package HTML::Mason::Tests; use strict; use Cwd; use File::Path; use File::Spec; use HTML::Mason; use Getopt::Long; use vars qw($VERBOSE $DEBUG @SHARED); BEGIN { $VERBOSE = $ENV{MASON_DEBUG} || $ENV{MASON_VERBOSE}; $DEBUG = $ENV{MASON_DEBUG}; $| = 1; @SHARED = ( { path => '/shared/check_error', component => <<'EOF', <% ($error) ? "Error: $error" : "No error!?" %> <%init> if ($error) { my @lines = split("\n",$error); $error = join("\n",@lines[0..$lines-1]); $error =~ s{ at ([A-Z]:)?/.*}{ }g; } <%args> $error $lines=>1 EOF }, { path => '/shared/display_comp_obj', component => <<'EOF', Declared args: % my %decl = %{$comp->declared_args}; % while (my ($key,$val) = each(%decl)) { <% $key %><% (defined($val->{default})) ? "=>".$val->{default} : "" %> % } This is <% $comp->first_time ? '' : 'not ' %>my first time. I am <% $comp->is_subcomp ? '' : 'not ' %>a subcomponent. I am <% $comp->is_file_based ? '' : 'not ' %>file-based. % if (defined($comp->name)) { My short name is <% $comp->name =~ /anon/ ? '[anon something]' : $comp->name %>. % } % if ($comp->is_subcomp and defined($comp->parent_comp)) { My parent component is <% $comp->parent_comp->title %>. % } % if (defined($comp->dir_path)) { My directory is <% $comp->dir_path %>. % } I have run <% $comp->run_count %> time(s). % my @subkeys = sort keys(%{$comp->subcomps}); I have <% scalar(@subkeys) %> subcomponent(s). % if (@subkeys) { Including one called <% $comp->subcomps($subkeys[0])->name %>. % } My title is <% $comp->title =~ /anon/ ? '[anon something]' : $comp->title %>. % if (defined($comp->cache_file)) { % my ($subfile) = ($comp->cache_file =~ m{data/(?:[^/]+/)?(cache/.*?)$}); % if (defined($subfile)) { My cache file is /.../<% $subfile %> % } % } % if (defined($comp->object_file)) { % my ($subfile) = ($comp->object_file =~ m{data/(?:[^/]+/)?(obj/.*?)$}); % if (defined($subfile)) { My object file is /.../<% $subfile %> % } % } % if (defined($comp->path)) { My path is <% $comp->path %>. % } % if (defined($comp->fq_path)) { My fq_path is <% $comp->fq_path =~ /anon/ ? '[anon something]' : $comp->fq_path %>. % } % if ($comp->is_file_based and defined($comp->source_file)) { % my ($subfile) = ($comp->source_file =~ m{((alt_root|comps)/.*?)$}); My source file is /.../<% $subfile %> % } % if ($comp->is_file_based and defined($comp->source_dir)) { % my ($subfile) = ($comp->source_dir =~ m{((alt_root|comps)/.*?)$}); My source dir is /.../<% $subfile %> % } <%args> $comp EOF }, ); } sub new { my $class = shift; my %p = @_; my $self = bless {}, $class; GetOptions( 'create' => \$self->{create}, ); die "No group name provided\n" unless exists $p{name}; die "No description for test group provided\n" unless exists $p{description}; $self->{name} = $p{name}; $self->{description} = $p{description}; $self->{support} = []; $self->{tests} = []; return $self; } sub add_support { my $self = shift; my %p = @_; die "'support' key array member contains no 'path' key\n" unless exists $p{path}; die "'support' key array member contains no 'component' key\n" unless exists $p{component}; push @{ $self->{support} }, \%p; } sub add_test { my $self = shift; my %p = @_; die "no name provided for test\n" unless exists $p{name}; unless ( exists $p{path} ) { $p{path} = $p{call_path} || $p{name}; } my $call_path = "/$self->{name}/"; $call_path .= exists $p{call_path} ? $p{call_path} : $p{name}; $p{call_path} = $call_path; $p{call_path} =~ s,/+,/,g; if ( ref($p{call_args}) eq 'HASH' ) { my @lst = %{$p{call_args}}; $p{call_args} = \@lst; } elsif ( !exists($p{call_args}) ) { $p{call_args} = []; } die "'$p{name}' test has no description\n" unless exists $p{description}; die "'$p{name}' test has no component\n" unless exists $p{component} || $p{skip_component}; die "'$p{name}' test has no 'expect' or 'expect_error' key\n" unless exists $p{expect} || exists $p{expect_error} || $p{skip_expect} || $self->{create}; foreach ( qw( parser_params interp_params ) ) { die "$_ must be a hash reference" if exists $p{$_} && ! UNIVERSAL::isa( $p{$_}, 'HASH' ); } push @{ $self->{tests} }, \%p; } sub run { my $self = shift; die "No tests exist in this group" unless @{ $self->{tests} }; if ($DEBUG) { print "Will " . ( $self->{create} ? '' : 'not ' ) . "create 'expect' files\n"; } $self->{test_count} = 0; eval { $self->_make_dirs; $self->_write_shared_comps; $self->_write_support_comps; $self->_run_tests; }; $self->_cleanup; die $@ if $@; } sub _make_dirs { my $self = shift; my $comp_root = $self->comp_root; my $data_dir = $self->data_dir; unless ( -d $self->comp_root ) { print "Making comp_root directory: $comp_root\n" if $DEBUG; mkpath( $self->comp_root, 0, 0755 ) or die "Unable to make base test directory '$comp_root': $!"; } unless ( -d $self->data_dir ) { print "Making data_dir directory: $data_dir\n" if $DEBUG; mkpath( $self->data_dir, 0, 0755 ) or die "Unable to make base test directory '$data_dir': $!"; } } sub base_path { my $proto = shift; if (ref $proto) { $proto->{base_path} ||= File::Spec->catdir( cwd(), 'mason_tests' ); return $proto->{base_path}; } else { return File::Spec->catdir( cwd(), 'mason_tests' ); } } sub comp_root { my $proto = shift; return File::Spec->catdir( $proto->base_path, 'comps' ); } sub data_dir { my $proto = shift; return File::Spec->catdir( $proto->base_path, 'data' ); } sub _write_shared_comps { my $self = shift; return unless @SHARED; foreach my $comp ( @SHARED ) { my @path = split m(/), $comp->{path}; my $file = pop @path; my $dir = File::Spec->catdir( $self->comp_root, @path ); $self->write_comp( $comp->{path}, $dir, $file, $comp->{component} ); } } sub _write_support_comps { my $self = shift; unless ( @{ $self->{support} } ) { print "No support comps to create\n" if $DEBUG; return; } foreach my $supp ( @{ $self->{support} } ) { my @path = split m(/), $supp->{path}; my $file = pop @path; my $dir = File::Spec->catdir( $self->comp_root, $self->{name}, @path ); $self->write_comp( $supp->{path}, $dir, $file, $supp->{component} ); } } sub _write_test_comp { my $self = shift; my $test = $self->{current_test}; my @path = split m(/), $test->{path}; my $file = pop @path; my $dir = File::Spec->catdir( $self->comp_root, $self->{name}, @path ); unless ( -d $dir ) { print "Making dir: $dir\n" if $DEBUG; mkpath( $dir, 0, 0755 ) or die "Unable to create directory '$dir': $!"; } $self->write_comp( $test->{path}, $dir, $file, $test->{component} ); } sub write_comp { my $self = shift; my ($path, $dir, $file, $component) = @_; unless (-d $dir) { print "Making dir: $dir\n" if $DEBUG; mkpath( $dir, 0, 0755 ) or die "Unable to create directory '$dir': $!"; } my $real_file = File::Spec->catfile( $dir, $file ); print "Making component $path at $real_file\n" if $DEBUG; my $fh = do { local *FH; *FH; }; open $fh, ">$real_file" or die "Unable to write to '$real_file': $!"; print $fh $component or die "Unable to write to '$real_file': $!"; close $fh or die "Unable to write to '$real_file': $!"; } sub _run_tests { my $self = shift; my $count = scalar @{ $self->{tests} }; print "\n1..$count\n"; if ($VERBOSE) { print "Running $self->{name} tests ($count tests): $self->{description}\n"; } my $x = 1; foreach my $test ( @{ $self->{tests} } ) { print "Running $test->{name} (#$x): $test->{description}\n" if $VERBOSE; $self->{current_test} = $test; $self->_write_test_comp unless $test->{skip_component}; $self->_run_test; $x++; } } sub _run_test { my $self = shift; my $test = $self->{current_test}; my %params = ( exists $test->{parser_params} ? %{ $test->{parser_params} } : () ); if ($DEBUG && keys %params) { print "Parser params:\n"; while ( my ($k, $v) = each %params) { print "$k => $v\n"; } } my $parser = HTML::Mason::Parser->new( %params ); %params = ( exists $test->{interp_params} ? %{ $test->{interp_params} } : () ); if ($DEBUG && keys %params) { print "Interp params:\n"; while ( my ($k, $v) = each %params) { print "$k => $v\n"; } } my $buf; my $interp; if ($test->{interp}) { $interp = $test->{interp}; $interp->out_method(\$buf); } else { $interp = HTML::Mason::Interp->new( comp_root => $self->comp_root, data_dir => $self->data_dir, out_method => \$buf, parser => $parser, %params, ); } print "Calling $test->{name} test with path: $test->{call_path}\n" if $DEBUG; $test->{pretest_code}->() if $test->{pretest_code}; eval { $interp->exec( $test->{call_path}, @{$test->{call_args}} ); }; if ( $@ && ! $test->{expect_error} ) { print "Error running $test->{name}: $@" if $VERBOSE; return $self->_fail($test); } elsif ( $test->{expect_error} ) { if ( $@ =~ /$test->{expect_error}/ ) { $self->_success } else { if ($VERBOSE) { print "Got error:\n$@\n...but expected something matching:\n$test->{expect_error}\n"; } $self->_fail; } return; } if ($self->{create}) { print "Results for $test->{name}:\n$buf\n"; return; } my $success = $test->{skip_expect} ? 1 : $self->check_output( actual => $buf, expect => $test->{expect} ); $success ? $self->_success : $self->_fail; } sub check_output { my $self = shift; my %p = @_; my @actual = split /\n/, $p{actual}; my @expect = split /\n/, $p{expect}; my $diff; if (@expect > @actual) { $diff = @expect - @actual; if ($VERBOSE) { print "Actual result contained $diff too few lines.\n"; } } elsif (@expect < @actual) { $diff = @expect - @actual; if ($VERBOSE) { print "Actual result contained $diff too few lines.\n"; } } my @actual_prev = (); my @expect_prev = (); my $limit = @actual < @expect ? @actual : @expect; my $line = 0; for ( my $x = 0; $x < $limit; $x++ ) { $line++; if ( $actual[$x] ne $expect[$x] ) { if ($VERBOSE) { local $^W; #suppress uninit value warnings. print "Result differed from expected output at line $line\n"; my $actual = join "\n", ( @actual_prev, $actual[$x], $actual[$x + 1] ? $actual[$x + 1] : () ); my $expect = join "\n", ( @expect_prev, $expect[$x], $expect[$x + 1] ? $expect[$x + 1] : () ); print "Got ...\n<<<<<\n$actual\n>>>>>\n... but expected ...\n<<<<<\n$expect\n>>>>>\n"; } $diff = 1; last; } @actual_prev = ( $actual[$x] ); @expect_prev = ( $expect[$x] ); } return ! $diff; } sub _fail { my $self = shift; my $test = $self->{current_test}; $self->{test_count}++; print "Result for $self->{name}: $test->{name}\nnot ok $self->{test_count}\n"; } sub _success { my $self = shift; my $test = $self->{current_test}; $self->{test_count}++; print "Result for $self->{name}: $test->{name}\nok $self->{test_count}\n"; } # # We use our own rm_tree, rather than File::Path::rmtree, so that we # can silently fail to entirely remove directories. On some systems # .nfs files prevent total removal of directories but should not # otherwise interfere with tests. # sub rm_tree { my ($path, $debug) = @_; $path =~ s#/$##; if (-d $path) { local *DIR; opendir DIR, $path or warn "Can't open $path: $!"; while (defined(my $file = readdir DIR)) { next if $file eq '.' or $file eq '..'; rm_tree("$path/$file"); } closedir DIR; rmdir $path; } elsif (-f $path) { unlink $path; } else { warn "Can't find $path to remove"; } } sub _cleanup { my $self = shift; rm_tree ($self->{base_path}, $DEBUG) if $self->{base_path}; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME HTML::Mason::Tests - Test harness for testing Mason =head1 SYNOPSIS use HTML::Mason::Tests; my $group = HTML::Mason::Tests->new( name => 'name of group', description => 'tests something' ); $group->add_test( name => 'foo', description => 'tests foo', component => <<'EOF' <%args> $foo => 1 <% $foo %> EOF expect => <<'EOF', 1 EOF ); =head1 DESCRIPTION This module is designed to automate as much as possible of the Mason test suite. It does tasks like write component files to disk, call them, compare the actual results to the expected results, and more. In addition, it also is capable of printing out useful information about test failures when run in verbose mode. See the ADDITIONAL RUN MODES section for more information. It also makes sure that any given group of tests provides all the information needed to run them (test names, components and results, etc.). Now you have no excuse for writing new tests (and that goes double for me!). =head1 METHODS =head2 new Takes the following parameters: =item * name (required) The name of the entire group of tests. =item * description (required) What this group tests. =head2 add_support Takes the following parameters: =over 4 =item * path (required) The path that other components will expect this component to be reachable at. All paths are prepended with the group name. So '/bar' as a support component in the 'foo' group's ultimate path would be '/foo/bar'. =item * component Text of the support component. This parameter must have a value unless the skip_component parameter is true. =item * skip_component If true, then the test harness will not write a component to disk for this test. =head2 add_test Takes the following parameters: =item * name (required) The name of this test. =item * description (required) What this test is testing. =item * component (required) Text of the component. =item * path (optional) The path that this component should written to. As with support components, this path is prepended with the group's name. If no path is given, the value of the name parameter is used. =item * call_path (optional) The path that should be used to call the component. If none is given, then the value is the same as the path option, if that exists, otherwise it is //. If a value is given, it is still prepended by //. =item * call_args (optional) The arguments that should be passed to the component, in list or hash reference form. If none is given, no arguments are passed. =item * parser_params This is a hash reference of parameters to be passed to the Parser->new method. =item * interp_params This is a hash reference of parameters to be passed to the Interp->new method. =item * interp Provide an HTML::Mason::Interp object to be used for the test. =back One of the following three options is required: =over 4 =item * expect The text expected as a result of calling the component. This parameter is _not_ required when running in L. =item * expect_error A regex containing that will be matched against the error returned from the component execution. =item * skip_expect This causes the component to be run but its output is ignored. However, if the component execution causes an error this will cause the test to fail. This is used in a few situations where it is necessary to just run a component as part the preparation for another test. =head2 run Run the tests in the group. =back =head2 Class methods These methods are provided since some tests may need to know these values. =over 4 =head2 base_path The base path under which the component root and data directory for the tests are created. =head2 comp_root Returns the component root directory. =head2 data_dir Return the data directory =head2 check_output ( actual => $actual_output, expect => $expected_output ) Given the parameters shown above, this method will check to see if the two are equal. If they're not equal, it will print out an error message attempting to highlight the difference. =back =head1 ADDITIONAL RUN MODES The following additional modes are available for running tests. =over 4 =head2 Verbose mode To turn this on, set the environment variables MASON_VERBOSE or MASON_DEBUG as true or run the tests as 'make test TEST_VERBOSE=1'. In this mode, the C method will output information about tests as they are run. If a test fails, then it will also show the cause of the failure. =head2 Debug mode To turn this on, set the MASON_DEBUG environment variable to a true value. In this mode, the C method will print detailed information of its actions. This mode includes the output printed in VERBOSE mode. =head2 Create mode If the individual tests are run from the command line with the '--create' flag, then instead of checking the output of a component, the test harness will simply output its results. This allows you to cut and paste these results back into the test file (assuming they are correct!). =back =cut