package Term::ANSIScreen; =head1 NAME Term::ANSIScreen - Terminal control using ANSI escape sequences. =head1 SYNOPSIS # qw/:color/ is exported by default, i.e. color() & colored() use Term::ANSIScreen qw/:color :cursor :screen :keyboard/; print setmode(1), setkey('a','b'); print "40x25 mode now, with 'a' mapped to 'b'."; ; resetkey; setmode 3; cls; locate 1, 1; print "@ This is (1,1)", savepos; print locate(24,60), "@ This is (24,60)"; loadpos; print down(2), clline, "@ This is (3,15)\n"; color 'black on white'; clline; print "This line is black on white.\n"; print color 'reset'; print "This text is normal.\n"; print colored ("This text is bold blue.\n", 'bold blue'); print "This text is normal.\n"; print colored ['bold blue'], "This text is bold blue.\n"; print "This text is normal.\n"; use Term::ANSIScreen qw/:constants/; # constants mode print BLUE ON GREEN . "Blue on green.\n"; $Term::ANSIScreen::AUTORESET = 1; print BOLD GREEN . ON_BLUE "Bold green on blue.", CLEAR; print "\nThis text is normal.\n"; =cut # ------------------------ # Modules and declarations # ------------------------ require 5.001; use vars qw/@ISA @EXPORT %EXPORT_TAGS $VERSION $AUTOLOAD %attributes %sequences $AUTORESET $EACHLINE/; $VERSION = '1.2'; use strict; use Exporter; # ----------------------- # Internal data structure # ----------------------- # Color attributes, from Term::ANSIScreenColor %attributes = ( 'clear' => 0, 'reset' => 0, 'bold' => 1, 'dark' => 2, 'underline' => 4, 'underscore' => 4, 'blink' => 5, 'reverse' => 7, 'concealed' => 8, 'black' => 30, 'on_black' => 40, 'red' => 31, 'on_red' => 41, 'green' => 32, 'on_green' => 42, 'yellow' => 33, 'on_yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 34, 'on_blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 35, 'on_magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 36, 'on_cyan' => 46, 'white' => 37, 'on_white' => 47, ); %sequences = ( 'up' => '?A', 'down' => '?B', 'right' => '?C', 'left' => '?D', 'savepos' => 's', 'loadpos' => 'u', 'cls' => '2J', 'clline' => 'K', 'locate' => '?;?H', 'setmode' => '?h', 'wrapon' => '7h', 'wrapoff' => '7l', ); my %mapped; # ---------------- # Exporter section # ---------------- @ISA = qw/Exporter/; %EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'color' => [qw/color colored/], 'cursor' => [qw/locate up down right left savepos loadpos/], 'screen' => [qw/cls clline setmode wrapon wrapoff/], 'keyboard' => [qw/setkey resetkey/], 'constants' => [map {uc($_)} keys(%attributes), 'ON'], ); $EXPORT_TAGS{all} = [map {@{$_}} values (%EXPORT_TAGS)]; @EXPORT = @{$EXPORT_TAGS{'color'}}; Exporter::export_ok_tags (keys(%EXPORT_TAGS)); sub new { my $class = shift; if ($^O eq 'MSWin32' and @_) { require Win32::Console; return Win32::Console->new(); } no strict 'refs'; unless ($main::FG_WHITE) { foreach my $color (grep { $attributes{$_} >= 30 } keys %attributes) { my $name = 'FG_'.uc($color); $name =~ s/^FG_ON_/BG_/; ${"main::$name"} = color($color); $name =~ s/_/_LIGHT/; ${"main::$name"} = color('bold', $color); } $main::FG_LIGHTWHITE = $main::FG_WHITE; $main::FG_BROWN = $main::FG_YELLOW; $main::FG_YELLOW = $main::FG_LIGHTYELLOW; $main::FG_WHITE = color('clear'); } return bless([ @_ ], $class); } sub Attr { shift; print STDERR @_; } sub Cls { print STDERR cls(); } sub Cursor { shift; print STDERR locate($_[1]+1, $_[0]+1); } sub Write { shift; print STDERR @_; } sub Display { } # -------------- # Implementation # -------------- sub AUTOLOAD { my $sub; ($sub = $AUTOLOAD) =~ s/^.*:://; if (my $seq = $sequences{$sub}) { $seq =~ s/\?/defined($_[0]) ? shift(@_) : 1/eg; return (defined wantarray) ? "\e[$seq" : print("\e[$seq"); } elsif (defined(my $attr = $attributes{lc($sub)}) and $sub =~ /^[A-Z_]+$/) { my $out = "\e[${attr}m@_"; $out .= "\e[0m" if ($AUTORESET and @_ and $out !~ /\e\[0m$/s); return $out; } else { die "Undefined subroutine &$AUTOLOAD called"; } } # ------------------------------------------------ # Convert foreground constants to background ones, # for sequences like (XXX ON YYY "text") # ------------------------------------------------ sub ON { my $out = "@_"; $out =~ s/^\e\[3(\d)m/\e\[4$1m/; return $out; } # --------------------------------------- # Color subroutines, from Term::ANSIColor # --------------------------------------- sub color { my @codes = map { split } @_; my $attribute; while (my $code = lc(shift(@codes))) { $code .= '_' . shift(@codes) if ($code eq 'on'); if (defined $attributes{$code}) { $attribute .= $attributes{$code} . ';'; } else { warn "Invalid attribute name $code"; } } if ($attribute) { chop $attribute; return (defined wantarray) ? "\e[${attribute}m" : print("\e[${attribute}m"); } } sub colored { my $output; my ($string, $attr) = (ref $_[0]) ? (join('', @_[1..$#_]), color(@{$_[0]})) : (+shift, color(@_)); if (defined $EACHLINE) { $output = join '', map { ($_ && $_ ne $EACHLINE) ? $attr . $_ . "\e[0m" : $_ } split (/(\Q$EACHLINE\E)/, $string); } else { $output = "$attr$string\e[0m"; } return (defined wantarray) ? $output : print($output); } sub setkey { my ($key, $mapto) = @_; if ($key eq $mapto) { delete $mapped{$key} if exists $mapped{$key}; } else { $mapped{$key} = 1; } $key = ord($key) unless ($key =~ /^\d+;\d+$/); $mapto = qq("$mapto") unless ($mapto =~ /^\d+;\d+$/); return (defined wantarray) ? "\e[$key;${mapto}p" : print("\e[$key;${mapto}p"); } sub resetkey { my $output; foreach my $key (@_ ? @_ : keys(%mapped)) { $output .= setkey($key, $key); } return (defined wantarray) ? $output : print($output); } 1; __END__ =head1 DESCRIPTION Term::ANSIScreen is a superset of Term::ANSIColor. In addition to color-sequence generating subroutines exported by C<:color> and C<:constants>, this module also features C<:cursor> for cursor positioning, C<:screen> for screen control, as well as C<:keyboard> for key mapping. =head2 NOTES =item * All subroutines in Term::ANSIScreen will print its return value if called under a void context. =item * The cursor position, current color, screen mode and keyboard mappings affected by Term::ANSIScreen will last after the program terminates. You might want to reset them before the end of your program. =head2 The C<:color> function set (exported by default) Term::ANSIScreen recognizes (case-insensitively) following color attributes: clear, reset, bold, underline, underscore, blink, reverse, concealed, black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, on_black, on_red, on_green, on_yellow, on_blue, on_magenta, on_cyan, and on_white. The color alone sets the foreground color, and on_color sets the background color. You may also use on_color without the underscore, e.g. "black on white". =item color LIST Takes any number of strings as arguments and considers them to be space-separated lists of attributes. It then forms and returns the escape sequence to set those attributes. =item colored EXPR, LIST Takes a scalar as the first argument and any number of attribute strings as the second argument, then returns the scalar wrapped in escape codes so that the attributes will be set as requested before the string and reset to normal after the string. Alternately, you can pass a reference to an array as the first argument, and then the contents of that array will be taken as attributes and color codes and the remainder of the arguments as text to colorize. Normally, this function just puts attribute codes at the beginning and end of the string, but if you set $Term::ANSIScreen::EACHLINE to some string, that string will be considered the line delimiter and the attribute will be set at the beginning of each line of the passed string and reset at the end of each line. This is often desirable if the output is being sent to a program like a pager, which can be confused by attributes that span lines. Normally you'll want to set $Term::ANSIColor::EACHLINE to C<"\n"> to use this feature. =head2 The C<:constants> function set If you import C<:constants> you can use the constants CLEAR, RESET, BOLD, UNDERLINE, UNDERSCORE, BLINK, REVERSE, CONCEALED, BLACK, RED, GREEN, YELLOW, BLUE, MAGENTA, ON_BLACK, ON_RED, ON_GREEN, ON_YELLOW, ON_BLUE, ON_MAGENTA, ON_CYAN, and ON_WHITE directly. These are the same as color('attribute') and can be used if you prefer typing: print BOLD BLUE ON_WHITE "Text\n", RESET; print BOLD BLUE ON WHITE "Text\n", RESET; # _ is optional to print colored ("Text\n", 'bold blue on_white'); When using the constants, if you don't want to have to remember to add the C<, RESET> at the end of each print line, you can set $Term::ANSIColor::AUTORESET to a true value. Then, the display mode will automatically be reset if there is no comma after the constant. In other words, with that variable set: print BOLD BLUE "Text\n"; will reset the display mode afterwards, whereas: print BOLD, BLUE, "Text\n"; will not. =head2 The C<:cursor> function set =item locate [EXPR, EXPR] Sets the cursor position. The first argument is its row number, and the second one its column number. If omitted, the cursor will be located at (1,1). =item up [EXPR] =item down [EXPR] =item left [EXPR] =item right [EXPR] Moves the cursor toward any direction for EXPR characters. If omitted, EXPR is 1. =item savepos =item loadpos Saves/restores the current cursor position. =head2 The C<:screen> function set =item cls Clears the screen with the current background color, and set cursor to (1,1). =item clline Clears the current row with the current background color, and set cursor to the 1st column. =item setmode EXPR Sets the screen mode to EXPR. Under DOS, ANSI.SYS recognizes following values: 0: 40 x 25 x 2 (text) 1: 40 x 25 x 16 (text) 2: 80 x 25 x 2 (text) 3: 80 x 25 x 16 (text) 4: 320 x 200 x 4 5: 320 x 200 x 2 6: 640 x 200 x 2 7: Enables line wrapping 13: 320 x 200 x 4 14: 640 x 200 x 16 15: 640 x 350 x 2 16: 640 x 350 x 16 17: 640 x 480 x 2 18: 640 x 480 x 16 19: 320 x 200 x 256 =item wrapon =item wrapoff Enables/disables the line-wraping mode. =head2 The C<:keyboard> function set =item setkey EXPR, EXPR Takes a scalar representing a single keystroke as the first argument (either a character or an escape sequence in the form of "num1;num2"), and maps it to a string defined by the second argument. Afterwards, when the user presses the mapped key, the string will get outputed instead. =item resetkey [LIST] Resets each keys in the argument list to its original mapping. If called without an argument, resets all previously mapped keys. =head1 DIAGNOSTICS =over 4 =item Invalid attribute name %s You passed an invalid attribute name to either color() or colored(). =item Identifier %s used only once: possible typo You probably mistyped a constant color name such as: print FOOBAR "This text is color FOOBAR\n"; It's probably better to always use commas after constant names in order to force the next error. =item No comma allowed after filehandle You probably mistyped a constant color name such as: print FOOBAR, "This text is color FOOBAR\n"; Generating this fatal compile error is one of the main advantages of using the constants interface, since you'll immediately know if you mistype a color name. =item Bareword %s not allowed while "strict subs" in use You probably mistyped a constant color name such as: $Foobar = FOOBAR . "This line should be blue\n"; or: @Foobar = FOOBAR, "This line should be blue\n"; This will only show up under use strict (another good reason to run under use strict). =back =head1 AUTHORS Original idea (using constants) by Zenin (, reimplemented using subs by Russ Allbery (, and then combined with the original idea by Russ with input from Zenin to Term::ANSIColor. Screen mode and keyboard mapping codes were added by Autrijus Tang, along with revised code and documentation. =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2001 by Autrijus Tang . Based on works of Zenin (, Russ Allbery ( All rights reserved. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut