package Net::HTTP::Methods; # $Id:,v 1.7 2001/12/05 16:58:05 gisle Exp $ require 5.005; # 4-arg substr use strict; use vars qw($VERSION); $VERSION = "0.02"; my $CRLF = "\015\012"; # "\r\n" is not portable sub new { my($class, %cnf) = @_; require Symbol; my $self = bless Symbol::gensym(), $class; return $self->http_configure(\%cnf); } sub http_configure { my($self, $cnf) = @_; die "Listen option not allowed" if $cnf->{Listen}; my $host = delete $cnf->{Host}; my $peer = $cnf->{PeerAddr} || $cnf->{PeerHost}; if ($host) { $cnf->{PeerAddr} = $host unless $peer; } else { $host = $peer; $host =~ s/:.*//; } $cnf->{PeerPort} = $self->http_default_port unless $cnf->{PeerPort}; $cnf->{Proto} = 'tcp'; my $keep_alive = delete $cnf->{KeepAlive}; my $http_version = delete $cnf->{HTTPVersion}; $http_version = "1.1" unless defined $http_version; my $peer_http_version = delete $cnf->{PeerHTTPVersion}; $peer_http_version = "1.0" unless defined $peer_http_version; my $send_te = delete $cnf->{SendTE}; my $max_line_length = delete $cnf->{MaxLineLength}; $max_line_length = 4*1024 unless defined $max_line_length; my $max_header_lines = delete $cnf->{MaxHeaderLines}; $max_header_lines = 128 unless defined $max_header_lines; return undef unless $self->http_connect($cnf); unless ($host =~ /:/) { my $p = $self->peerport; $host .= ":$p"; } $self->host($host); $self->keep_alive($keep_alive); $self->send_te($send_te); $self->http_version($http_version); $self->peer_http_version($peer_http_version); $self->max_line_length($max_line_length); $self->max_header_lines($max_header_lines); ${*$self}{'http_buf'} = ""; return $self; } sub http_default_port { 80; } # set up property accessors for my $method (qw(host keep_alive send_te max_line_length max_header_lines peer_http_version)) { my $prop_name = "http_" . $method; no strict 'refs'; *$method = sub { my $self = shift; my $old = ${*$self}{$prop_name}; ${*$self}{$prop_name} = shift if @_; return $old; }; } # we want this one to be a bit smarter sub http_version { my $self = shift; my $old = ${*$self}{'http_version'}; if (@_) { my $v = shift; $v = "1.0" if $v eq "1"; # float unless ($v eq "1.0" or $v eq "1.1") { require Carp; Carp::croak("Unsupported HTTP version '$v'"); } ${*$self}{'http_version'} = $v; } $old; } sub format_request { my $self = shift; my $method = shift; my $uri = shift; my $content = (@_ % 2) ? pop : ""; for ($method, $uri) { require Carp; Carp::croak("Bad method or uri") if /\s/ || !length; } push(@{${*$self}{'http_request_method'}}, $method); my $ver = ${*$self}{'http_version'}; my $peer_ver = ${*$self}{'http_peer_http_version'} || "1.0"; my @h; my @connection; my %given = (host => 0, "content-length" => 0, "te" => 0); while (@_) { my($k, $v) = splice(@_, 0, 2); my $lc_k = lc($k); if ($lc_k eq "connection") { push(@connection, split(/\s*,\s*/, $v)); next; } if (exists $given{$lc_k}) { $given{$lc_k}++; } push(@h, "$k: $v"); } if (length($content) && !$given{'content-length'}) { push(@h, "Content-Length: " . length($content)); } my @h2; if ($given{te}) { push(@connection, "TE") unless grep lc($_) eq "te", @connection; } elsif ($self->send_te && zlib_ok()) { # gzip is less wanted since the Compress::Zlib interface for # it does not really allow chunked decoding to take place easily. push(@h2, "TE: deflate,gzip;q=0.3"); push(@connection, "TE"); } unless (grep lc($_) eq "close", @connection) { if ($self->keep_alive) { if ($peer_ver eq "1.0") { # from looking at Netscape's headers push(@h2, "Keep-Alive: 300"); unshift(@connection, "Keep-Alive"); } } else { push(@connection, "close") if $ver ge "1.1"; } } push(@h2, "Connection: " . join(", ", @connection)) if @connection; push(@h2, "Host: ${*$self}{'http_host'}") unless $given{host}; return join($CRLF, "$method $uri HTTP/$ver", @h2, @h, "", $content); } sub write_request { my $self = shift; $self->print($self->format_request(@_)); } sub format_chunk { my $self = shift; return $_[0] unless defined($_[0]) && length($_[0]); return hex(length($_[0])) . $CRLF . $_[0] . $CRLF; } sub write_chunk { my $self = shift; return 1 unless defined($_[0]) && length($_[0]); $self->print(hex(length($_[0])) . $CRLF . $_[0] . $CRLF); } sub format_chunk_eof { my $self = shift; my @h; while (@_) { push(@h, sprintf "%s: %s$CRLF", splice(@_, 0, 2)); } return join("", "0$CRLF", @h, $CRLF); } sub write_chunk_eof { my $self = shift; $self->print($self->format_chunk_eof(@_)); } sub my_read { die if @_ > 3; my $self = shift; my $len = $_[1]; for (${*$self}{'http_buf'}) { if (length) { $_[0] = substr($_, 0, $len, ""); return length($_[0]); } else { return $self->sysread($_[0], $len); } } } sub my_readline { my $self = shift; for (${*$self}{'http_buf'}) { my $max_line_length = ${*$self}{'http_max_line_length'}; my $pos; while (1) { # find line ending $pos = index($_, "\012"); last if $pos >= 0; die "Line too long (limit is $max_line_length)" if $max_line_length && length($_) > $max_line_length; # need to read more data to find a line ending my $n = $self->sysread($_, 1024, length); if (!$n) { return undef unless length; return substr($_, 0, length, ""); } } die "Line too long ($pos; limit is $max_line_length)" if $max_line_length && $pos > $max_line_length; my $line = substr($_, 0, $pos+1, ""); $line =~ s/(\015?\012)\z// || die "Assert"; return wantarray ? ($line, $1) : $line; } } sub _rbuf { my $self = shift; if (@_) { for (${*$self}{'http_buf'}) { my $old; $old = $_ if defined wantarray; $_ = shift; return $old; } } else { return ${*$self}{'http_buf'}; } } sub _rbuf_length { my $self = shift; return length ${*$self}{'http_buf'}; } sub _read_header_lines { my $self = shift; my $junk_out = shift; my @headers; my $line_count = 0; my $max_header_lines = ${*$self}{'http_max_header_lines'}; while (my $line = my_readline($self)) { if ($line =~ /^(\S+)\s*:\s*(.*)/s) { push(@headers, $1, $2); } elsif (@headers && $line =~ s/^\s+//) { $headers[-1] .= " " . $line; } elsif ($junk_out) { push(@$junk_out, $line); } else { die "Bad header: '$line'\n"; } if ($max_header_lines) { $line_count++; if ($line_count >= $max_header_lines) { die "Too many header lines (limit is $max_header_lines)"; } } } return @headers; } sub read_response_headers { my($self, %opt) = @_; my $laxed = $opt{laxed}; my($status, $eol) = my_readline($self); die "EOF instead of reponse status line" unless defined $status; my($peer_ver, $code, $message) = split(/\s+/, $status, 3); if (!$peer_ver || $peer_ver !~ s,^HTTP/,,) { die "Bad response status line: '$status'" unless $laxed; # assume HTTP/0.9 ${*$self}{'http_peer_http_version'} = "0.9"; ${*$self}{'http_status'} = "200"; substr(${*$self}{'http_buf'}, 0, 0) = $status . $eol; return (200, "Assumed OK"); }; ${*$self}{'http_peer_http_version'} = $peer_ver; unless ($code =~ /^[1-9]\d\d$/) { die "Bad response code: '$status'"; } ${*$self}{'http_status'} = $code; my $junk_out; if ($laxed) { $junk_out = $opt{junk_out} || []; } my @headers = $self->_read_header_lines($junk_out); # pick out headers that read_entity_body might need my @te; my $content_length; for (my $i = 0; $i < @headers; $i += 2) { my $h = lc($headers[$i]); if ($h eq 'transfer-encoding') { push(@te, $headers[$i+1]); } elsif ($h eq 'content-length') { $content_length = $headers[$i+1]; } } ${*$self}{'http_te'} = join(",", @te); ${*$self}{'http_content_length'} = $content_length; ${*$self}{'http_first_body'}++; delete ${*$self}{'http_trailers'}; return $code unless wantarray; return ($code, $message, @headers); } sub read_entity_body { my $self = shift; my $buf_ref = \$_[0]; my $size = $_[1]; die "Offset not supported yet" if $_[2]; my $chunked; my $bytes; if (${*$self}{'http_first_body'}) { ${*$self}{'http_first_body'} = 0; delete ${*$self}{'http_chunked'}; delete ${*$self}{'http_bytes'}; my $method = shift(@{${*$self}{'http_request_method'}}); my $status = ${*$self}{'http_status'}; if ($method eq "HEAD" || $status =~ /^(?:1|[23]04)/) { # these responses are always empty $bytes = 0; } elsif (my $te = ${*$self}{'http_te'}) { my @te = split(/\s*,\s*/, lc($te)); die "Chunked must be last Transfer-Encoding '$te'" unless pop(@te) eq "chunked"; for (@te) { if ($_ eq "deflate" && zlib_ok()) { #require Compress::Zlib; my $i = Compress::Zlib::inflateInit(); die "Can't make inflator" unless $i; $_ = sub { scalar($i->inflate($_[0])) } } elsif ($_ eq "gzip" && zlib_ok()) { #require Compress::Zlib; my @buf; $_ = sub { push(@buf, $_[0]); return Compress::Zlib::memGunzip(join("", @buf)) if $_[1]; return ""; }; } elsif ($_ eq "identity") { $_ = sub { $_[0] }; } else { die "Can't handle transfer encoding '$te'"; } } @te = reverse(@te); ${*$self}{'http_te2'} = @te ? \@te : ""; $chunked = -1; } elsif (defined(my $content_length = ${*$self}{'http_content_length'})) { $bytes = $content_length; } else { # XXX Multi-Part types are self delimiting, but RFC 2616 says we # only has to deal with 'multipart/byteranges' # Read until EOF } } else { $chunked = ${*$self}{'http_chunked'}; $bytes = ${*$self}{'http_bytes'}; } if (defined $chunked) { # The state encoded in $chunked is: # $chunked == 0: read CRLF after chunk, then chunk header # $chunked == -1: read chunk header # $chunked > 0: bytes left in current chunk to read if ($chunked <= 0) { my $line = my_readline($self); if ($chunked == 0) { die "Not empty: '$line'" unless $line eq ""; $line = my_readline($self); } $line =~ s/;.*//; # ignore potential chunk parameters $line =~ s/\s+$//; # avoid warnings from hex() $chunked = hex($line); if ($chunked == 0) { ${*$self}{'http_trailers'} = [$self->_read_header_lines]; $$buf_ref = ""; my $n = 0; if (my $transforms = delete ${*$self}{'http_te2'}) { for (@$transforms) { $$buf_ref = &$_($$buf_ref, 1); } $n = length($$buf_ref); } # in case somebody tries to read more, make sure we continue # to return EOF delete ${*$self}{'http_chunked'}; ${*$self}{'http_bytes'} = 0; return $n; } } my $n = $chunked; $n = $size if $size && $size < $n; $n = my_read($self, $$buf_ref, $n); return undef unless defined $n; ${*$self}{'http_chunked'} = $chunked - $n; if ($n > 0) { if (my $transforms = ${*$self}{'http_te2'}) { for (@$transforms) { $$buf_ref = &$_($$buf_ref, 0); } $n = length($$buf_ref); $n = -1 if $n == 0; } } return $n; } elsif (defined $bytes) { unless ($bytes) { $$buf_ref = ""; return 0; } my $n = $bytes; $n = $size if $size && $size < $n; $n = my_read($self, $$buf_ref, $n); return undef unless defined $n; ${*$self}{'http_bytes'} = $bytes - $n; return $n; } else { # read until eof $size ||= 8*1024; return my_read($self, $$buf_ref, $size); } } sub get_trailers { my $self = shift; @{${*$self}{'http_trailers'} || []}; } BEGIN { my $zlib_ok; sub zlib_ok { return $zlib_ok if defined $zlib_ok; # Try to load Compress::Zlib. local $@; local $SIG{__DIE__}; $zlib_ok = 0; eval { require Compress::Zlib; Compress::Zlib->VERSION(1.10); $zlib_ok++; }; return $zlib_ok; } } # BEGIN 1;