# Copyright (c) 1998-2000 by Jonathan Swartz. All rights reserved. # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the same terms as Perl itself. use strict; # # Subclass Apache::Server mainly to allow server_hostname to be set. # package HTML::Mason::Preview::Apache::Server; use vars qw($AUTOLOAD); sub new { my ($class, $pr) = @_; my $self = { true_server => $pr->{r}->server, server_hostname => $pr->{r}->server->server_hostname }; bless $self, $class; return $self; } sub server_hostname { my ($self) = shift; if (@_) { $self->{server_hostname} = shift; } return $self->{server_hostname}; } sub AUTOLOAD { my $self = shift; my $name = $AUTOLOAD; $name =~ s/.*://; # strip fully-qualified portion return if $name eq 'DESTROY'; my $s = $self->{true_server}; eval(sprintf('$s->%s(@_)',$name)); } # # Subclass Apache object to override various functions with their # preview values. # package HTML::Mason::Preview::Apache; use vars qw($AUTOLOAD); sub new { my ($class, $r, $conf) = @_; my $self = { r => $r, server => {}, env => {}, dir_config => {} }; bless $self, $class; $self->{server} = new HTML::Mason::Preview::Apache::Server ($self); return $self; } sub server { return $_[0]->{server} } sub document_root { my ($self) = shift; if (@_) { $self->{document_root} = shift; } return defined($self->{document_root}) ? $self->{document_root} : $self->{r}->document_root; } sub cgi_env { my ($self) = @_; my ($key,$value); my %env = $self->{r}->cgi_env(); while (($key,$value) = each(%{$self->{env}})) { $env{$key} = $value; } return %env; } sub dir_config { my ($self,$key) = @_; return $self->{dir_config}->{$key}; } sub AUTOLOAD { my $self = shift; my $name = $AUTOLOAD; $name =~ s/.*://; # strip fully-qualified portion return if $name eq 'DESTROY'; my $realr = $self->{r}; eval(sprintf('$realr->%s(@_)',$name)); } # # Subclass HTML::Mason::Preview::Apache for debug mode, mainly to suppress # http header. # package HTML::Mason::Preview::Apache::Debug; use vars (qw(@ISA)); sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = new HTML::Mason::Preview::Apache(@_); bless $self, $class; return $self; } @ISA = qw(HTML::Mason::Preview::Apache); # Don't actually send http header sub send_http_header { } package HTML::Mason::Preview; use HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler; use HTML::Mason::Config; use HTML::Mason::Tools qw(date_delta_to_secs html_escape); use MLDBM ($HTML::Mason::Config{mldbm_use_db}, $HTML::Mason::Config{mldbm_serializer}); use POSIX; sub open_preview_settings_file { my ($settings_file, $write) = @_; my (%h); if ($write || !-e $settings_file) { tie (%h, 'MLDBM', $settings_file, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0664) or die "cannot create/open previewer settings file '$settings_file' for writing\n"; untie(%h) if !$write; } if (!$write) { tie (%h, 'MLDBM', $settings_file, O_RDONLY, 0) or die "cannot open previewer settings file '$settings_file' for reading\n"; } return \%h; } sub open_preview_settings { my ($preview_dir, $user_name, $write) = @_; return open_preview_settings_file("$preview_dir/$user_name",$write); } sub handle_preview_request { my $result = eval { handle_preview_request_1(@_) }; my $err = $@; if ($err) { my ($r) = @_; $r->content_type('text/html'); $r->header_out(Pragma=>'no-cache'); $r->send_http_header(); print("

Previewer Error

\n"); return; } return $result; } sub handle_preview_request_1 { my ($r, $ah, %options) = @_; my (%simhdr); my $cm_home = $options{cm_home}; # # Determine user name and port. # my $userName = $r->connection->user || 'anonymous'; my $host = $r->header_in('Host'); my ($port) = ($host =~ /:([0-9]+)/); $port ||= 80; # # Find configuration from 'settings' option, 'settings_file' # option, or user & port. # my $href; if (my $settings = $options{settings}) { $href = {request=>$settings}; } elsif (my $settings_file = $options{settings_file}) { my $in = open_preview_settings_file($settings_file,0); $href = $in->{$port}; die "Cannot find preview configuration for port $port in settings file '$settings_file'." if (!$href); } else { my $in = open_preview_settings($ah->preview_dir,$userName,0); $href = $in->{$port}; die "Cannot find preview configuration for user '$userName', port $port\n. Go to the main previewer page to set the configuration for this port.\n" if (!$href); } my $conf = $href->{request}; my $interp = $ah->interp; # # Create subclassed Apache object. # my $pr; if ($conf->{output_type} eq 'HTML') { $pr = new HTML::Mason::Preview::Apache ($r, $conf); } elsif ($conf->{output_type} eq 'Debug') { $pr = new HTML::Mason::Preview::Apache::Debug ($r, $conf); } else { die "unknown output type '$conf->{output_type}'"; } die "cannot create preview apache object" if !$pr; # # Interpreter time # if (exists($conf->{'time'})) { my $timetype = $conf->{'time'}->{type}; my $time; if ($timetype ne 'real') { if ($timetype eq 'relative') { $time = time() + date_delta_to_secs($conf->{'time'}->{delta}); } elsif ($timetype eq 'absolute') { $time = $conf->{'time'}->{value}; } $interp->current_time($time); } } if (defined($conf->{interp})) { while (my ($key,$value) = each(%{$conf->{interp}})) { eval("\$interp->$key(\$value)"); } $interp->_initialize; } if (defined($conf->{headers_in})) { while (my ($hdr,$value) = each(%{$conf->{headers_in}})) { $pr->header_in($hdr,$value); my $envname = uc($hdr); $envname =~ s/\-/_/; $pr->{env}->{$envname} = $value; $simhdr{$hdr} = 1; } } if (defined($conf->{r})) { while (my ($key,$value) = each(%{$conf->{r}})) { eval("\$pr->$key(\$value)"); } } if (defined($conf->{server})) { while (my ($key,$value) = each(%{$conf->{server}})) { eval("\$pr->server->$key(\$value)"); } } if (defined($conf->{connection})) { while (my ($key,$value) = each(%{$conf->{connection}})) { eval("\$pr->connection->$key(\$value)"); } } if (defined($conf->{env})) { while (my ($key,$value) = each(%{$conf->{env}})) { $pr->{env}->{$key} = $value; } } if (defined($conf->{dir_config})) { while (my ($key,$value) = each(%{$conf->{dir_config}})) { $pr->{dir_config}->{$key} = $value; } } if (defined($conf->{apache_handler})) { while (my ($key,$value) = each(%{$conf->{apache_handler}})) { eval("\$ah->$key(\$value)"); } $ah->_initialize; } if ($conf->{output_type} eq 'HTML') { return $ah->handle_request($pr); } elsif ($conf->{output_type} eq 'Debug') { # # Set up hooks to record events. An event is the starting # or ending of an $m->comp or $m->file. When an event occurs, # place an event code in the content (EVENT# surrounded by # ctrl-A), and push a hash of information onto the event list. # my ($content,$i,@compEvents,$event,$key,$value,$trace); my $eventnum = 0; my $startCompHook = sub { my ($req) = @_; $content .= "\cAEVENT$eventnum\cA"; my $path = $req->current_comp->title; $compEvents[$eventnum++] = {type=>'startComp',path=>$path,comp=>($req->current_comp)}; }; my $endCompHook = sub { my ($req) = @_; $content .= "\cAEVENT$eventnum\cA"; my $path = $req->current_comp->title; $compEvents[$eventnum++] = {type=>'endComp',path=>$path}; }; my $startFileHook = sub { my ($req,$file) = @_; $content .= "\cAEVENT$eventnum\cA"; $compEvents[$eventnum++] = {type=>'startFile',path=>$file,start=>length($content)}; }; my $endFileHook = sub { my ($req,$file) = @_; my $end = length($content); $content .= "\cAEVENT$eventnum\cA"; $compEvents[$eventnum++] = {type=>'endFile',path=>$file,end=>$end}; }; # # Create a trace of objects (components/files), with one # object per line. # my $createTraceSub = sub { my (@objects) = @_; my ($trace,$obj); foreach $obj (@objects) { next if !defined($obj); $trace .= sprintf('%s%s %s%s', (' ' x (4-length($obj->{label}))), $obj->{srclink},$obj->{label},$obj->{display},$obj->{repeat}>1 ? " (repeats ".$obj->{repeat}." times)": ""); $trace .= "\n"; } return $trace; }; # # Make HTTP request, trap output in $content. Put in stream mode to turn off Mason buffering. # $interp->add_hook(name=>'preview',type=>'start_comp',code=>$startCompHook); $interp->add_hook(name=>'preview',type=>'end_comp',code=>$endCompHook); $interp->add_hook(name=>'preview',type=>'start_file',code=>$startFileHook); $interp->add_hook(name=>'preview',type=>'end_file',code=>$endFileHook); $interp->out_mode('stream'); $interp->out_method(sub { $content .= $_[0] }); $ah->output_mode(undef); my $statuscode = $ah->handle_request($pr); return $statuscode unless (!$statuscode or $statuscode==200); # # Start document # $pr->content_type('text/html'); HTML::Mason::Preview::Apache::send_http_header($pr) if !$r->header_out("Content-type"); $pr->print(""); $pr->print("\n"); # # Validate file events. For each startFile event, # check that the following content matches the file. # for (my $e=0; $e < @compEvents; $e++) { my $event = $compEvents[$e]; my ($type,$path) = ($event->{type},$event->{path}); if ($type eq 'startFile') { next if ($e == $#compEvents); my $nextEvent = $compEvents[$e+1]; if ($nextEvent->{type} ne 'endFile' || $nextEvent->{path} ne $path) { undef($compEvents[$e]); next; } my $valid = 0; my $nextEventStr = sprintf("\cAEVENT%d\cA",$e+1); if (-f $path) { my $start = $event->{start}; if (substr($content,$start,length($nextEventStr)) eq $nextEventStr) { $start += length($nextEventStr); my $length = [stat($path)]->[7]; my $fh = do { local *FH; *FH; }; open($fh,$path) or die "Can't open $path: $!"; if ($length < 1024) { local $/ = undef; my $filetext = <$fh>; $valid = ($filetext eq substr($content,$start,$length)); } else { my $buf; read($fh,$buf,128); if ($buf eq substr($content,$start,128)) { seek($fh,-128,2); read($fh,$buf,128); $valid = ($buf eq substr($content,$start+$length-128,128)); } } close $fh or die "Can't close $path: $!"; if ($valid) { $content = substr($content,0,$start-length($nextEventStr)) . substr($content,$start,$length) . $nextEventStr . substr($content,$start+$length); } } } # leave "invalid" file events in? #if (!$valid) { if (0) { undef($compEvents[$e]); undef($compEvents[$e+1]); $e++; } } } # # Analyze event information. Create a list of objects # (distinct component and $m->file invocations) # and assign to each event the object that follows it. # my (@objects,@stack); my $objcount = 0; my $fileroot = $interp->static_file_root(); foreach $event (@compEvents) { next if !defined($event); my ($type,$path) = ($event->{type},$event->{path}); if ($type =~ /^(startComp|startFile)$/) { my ($objtext,$objsrclink,$objlabel,$objtype,$objdisplay); $objcount++; if ($type eq 'startComp') { $objtext = "$path"; $objlabel = "$objcount"; $objsrclink = "#object$objcount"; $objtype = "comp"; } else { my ($dir,$file) = ($path =~ m@^(.*)/([^/]*)$@); my $p = $path; $p =~ s@^$fileroot/@@; $objtext = "file: $p"; $objlabel = "F$objcount"; $objsrclink = "#object$objcount"; $objtype = "file"; } my $lastobj = $objects[$objcount-1]; # Look for repeated entries (equal text and stack # depth) and combine into one line if ($objtext eq $lastobj->{text} && $objtype eq $lastobj->{type} && scalar(@stack) == $lastobj->{depth}) { $objcount--; $objects[$objcount]->{repeat}++; } else { my $objdisplay = ''; # If Content Management home specified, and we # have a file based component or a static file # inside the file root, create content management # view/edit links. if ($cm_home && (($objtype eq 'comp' and $event->{comp}->is_file_based) or ($objtype eq 'file' and $path =~ m{^$fileroot}))) { my $branch; my $comproot = $interp->first_comp_root(); if ($objtype eq 'comp') { $path = $comproot.$path; $branch = 'Components'; } else { $path =~ s{^$fileroot} {}; $objtext =~ s{^$fileroot} {}; $branch = 'Content'; } my $spacer = (' ' x (scalar(@stack)+1)); $cm_home =~ s/\/$//; $objdisplay = (qq{info edit}.$spacer.$objtext); } else { $objdisplay = ((' ' x scalar(@stack)) . $objtext); } # Store object info. Some of this is used for repeat comparison. $objects[$objcount] = {count=>$objcount,type=>$objtype,display=>$objdisplay,label=>$objlabel,text=>$objtext,color=>'003399',srclink=>$objsrclink,depth=>scalar(@stack),repeat=>1}; } push(@stack,$objcount); } elsif ($type =~ /^(endComp|endFile)$/) { pop(@stack); } $event->{objnum} = $stack[-1]; } # # Initial component trace # if (@objects) { $trace = &$createTraceSub(@objects); $pr->print("

Component trace

\n"); } # # Content # if ($content) { $pr->print("


	    $content =~ s/\cM//g;
	    ($content) = html_escape($content);
	    $content =~ s/\cAEVENT/\n\cAEVENT/g;
	    my ($obj);
	    while ($content =~ /(.*)\n?/g) {
		my $line = $1;
		my $beginFlag = 0;
		if ($line =~ /\cAEVENT([0-9]+)\cA/) {
		    $eventnum = $1;
		    my $event = $compEvents[$eventnum];
		    $line =~ s/\cAEVENT[0-9]+\cA//;
		    if (defined($event)) {
			if ($event->{type} =~ /^end/ && $obj) {
			    $pr->print(sprintf("%5s <<\n",$obj->{color},$obj->{label}));
			$obj = $objects[$event->{objnum}];
			if ($event->{type} =~ /^start/) {
			    $beginFlag = 1;
		next if ($line !~ /\S/ && !$obj);
		my $depth = 0;
		$pr->print(sprintf("%s%5s %s%s%s\n",$obj->{color},(' ' x $depth),$obj->{label},($beginFlag ? '>>' : '  '),(' ' x (4-$depth)),$line));
\n"); } # # Status # $pr->print("

Status: $statuscode

\n") if $statuscode && $statuscode != 200; # # Headers in # $pr->print("

Headers in

\n"); # # Headers out # $pr->print("

Headers out


\n"); $pr->print("

  • simulated or estimated headers

    \n"); } } 1;