package Heap::Elem; use strict; use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK); require Exporter; require AutoLoader; @ISA = qw(Exporter AutoLoader); # No names exported. # No names available for export. @EXPORT = ( ); $VERSION = '0.01'; # Preloaded methods go here. # new will usually be superceded by child, # but provide an empty hash as default and # accept any provided filling for it. sub new { my $self = shift; my $class = ref($self) || $self; return bless { @_ }, $class; } sub heap { my $self = shift; @_ ? ($self->{heap} = shift) : $self->{heap}; } sub cmp { die "This cmp method must be superceded by one that knows how to compare elements." } # Autoload methods go after =cut, and are processed by the autosplit program. 1; __END__ # Below is the stub of documentation for your module. You better edit it! =head1 NAME Heap::Elem - Perl extension for elements to be put in Heaps =head1 SYNOPSIS use Heap::Elem::SomeInheritor; use Heap::SomeHeapClass; $elem = Heap::Elem::SomeInheritor->new( $value ); $heap = Heap::SomeHeapClass->new; $heap->add($elem); =head1 DESCRIPTION This is an inheritable class for Heap Elements. It provides the interface documentation and some inheritable methods. Only a child classes can be used - this class is not complete. =head1 METHODS =over 4 =item $elem = Heap::Elem::SomeInheritor->new( [args] ); Creates a new Elem. =item $elem->heap( $val ); $elem->heap; Provides a method for use by the Heap processing routines. If a value argument is provided, it will be saved. The new saved value is always returned. If no value argument is provided, the old saved value is returned. The Heap processing routines use this method to map an element into its internal structure. This is needed to support the Heap methods that affect elements that are not are the top of the heap - I and I. =item $elem1->cmp($elem2) A routine to compare two elements. It must return a negative value if this element is less than I<$elem2>, 0 if they are equal, or a positive value if this element is greater than I<$elem2>. Just as with sort, you can negate the meaning to reverse the order - causing the heap to always return the largest element instead of the smallest. (That does make the Heap method names I, I, and I counter-intuitive, though.) =back =head1 INHERITING This class can be inherited to provide an oject with the ability to be heaped. If the object is implemented as a hash, and if it can deal with a kay of I, leaving it unchanged for use by the heap routines, then the following implemetation will work. package myObject; require Exporter; @ISA = qw(Heap::Elem); sub new { my $self = shift; my $class = ref($self) || $self; my $self = SUPER::new($class); # set $self->{key} = $value; } sub cmp { my $self = shift; my $other = shift; $self->{key} cmp $other->{key}; } # other methods for the rest of myObject's functionality =head1 AUTHOR John Macdonald, =head1 SEE ALSO Heap(3), Heap::Elem::Num(3), Heap::Elem::NumRev(3), Heap::Elem::Str(3), Heap::Elem::StrRev(3). =cut