# # $Id: PropertySet.pm,v 1998/02/25 21:13:00 schwartz Exp $ # # OLE::PropertySet # # Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1998 Martin Schwartz # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, you should find it at: # # http://wwwwbs.cs.tu-berlin.de/~schwartz/pmh/COPYING # # Contact: schwartz@cs.tu-berlin.de # package OLE::PropertySet; use strict; my $VERSION=do{my@R=('$Revision: $'=~/\d+/g);sprintf"%d."."%d"x$#R,@R}; use OLE::Storage::Std; use OLE::Storage::Var(); sub Startup { my $S=shift; $S->{STARTUP} = shift if @_; $S->{STARTUP} } sub Var { my $S=shift; $S->{VAR} = shift if @_; $S->{VAR} } sub NewVar { OLE::Storage::Var::new qw(OLE::Storage::Var) } # package globals my %PPSET; sub dictionary { ## # # 1||0 = dictionary(\%dictionary [,$nodefault]); # my ($S, $dictR, $forbid) = @_; $S->_load_dictionary($forbid); %$dictR = %{$S->{DICT}}; 1} sub exists { my ($S, $id) = @_; defined $S->_prop($id); } sub idset { ## # # 1||0 = idset(\%ppset_idset [,$nodefault]); # my ($S, $idsetR, $forbid) = @_; $S->_load_dictionary($forbid); %{$idsetR}=(); for (keys %{$S->_prop}) { $idsetR->{$_} = $S->{DICT}{$_}; } 1} sub idstr { # # $str||undef = idstr($id [,$nodefault]) # my ($S, $id, $forbid) = @_; $S->_load_dictionary($forbid); $S->{DICT}{$id}; } sub load { # # $self||0 = 1. load ($Startup, $Var, $pps, $Doc [,$filter]) # = 2. load ($Startup, $Var, $name, \$buf [,$filter]) # my ($proto, $Startup, $Var, $pps, $Doc, $filter) = @_; my $class = ref($proto) || $proto; my $name; my $Scalar = (ref($Doc) =~ /SCALAR/); if ($Scalar) { $name = $pps; } else { $name = $Doc->name($pps)->string; } my $S = _init($Startup, $Var, $name, _type($name), $filter); bless ($S, $class); return $S->_error("This is not a PropertySet handle.") if !$S->{TYPE}; if ($Scalar) { my $bufR = $Doc; $S->{BUF} = $$bufR; } else { $S->{PPS} = $pps; $S->{DOC} = $Doc; return 0 if !$Doc->read($pps, \$S->{BUF}); } $S->_load() && $S; } sub property { # # 1. $Property = property($id) # 2. @Properties = property($id1 [,$id2...]) # # If an error occurs, an internal error $Property is returned. # my $S = shift; if (!@_) { return $S->_var()->error("No property id given."); } elsif (!wantarray) { return $S->_property(shift()); } else { map ($S->_property($_), @_); } } sub type { # # type || 0 = type e {1, 0x10} # 1. type ($Doc, $pps) # 2. type ($name) # my ($Quatsch, $Doc, $pps) = @_; if (defined $pps) { # case 1 return 0 if ! $Doc->is_file($pps); return _type($Doc->name($pps)->string()); } else { # case 2 my $name = $Doc; return _type($name); } } # # --------------------------- private ------------------------------ # sub _error { my $S = shift; $S->{STARTUP}->error(@_) if defined $S->{STARTUP} } sub _filter { shift->{FILTER}; } sub _init { # # $self||0 = _init ($Startup, $Var, $name, $type [,$filter]) # my ($Startup, $Var, $name, $type, $filter) = @_; { STARTUP => $Startup, # Startup object VAR => $Var, # Var object FILTER => $filter, # property filter method # aggregated data PROP => {}, # Property {id} DICT_LOAD => undef, DICT_PROP => {}, # Dictionary of property {id} DICT_DEF => {}, # Default dictionary property {id} DICT => {}, # DICT_PROP || DICT_PROP+DICT_DEF HEADER => {}, # Header data. # IO NAME => $name, # name of propertyset TYPE => $type, # type of PropertySet BUF => undef, # Buffer for PropertySet stream. DOC => undef, # Laola document object PPS => undef, # Property storage handle }; } sub _load { # # 1||0 = _load(); # my $S = shift; if ($S->{TYPE} == 1) { $S->_load_ppset_05(); } elsif ($S->{TYPE} == 0x10) { $S->_load_ppset_CompObj(); } else { $S->_error("Unknown property set type!"); } } sub _load_dictionary { my ($S, $forbid) = @_; $forbid = 0 if ! defined $forbid; return if defined $S->{DICT_LOAD} && ($S->{DICT_LOAD} == $forbid); if (!$forbid && $PPSET{$S->{NAME}}) { $S->{DICT} = $PPSET{$S->{NAME}}->{DICT}; } my ($k, $v); while (($k, $v) = each %{$S->{DICT_PROP}} ) { $S->{DICT}{$k} = $v; } $S->{DICT_LOAD} = $forbid; } sub _property { # # $Property || $ErrorProperty = _property($id) # my ($S, $id) = @_; return $S->_var()->error("Property not available!") if !$S->exists($id); $S->_prop($id); } sub _type { #! my $name = shift; return $PPSET{$name}->{TYPE} if $PPSET{$name}; return 1 if $name =~ /^\05/; 0} sub _var { shift->{VAR}; } sub _prop { my ($S, $key, $val) = @_; $S->{PROP}{$key} = $val if defined $val; return $S->{PROP}{$key} if defined $key; $S->{PROP}; } # # ---------------- Flat stream data into system ------------------- # sub _load_ppset_CompObj { # # true||0 = _load_ppset_CompObj () # # Structure: # 00: word uk1 0x0001 # 02: word byteorder 0xfffe # 04: word osver lbyte=version hbyte=revision # 06: word os 0=win16 1=mac 2=win32 # 08: ff ff ff ff 00 09 02 00 00 00 00 00 # c0 00 00 00 00 00 00 46 # 1c: word() offsets # my $S = shift; my $bufR = \$S->{BUF}; my ($l, $n, $o, $var, $vl); my $H = { BYTEORDER => get_word($bufR, 2), OSVER => get_word($bufR, 4), OS => get_word($bufR, 6), }; return $S->_error ("I don't understand the property set.") if ($H->{BYTEORDER} != 0xfffe) ; $S->{HEADER} = $H; get_it: { $o = 0x1c; for (0,1,2) { $S->_prop($_, $S->_var->property($bufR, \$o, 0x1e)); } } 1} sub _load_ppset_05 { # # true||0 = _load_ppset_05 () # # Structure: # 00: word byteorder 0xfffe # 02: word format 0 # 04: word osver lbyte=version hbyte=revision # 06: word os 0=win16 1=mac 2=win32 # 08: clsid class identifier {e.g. @0} # 18: long reserved >=1 # 1c: fmtid format identifier # 2c: word offset0 offset of first property chunk # my $S = shift; my $bufR = \$S->{BUF}; my ($did, $dname, $fido, $id, $l, $n, $num, $o, $type, @var, $vid, $vo); my $H = { BYTEORDER => get_word($bufR, 0x00), FORMAT => get_word($bufR, 0x02), OSVER => get_word($bufR, 0x04), OS => get_word($bufR, 0x06), CLSID => $S->_var->property($bufR, 0x08, 0x48), RESERVED => get_long($bufR, 0x18), FMTID => $S->_var->property($bufR, 0x1c, 0x48), OFFSET => [ get_word($bufR, 0x2c) ], CODEPAGE => {}, LOCALE => {}, }; return $S->_error("I don't understand the property set.") if ($H->{BYTEORDER} != 0xfffe) || ($H->{FORMAT} != 0) || ($H->{RESERVED} < 1) || (${$H->{OFFSET}}[0] < 0x30) ; get_it: { $o = $H->{OFFSET}->[0]; for ($n=0; $n < $H->{RESERVED}; $n++) { # default dictionary and codepage $H->{CODEPAGE}->{$n*0x1000+1} = 0x4e4; $num=get_word($bufR, $o+4); for (0 .. $num-1) { $id = get_long($bufR, $o+8+$_*8); if ($n) { $id = $_ if $id>1; } $fido = get_long($bufR, $o+8+$_*8+4); $vid = $n*0x1000 + $id; $vo = $H->{OFFSET}->[$n]+$fido; if ($id==0x80000000) { # locale $H->{LOCALE}->{$vid} = $S->_var->property($bufR, \$vo) -> int() ; } elsif ($id>1) { # read variable $S->_prop($vid, $S->_var->property($bufR, $vo)); } elsif ($id==1) { $H->{CODEPAGE}->{$vid} = $S->_var->property($bufR, \$vo) -> int() ; #printf "Codepage %d\n", $H->{CODEPAGE}->{$vid}; } elsif ($id==0) { # read dictionary for (1..get_long($bufR, \$vo)) { $did = get_long($bufR, \$vo); $S->{DICT_PROP}{$did+$n*0x1000} = $S->_var->property($bufR, \$vo, 0x1e) -> string() ; } } } $o+=get_word($bufR, $o); $H->{OFFSET}->[$n+1]=$o; } } $S->{HEADER} = $H; 1} ## ## ---------------------------- Tie Support ------------------------------- ## sub TIEHASH { # # $PropertySet||0 = TIEHASH $classname, $Startup, $Var, $Doc, $pps [,$filter] # goto &load; } sub CLEAR{0} sub DELETE{0} sub DESTROY{0} sub STORE{0} sub FETCH { # # FETCH this, key # my $S = shift; if (my $filter = $S->_filter()) { $S -> property (@_) -> $filter(); } else { $S -> property (@_); } } sub EXISTS { goto &exists; } sub FIRSTKEY { my $S = shift; keys %{$S->_prop}; $S->NEXTKEY(); } sub NEXTKEY { # # NEXTKEY this, lastkey # scalar each %{$_[0]->_prop}; } # # -------------------------------- Defines -------------------------------- # # global_definitions $[=0; # \05 %PPSET = ( "\05SummaryInformation" => { TYPE => 1, NAME => "Summary Info", DICT => { 2 => "Title", 3 => "Subject", 4 => "Authress", 5 => "Keywords", 6 => "Comments", 7 => "Template", 8 => "LastAuthress", 9 => "Revision", 10 => "EditTime", 11 => "LastPrinted", 12 => "Created", 13 => "LastSaved", 14 => "Pages", 15 => "Words", 16 => "Chars", 17 => "Thumbnail", 18 => "Application", 19 => "Security" }, GUID => [ 0xf29f85e0, 0x4ff9, 0x1068, "\0xab\0x91\0x08\0x00\0x2b\0x27\0xb3\0xd9" ] }, "\05DocumentSummaryInformation" => { TYPE => 1, NAME => "Document Summary Info", DICT => { 2 => "Category", 3 => "PresentationTarget", 4 => "Bytes", 5 => "Lines", 6 => "Paragraphs", 7 => "Slides", 8 => "Notes", 9 => "HiddenSlides", 10 => "MMClips", 11 => "ScaleCrop", 12 => "HeadingPairs", 13 => "TitlesOfParts", 14 => "Manager", 15 => "Company", 16 => "LinksUpToDate", }, GUID => [ 0xd5cdd502, 0x2e9c, 0x101b, "\0x93\0x97\0x08\0x00\0x2b\0x2c\0xf9\0xae" ], USERGUID => [ 0xd5cdd505, 0x2e9c, 0x101b, "\0x93\0x97\0x08\0x00\0x2b\0x2c\0xf9\0xae" ] }, "\01CompObj" => { TYPE => 0x10, NAME => "Compound Object Info", DICT => { 0 => "doc_long", 1 => "doc_class", 2 => "doc_spec" } } ); "Atomkraft? Nein, danke!" __END__ =head1 NAME OLE::PropertySet - Handles Property Sets $Revision: $ $Date: 1998/02/25 21:13:00 $ =head1 SYNOPSIS use OLE::Storage(); use OLE::PropertySet(); $Var = OLE::Storage -> NewVar; $Doc = OLE::Storage -> open ($Startup, $Var, "testfile.doc"); =over 4 =item direct mode I<$PS> = OLE::PropertySet->load (I<$Startup>, I<$Var>, I<$pps>, I<$Doc>) I<@list> = string { I<$PS> -> property (2, 5, 6) } =item tie mode I<$PS> = tie I<%PS>, OLE::PropertySet, I<$Startup>, I<$Var>, I<$pps>, I<$Doc> I<@list> = string { I<$PS>{2}, I<$PS>{5}, I<$PS>{6} } =back =head1 DESCRIPTION OLE::PropertySet gives read access to property sets. These are streams, that e.g. are residing inside of Structured Storage documents. Because property set technology is not limited to these documents borders, this package was designed to connect easily to Structured Storage documents and to arbitrary property set streams. To understand the use of this package, I recommend highly to study the tool "ldat". =over 4 =item dictionary C<1>||C == I<$PS> -> dictionary (I<\%dict> [,C<1>]) Stores the dictionary of PropertySet I<$PS> in hash I<%dict>. The dictionary is a hash array having the property identifier numbers as keys and the identifier names as values. By default the default dictionaries defined in OLE::PropertySet are also printed out. To leave them out, specify the optional parameter 1. Normally you will not need this method, but use idset() instead. =item idset C<1>||C == I<$PS> -> idset (I<\%idset> [,C<1>]); Stores the idset of PropertySet I<$PS> in hash I<%idset>. The idset is a hash array based on the really available property identifiers. %idset has property identifier numbers as keys and the identifier names according to the PropertySets dictionary as values. The optional parameter spares out the default dictionary (see dictionary). B: Some or all id names can be empty, if they cannot be figured out. Nevertheless the ids are valid. =item idstr I<$idstr>||C = I<$PS> -> idstr ($id [,C<1>]) Returns the property identifier string for property $id according to the PropertySets dictionary. The optional parameter spares out the default dictionary (see dictionary). =item load =over 4 =item I<$PS>||C<0> == 1. load (I<$Startup>, I<$Var>, I<$pps>, I<$Doc> [,C]) 2. load (I<$Startup>, I<$Var>, I<$name>, I<\$buf> [,C]) =back =item load() is the constructor of OLE::PropertySet. You can call it either with a Property Storage id I<$pps> and a Structured Storage document handle I<$Doc> as parameters, or with an PropertySetName I<$name> and a reference to a PropertySetBuffer I<\$buf>. =item NewVar I<$Var> == I<$PS> -> NewVar () Creates a new Variable handling object and returns it. (see also: open) =item property I||I = I<$PS> -> property (I<$id1> [,I<$id2> [...]]) Returns a I<$Property> or a list of I<@Properties>. (See OLE::Storage::Property to look what to do with it / them). If you applied a filter when loading I<$PS>, property returns a scalar or a list of scalars. =item type I<$type>||0 = PropertySet -> type (I<$Doc>, I<$pps>) I<$type>||0 = PropertySet -> type ($name) Returns the type of a PropertySet according to its name. The type is a OLE::PropertySet internal. It can be used to determine, if a property is a PropertySet or not. Momentarily are existing: type meaning --------------------------------------------------- 0x01 property is a "\05" PropertySet 0x10 property is a "\01CompObj" fake PropertySet 0x00 property is no PropertySet at all =back =head1 SEE ALSO L, demonstration program "ldat" =head1 AUTHOR Martin Schwartz EFE. =cut