# GENERATE RECURSIVE DESCENT PARSER OBJECTS FROM A GRAMMARC # SEE RecDescent.pod FOR FULL DETAILS use 5.005; use strict; package Parse::RecDescent; use Text::Balanced qw ( extract_codeblock extract_bracketed extract_quotelike extract_delimited ); use vars qw ( $skip ); *defskip = \ '\s*'; # DEFAULT SEPARATOR IS OPTIONAL WHITESPACE $skip = '\s*'; # UNIVERSAL SEPARATOR IS OPTIONAL WHITESPACE my $MAXREP = 100_000_000; # REPETITIONS MATCH AT MOST 100,000,000 TIMES sub import # IMPLEMENT PRECOMPILER BEHAVIOUR UNDER: # perl -MParse::RecDescent - { local *_die = sub { print @_, "\n"; exit }; my ($package, $file, $line) = caller; if (substr($file,0,1) eq '-' && $line == 0) { _die("Usage: perl -MLocalTest - ") unless @ARGV == 2; my ($sourcefile, $class) = @ARGV; open IN, $sourcefile or _die("Can't open grammar file '$sourcefile'"); my $grammar = join '', ; Parse::RecDescent->Precompile($grammar, $class, $sourcefile); exit; } } sub Save { my ($self, $class) = @_; $self->{saving} = 1; $self->Precompile(undef,$class); $self->{saving} = 0; } sub Precompile { my ($self, $grammar, $class, $sourcefile) = @_; $class =~ /^(\w+::)*\w+$/ or croak("Bad class name: $class"); my $modulefile = $class; $modulefile =~ s/.*:://; $modulefile .= ".pm"; open OUT, ">$modulefile" or croak("Can't write to new module file '$modulefile'"); print STDERR "precompiling grammar from file '$sourcefile'\n", "to class $class in module file '$modulefile'\n" if $grammar && $sourcefile; local $::RD_HINT = 1; $self = Parse::RecDescent->new($grammar,1) || croak("Can't compile bad grammar") if $grammar; foreach ( keys %{$self->{rules}} ) { $self->{rules}{$_}{changed} = 1 } print OUT "package $class;\nuse Parse::RecDescent;\n\n"; print OUT "{ my \$ERRORS;\n\n"; print OUT $self->_code(); print OUT "}\npackage $class; sub new { "; print OUT "my "; require Data::Dumper; print OUT Data::Dumper->Dump([$self], [qw(self)]); print OUT "}"; close OUT or croak("Can't write to new module file '$modulefile'"); } package Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter; sub TIESCALAR # ($classname, \$text, $thisparser, $prevflag) { bless { text => $_[1], parser => $_[2], prev => $_[3]?1:0, }, $_[0]; } sub FETCH { my $parser = $_[0]->{parser}; my $from = $parser->{fulltextlen}-length(${$_[0]->{text}})-$_[0]->{prev}; $parser->{lastlinenum} = $parser->{offsetlinenum} - Parse::RecDescent::_linecount(substr($parser->{fulltext},$from)) + 1; } sub STORE { my $parser = $_[0]->{parser}; $parser->{offsetlinenum} -= $parser->{lastlinenum} - $_[1]; return undef; } sub resync # ($linecounter) { my $self = tied($_[0]); die "Tried to alter something other than a LineCounter\n" unless $self =~ /Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter/; my $parser = $self->{parser}; my $apparently = $parser->{offsetlinenum} - Parse::RecDescent::_linecount(${$self->{text}}) + 1; $parser->{offsetlinenum} += $parser->{lastlinenum} - $apparently; return 1; } package Parse::RecDescent::ColCounter; sub TIESCALAR # ($classname, \$text, $thisparser, $prevflag) { bless { text => $_[1], parser => $_[2], prev => $_[3]?1:0, }, $_[0]; } sub FETCH { my $parser = $_[0]->{parser}; my $missing = $parser->{fulltextlen}-length(${$_[0]->{text}})-$_[0]->{prev}+1; substr($parser->{fulltext},0,$missing) =~ m/^(.*)\Z/m; return length($1); } sub STORE { die "Can't set column number via \$thiscolumn\n"; } package Parse::RecDescent::OffsetCounter; sub TIESCALAR # ($classname, \$text, $thisparser, $prev) { bless { text => $_[1], parser => $_[2], prev => $_[3]?-1:0, }, $_[0]; } sub FETCH { my $parser = $_[0]->{parser}; return $parser->{fulltextlen}-length(${$_[0]->{text}})+$_[0]->{prev}; } sub STORE { die "Can't set current offset via \$thisoffset or \$prevoffset\n"; } package Parse::RecDescent::Rule; sub new ($$$$$) { my $class = ref($_[0]) || $_[0]; my $name = $_[1]; my $owner = $_[2]; my $line = $_[3]; my $replace = $_[4]; if (defined $owner->{"rules"}{$name}) { my $self = $owner->{"rules"}{$name}; if ($replace && !$self->{"changed"}) { $self->reset; } return $self; } else { return $owner->{"rules"}{$name} = bless { "name" => $name, "prods" => [], "calls" => [], "changed" => 0, "line" => $line, "impcount" => 0, "opcount" => 0, "vars" => "", }, $class; } } sub reset($) { @{$_[0]->{"prods"}} = (); @{$_[0]->{"calls"}} = (); $_[0]->{"changed"} = 0; $_[0]->{"impcount"} = 0; $_[0]->{"opcount"} = 0; $_[0]->{"vars"} = ""; } sub DESTROY {} sub hasleftmost($$) { my ($self, $ref) = @_; my $prod; foreach $prod ( @{$self->{"prods"}} ) { return 1 if $prod->hasleftmost($ref); } return 0; } sub leftmostsubrules($) { my $self = shift; my @subrules = (); my $prod; foreach $prod ( @{$self->{"prods"}} ) { push @subrules, $prod->leftmostsubrule(); } return @subrules; } sub expected($) { my $self = shift; my @expected = (); my $prod; foreach $prod ( @{$self->{"prods"}} ) { my $next = $prod->expected(); unless (! $next or _contains($next,@expected) ) { push @expected, $next; } } return join ', or ', @expected; } sub _contains($@) { my $target = shift; my $item; foreach $item ( @_ ) { return 1 if $target eq $item; } return 0; } sub addcall($$) { my ( $self, $subrule ) = @_; unless ( _contains($subrule, @{$self->{"calls"}}) ) { push @{$self->{"calls"}}, $subrule; } } sub addprod($$) { my ( $self, $prod ) = @_; push @{$self->{"prods"}}, $prod; $self->{"changed"} = 1; $self->{"impcount"} = 0; $self->{"opcount"} = 0; $prod->{"number"} = $#{$self->{"prods"}}; return $prod; } sub addvar { my ( $self, $var, $parser ) = @_; if ($var =~ /\A\s*local\s+([%@\$]\w+)/) { $parser->{localvars} .= " $1"; $self->{"vars"} .= "$var;\n" } else { $self->{"vars"} .= "my $var;\n" } $self->{"changed"} = 1; return 1; } sub addautoscore { my ( $self, $code ) = @_; $self->{"autoscore"} = $code; $self->{"changed"} = 1; return 1; } sub nextoperator($) { my $self = shift; my $prodcount = scalar @{$self->{"prods"}}; my $opcount = ++$self->{"opcount"}; return "_operator_${opcount}_of_production_${prodcount}_of_rule_$self->{name}"; } sub nextimplicit($) { my $self = shift; my $prodcount = scalar @{$self->{"prods"}}; my $impcount = ++$self->{"impcount"}; return "_alternation_${impcount}_of_production_${prodcount}_of_rule_$self->{name}"; } sub code { my ($self, $namespace, $parser) = @_; eval 'undef &' . $namespace . '::' . $self->{"name"} unless $parser->{saving}; my $code = ' # ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args) sub ' . $namespace . '::' . $self->{"name"} . ' { my $thisparser = $_[0]; $ERRORS = 0; my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"' . $self->{"name"} . '"}; Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [' . $self->{"name"} . ']}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{' . $self->{"name"} . '}) if defined $::RD_TRACE; ' . ($parser->{deferrable} ? 'my $def_at = @{$thisparser->{deferred}};' : '') . ' my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}}; my $score; my $score_return; my $_tok; my $return = undef; my $_matched=0; my $commit=0; my @item = (); my %item = (); my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2]; my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3]; my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : (); my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef); my $text; my $lastsep=""; my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected()); $expectation->at($_[1]); '. ($parser->{_check}{thisoffset}?' my $thisoffset; tie $thisoffset, q{Parse::RecDescent::OffsetCounter}, \$text, $thisparser; ':'') . ($parser->{_check}{prevoffset}?' my $prevoffset; tie $prevoffset, q{Parse::RecDescent::OffsetCounter}, \$text, $thisparser, 1; ':'') . ($parser->{_check}{thiscolumn}?' my $thiscolumn; tie $thiscolumn, q{Parse::RecDescent::ColCounter}, \$text, $thisparser; ':'') . ($parser->{_check}{prevcolumn}?' my $prevcolumn; tie $prevcolumn, q{Parse::RecDescent::ColCounter}, \$text, $thisparser, 1; ':'') . ($parser->{_check}{prevline}?' my $prevline; tie $prevline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser, 1; ':'') . ' my $thisline; tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser; '. $self->{vars} .' '; my $prod; foreach $prod ( @{$self->{"prods"}} ) { $prod->addscore($self->{autoscore},0,0) if $self->{autoscore}; next unless $prod->checkleftmost(); $code .= $prod->code($namespace,$self,$parser); $code .= $parser->{deferrable} ? ' splice @{$thisparser->{deferred}}, $def_at unless $_matched; ' : ''; } $code .= ' unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) ) { ' .($parser->{deferrable} ? ' splice @{$thisparser->{deferred}}, $def_at; ' : '') . ' $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{' . $self->{"name"} .'}) if defined $::RD_TRACE; return undef; } if (!defined($return) && defined($score)) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "", q{' . $self->{"name"} .'}) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $return = $score_return; } splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at; $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return; if (defined $::RD_TRACE) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} . $return . q{])}, "", q{' . $self->{"name"} .'}); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} . Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), , q{' . $self->{"name"} .'}) } $_[1] = $text; return $return; } '; return $code; } my @left; sub isleftrec($$) { my ($self, $rules) = @_; my $root = $self->{"name"}; @left = $self->leftmostsubrules(); my $next; foreach $next ( @left ) { next unless defined $rules->{$next}; # SKIP NON-EXISTENT RULES return 1 if $next eq $root; my $child; foreach $child ( $rules->{$next}->leftmostsubrules() ) { push(@left, $child) if ! _contains($child, @left) ; } } return 0; } package Parse::RecDescent::Production; sub describe ($;$) { return join ' ', map { $_->describe($_[1]) or () } @{$_[0]->{items}}; } sub new ($$;$$) { my ($self, $line, $uncommit, $error) = @_; my $class = ref($self) || $self; bless { "items" => [], "uncommit" => $uncommit, "error" => $error, "line" => $line, strcount => 0, patcount => 0, dircount => 0, actcount => 0, }, $class; } sub expected ($) { my $itemcount = scalar @{$_[0]->{"items"}}; return ($itemcount) ? $_[0]->{"items"}[0]->describe(1) : ''; } sub hasleftmost ($$) { my ($self, $ref) = @_; return ${$self->{"items"}}[0] eq $ref if scalar @{$self->{"items"}}; return 0; } sub leftmostsubrule($) { my $self = shift; if ( $#{$self->{"items"}} >= 0 ) { my $subrule = $self->{"items"}[0]->issubrule(); return $subrule if defined $subrule; } return (); } sub checkleftmost($) { my @items = @{$_[0]->{"items"}}; if (@items==1 && ref($items[0]) =~ /\AParse::RecDescent::Error/ && $items[0]->{commitonly} ) { Parse::RecDescent::_warn(2,"Lone in production treated as "); Parse::RecDescent::_hint("A production consisting of a single conditional directive would normally succeed (with the value zero) if the rule is not 'commited' when it is tried. Since you almost certainly wanted ' ' Parse::RecDescent supplied it for you."); push @{$_[0]->{items}}, Parse::RecDescent::UncondReject->new(0,0,''); } elsif (@items==1 && ($items[0]->describe||"") =~ /describe||"") =~ /describe ."]"); my $what = $items[0]->describe =~ / (which acts like an unconditional during parsing)" : $items[0]->describe =~ / (which acts like an unconditional during parsing)" : "an unconditional "; my $caveat = $items[0]->describe =~ / 1 ? "However, there were also other (useless) items after the leading " . $items[0]->describe . ", so you may have been expecting some other behaviour." : "You can safely ignore this message."; Parse::RecDescent::_hint("The production starts with $what. That means that the production can never successfully match, so it was optimized out of the final parser$caveat. $advice"); return 0; } return 1; } sub changesskip($) { my $item; foreach $item (@{$_[0]->{"items"}}) { if (ref($item) =~ /Parse::RecDescent::(Action|Directive)/) { return 1 if $item->{code} =~ /\$skip/; } } return 0; } sub adddirective { my ( $self, $whichop, $line ) = @_; push @{$self->{op}}, { type=>$whichop, line=>$line, offset=> scalar(@{$self->{items}}) }; } sub addscore { my ( $self, $code, $lookahead, $line ) = @_; $self->additem(Parse::RecDescent::Directive->new( "local \$^W; my \$thisscore = do { $code } + 0; if (!defined(\$score) || \$thisscore>\$score) { \$score=\$thisscore; \$score_return=\$item[-1]; } undef;", $lookahead, $line,"") ) unless $self->{items}[-1]->describe =~ /{op}) { while (my $next = pop @{$self->{op}}) { Parse::RecDescent::_error("Incomplete <$next->{type}op:...>.", $line); Parse::RecDescent::_hint( "The current production ended without completing the <$next->{type}op:...> directive that started near line $next->{line}. Did you forget the closing '>'?"); } } return 1; } sub enddirective { my ( $self, $line, $minrep, $maxrep ) = @_; unless ($self->{op}) { Parse::RecDescent::_error("Unmatched > found.", $line); Parse::RecDescent::_hint( "A '>' angle bracket was encountered, which typically indicates the end of a directive. However no suitable preceding directive was encountered. Typically this indicates either a extra '>' in the grammar, or a problem inside the previous directive."); return; } my $op = pop @{$self->{op}}; my $span = @{$self->{items}} - $op->{offset}; if ($op->{type} =~ /left|right/) { if ($span != 3) { Parse::RecDescent::_error( "Incorrect <$op->{type}op:...> specification: expected 3 args, but found $span instead", $line); Parse::RecDescent::_hint( "The <$op->{type}op:...> directive requires a sequence of exactly three elements. For example: <$op->{type}op:leftarg /op/ rightarg>"); } else { push @{$self->{items}}, Parse::RecDescent::Operator->new( $op->{type}, $minrep, $maxrep, splice(@{$self->{"items"}}, -3)); $self->{items}[-1]->sethashname($self); } } } sub prevwasreturn { my ( $self, $line ) = @_; unless (@{$self->{items}}) { Parse::RecDescent::_error( "Incorrect specification: expected item missing", $line); Parse::RecDescent::_hint( "The directive requires a sequence of at least one item. For example: "); return; } push @{$self->{items}}, Parse::RecDescent::Result->new(); } sub additem { my ( $self, $item ) = @_; $item->sethashname($self); push @{$self->{"items"}}, $item; return $item; } sub preitempos { return q { push @itempos, {'offset' => {'from'=>$thisoffset, 'to'=>undef}, 'line' => {'from'=>$thisline, 'to'=>undef}, 'column' => {'from'=>$thiscolumn, 'to'=>undef} }; } } sub incitempos { return q { $itempos[$#itempos]{'offset'}{'from'} += length($1); $itempos[$#itempos]{'line'}{'from'} = $thisline; $itempos[$#itempos]{'column'}{'from'} = $thiscolumn; } } sub postitempos { return q { $itempos[$#itempos]{'offset'}{'to'} = $prevoffset; $itempos[$#itempos]{'line'}{'to'} = $prevline; $itempos[$#itempos]{'column'}{'to'} = $prevcolumn; } } sub code($$$$) { my ($self,$namespace,$rule,$parser) = @_; my $code = ' while (!$_matched' . (defined $self->{"uncommit"} ? '' : ' && !$commit') . ') { ' . ($self->changesskip() ? 'local $skip = defined($skip) ? $skip : $Parse::RecDescent::skip;' : '') .' Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [' . $self->describe . ']}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]), q{' . $rule ->{name}. '}) if defined $::RD_TRACE; my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[' . $self->{"number"} . ']; ' . (defined $self->{"error"} ? '' : '$text = $_[1];' ) . ' my $_savetext; @item = (q{' . $rule->{"name"} . '}); %item = (__RULE__ => q{' . $rule->{"name"} . '}); my $repcount = 0; '; $code .= ' my @itempos = ({}); ' if $parser->{_check}{itempos}; my $item; my $i; for ($i = 0; $i < @{$self->{"items"}}; $i++) { $item = ${$self->{items}}[$i]; $code .= preitempos() if $parser->{_check}{itempos}; $code .= $item->code($namespace,$rule,$parser->{_check}); $code .= postitempos() if $parser->{_check}{itempos}; } if ($parser->{_AUTOACTION} && defined($item) && !$item->isa("Parse::RecDescent::Action")) { $code .= $parser->{_AUTOACTION}->code($namespace,$rule); Parse::RecDescent::_warn(1,"Autogenerating action in rule \"$rule->{name}\": $parser->{_AUTOACTION}{code}") and Parse::RecDescent::_hint("The \$::RD_AUTOACTION was defined, so any production not ending in an explicit action has the specified \"auto-action\" automatically appended."); } elsif ($parser->{_AUTOTREE} && defined($item) && !$item->isa("Parse::RecDescent::Action")) { if ($i==1 && $item->isterminal) { $code .= $parser->{_AUTOTREE}{TERMINAL}->code($namespace,$rule); } else { $code .= $parser->{_AUTOTREE}{NODE}->code($namespace,$rule); } Parse::RecDescent::_warn(1,"Autogenerating tree-building action in rule \"$rule->{name}\"") and Parse::RecDescent::_hint("The directive was specified, so any production not ending in an explicit action has some parse-tree building code automatically appended."); } $code .= ' Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [' . $self->describe . ']<<}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{' . $rule->{name} . '}) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $_matched = 1; last; } '; return $code; } 1; package Parse::RecDescent::Action; sub describe { undef } sub sethashname { $_[0]->{hashname} = '__ACTION' . ++$_[1]->{actcount} .'__'; } sub new { my $class = ref($_[0]) || $_[0]; bless { "code" => $_[1], "lookahead" => $_[2], "line" => $_[3], }, $class; } sub issubrule { undef } sub isterminal { 0 } sub code($$$$) { my ($self, $namespace, $rule) = @_; ' Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying action}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{' . $rule->{name} . '}) if defined $::RD_TRACE; ' . ($self->{"lookahead"} ? '$_savetext = $text;' : '' ) .' $_tok = ($_noactions) ? 0 : do ' . $self->{"code"} . '; ' . ($self->{"lookahead"}<0?'if':'unless') . ' (defined $_tok) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<> (return value: [undef])}) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched action<< (return value: [} . $_tok . q{])}, $text) if defined $::RD_TRACE; push @item, $_tok; ' . ($self->{line}>=0 ? '$item{'. $self->{hashname} .'}=$_tok;' : '' ) .' ' . ($self->{"lookahead"} ? '$text = $_savetext;' : '' ) .' ' } 1; package Parse::RecDescent::Directive; sub sethashname { $_[0]->{hashname} = '__DIRECTIVE' . ++$_[1]->{dircount} . '__'; } sub issubrule { undef } sub isterminal { 0 } sub describe { $_[1] ? '' : $_[0]->{name} } sub new ($$$$$) { my $class = ref($_[0]) || $_[0]; bless { "code" => $_[1], "lookahead" => $_[2], "line" => $_[3], "name" => $_[4], }, $class; } sub code($$$$) { my ($self, $namespace, $rule) = @_; ' ' . ($self->{"lookahead"} ? '$_savetext = $text;' : '' ) .' Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying directive: [' . $self->describe . ']}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{' . $rule->{name} . '}) if defined $::RD_TRACE; ' .' $_tok = do { ' . $self->{"code"} . ' }; if (defined($_tok)) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched directive<< (return value: [} . $_tok . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; } else { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; } ' . ($self->{"lookahead"} ? '$text = $_savetext and ' : '' ) .' last ' . ($self->{"lookahead"}<0?'if':'unless') . ' defined $_tok; push @item, $item{'.$self->{hashname}.'}=$_tok; ' . ($self->{"lookahead"} ? '$text = $_savetext;' : '' ) .' ' } 1; package Parse::RecDescent::UncondReject; sub issubrule { undef } sub isterminal { 0 } sub describe { $_[1] ? '' : $_[0]->{name} } sub sethashname { $_[0]->{hashname} = '__DIRECTIVE' . ++$_[1]->{dircount} . '__'; } sub new ($$$;$) { my $class = ref($_[0]) || $_[0]; bless { "lookahead" => $_[1], "line" => $_[2], "name" => $_[3], }, $class; } # MARK, YOU MAY WANT TO OPTIMIZE THIS. sub code($$$$) { my ($self, $namespace, $rule) = @_; ' Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Rejecting production<< (found ' . $self->describe . ')}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{' . $rule->{name} . '}) if defined $::RD_TRACE; ' . ($self->{"lookahead"} ? '$_savetext = $text;' : '' ) .' $_tok = undef; ' . ($self->{"lookahead"} ? '$text = $_savetext and ' : '' ) .' last ' . ($self->{"lookahead"}<0?'if':'unless') . ' defined $_tok; ' } 1; package Parse::RecDescent::Error; sub issubrule { undef } sub isterminal { 0 } sub describe { $_[1] ? '' : $_[0]->{commitonly} ? '' : '' } sub sethashname { $_[0]->{hashname} = '__DIRECTIVE' . ++$_[1]->{dircount} . '__'; } sub new ($$$$$) { my $class = ref($_[0]) || $_[0]; bless { "msg" => $_[1], "lookahead" => $_[2], "commitonly" => $_[3], "line" => $_[4], }, $class; } sub code($$$$) { my ($self, $namespace, $rule) = @_; my $action = ''; if ($self->{"msg"}) # ERROR MESSAGE SUPPLIED { #WAS: $action .= "Parse::RecDescent::_error(qq{$self->{msg}}" . ',$thisline);'; $action .= 'push @{$thisparser->{errors}}, [qq{'.$self->{msg}.'},$thisline];'; } else # GENERATE ERROR MESSAGE DURING PARSE { $action .= ' my $rule = $item[0]; $rule =~ s/_/ /g; #WAS: Parse::RecDescent::_error("Invalid $rule: " . $expectation->message() ,$thisline); push @{$thisparser->{errors}}, ["Invalid $rule: " . $expectation->message() ,$thisline]; '; } my $dir = new Parse::RecDescent::Directive('if (' . ($self->{"commitonly"} ? '$commit' : '1') . ") { do {$action} unless ".' $_noactions; undef } else {0}', $self->{"lookahead"},0,$self->describe); $dir->{hashname} = $self->{hashname}; return $dir->code($namespace, $rule, 0); } 1; package Parse::RecDescent::Token; sub sethashname { $_[0]->{hashname} = '__PATTERN' . ++$_[1]->{patcount} . '__'; } sub issubrule { undef } sub isterminal { 1 } sub describe ($) { shift->{'description'}} # ARGS ARE: $self, $pattern, $left_delim, $modifiers, $lookahead, $linenum sub new ($$$$$$) { my $class = ref($_[0]) || $_[0]; my $pattern = $_[1]; my $pat = $_[1]; my $ldel = $_[2]; my $rdel = $ldel; $rdel =~ tr/{[(/; my $mod = $_[3]; my $desc; if ($ldel eq '/') { $desc = "$ldel$pattern$rdel$mod" } else { $desc = "m$ldel$pattern$rdel$mod" } $desc =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; $desc =~ s/\$$/\\\$/g; $desc =~ s/}/\\}/g; $desc =~ s/{/\\{/g; if (!eval "no strict; local \$SIG{__WARN__} = sub {0}; '' =~ m$ldel$pattern$rdel" and $@) { Parse::RecDescent::_warn(3, "Token pattern \"m$ldel$pattern$rdel\" may not be a valid regular expression", $_[5]); $@ =~ s/ at \(eval.*/./; Parse::RecDescent::_hint($@); } # QUIETLY PREVENT (WELL-INTENTIONED) CALAMITY $mod =~ s/[gc]//g; $pattern =~ s/(\A|[^\\])\\G/$1/g; bless { "pattern" => $pattern, "ldelim" => $ldel, "rdelim" => $rdel, "mod" => $mod, "lookahead" => $_[4], "line" => $_[5], "description" => $desc, }, $class; } sub code($$$$) { my ($self, $namespace, $rule, $check) = @_; my $ldel = $self->{"ldelim"}; my $rdel = $self->{"rdelim"}; my $sdel = $ldel; my $mod = $self->{"mod"}; $sdel =~ s/[[{(<]/{}/; my $code = ' Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [' . $self->describe . ']}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{' . $rule->{name} . '}) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $lastsep = ""; $expectation->is(q{' . ($rule->hasleftmost($self) ? '' : $self->describe ) . '})->at($text); ' . ($self->{"lookahead"} ? '$_savetext = $text;' : '' ) . ' ' . ($self->{"lookahead"}<0?'if':'unless') . ' ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and ' . ($check->{itempos}? 'do {'.Parse::RecDescent::Production::incitempos().' 1} and ' : '') . ' $text =~ s' . $ldel . '\A(?:' . $self->{"pattern"} . ')' . $rdel . $sdel . $mod . ') { '.($self->{"lookahead"} ? '$text = $_savetext;' : '').' $expectation->failed(); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [} . $& . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; push @item, $item{'.$self->{hashname}.'}=$&; ' . ($self->{"lookahead"} ? '$text = $_savetext;' : '' ) .' '; return $code; } 1; package Parse::RecDescent::Literal; sub sethashname { $_[0]->{hashname} = '__STRING' . ++$_[1]->{strcount} . '__'; } sub issubrule { undef } sub isterminal { 1 } sub describe ($) { shift->{'description'} } sub new ($$$$) { my $class = ref($_[0]) || $_[0]; my $pattern = $_[1]; my $desc = $pattern; $desc=~s/\\/\\\\/g; $desc=~s/}/\\}/g; $desc=~s/{/\\{/g; bless { "pattern" => $pattern, "lookahead" => $_[2], "line" => $_[3], "description" => "'$desc'", }, $class; } sub code($$$$) { my ($self, $namespace, $rule, $check) = @_; my $code = ' Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [' . $self->describe . ']}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{' . $rule->{name} . '}) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $lastsep = ""; $expectation->is(q{' . ($rule->hasleftmost($self) ? '' : $self->describe ) . '})->at($text); ' . ($self->{"lookahead"} ? '$_savetext = $text;' : '' ) . ' ' . ($self->{"lookahead"}<0?'if':'unless') . ' ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and ' . ($check->{itempos}? 'do {'.Parse::RecDescent::Production::incitempos().' 1} and ' : '') . ' $text =~ s/\A' . quotemeta($self->{"pattern"}) . '//) { '.($self->{"lookahead"} ? '$text = $_savetext;' : '').' $expectation->failed(); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [} . $& . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; push @item, $item{'.$self->{hashname}.'}=$&; ' . ($self->{"lookahead"} ? '$text = $_savetext;' : '' ) .' '; return $code; } 1; package Parse::RecDescent::InterpLit; sub sethashname { $_[0]->{hashname} = '__STRING' . ++$_[1]->{strcount} . '__'; } sub issubrule { undef } sub isterminal { 1 } sub describe ($) { shift->{'description'} } sub new ($$$$) { my $class = ref($_[0]) || $_[0]; my $pattern = $_[1]; $pattern =~ s#/#\\/#g; my $desc = $pattern; $desc=~s/\\/\\\\/g; $desc=~s/}/\\}/g; $desc=~s/{/\\{/g; bless { "pattern" => $pattern, "lookahead" => $_[2], "line" => $_[3], "description" => "'$desc'", }, $class; } sub code($$$$) { my ($self, $namespace, $rule, $check) = @_; my $code = ' Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [' . $self->describe . ']}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{' . $rule->{name} . '}) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $lastsep = ""; $expectation->is(q{' . ($rule->hasleftmost($self) ? '' : $self->describe ) . '})->at($text); ' . ($self->{"lookahead"} ? '$_savetext = $text;' : '' ) . ' ' . ($self->{"lookahead"}<0?'if':'unless') . ' ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and ' . ($check->{itempos}? 'do {'.Parse::RecDescent::Production::incitempos().' 1} and ' : '') . ' do { $_tok = "' . $self->{"pattern"} . '"; 1 } and substr($text,0,length($_tok)) eq $_tok and do { substr($text,0,length($_tok)) = ""; 1; } ) { '.($self->{"lookahead"} ? '$text = $_savetext;' : '').' $expectation->failed(); Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [} . $_tok . q{])}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text)) if defined $::RD_TRACE; push @item, $item{'.$self->{hashname}.'}=$_tok; ' . ($self->{"lookahead"} ? '$text = $_savetext;' : '' ) .' '; return $code; } 1; package Parse::RecDescent::Subrule; sub issubrule ($) { return $_[0]->{"subrule"} } sub isterminal { 0 } sub sethashname {} sub describe ($) { my $desc = $_[0]->{"implicit"} || $_[0]->{"subrule"}; $desc = "" if $_[0]->{"matchrule"}; return $desc; } sub callsyntax($$) { if ($_[0]->{"matchrule"}) { return "&{'$_[1]'.qq{$_[0]->{subrule}}}"; } else { return $_[1].$_[0]->{"subrule"}; } } sub new ($$$$;$$$) { my $class = ref($_[0]) || $_[0]; bless { "subrule" => $_[1], "lookahead" => $_[2], "line" => $_[3], "implicit" => $_[4] || undef, "matchrule" => $_[5], "argcode" => $_[6] || undef, }, $class; } sub code($$$$) { my ($self, $namespace, $rule) = @_; ' Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [' . $self->{"subrule"} . ']}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{' . $rule->{"name"} . '}) if defined $::RD_TRACE; if (1) { no strict qw{refs}; $expectation->is(' . ($rule->hasleftmost($self) ? 'q{}' # WAS : 'qq{'.$self->describe.'}' ) . ')->at($text); : 'q{'.$self->describe.'}' ) . ')->at($text); ' . ($self->{"lookahead"} ? '$_savetext = $text;' : '' ) . ($self->{"lookahead"}<0?'if':'unless') . ' (defined ($_tok = ' . $self->callsyntax($namespace.'::') . '($thisparser,$text,$repeating,' . ($self->{"lookahead"}?'1':'$_noactions') . ($self->{argcode} ? ",sub { return $self->{argcode} }" : ',undef') . '))) { '.($self->{"lookahead"} ? '$text = $_savetext;' : '').' Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<{subrule} . ']>>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{' . $rule->{"name"} .'}) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $expectation->failed(); last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [' . $self->{subrule} . ']<< (return value: [} . $_tok . q{]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{' . $rule->{"name"} .'}) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $item{q{' . $self->{subrule} . '}} = $_tok; push @item, $_tok; ' . ($self->{"lookahead"} ? '$text = $_savetext;' : '' ) .' } ' } package Parse::RecDescent::Repetition; sub issubrule ($) { return $_[0]->{"subrule"} } sub isterminal { 0 } sub sethashname { } sub describe ($) { my $desc = $_[0]->{"expected"} || $_[0]->{"subrule"}; $desc = "" if $_[0]->{"matchrule"}; return $desc; } sub callsyntax($$) { if ($_[0]->{matchrule}) { return "sub { goto &{''.qq{$_[1]$_[0]->{subrule}}} }"; } else { return "\\&$_[1]$_[0]->{subrule}"; } } sub new ($$$$$$$$$$) { my ($self, $subrule, $repspec, $min, $max, $lookahead, $line, $parser, $matchrule, $argcode) = @_; my $class = ref($self) || $self; ($max, $min) = ( $min, $max) if ($max<$min); my $desc; if ($subrule=~/\A_alternation_\d+_of_production_\d+_of_rule/) { $desc = $parser->{"rules"}{$subrule}->expected } if ($lookahead) { if ($min>0) { return new Parse::RecDescent::Subrule($subrule,$lookahead,$line,$desc,$matchrule,$argcode); } else { Parse::RecDescent::_error("Not symbol (\"!\") before \"$subrule\" doesn't make sense.",$line); Parse::RecDescent::_hint("Lookahead for negated optional repetitions (such as \"!$subrule($repspec)\" can never succeed, since optional items always match (zero times at worst). Did you mean a single \"!$subrule\", instead?"); } } bless { "subrule" => $subrule, "repspec" => $repspec, "min" => $min, "max" => $max, "lookahead" => $lookahead, "line" => $line, "expected" => $desc, "argcode" => $argcode || undef, "matchrule" => $matchrule, }, $class; } sub code($$$$) { my ($self, $namespace, $rule) = @_; my ($subrule, $repspec, $min, $max, $lookahead) = @{$self}{ qw{subrule repspec min max lookahead} }; ' Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying repeated subrule: [' . $self->describe . ']}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{' . $rule->{"name"} . '}) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $expectation->is(' . ($rule->hasleftmost($self) ? 'q{}' # WAS : 'qq{'.$self->describe.'}' ) . ')->at($text); : 'q{'.$self->describe.'}' ) . ')->at($text); ' . ($self->{"lookahead"} ? '$_savetext = $text;' : '' ) .' unless (defined ($_tok = $thisparser->_parserepeat($text, ' . $self->callsyntax($namespace.'::') . ', ' . $min . ', ' . $max . ', ' . ($self->{"lookahead"}?'1':'$_noactions') . ',$expectation,' . ($self->{argcode} ? "sub { return $self->{argcode} }" : 'undef') . '))) { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<describe . ']>>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{' . $rule->{"name"} .'}) if defined $::RD_TRACE; last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched repeated subrule: [' . $self->{subrule} . ']<< (} . @$_tok . q{ times)}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{' . $rule->{"name"} .'}) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $item{q{' . $self->describe . '}} = $_tok; push @item, $_tok; ' . ($self->{"lookahead"} ? '$text = $_savetext;' : '' ) .' ' } package Parse::RecDescent::Result; sub issubrule { 0 } sub isterminal { 0 } sub describe { '' } sub new { my ($class, $pos) = @_; bless {}, $class; } sub code($$$$) { my ($self, $namespace, $rule) = @_; ' $return = $item[-1]; '; } package Parse::RecDescent::Operator; my @opertype = ( " non-optional", "n optional" ); sub issubrule { 0 } sub isterminal { 0 } sub describe { $_[0]->{"expected"} } sub sethashname { $_[0]->{hashname} = '__DIRECTIVE' . ++$_[1]->{dircount} . '__'; } sub new { my ($class, $type, $minrep, $maxrep, $leftarg, $op, $rightarg) = @_; bless { "type" => "${type}op", "leftarg" => $leftarg, "op" => $op, "min" => $minrep, "max" => $maxrep, "rightarg" => $rightarg, "expected" => "<${type}op: ".$leftarg->describe." ".$op->describe." ".$rightarg->describe.">", }, $class; } sub code($$$$) { my ($self, $namespace, $rule) = @_; my ($leftarg, $op, $rightarg) = @{$self}{ qw{leftarg op rightarg} }; my $code = ' Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying operator: [' . $self->describe . ']}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{' . $rule->{"name"} . '}) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $expectation->is(' . ($rule->hasleftmost($self) ? 'q{}' # WAS : 'qq{'.$self->describe.'}' ) . ')->at($text); : 'q{'.$self->describe.'}' ) . ')->at($text); $_tok = undef; OPLOOP: while (1) { $repcount = 0; my @item; '; if ($self->{type} eq "leftop" ) { $code .= ' # MATCH LEFTARG ' . $leftarg->code(@_[1..2]) . ' $repcount++; my $savetext = $text; my $backtrack; # MATCH (OP RIGHTARG)(s) while ($repcount < ' . $self->{max} . ') { $backtrack = 0; ' . $op->code(@_[1..2]) . ' ' . ($op->isterminal() ? 'pop @item;' : '$backtrack=1;' ) . ' ' . (ref($op) eq 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ? 'if (defined $1) {push @item, $item{'.$self->{hashname}.'}=$1; $backtrack=1;}' : "" ) . ' ' . $rightarg->code(@_[1..2]) . ' $savetext = $text; $repcount++; } $text = $savetext; pop @item if $backtrack; '; } else { $code .= ' my $savetext = $text; my $backtrack; # MATCH (LEFTARG OP)(s) while ($repcount < ' . $self->{max} . ') { $backtrack = 0; ' . $leftarg->code(@_[1..2]) . ' $repcount++; $backtrack = 1; ' . $op->code(@_[1..2]) . ' $savetext = $text; ' . ($op->isterminal() ? 'pop @item;' : "" ) . ' ' . (ref($op) eq 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ? 'do { push @item, $item{'.$self->{hashname}.'}=$1; } if defined $1;' : "" ) . ' } $text = $savetext; pop @item if $backtrack; # MATCH RIGHTARG ' . $rightarg->code(@_[1..2]) . ' $repcount++; '; } $code .= 'unless (@item) { undef $_tok; last }' unless $self->{min}==0; $code .= ' $_tok = [ @item ]; last; } unless ($repcount>='.$self->{min}.') { Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<describe . ']>>}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{' . $rule->{"name"} .'}) if defined $::RD_TRACE; $expectation->failed(); last; } Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched operator: [' . $self->describe . ']<< (return value: [} . qq{@{$_tok||[]}} . q{]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text), q{' . $rule->{"name"} .'}) if defined $::RD_TRACE; push @item, $item{'.$self->{hashname}.'}=$_tok||[]; '; return $code; } package Parse::RecDescent::Expectation; sub new ($) { bless { "failed" => 0, "expected" => "", "unexpected" => "", "lastexpected" => "", "lastunexpected" => "", "defexpected" => $_[1], }; } sub is ($$) { $_[0]->{lastexpected} = $_[1]; return $_[0]; } sub at ($$) { $_[0]->{lastunexpected} = $_[1]; return $_[0]; } sub failed ($) { return unless $_[0]->{lastexpected}; $_[0]->{expected} = $_[0]->{lastexpected} unless $_[0]->{failed}; $_[0]->{unexpected} = $_[0]->{lastunexpected} unless $_[0]->{failed}; $_[0]->{failed} = 1; } sub message ($) { my ($self) = @_; $self->{expected} = $self->{defexpected} unless $self->{expected}; $self->{expected} =~ s/_/ /g; if (!$self->{unexpected} || $self->{unexpected} =~ /\A\s*\Z/s) { return "Was expecting $self->{expected}"; } else { $self->{unexpected} =~ /\s*(.*)/; return "Was expecting $self->{expected} but found \"$1\" instead"; } } 1; package Parse::RecDescent; use Carp; use vars qw ( $AUTOLOAD $VERSION ); my $ERRORS = 0; $VERSION = '1.80'; # BUILDING A PARSER my $nextnamespace = "namespace000001"; sub _nextnamespace() { return "Parse::RecDescent::" . $nextnamespace++; } sub new ($$) { my $class = ref($_[0]) || $_[0]; local $Parse::RecDescent::compiling = $_[2], my $self = { "rules" => {}, "namespace" => _nextnamespace(), "startcode" => '', "localvars" => '', "_AUTOACTION" => undef, "_AUTOTREE" => undef, }; if ($::RD_AUTOACTION) { my $sourcecode = $::RD_AUTOACTION; $sourcecode = "{ $sourcecode }" unless $sourcecode =~ /\A\s*\{.*\}\s*\Z/; $self->{_AUTOACTION} = new Parse::RecDescent::Action($sourcecode,0,-1) } bless $self, $class; shift; return $self->Replace(@_) } sub Compile($$$$) { die "Compilation of Parse::RecDescent grammars not yet implemented\n"; } sub DESTROY {} # SO AUTOLOADER IGNORES IT # BUILDING A GRAMMAR.... sub Replace ($$) { splice(@_, 2, 0, 1); return _generate(@_); } sub Extend ($$) { splice(@_, 2, 0, 0); return _generate(@_); } sub _no_rule ($$;$) { _error("Ruleless $_[0] at start of grammar.",$_[1]); my $desc = $_[2] ? "\"$_[2]\"" : ""; _hint("You need to define a rule for the $_[0] $desc to be part of."); } my $NEGLOOKAHEAD = '\G(\s*\.\.\.\!)'; my $POSLOOKAHEAD = '\G(\s*\.\.\.)'; my $RULE = '\G\s*(\w+)[ \t]*:'; my $PROD = '\G\s*([|])'; my $TOKEN = q{\G\s*/((\\\\/|[^/])*)/([cgimsox]*)}; my $MTOKEN = q{\G\s*(m\s*[^\w\s])}; my $LITERAL = q{\G\s*'((\\\\['\\\\]|[^'])*)'}; my $INTERPLIT = q{\G\s*"((\\\\["\\\\]|[^"])*)"}; my $SUBRULE = '\G\s*(\w+)'; my $MATCHRULE = '\G(\s*{_check}{itempos} = ($grammar =~ /\@itempos\b|\$itempos\s*\[/) unless $self->{_check}{itempos}; for (qw(thisoffset thiscolumn prevline prevoffset prevcolumn)) { $self->{_check}{$_} = ($grammar =~ /\$$_/) || $self->{_check}{itempos} unless $self->{_check}{$_}; } my $line; my $rule = undef; my $prod = undef; my $item = undef; my $lastgreedy = ''; pos $grammar = 0; study $grammar; while (pos $grammar < length $grammar) { $line = $lines - _linecount($grammar) + 1; my $commitonly; my $code = ""; my @components = (); if ($grammar =~ m/$COMMENT/gco) { _parse("a comment",0,$line); next; } elsif ($grammar =~ m/$NEGLOOKAHEAD/gco) { _parse("a negative lookahead",$aftererror,$line); $lookahead = $lookahead ? -$lookahead : -1; $lookaheadspec .= $1; next; # SKIP LOOKAHEAD RESET AT END OF while LOOP } elsif ($grammar =~ m/$POSLOOKAHEAD/gco) { _parse("a positive lookahead",$aftererror,$line); $lookahead = $lookahead ? $lookahead : 1; $lookaheadspec .= $1; next; # SKIP LOOKAHEAD RESET AT END OF while LOOP } elsif ($grammar =~ m/(?=$ACTION)/gco and do { ($code) = extract_codeblock($grammar); $code }) { _parse("an action", $aftererror, $line, $code); $item = new Parse::RecDescent::Action($code,$lookahead,$line); $prod and $prod->additem($item) or $self->_addstartcode($code); } elsif ($grammar =~ m/(?=$IMPLICITSUBRULE)/gco and do { ($code) = extract_codeblock($grammar,'{([',undef,'(',1); $code }) { $code =~ s/\A\s*\(|\)\Z//g; _parse("an implicit subrule", $aftererror, $line, "( $code )"); my $implicit = $rule->nextimplicit; $self->_generate("$implicit : $code",$replace,1); my $pos = pos $grammar; substr($grammar,$pos,0,$implicit); pos $grammar = $pos;; } elsif ($grammar =~ m/$ENDDIRECTIVEMK/gco) { # EXTRACT TRAILING REPETITION SPECIFIER (IF ANY) my ($minrep,$maxrep) = (1,$MAXREP); if ($grammar =~ m/\G[(]/gc) { pos($grammar)--; if ($grammar =~ m/$OPTIONAL/gco) { ($minrep, $maxrep) = (0,1) } elsif ($grammar =~ m/$ANY/gco) { $minrep = 0 } elsif ($grammar =~ m/$EXACTLY/gco) { ($minrep, $maxrep) = ($1,$1) } elsif ($grammar =~ m/$BETWEEN/gco) { ($minrep, $maxrep) = ($1,$2) } elsif ($grammar =~ m/$ATLEAST/gco) { $minrep = $1 } elsif ($grammar =~ m/$ATMOST/gco) { $maxrep = $1 } elsif ($grammar =~ m/$MANY/gco) { } elsif ($grammar =~ m/$BADREP/gco) { _parse("an invalid repetition specifier", 0,$line); _error("Incorrect specification of a repeated directive", $line); _hint("Repeated directives cannot have a maximum repetition of zero, nor can they have negative components in their ranges."); } } $prod && $prod->enddirective($line,$minrep,$maxrep); } elsif ($grammar =~ m/\G\s*<[^m]/gc) { pos($grammar)-=2; if ($grammar =~ m/$OPMK/gco) { _parse("a $1-associative operator directive", $aftererror, $line, "<$1op:...>"); $prod->adddirective($1, $line); } elsif ($grammar =~ m/$UNCOMMITMK/gco) { _parse("an uncommit marker", $aftererror,$line); $item = new Parse::RecDescent::Directive('$commit=0;1', $lookahead,$line,""); $prod and $prod->additem($item) or _no_rule("",$line); } elsif ($grammar =~ m/$QUOTELIKEMK/gco) { _parse("an perl quotelike marker", $aftererror,$line); $item = new Parse::RecDescent::Directive( 'my ($match,@res); ($match,$text,undef,@res) = Text::Balanced::extract_quotelike($text,$skip); $match ? \@res : undef; ', $lookahead,$line,""); $prod and $prod->additem($item) or _no_rule("",$line); } elsif ($grammar =~ m/$CODEBLOCKMK/gco) { _parse("an perl codeblock marker", $aftererror,$line); $item = new Parse::RecDescent::Directive( 'Text::Balanced::extract_codeblock($text,undef,$skip); ', $lookahead,$line,""); $prod and $prod->additem($item) or _no_rule("",$line); } elsif ($grammar =~ m/$VARIABLEMK/gco) { _parse("an perl variable marker", $aftererror,$line); $item = new Parse::RecDescent::Directive( 'Text::Balanced::extract_variable($text,$skip); ', $lookahead,$line,""); $prod and $prod->additem($item) or _no_rule("",$line); } elsif ($grammar =~ m/$NOCHECKMK/gco) { _parse("a disable checking marker", $aftererror,$line); if ($rule) { _error(" directive not at start of grammar", $line); _hint("The directive can only be specified at the start of a grammar (before the first rule is defined."); } else { local $::RD_CHECK = 1; } } elsif ($grammar =~ m/$AUTOSTUBMK/gco) { _parse("an autostub marker", $aftererror,$line); $::RD_AUTOSTUB = 1; } elsif ($grammar =~ m/$AUTOTREEMK/gco) { _parse("an autotree marker", $aftererror,$line); if ($rule) { _error(" directive not at start of grammar", $line); _hint("The directive can only be specified at the start of a grammar (before the first rule is defined."); } else { undef $self->{_AUTOACTION}; $self->{_AUTOTREE}{NODE} = new Parse::RecDescent::Action(q{{bless \%item, $item[0]}},0,-1); $self->{_AUTOTREE}{TERMINAL} = new Parse::RecDescent::Action(q{{bless {__VALUE__=>$item[1]}, $item[0]}},0,-1); } } elsif ($grammar =~ m/$REJECTMK/gco) { _parse("an reject marker", $aftererror,$line); $item = new Parse::RecDescent::UncondReject($lookahead,$line,""); $prod and $prod->additem($item) or _no_rule("",$line); } elsif ($grammar =~ m/(?=$CONDREJECTMK)/gco and do { ($code) = extract_codeblock($grammar,'{',undef,'<'); $code }) { _parse("a (conditional) reject marker", $aftererror,$line); $code =~ /\A\s*\Z/s; $item = new Parse::RecDescent::Directive( "($1) ? undef : 1", $lookahead,$line,""); $prod and $prod->additem($item) or _no_rule("",$line); } elsif ($grammar =~ m/(?=$SCOREMK)/gco and do { ($code) = extract_codeblock($grammar,'{',undef,'<'); $code }) { _parse("a score marker", $aftererror,$line); $code =~ /\A\s*\Z/s; $prod and $prod->addscore($1, $lookahead, $line) or _no_rule($code,$line); } elsif ($grammar =~ m/(?=$AUTOSCOREMK)/gco and do { ($code) = extract_codeblock($grammar,'{',undef,'<'); $code; } ) { _parse("an autoscore specifier", $aftererror,$line,$code); $code =~ /\A\s*\Z/s; $rule and $rule->addautoscore($1,$self) or _no_rule($code,$line); $item = new Parse::RecDescent::UncondReject($lookahead,$line,$code); $prod and $prod->additem($item) or _no_rule($code,$line); } elsif ($grammar =~ m/$RESYNCMK/gco) { _parse("a resync to newline marker", $aftererror,$line); $item = new Parse::RecDescent::Directive( 'if ($text =~ s/\A[^\n]*\n//) { $return = 0; $& } else { undef }', $lookahead,$line,""); $prod and $prod->additem($item) or _no_rule("",$line); } elsif ($grammar =~ m/(?=$RESYNCPATMK)/gco and do { ($code) = extract_bracketed($grammar,'<'); $code }) { _parse("a resync with pattern marker", $aftererror,$line); $code =~ /\A\s*\Z/s; $item = new Parse::RecDescent::Directive( 'if ($text =~ s/\A'.$1.'//) { $return = 0; $& } else { undef }', $lookahead,$line,$code); $prod and $prod->additem($item) or _no_rule($code,$line); } elsif ($grammar =~ m/(?=$SKIPMK)/gco and do { ($code) = extract_codeblock($grammar,'<'); $code }) { _parse("a skip marker", $aftererror,$line); $code =~ /\A\s*\Z/s; $item = new Parse::RecDescent::Directive( 'my $oldskip = $skip; $skip='.$1.'; $oldskip', $lookahead,$line,$code); $prod and $prod->additem($item) or _no_rule($code,$line); } elsif ($grammar =~ m/(?=$RULEVARPATMK)/gco and do { ($code) = extract_codeblock($grammar,'{',undef,'<'); $code; } ) { _parse("a rule variable specifier", $aftererror,$line,$code); $code =~ /\A\s*\Z/s; $rule and $rule->addvar($1,$self) or _no_rule($code,$line); $item = new Parse::RecDescent::UncondReject($lookahead,$line,$code); $prod and $prod->additem($item) or _no_rule($code,$line); } elsif ($grammar =~ m/(?=$DEFERPATMK)/gco and do { ($code) = extract_codeblock($grammar,'{',undef,'<'); $code; } ) { _parse("a deferred action specifier", $aftererror,$line,$code); $code =~ s/\A\s*\Z/$1/s; if ($code =~ /\A\s*[^{]|[^}]\s*\Z/) { $code = "{ $code }" } $item = new Parse::RecDescent::Directive( "push \@{\$thisparser->{deferred}}, sub $code;", $lookahead,$line,""); $prod and $prod->additem($item) or _no_rule("",$line); $self->{deferrable} = 1; } elsif ($grammar =~ m/(?=$TOKENPATMK)/gco and do { ($code) = extract_codeblock($grammar,'{',undef,'<'); $code; } ) { _parse("a token constructor", $aftererror,$line,$code); $code =~ s/\A\s*\Z/$1/s; my $types = eval 'no strict; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {0}; my @arr=('.$code.'); @arr' || (); if (!$types) { _error("Incorrect token specification: \"$@\"", $line); _hint("The directive requires a list of one or more strings representing possible types of the specified token. For example: "); } else { $item = new Parse::RecDescent::Directive( 'no strict; $return = { text => $item[-1] }; @{$return->{type}}{'.$code.'} = (1..'.$types.');', $lookahead,$line,""); $prod and $prod->additem($item) or _no_rule("",$line); } } elsif ($grammar =~ m/$COMMITMK/gco) { _parse("an commit marker", $aftererror,$line); $item = new Parse::RecDescent::Directive('$commit = 1', $lookahead,$line,""); $prod and $prod->additem($item) or _no_rule("",$line); } elsif ($grammar =~ m/$AUTOERRORMK/gco) { $commitonly = $1; _parse("an error marker", $aftererror,$line); $item = new Parse::RecDescent::Error('',$lookahead,$1,$line); $prod and $prod->additem($item) or _no_rule("",$line); $aftererror = !$commitonly; } elsif ($grammar =~ m/(?=$MSGERRORMK)/gco and do { $commitonly = $1; ($code) = extract_bracketed($grammar,'<'); $code }) { _parse("an error marker", $aftererror,$line,$code); $code =~ /\A\s*\Z/s; $item = new Parse::RecDescent::Error($1,$lookahead,$commitonly,$line); $prod and $prod->additem($item) or _no_rule("$code",$line); $aftererror = !$commitonly; } elsif (do { $commitonly = $1; ($code) = extract_bracketed($grammar,'<'); $code }) { if ($code =~ /^<[A-Z_]+>$/) { _error("Token items are not yet supported: \"$code\"", $line); _hint("Items like $code that consist of angle brackets enclosing a sequence of uppercase characters will eventually be used to specify pre-lexed tokens in a grammar. That functionality is not yet implemented. Or did you misspell \"$code\"?"); } else { _error("Untranslatable item encountered: \"$code\"", $line); _hint("Did you misspell \"$code\" or forget to comment it out?"); } } } elsif ($grammar =~ m/$RULE/gco) { _parseunneg("a rule declaration", 0, $lookahead,$line) or next; my $rulename = $1; if ($rulename =~ /Replace|Extend|Precompile|Save/ ) { _warn(2,"Rule \"$rulename\" hidden by method Parse::RecDescent::$rulename",$line) and _hint("The rule named \"$rulename\" cannot be directly called through the Parse::RecDescent object for this grammar (although it may still be used as a subrule of other rules). It can't be directly called because Parse::RecDescent::$rulename is already defined (it is the standard method of all parsers)."); } $rule = new Parse::RecDescent::Rule($rulename,$self,$line,$replace); $prod->check_pending($line) if $prod; $prod = $rule->addprod( new Parse::RecDescent::Production ); $aftererror = 0; } elsif ($grammar =~ m/$UNCOMMITPROD/gco) { pos($grammar)-=9; _parseunneg("a new (uncommitted) production", 0, $lookahead, $line) or next; $prod->check_pending($line) if $prod; $prod = new Parse::RecDescent::Production($line,1,0); $rule and $rule->addprod($prod) or _no_rule("",$line); $aftererror = 0; } elsif ($grammar =~ m/$ERRORPROD/gco) { pos($grammar)-=6; _parseunneg("a new (error) production", $aftererror, $lookahead,$line) or next; $prod->check_pending($line) if $prod; $prod = new Parse::RecDescent::Production($line,0,1); $rule and $rule->addprod($prod) or _no_rule("",$line); $aftererror = 0; } elsif ($grammar =~ m/$PROD/gco) { _parseunneg("a new production", 0, $lookahead,$line) or next; $rule and (!$prod || $prod->check_pending($line)) and $prod = $rule->addprod(new Parse::RecDescent::Production($line)) or _no_rule("production",$line); $aftererror = 0; } elsif ($grammar =~ m/$LITERAL/gco) { ($code = $1) =~ s/\\\\/\\/g; _parse("a literal terminal", $aftererror,$line,$1); $item = new Parse::RecDescent::Literal($code,$lookahead,$line); $prod and $prod->additem($item) or _no_rule("literal terminal",$line,"'$1'"); } elsif ($grammar =~ m/$INTERPLIT/gco) { _parse("an interpolated literal terminal", $aftererror,$line); $item = new Parse::RecDescent::InterpLit($1,$lookahead,$line); $prod and $prod->additem($item) or _no_rule("interpolated literal terminal",$line,"'$1'"); } elsif ($grammar =~ m/$TOKEN/gco) { _parse("a /../ pattern terminal", $aftererror,$line); $item = new Parse::RecDescent::Token($1,'/',$3?$3:'',$lookahead,$line); $prod and $prod->additem($item) or _no_rule("pattern terminal",$line,"/$1/"); } elsif ($grammar =~ m/(?=$MTOKEN)/gco and do { ($code, undef, @components) = extract_quotelike($grammar); $code } ) { _parse("an m/../ pattern terminal", $aftererror,$line,$code); $item = new Parse::RecDescent::Token(@components[3,2,8], $lookahead,$line); $prod and $prod->additem($item) or _no_rule("pattern terminal",$line,$code); } elsif ($grammar =~ m/(?=$MATCHRULE)/gco and do { ($code) = extract_bracketed($grammar,'<'); $code } or $grammar =~ m/$SUBRULE/gco and $code = $1) { my $name = $code; my $matchrule = 0; if (substr($name,0,1) eq '<') { $name =~ s/$MATCHRULE\s*//; $name =~ s/\s*>\Z//; $matchrule = 1; } # EXTRACT TRAILING ARG LIST (IF ANY) my ($argcode) = extract_codeblock($grammar, "[]",'') || ''; # EXTRACT TRAILING REPETITION SPECIFIER (IF ANY) if ($grammar =~ m/\G[(]/gc) { pos($grammar)--; if ($grammar =~ m/$OPTIONAL/gco) { _parse("an zero-or-one subrule match", $aftererror,$line,"$code$argcode($1)"); $item = new Parse::RecDescent::Repetition($name,$1,0,1, $lookahead,$line, $self, $matchrule, $argcode); $prod and $prod->additem($item) or _no_rule("repetition",$line,"$code$argcode($1)"); !$matchrule and $rule and $rule->addcall($name); } elsif ($grammar =~ m/$ANY/gco) { _parse("a zero-or-more subrule match", $aftererror,$line,"$code$argcode($1)"); if ($2) { my $pos = pos $grammar; substr($grammar,$pos,0, "(s?) "); pos $grammar = $pos; } else { $item = new Parse::RecDescent::Repetition($name,$1,0,$MAXREP, $lookahead,$line, $self, $matchrule, $argcode); $prod and $prod->additem($item) or _no_rule("repetition",$line,"$code$argcode($1)"); !$matchrule and $rule and $rule->addcall($name); _check_insatiable($name,$1,$grammar,$line) if $::RD_CHECK; } } elsif ($grammar =~ m/$MANY/gco) { _parse("a one-or-more subrule match", $aftererror,$line,"$code$argcode($1)"); if ($2) { my $pos = pos $grammar; substr($grammar,$pos,0, " "); pos $grammar = $pos; } else { $item = new Parse::RecDescent::Repetition($name,$1,1,$MAXREP, $lookahead,$line, $self, $matchrule, $argcode); $prod and $prod->additem($item) or _no_rule("repetition",$line,"$code$argcode($1)"); !$matchrule and $rule and $rule->addcall($name); _check_insatiable($name,$1,$grammar,$line) if $::RD_CHECK; } } elsif ($grammar =~ m/$EXACTLY/gco) { _parse("an exactly-$1-times subrule match", $aftererror,$line,"$code$argcode($1)"); if ($2) { my $pos = pos $grammar; substr($grammar,$pos,0, "($1) "); pos $grammar = $pos; } else { $item = new Parse::RecDescent::Repetition($name,$1,$1,$1, $lookahead,$line, $self, $matchrule, $argcode); $prod and $prod->additem($item) or _no_rule("repetition",$line,"$code$argcode($1)"); !$matchrule and $rule and $rule->addcall($name); } } elsif ($grammar =~ m/$BETWEEN/gco) { _parse("a $1-to-$2 subrule match", $aftererror,$line,"$code$argcode($1..$2)"); if ($3) { my $pos = pos $grammar; substr($grammar,$pos,0, "($1..$2) "); pos $grammar = $pos; } else { $item = new Parse::RecDescent::Repetition($name,"$1..$2",$1,$2, $lookahead,$line, $self, $matchrule, $argcode); $prod and $prod->additem($item) or _no_rule("repetition",$line,"$code$argcode($1..$2)"); !$matchrule and $rule and $rule->addcall($name); } } elsif ($grammar =~ m/$ATLEAST/gco) { _parse("a $1-or-more subrule match", $aftererror,$line,"$code$argcode($1..)"); if ($2) { my $pos = pos $grammar; substr($grammar,$pos,0, "($1..) "); pos $grammar = $pos; } else { $item = new Parse::RecDescent::Repetition($name,"$1..",$1,$MAXREP, $lookahead,$line, $self, $matchrule, $argcode); $prod and $prod->additem($item) or _no_rule("repetition",$line,"$code$argcode($1..)"); !$matchrule and $rule and $rule->addcall($name); _check_insatiable($name,"$1..",$grammar,$line) if $::RD_CHECK; } } elsif ($grammar =~ m/$ATMOST/gco) { _parse("a one-to-$1 subrule match", $aftererror,$line,"$code$argcode(..$1)"); if ($2) { my $pos = pos $grammar; substr($grammar,$pos,0, "(..$1) "); pos $grammar = $pos; } else { $item = new Parse::RecDescent::Repetition($name,"..$1",1,$1, $lookahead,$line, $self, $matchrule, $argcode); $prod and $prod->additem($item) or _no_rule("repetition",$line,"$code$argcode(..$1)"); !$matchrule and $rule and $rule->addcall($name); } } elsif ($grammar =~ m/$BADREP/gco) { _parse("an subrule match with invalid repetition specifier", 0,$line); _error("Incorrect specification of a repeated subrule", $line); _hint("Repeated subrules like \"$code$argcode$&\" cannot have a maximum repetition of zero, nor can they have negative components in their ranges."); } } else { _parse("a subrule match", $aftererror,$line,$code); my $desc; if ($name=~/\A_alternation_\d+_of_production_\d+_of_rule/) { $desc = $self->{"rules"}{$name}->expected } $item = new Parse::RecDescent::Subrule($name, $lookahead, $line, $desc, $matchrule, $argcode); $prod and $prod->additem($item) or _no_rule("(sub)rule",$line,$name); !$matchrule and $rule and $rule->addcall($name); } } elsif ($grammar =~ m/$LONECOLON/gco ) { _error("Unexpected colon encountered", $line); _hint("Did you mean \"|\" (to start a new production)? Or perhaps you forgot that the colon in a rule definition must be on the same line as the rule name?"); } elsif ($grammar =~ m/$ACTION/gco ) # BAD ACTION, ALREADY FAILED { _error("Malformed action encountered", $line); _hint("Did you forget the closing curly bracket or is there a syntax error in the action?"); } elsif ($grammar =~ m/$OTHER/gco ) { _error("Untranslatable item encountered: \"$1\"", $line); _hint("Did you misspell \"$1\" or forget to comment it out?"); } if ($lookaheadspec =~ tr /././ > 3) { $lookaheadspec =~ s/\A\s+//; $lookahead = $lookahead<0 ? 'a negative lookahead ("...!")' : 'a positive lookahead ("...")' ; _warn(1,"Found two or more lookahead specifiers in a row.",$line) and _hint("Multiple positive and/or negative lookaheads are simply multiplied together to produce a single positive or negative lookahead specification. In this case the sequence \"$lookaheadspec\" was reduced to $lookahead. Was this your intention?"); } $lookahead = 0; $lookaheadspec = ""; $grammar =~ m/\G\s+/gc; } unless ($ERRORS or $isimplicit or !$::RD_CHECK) { $self->_check_grammar(); } unless ($ERRORS or $isimplicit or $Parse::RecDescent::compiling) { my $code = $self->_code(); if (defined $::RD_TRACE) { print STDERR "printing code (", length($code),") to RD_TRACE\n"; open TRACE_FILE, ">RD_TRACE" and print TRACE_FILE "my \$ERRORS;\n$code" and close TRACE_FILE; } unless ( eval "$code 1" ) { _error("Internal error in generated parser code!"); $@ =~ s/at grammar/in grammar at/; _hint($@); } } if ($ERRORS and !_verbosity("HINT")) { local $::RD_HINT = 1; _hint('Set $::RD_HINT (or -RD_HINT if you\'re using "perl -s") for hints on fixing these problems.'); } if ($ERRORS) { $ERRORS=0; return } return $self; } sub _addstartcode($$) { my ($self, $code) = @_; $code =~ s/\A\s*\{(.*)\}\Z/$1/s; $self->{"startcode"} .= "$code;\n"; } # CHECK FOR GRAMMAR PROBLEMS.... sub _check_insatiable($$$$) { my ($subrule,$repspec,$grammar,$line) = @_; pos($grammar)=pos($_[2]); return if $grammar =~ m/$OPTIONAL/gco || $grammar =~ m/$ANY/gco; my $min = 1; if ( $grammar =~ m/$MANY/gco || $grammar =~ m/$EXACTLY/gco || $grammar =~ m/$ATMOST/gco || $grammar =~ m/$BETWEEN/gco && do { $min=$2; 1 } || $grammar =~ m/$ATLEAST/gco && do { $min=$2; 1 } || $grammar =~ m/$SUBRULE(?!\s*:)/gco ) { return unless $1 eq $subrule && $min > 0; _warn(3,"Subrule sequence \"$subrule($repspec) $&\" will (almost certainly) fail.",$line) and _hint("Unless subrule \"$subrule\" performs some cunning lookahead, the repetition \"$subrule($repspec)\" will insatiably consume as many matches of \"$subrule\" as it can, leaving none to match the \"$&\" that follows."); } } sub _check_grammar ($) { my $self = shift; my $rules = $self->{"rules"}; my $rule; foreach $rule ( values %$rules ) { next if ! $rule->{"changed"}; # CHECK FOR UNDEFINED RULES my $call; foreach $call ( @{$rule->{"calls"}} ) { if (!defined ${$rules}{$call} &&!defined &{"Parse::RecDescent::$call"}) { if (!defined $::RD_AUTOSTUB) { _warn(3,"Undefined (sub)rule \"$call\" used in a production.") and _hint("Will you be providing this rule later, or did you perhaps misspell \"$call\"? Otherwise it will be treated as an immediate ."); eval "sub $self->{namespace}::$call {undef}"; } else # EXPERIMENTAL { _warn(1,"Autogenerating rule: $call") and _hint("A call was made to a subrule named \"$call\", but no such rule was specified. However, since \$::RD_AUTOSTUB was defined, a rule stub ($call : '$call') was automatically created."); $self->_generate("$call : '$call'",0,1); } } } # CHECK FOR LEFT RECURSION if ($rule->isleftrec($rules)) { _error("Rule \"$rule->{name}\" is left-recursive."); _hint("Redesign the grammar so it's not left-recursive. That will probably mean you need to re-implement repetitions using the '(s)' notation. For example: \"$rule->{name}(s)\"."); next; } } } # GENERATE ACTUAL PARSER CODE sub _code($) { my $self = shift; my $code = qq{ package $self->{namespace}; use strict; use vars qw(\$skip \$AUTOLOAD $self->{localvars} ); \$skip = '$skip'; $self->{startcode} { local \$SIG{__WARN__} = sub {0}; # PRETEND TO BE IN Parse::RecDescent NAMESPACE *$self->{namespace}::AUTOLOAD = sub { no strict 'refs'; \$AUTOLOAD =~ s/^$self->{namespace}/Parse::RecDescent/; goto &{\$AUTOLOAD}; } } }; $code .= "push \@$self->{namespace}\::ISA, 'Parse::RecDescent';"; $self->{"startcode"} = ''; my $rule; foreach $rule ( values %{$self->{"rules"}} ) { if ($rule->{"changed"}) { $code .= $rule->code($self->{"namespace"},$self); $rule->{"changed"} = 0; } } return $code; } # EXECUTING A PARSE.... sub AUTOLOAD # ($parser, $text; $linenum, @args) { croak "Could not find method: $AUTOLOAD\n" unless ref $_[0]; my $class = ref($_[0]) || $_[0]; my $text = ref($_[1]) ? ${$_[1]} : $_[1]; $_[0]->{lastlinenum} = $_[2]||_linecount($_[1]); $_[0]->{lastlinenum} = _linecount($_[1]); $_[0]->{lastlinenum} += $_[2] if @_ > 2; $_[0]->{offsetlinenum} = $_[0]->{lastlinenum}; $_[0]->{fulltext} = $text; $_[0]->{fulltextlen} = length $text; $_[0]->{deferred} = []; $_[0]->{errors} = []; my @args = @_[3..$#_]; my $args = sub { [ @args ] }; $AUTOLOAD =~ s/$class/$_[0]->{namespace}/; no strict "refs"; croak "Unknown starting rule ($AUTOLOAD) called\n" unless defined &$AUTOLOAD; my $retval = &{$AUTOLOAD}($_[0],$text,undef,undef,$args); if (defined $retval) { foreach ( @{$_[0]->{deferred}} ) { &$_; } } else { foreach ( @{$_[0]->{errors}} ) { _error(@$_); } } if (ref $_[1]) { ${$_[1]} = $text } $ERRORS = 0; return $retval; } sub _parserepeat($$$$$$$$$$) # RETURNS A REF TO AN ARRAY OF MATCHES { my ($parser, $text, $prod, $min, $max, $_noactions, $expectation, $argcode) = @_; my @tokens = (); my $reps; for ($reps=0; $reps<$max;) { $_[6]->at($text); # $_[6] IS $expectation FROM CALLER my $_savetext = $text; my $prevtextlen = length $text; my $_tok; if (! defined ($_tok = &$prod($parser,$text,1,$_noactions,$argcode))) { $text = $_savetext; last; } push @tokens, $_tok if defined $_tok; last if ++$reps >= $min and $prevtextlen == length $text; } do { $_[6]->failed(); return undef} if $reps<$min; $_[1] = $text; return [@tokens]; } # ERROR REPORTING.... my $errortext; my $errorprefix; open (ERROR, ">&STDERR"); format ERROR = @>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>: ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< $errorprefix, $errortext ~~ ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< $errortext . select ERROR; $| = 1; # TRACING my $tracemsg; my $tracecontext; my $tracerulename; open (TRACE, ">&STDERR"); format TRACE = |@|||||||||@^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<| $tracerulename, '|', $tracemsg | ~~ |^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<| $tracemsg . select TRACE; $| = 1; open (TRACECONTEXT, ">&STDERR"); format TRACECONTEXT = |@|||||||||@ |^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< $tracerulename, '|', $tracecontext | ~~ | |^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< $tracecontext . select TRACECONTEXT; $| = 1; select STDOUT; sub _verbosity($) { defined $::RD_TRACE or defined $::RD_HINT and $_[0] =~ /ERRORS|WARN|HINT/ or defined $::RD_WARN and $_[0] =~ /ERRORS|WARN/ or defined $::RD_ERRORS and $_[0] =~ /ERRORS/ } sub _error($;$) { $ERRORS++; return 0 if ! _verbosity("ERRORS"); $errortext = $_[0]; $errorprefix = "ERROR" . ($_[1] ? " (line $_[1])" : ""); $errortext =~ s/\s+/ /g; print ERROR "\n" if _verbosity("WARN"); write ERROR; return 1; } sub _warn($$;$) { return 0 unless _verbosity("WARN") && ($::RD_HINT || $_[0] >= ($::RD_WARN||1)); $errortext = $_[1]; $errorprefix = "Warning" . ($_[2] ? " (line $_[2])" : ""); print ERROR "\n"; $errortext =~ s/\s+/ /g; write ERROR; return 1; } sub _hint($) { return 0 unless defined $::RD_HINT; $errortext = "$_[0])"; $errorprefix = "(Hint"; $errortext =~ s/\s+/ /g; write ERROR; return 1; } sub _tracemax($) { if (defined $::RD_TRACE && $::RD_TRACE =~ /\d+/ && $::RD_TRACE>1 && $::RD_TRACE+10..." . substr($_[0],-$::RD_TRACE/2); } else { return $_[0]; } } sub _tracefirst($) { if (defined $::RD_TRACE && $::RD_TRACE =~ /\d+/ && $::RD_TRACE>1 && $::RD_TRACE+10"; } else { return $_[0]; } } my $lastcontext = ''; my $lastrulename = ''; sub _trace($;$$) { $tracemsg = $_[0]; $tracecontext = $_[1]||$lastcontext; $tracerulename = $_[2]||$lastrulename; if ($tracerulename) { $lastrulename = $tracerulename } $tracecontext =~ s/\n/\\n/g; $tracecontext =~ s/\s+/ /g; $tracerulename = qq{$tracerulename}; write TRACE; if ($tracecontext ne $lastcontext) { if ($tracecontext) { $lastcontext = $tracecontext; $tracecontext = qq{"$tracecontext"}; } else { $tracecontext = qq{}; } write TRACECONTEXT; } } sub _parseunneg($$$$) { _parse($_[0],$_[1],$_[3]); if ($_[2]<0) { _error("Can't negate \"$&\".",$_[3]); _hint("You can't negate $_[0]. Remove the \"...!\" before \"$&\"."); return 0; } return 1; } sub _parse($$$;$) { my $what = $_[3] || $&; $what =~ s/^\s+//; if ($_[1]) { _warn(3,"Found $_[0] ($what) after an unconditional ",$_[2]) and _hint("An unconditional always causes the production containing it to immediately fail. \u$_[0] that follows an will never be reached. Did you mean to use instead?"); } return if ! _verbosity("TRACE"); $errortext = "Treating \"$what\" as $_[0]"; $errorprefix = "Parse::RecDescent"; $errortext =~ s/\s+/ /g; write ERROR; } sub _linecount($) { my ($pos,$count) = ((pos $_[0]||0)-1, 0); $count++ until ($pos=index($_[0],"\n",$pos+1))<0; return $count; } package main; use vars qw ( $RD_ERRORS $RD_WARN $RD_HINT $RD_TRACE $RD_CHECK ); $::RD_CHECK = 1; $::RD_ERRORS = 1; $::RD_WARN = 3; 1;