# # $Id: Handle.pm,v 0.2 2000/11/06 19:30:32 ram Exp $ # # Copyright (c) 1999, Raphael Manfredi # # You may redistribute only under the terms of the Artistic License, # as specified in the README file that comes with the distribution. # # HISTORY # $Log: Handle.pm,v $ # Revision 0.2 2000/11/06 19:30:32 ram # Baseline for second Alpha release. # # $EndLog$ # use strict; require Log::Agent::Channel; require Log::Agent::Prefixer; require Log::Agent::File::Native; ######################################################################## package Log::Agent::Channel::Handle; use vars qw(@ISA); @ISA = qw(Log::Agent::Channel Log::Agent::Prefixer); use Log::Agent::Stamping; # # ->make -- defined # # Creation routine. # # Attributes (and switches that set them): # # prefix the application name # stampfmt stamping format ("syslog", "date", "own", "none") or closure # showpid whether to show pid after prefix in [] # handle I/O glob or IO::Handle object # no_ucfirst don't capitalize first letter of message when no prefix # no_prefixing don't prefix logs # no_newline never append any newline character at the end of messages # # Other attributes: # # crlf the new-line marker for this OS ("\n" on UNIX) # sub make { my $self = bless {}, shift; my (%args) = @_; my %set = ( -prefix => \$self->{'prefix'}, -stampfmt => \$self->{'stampfmt'}, -showpid => \$self->{'showpid'}, -handle => \$self->{'handle'}, -no_ucfirst => \$self->{'no_ucfirst'}, -no_prefixing => \$self->{'no_prefixing'}, -no_newline => \$self->{'no_newline'}, ); while (my ($arg, $val) = each %args) { my $vset = $set{lc($arg)}; unless (ref $vset) { require Carp; Carp::croak("Unknown switch $arg"); } $$vset = $val; } # # Initialize proper time-stamping routine. # $self->{'stampfmt'} = stamping_fn($self->stampfmt) unless ref $self->stampfmt eq 'CODE'; $self->{'crlf'} = $^O =~ /^dos|win/i ? "\r\n" : "\n"; return $self; } # # Local attribute access # sub handle { $_[0]->{'handle'} } # # ->write -- defined # # Write logstring to the file. # Priority is ignored by this channel. # sub write { my $self = shift; my ($priority, $logstring) = @_; # # This routine is called often... # Bypass the attribute access routines. # my $handle = $self->{handle}; return unless defined $handle; my $prefix = ''; $prefix = $self->prefixing_string(\$logstring) unless $self->{no_prefixing}; my $crlf = ''; $crlf = $self->{crlf} unless $self->{no_newline}; print $handle join '', $prefix, $logstring, $crlf; return; } # # ->close -- defined # # sub close { my $self = shift; $self->{handle} = undef; # # Do nothing on the handle itself. # We did not open the thing, we don't get to close it. # return; } 1; # for require __END__ =head1 NAME Log::Agent::Channel::Handle - I/O handle logging channel for Log::Agent =head1 SYNOPSIS require Log::Agent::Channel::Handle; my $driver = Log::Agent::Channel::Handle->make( -prefix => "prefix", -stampfmt => "own", -showpid => 1, -handle => \*FILE, ); =head1 DESCRIPTION The handle channel performs logging to an already opened I/O handle, along with the necessary prefixing and stamping of the messages. The creation routine make() takes the following arguments: =over =item C<-handle> => I Specifies the I/O I to use. It can be given as a GLOB reference, such as C<\*FILE>, or as an C object. B: Auto-flushing is not enabled on the I. Even when the channel is closed, the I is left as-is: we simply stop sending log messages to it. =item C<-no_newline> => I When set to I, never append any "\n" (on Unix) or "\r\n" (on Windows) to log messages. Internally, Log::Agent relies on the channel to delimit logged lines appropriately, so this flag is not used. However, it might be useful for C users. Default is I, meaning newline markers are systematically appended. =item C<-no_prefixing> => I When set to I, disable the prefixing logic entirely, i.e. the following options are ignored completely: C<-prefix>, C<-showpid>, C<-no_ucfirst>, C<-stampfmt>. Default is I. =item C<-no_ucfirst> => I When set to I, don't upper-case the first letter of the log message entry when there's no prefix inserted before the logged line. When there is a prefix, a ":" character follows, and therefore the leading letter of the message should not be upper-cased anyway. Default is I, meaning uppercasing is performed. =item C<-prefix> => I The application prefix string to prepend to messages. =item C<-showpid> => I If set to true, the PID of the process will be appended within square brackets after the prefix, to all messages. Default is I. =item C<-stampfmt> => (I | I) Specifies the time stamp format to use. By default, my "own" format is used. See L for a description of the available format names. You may also specify a CODE ref: that routine will be called every time we need to compute a time stamp. It should not expect any parameter, and should return a string. =back =head1 CAVEAT Beware of chdir(). If your program uses chdir(), you should always specify logfiles by using absolute paths, otherwise you run the risk of having your relative paths become invalid: there is no anchoring done at the time you specify them. This is especially true when configured for rotation, since the logfiles are recreated as needed and you might end up with many logfiles scattered throughout all the directories you chdir()ed to. =head1 AUTHOR Raphael Manfredi FRaphael_Manfredi@pobox.comE> =head1 SEE ALSO Log::Agent::Logger(3), Log::Agent::Channel(3). =cut