin - lowest x value we will display # $xmax - highest ..... # $ymin - lowest y value ..... # $ymax - highest ..... # $margin - the number of pixels used as a margin around the plot # $tick - the length (in pixels) of the tickmarks # $tst - the step size for the tick marks # $tst[x|y]- step size for tick marks on the x (or y) axis # (if not specified tst is used) # $tickfont - for for the lables =head1 DESCRIPTION This is an improved version of the axis widget. Changes with respect to the previous version are : =over 4 =item * the 'pack' has been moved out the widget. One has to do his own packing =item * it is now possible to work in the coordinates of the axis. The following piece of code draws a line between the points (2 , 3.1) (4 , 4). $t->create('line',$t->plx(2),$t->ply(3.1),$t->plx(4),$t->ply(4)); =back =head1 AUTHOR Kris Boulez ( Biomolecular NMR unit University of Ghent, Belgium =cut use strict; require Tk::Canvas; use Carp; use vars qw($VERSION @ISA); $VERSION = substr(q$Revision: 1.5 $, 10) + 1; @ISA = qw(Tk::Derived Tk::Canvas); Construct Tk::Widget 'Axis'; # Added since v 0.1 # ----------------- # - plx en ply allow you to work in axis coordinates # (eg. $t->create('line', $t->plx(.3), $t->ply(.4), $t->plx(3.2), # $t->ply(5.3)); ) # - pack is moved out. # # This is an Axis widget. It draws an XY axis on the screen and draws # tickmarks. This is the first public version (v 0.2), all comments, # crticism, ... are welcome ( # # I would like to thank the following people : # - Ton Rullmann ( who started my quest for a way to # draw 2D plot from within Perl # - Stephen O. Lidie ( who provided me with a # 2D plot script. He also asked the question "why don't you write a new # widget for it ?" # - Nick Ing-Simmons ( without who there would be no ptk # and whose advice was invaluable while trying to create this widget # # It is used as follows # # require Axis; # sub Populate #using Populate from Tk::Derived { my ($w,$args) = @_; $w->SUPER::Populate($args); $w->ConfigSpecs( '-xmin' => ['PASSIVE',undef,undef,0], '-xmax' => ['PASSIVE',undef,undef,100], #undef], '-ymin' => ['PASSIVE',undef,undef,0], '-ymax' => ['PASSIVE',undef,undef,100], #undef], '-margin' => ['PASSIVE',undef,undef,25], '-tick' => ['PASSIVE',undef,undef,10], '-tst' => ['PASSIVE',undef,undef,5], '-tstx' => ['PASSIVE',undef,undef,undef], '-tsty' => ['PASSIVE',undef,undef,undef], '-tickfont' => ['PASSIVE',undef,undef,'fixed'] ); # these options are new for the widget, the last value is # the default. } #end of Populate sub ConfigChanged { my ($w,$args)= @_;; my $xmin = $w->cget(-xmin); # how expensive is a ->cget ? my $xmax = $w->cget(-xmax); my $cx = $w->cget(-width); my $mar = $w->cget(-margin); my $ymin = $w->cget(-ymin); my $ymax = $w->cget(-ymax); my $cy = $w->cget(-height); my $tick = $w->cget(-tick); my $tst = $w->cget(-tst); my $tstx = $w->cget(-tstx); my $tsty = $w->cget(-tsty); my $tickfont = $w->cget(-tickfont); if (!defined ($xmax) || !defined ($ymax)) { # at least xmax and ymax needed croak "Axis: `Show' method requires xmax and ymax"; } if (!defined ($tstx)) {$tstx = $tst;} if (!defined ($tsty)) {$tsty = $tst;} if (!defined ($tickfont)) {$tickfont = "fixed";} my ($zx,$zy,$t); # zx (zy) is the value (in window coordinates) where # x (y) is 0 on the X (Y) axis if (abs($xmin+$xmax) > abs($xmin-$xmax)) { # both values pos/neg $zx=$mar; } else { $zx = $w->plx(0); } if (abs($ymin+$ymax) > abs($ymin-$ymax)) { $zy=$cy-$mar; } else { # $cy - $mar is lowest point where we will draw $zy = $w->ply(0); } # X-axis # ------ $w->create('line', $mar, $zy, $cx-$mar, $zy); my (@t) = (); # @t contains the points where to draw tick marks if ($zx == 0) { for ($t=$xmin; $t<=$xmax; $t+=$tstx) { push (@t,$t); } } else { for ($t=0; $t<=$xmax; $t+=$tstx) { push (@t,$t); } for ($t=-$tstx; $t>=$xmin; $t-=$tstx) { push(@t,$t);} } for $t (@t) { my $x = ($cx-2*$mar)*($t-$xmin)/abs($xmax-$xmin) + $mar; $w->create('line', $x, $zy, $x, $zy+$tick); $w->create('text', $x+5,$zy+20, text => $t, -font => $tickfont,-anchor => 'sw'); } # Y-axis # ------ $w->create('line', $zx, $mar, $zx, $cy-$mar); @t = (); if ($zy == $cy-$mar) { # only pos/neg values for ($t=$ymin; $t<=$ymax; $t+=$tsty) { push (@t,$t); } } else { for ($t=$tsty; $t<=$ymax; $t+=$tsty) { push (@t,$t); } for ($t=-$tsty; $t>=$ymin; $t-=$tsty) { push(@t,$t);} } for $t (@t) { my $y = ($cy - $mar) - ($cy-2*$mar)*($t-$ymin)/abs($ymax-$ymin); $w->create('line', $zx, $y, $zx-$tick, $y); $w->create('text', $zx -15,$y+20, text => $t, -font => $tickfont,-anchor => 'sw'); } } # end ConfigChanged sub Show { # all the drawing is allready done in ConfigChanged. Show is only # supplied for compatibility with other widgets. } #end Show sub plx { my ($w,$args) = @_; my $xmin = $w->cget(-xmin); # how expensive is a ->cget ? my $xmax = $w->cget(-xmax); if (($args < $xmin)||($args>$xmax)) {die "PLX: Out of limits\nXmin: $xmin\t\tValue: $args\nXmax: $xmax\n\n";} my $wi = $w->cget(-width); my $ma = $w->cget(-margin); return ((($wi-2*$ma)/abs($xmax-$xmin))*abs($args-$xmin) + $ma); } #end plx sub ply { my ($w,$args) = @_; my $ymin = $w->cget(-ymin); # how expensive is a ->cget ? my $ymax = $w->cget(-ymax); if (($args < $ymin)||($args>$ymax)) {die "PLY: Out of limits\nYmin: $ymin\t\tValue: $args\nYmax: $ymax\n\n";} my $he = $w->cget(-height); my $ma = $w->cget(-margin); return ($he - $ma -(($he-2*$ma)/abs($ymax-$ymin))*abs($args-$ymin)); } #end plx 1; __END__