# # $Id: Default.pm,v 2000/11/12 14:45:51 ram Exp $ # # Copyright (c) 1999, Raphael Manfredi # # You may redistribute only under the terms of the Artistic License, # as specified in the README file that comes with the distribution. # # HISTORY # $Log: Default.pm,v $ # Revision 2000/11/12 14:45:51 ram # patch1: need to reset $\ before printing # # Revision 0.2 2000/11/06 19:30:32 ram # Baseline for second Alpha release. # # $EndLog$ # use strict; require Log::Agent::Driver; ######################################################################## package Log::Agent::Driver::Default; use vars qw(@ISA); @ISA = qw(Log::Agent::Driver); # # ->make -- defined # # Creation routine. # sub make { my $self = bless {}, shift; my ($prefix) = @_; $self->_init($prefix, 0); # 0 is the skip Carp penalty select((select(main::STDERR), $| = 1)[0]); # Autoflush return $self; } # # ->prefix_msg -- defined # # Prepend "prefix: " to the error string, or nothing if no prefix, in which # case we capitalize the very first letter of the string. # sub prefix_msg { my $self = shift; my ($str) = @_; my $prefix = $self->prefix; return ucfirst($str) if !defined($prefix) || $prefix eq ''; return "$prefix: " . $str; } # # ->write -- defined # sub write { my $self = shift; my ($channel, $priority, $logstring) = @_; local $\ = undef; print main::STDERR "$logstring\n"; } # # ->channel_eq -- defined # # All channels equals here # sub channel_eq { my $self = shift; return 1; } # # ->logconfess -- redefined # # Fatal error, with stack trace # sub logconfess { my $self = shift; my ($str) = @_; require Carp; my $msg = $self->carpmess(0, $str, \&Carp::longmess); die $self->prefix_msg("$msg\n"); } # # ->logxcroak -- redefined # # Fatal error, from perspective of caller # sub logxcroak { my $self = shift; my ($offset, $str) = @_; require Carp; my $msg = $self->carpmess($offset, $str, \&Carp::shortmess); die $self->prefix_msg("$msg\n"); } # # ->logdie -- redefined # # Fatal error # sub logdie { my $self = shift; my ($str) = @_; die $self->prefix_msg("$str\n"); } # # ->logerr -- redefined # # Signal error on stderr # sub logerr { my $self = shift; my ($str) = @_; warn $self->prefix_msg("$str\n"); } # # ->logwarn -- redefined # # Warn, with "WARNING" clearly emphasized # sub logwarn { my $self = shift; my ($str) = @_; $str->prepend("WARNING: "); warn $self->prefix_msg("$str\n"); } # # ->logxcarp -- redefined # # Warn from perspective of caller, with "WARNING" clearly emphasized. # sub logxcarp { my $self = shift; my ($offset, $str) = @_; $str->prepend("WARNING: "); require Carp; my $msg = $self->carpmess($offset, $str, \&Carp::shortmess); warn $self->prefix_msg("$msg\n"); } 1; # for require __END__ =head1 NAME Log::Agent::Driver::Default - default logging driver for Log::Agent =head1 SYNOPSIS # Implicit use use Log::Agent; logconfig(-prefix => "prefix"); # optional # Explicit use use Log::Agent; require Log::Agent::Driver::Default; my $driver = Log::Agent::Driver::Default->make("prefix"); logconfig(-driver => $driver); =head1 DESCRIPTION The default logging driver remaps the logxxx() operations to their default Perl counterpart. For instance, logerr() will issue a warn() and logwarn() will call warn() with a clear "WARNING: " emphasis (to distinguish between the two calls). The only routine of interest here is the creation routine: =over =item make($prefix) Create a Log::Agent::Driver::Default driver whose prefix string will be $prefix. When no prefix is configured, the first letter of each logged string will be uppercased. =head1 CHANNELS The C, C and C channels all go to STDERR. =head1 BUGS If logdie() is used within an eval(), the string you will get in $@ will be prefixed. It's not really a bug, simply that wrapping a code into eval() and parsing $@ is poor's man exception handling which shows its limit here: since the programmer using logdie() cannot foresee which driver will be used, the returned string cannot be determined precisely. Morality: use die() if you mean it, and document the string as an exception. =head1 AUTHOR Raphael Manfredi FRaphael_Manfredi@pobox.comE> =head1 SEE ALSO Log::Agent::Driver(3), Log::Agent(3). =cut