# Copyright (c) 1998-2000 by Jonathan Swartz. All rights reserved. # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the same terms as Perl itself. use strict; require 5.004; #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # APACHE-SPECIFIC REQUEST OBJECT # package HTML::Mason::Request::ApacheHandler; use vars qw(@ISA); @ISA = qw(HTML::Mason::Request); use HTML::Mason::MethodMaker ( read_write => [ qw( ah apache_req ) ] ); # Fields that can be set in new method, with defaults my %reqfields = (ah => undef, apache_req => undef, cgi_object => undef, ); sub new { my ($class,%options) = @_; my $interp = $options{interp} or die "HTML::Mason::Request::ApacheHandler::new: must specify interp\n"; delete $options{interp}; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(interp=>$interp); while (my ($key,$value) = each(%options)) { if (exists($reqfields{$key})) { $self->{$key} = $value; } else { die "HTML::Mason::Request::ApacheHandler::new: invalid option '$key'\n"; } } return $self; } # Override flush_buffer to also call $r->rflush sub flush_buffer { my ($self, $content) = @_; $self->SUPER::flush_buffer($content); $self->apache_req->rflush; } sub cgi_object { my ($self) = @_; if ($HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler::ARGS_METHOD ne '_cgi_args') { die "Can't call cgi_object method unless CGI.pm was used to handle incoming arguments.\n"; } elsif (defined($_[1])) { $self->{cgi_object} = $_[1]; } else { # We may not have created a CGI object if, say, request was a # GET with no query string. Create one on the fly if necessary. $self->{cgi_object} ||= CGI->new(''); } return $self->{cgi_object}; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # APACHEHANDLER OBJECT # package HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler; #JS - 6/30 - seems to infinite loop when using debug...help?! #use Apache::Constants qw(OK DECLINED SERVER_ERROR NOT_FOUND); sub OK { return 0 } sub DECLINED { return -1 } sub SERVER_ERROR { return 500 } sub NOT_FOUND { return 404 } use Data::Dumper; use File::Path; use HTML::Mason::Interp; use HTML::Mason::Commands; use HTML::Mason::FakeApache; use HTML::Mason::Tools qw(dumper_method html_escape pkg_installed); use HTML::Mason::Utils; use Apache::Status; use HTML::Mason::MethodMaker ( read_write => [ qw( apache_status_title auto_send_headers debug_dir_config_keys debug_mode debug_handler_proc debug_handler_script debug_perl_binary decline_dirs error_mode interp output_mode top_level_predicate ) ] ); # use() params. Assign defaults, in case ApacheHandler is only require'd. use vars qw($LOADED $ARGS_METHOD); my @used = ($HTML::Mason::IN_DEBUG_FILE); # Fields that can be set in new method, with defaults my %fields = ( apache_status_title => 'mason', auto_send_headers => 1, decline_dirs => 1, error_mode => 'html', interp => undef, output_mode => undef, # deprecated - now interp->out_mode top_level_predicate => undef, debug_mode => 'none', debug_perl_binary => '/usr/bin/perl', debug_handler_script => undef, debug_handler_proc => undef, debug_dir_config_keys => [], ); sub import { shift; # class not needed return if $LOADED; my %params = @_; # safe default. $params{args_method} ||= 'CGI'; if ($params{args_method} eq 'CGI') { eval 'use CGI'; die $@ if $@; $ARGS_METHOD = '_cgi_args'; } elsif ($params{args_method} eq 'mod_perl') { eval 'use Apache::Request;'; die $@ if $@; $ARGS_METHOD = '_mod_perl_args'; } else { die "Invalid args_method parameter ('$params{args_method}') given to HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler in 'use'\n"; } $LOADED = 1; } sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = { request_number => 0, %fields, }; my (%options) = @_; while (my ($key,$value) = each(%options)) { if (exists($fields{$key})) { $self->{$key} = $value; } else { die "HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler::new: invalid option '$key'\n"; } } die "HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler::new: must specify value for interp" if !$self->{interp}; bless $self, $class; $self->_initialize; return $self; } my %status_sub_defined = (); sub _initialize { my ($self) = @_; my $interp = $self->interp; if ($Apache::Status::VERSION) { # Add an HTML::Mason menu item to the /perl-status page. Things we report: # -- Interp properties # -- loaded (cached) components my $name = $self->apache_status_title; unless ($status_sub_defined{$name}) { my $title; if ($name eq 'mason') { $title='HTML::Mason status'; } else { $title=$name; $name=~s/\W/_/g; } my $statsub = sub { my ($r,$q) = @_; # request and CGI objects return [] if !defined($r); my @strings = (); push (@strings, qq() . $self->apache_status_title . qq(

), $self->interp_status); return \@strings; # return an array ref }; Apache::Status->menu_item ($name,$title,$statsub); $status_sub_defined{$name}++; } } # # Create data subdirectories if necessary. mkpath will die on error. # foreach my $subdir (qw(debug preview)) { my @newdirs = mkpath($interp->data_dir."/$subdir",0,0775); $interp->push_files_written(@newdirs); } # # Allow global $r in components # $interp->parser->allow_globals(qw($r)); } # # Generate an array that describes Interp's current status # sub interp_status { my ($interp) = $_[0]->interp; my @strings; push @strings, qq(
Interp object properties\n), qq(
Startup options\n); push @strings, map {"
$_ = ".(defined($interp->{$_}) ? $interp->{$_} : 'undef' )."\n" } grep ! ref $interp->{$_}, sort keys %$interp; push @strings, '
', '
Cached components
'; if(my $cache = $interp->code_cache) { my $string; foreach my $key (sort keys %$cache) { $string .= sprintf("%s (%s)
\n",$key,scalar(localtime($cache->{$key}->{lastmod}))); } push (@strings, $string); } else { push @strings, 'None'; } push @strings, '
'; return @strings; } # # Standard entry point for handling request # sub handle_request { # # Why do we use $apreq instead of $r here? A scoping bug in certain # versions of Perl 5.005 was getting confused about $r being used # in components, and the easiest workaround was to rename "$r" to # something else in this routine. Go figure... # -jswartz 5/23 # my ($self,$apreq) = @_; my ($outsub, $retval); my $outbuf = ''; my $interp = $self->interp; $self->{request_number}++; if (lc($apreq->dir_config('Filter')) eq 'on') { $apreq = $apreq->filter_register; } # # Construct (and truncate if necessary) the request to log at start # if ($interp->system_log_event_check('REQ_START')) { my $rstring = $apreq->server->server_hostname . $apreq->uri; $rstring .= "?".scalar($apreq->args) if defined(scalar($apreq->args)); $rstring = substr($rstring,0,150).'...' if length($rstring) > 150; $interp->write_system_log('REQ_START', $self->{request_number}, $rstring); } # # Determine debug file mode. Turn it off regardless if we are # already operating from a debug file. # my $debugMode = $self->debug_mode; $debugMode = 'none' if $HTML::Mason::IN_DEBUG_FILE; # # Capture debug state as early as possible, before we start messing with $apreq. # my $debug_state; $debug_state = $self->capture_debug_state($apreq) if ($debugMode eq 'all' or $debugMode eq 'error'); # # Create an Apache-specific request with additional slots. # my $request = new HTML::Mason::Request::ApacheHandler (ah=>$self, interp=>$interp, apache_req=>$apreq, ); eval { $retval = $self->handle_request_1($apreq, $request, $debug_state) }; my $err = $@; my $err_code = $request->error_code; undef $request; # ward off memory leak my $err_status = $err ? 1 : 0; if ($err) { # # If first component was not found, return NOT_FOUND. In case # of POST we must trick Apache into not reading POST content # again. Wish there were a more standardized way to do this... # # This $err_code stuff is really only used to communicate found # errors; it will be replaced with exceptions # if (defined($err_code) and $err_code eq 'top_not_found') { if ($apreq->method eq 'POST') { $apreq->method('GET'); $apreq->headers_in->unset('Content-length'); } # Log the error the same way that Apache does (taken from default_handler in http_core.c) $apreq->log_error("[Mason] File does not exist: ",$apreq->filename . ($apreq->path_info ? $apreq->path_info : "")); return NOT_FOUND; } # # Take out date stamp and (eval nnn) prefix # Add server name, uri # $err =~ s@^\[[^\]]*\] \(eval [0-9]+\): @@mg; $err = html_escape($err); $err = sprintf("while serving %s %s\n%s",$apreq->server->server_hostname,$apreq->uri,$err); if ($self->error_mode eq 'fatal') { die ("System error:\n$err\n"); } elsif ($self->error_mode eq 'html') { if (!http_header_sent($apreq)) { $apreq->content_type('text/html'); $apreq->send_http_header(); } print("

System error

\n"); if ($debugMode eq 'error' or $debugMode eq 'all') { my $debug_msg = $self->write_debug_file($apreq,$debug_state); print("
\n"); } } } else { if ($debugMode eq 'all') { my $debug_msg = $self->write_debug_file($apreq,$debug_state); print "\n\n" if (http_header_sent($apreq) && !$apreq->header_only && $apreq->header_out("Content-type") =~ /text\/html/); } } $interp->write_system_log('REQ_END', $self->{request_number}, $err_status); return ($err) ? &OK : (defined($retval)) ? $retval : &OK; } # # Shorthand for various data subdirectories and files. # sub debug_dir { return shift->interp->data_dir . "/debug" } sub preview_dir { return shift->interp->data_dir . "/preview" } sub write_debug_file { my ($self, $r, $dref) = @_; my $user = $r->connection->user || 'anon'; my $outFile = sprintf("%d",int(rand(20))+1); my $outDir = $self->debug_dir . "/$user"; if (!-d $outDir) { mkpath($outDir,0,0755) or die "cannot create debug directory '$outDir'"; } my $out_path = "$outDir/$outFile"; my $outfh = do { local *FH; *FH; }; # double *FH avoids warning unless ( open $outfh, ">$out_path" ) { $r->warn("cannot open debug file '$out_path' for writing"); return; } my $d = new Data::Dumper ([$dref],['dref']); my $o = ''; $o .= "#!".$self->debug_perl_binary."\n"; $o .= <<'PERL'; # ----------------------------- # Read command-line options for repeat counts (-rX) and profiling via # Devel::DProf (-p). As component runs in profile mode, component # coderefs are accumulated in %CODEREF_NAME # ----------------------------- BEGIN { use File::Copy; use Getopt::Std; getopt('r'); # r=repeat count, p=user profile req, P=re-entrant profile call $opt_r ||= 1; if ($opt_p) { print STDERR "Profiling request ..."; # re-enter with different option (no inf. loops, please) system ("perl", "-d:DProf", $0, "-P", "-r$opt_r") or die "Can't execute perl: $!"; # ----------------------------- # When done, merge named coderefs in tmon.mason with those in tmon.out, # then run dprofpp # ----------------------------- my $fh = do { local *FH; *FH; }; # double *FH avoids warning open $fh, '< ./tmon.mason' or die "Missing file: tmon.mason: $!"; foreach (<$fh>) { chomp; my ($k,$v) = split(/\t/); $::CODEREF_NAME{$k} = $v; } close $fh or die "can't close file: tmon.mason: $!"; my $tmonout = do { local *FH; *FH; }; open $tmonout, '< ./tmon.out' or die "Missing file: tmon.out: $!"; my $tmontmp = do { local *FH; *FH; }; open $tmontmp, '> ./tmon.tmp' or die "Couldn't write file: tmon.tmp: $!"; my $regex = quotemeta(join('|', keys %::CODEREF_NAME)); $regex =~ s/\\\|/|/g; #un-quote the pipe chars while (<$tmonout>) { s/HTML::Mason::Commands::($regex)/$::CODEREF_NAME{$1}/; print $tmontmp $_; } close $tmonout or die "can't close file: tmon.out: $!"; close $tmontmp or die "can't close file: tmon.tmp: $!"; copy('tmon.tmp' => 'tmon.out') or die "$!"; unlink('tmon.tmp') or warn "can't remove file: tmon.tmp: $!"; print STDERR "\nRunning dprofpp ...\n"; exec('dprofpp') or die "Couldn't execute dprofpp"; } } PERL $o .= "BEGIN { \$HTML::Mason::IN_DEBUG_FILE = 1; require '".$self->debug_handler_script."' }\n\n"; $o .= <<'PERL'; if ($opt_P) { open SAVEOUT, ">&STDOUT" or die "Can't open &STDOUT: $!"; # stifle component output while profiling open STDOUT, ">/dev/null" or die "Can't write to /dev/null: $!"; } for (1 .. $opt_r) { print STDERR '.' if ($opt_P and $opt_r > 1); PERL $o .= "my "; $o .= dumper_method($d); $o .= 'my $r = HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler::simulate_debug_request($dref);'."\n"; $o .= 'local %ENV = (%ENV,%{$dref->{ENV}});'."\n"; $o .= 'my $status = '.$self->debug_handler_proc."(\$r);\n"; $o .= 'print "return status: $status\n";'."\n}\n\n"; $o .= <<'PERL'; if ($opt_P) { my $fh = do { local *FH; *FH; }; open $fh, '>./tmon.mason' or die "Couldn't write to file: tmon.mason: $!"; print $fh map("$_\t$HTML::Mason::CODEREF_NAME{$_}\n", keys %HTML::Mason::CODEREF_NAME); close $fh or die "Can't close file: tmon.mason: $!"; } PERL print $outfh $o; close $outfh or die "can't close file: $out_path: $!"; chmod(0775,$out_path) or die "can't chmod file to 0775: $out_path: $!"; my $debug_msg = "Debug file is '$outFile'.\nFull debug path is '$out_path'.\n"; return $debug_msg; } sub capture_debug_state { my ($self, $r) = @_; my (%d,$expr); $expr = ''; foreach my $field (qw(allow_options auth_name auth_type bytes_sent no_cache content_encoding content_languages content_type document_root filename header_only method method_number path_info protocol proxyreq requires status status_line the_request uri as_string get_remote_host get_remote_logname get_server_port is_initial_req is_main)) { $expr .= "\$d{$field} = \$r->$field;\n"; } eval($expr); warn "error creating debug file: $@\n" if $@; if (pkg_installed('Apache::Table')) { $expr = "my \$href;\n"; foreach my $field (qw(headers_in headers_out err_headers_out notes dir_config subprocess_env)) { $expr .= "\$href = scalar(\$r->$field); \$d{$field} = {\%\$href};\n"; } eval($expr); warn "error creating debug file: $@\n" if $@; } else { foreach my $field (qw(headers_in headers_out err_headers_out notes dir_config subprocess_env)) { $d{$field} = {}; } } $d{'args@'} = [$r->args]; $d{'args$'} = scalar($r->args); $expr = ''; $d{server} = {}; foreach my $field (qw(server_admin server_hostname port is_virtual names)) { $expr .= "\$d{server}->{$field} = \$r->server->$field;\n"; } eval($expr); $expr = ''; $d{connection} = {}; foreach my $field (qw(remote_host remote_ip local_addr remote_addr remote_logname user auth_type aborted)) { $expr .= "\$d{connection}->{$field} = \$r->connection->$field;\n"; } eval($expr); $d{ENV} = {%ENV}; return {%d}; } sub handle_request_1 { my ($self,$r,$request,$debug_state) = @_; my $interp = $self->interp; # # If filename is a directory, then either decline or simply reset # the content type, depending on the value of decline_dirs. # # ** We should be able to use $r->finfo here, but finfo is broken # in some versions of mod_perl (e.g. see Shane Adams message on # mod_perl list on 9/10/00) # my $is_dir = -d $r->filename; my $is_file = -f _; if ($is_dir) { if ($self->decline_dirs) { return DECLINED; } else { $r->content_type(undef); } } # # Append path_info if filename does not represent an existing file # (mainly for dhandlers). # my $pathname = $r->filename; $pathname .= $r->path_info unless $is_file; # # Compute the component path via the resolver. Return NOT_FOUND on failure. # my $comp_path = $interp->resolver->file_to_path($pathname,$interp); unless ($comp_path) { $r->warn("[Mason] Cannot resolve file to component: $pathname (is file outside component root?)"); return NOT_FOUND; } # # Return NOT_FOUND if file does not pass top level predicate. # if ($is_file and defined($self->top_level_predicate) and !$self->top_level_predicate->($r->filename)) { $r->warn("[Mason] File fails top level predicate: ".$r->filename); return NOT_FOUND; } # # Parse arguments. $ARGS_METHOD is set by the import subroutine # (_cgi_args or _mod_perl_args). We pass a reference to $r because # _mod_perl_args upgrades $r to the Apache::Request object. # # When inside debug file, get arguments from special saved hash. # This circumvents POST content issues. # my %args; die "ARGS_METHOD not defined! Did you 'use HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler'?" unless defined($ARGS_METHOD); if ($HTML::Mason::IN_DEBUG_FILE) { %args = %{$r->{args_hash}}; } else { %args = $self->$ARGS_METHOD(\$r,$request); } $debug_state->{args_hash} = \%args if $debug_state; # # Deprecated output_mode parameter - just pass to request out_mode. # if (my $mode = $self->output_mode) { $request->out_mode($mode); } # # Set up interpreter global variables. # $interp->set_global(r=>$r); # # Craft the out method for this request to handle automatic http # headers. # my $retval; if ($self->auto_send_headers) { my $headers_sent = 0; my $delay_buf = ''; my $out_method = sub { # Check to see if the headers have been sent, first by fast # variable check, then by slightly slower $r check. unless ($headers_sent) { unless (http_header_sent($r)) { # If header has not been sent, buffer initial whitespace # so as to delay headers. if ($_[0] !~ /\S/) { $delay_buf .= $_[0]; return; } else { $r->send_http_header(); # If this is a HEAD request and our Mason request is # still active, abort it. if ($r->header_only) { $request->abort if $request->depth > 0; return; } } } unless ($delay_buf eq '') { $interp->out_method->($delay_buf); $delay_buf = ''; } $headers_sent = 1; } $interp->out_method->($_[0]); # A hack, but good for efficiency in stream mode: change the # current sink of the request so all this is bypassed for the # remainder of this component and its children. $request->top_stack->{sink} = $interp->out_method if $request->out_mode eq 'stream' and $request->top_stack->{sink} eq $request->out_method; }; $request->out_method($out_method); $retval = $request->exec($comp_path, %args); # On a success code, send headers and any buffered whitespace # if it has not already been sent. On an error code, leave it # to Apache to send the headers. if (!$headers_sent and (!$retval or $retval==200)) { $r->send_http_header() unless http_header_sent($r); $interp->out_method->($delay_buf) unless $delay_buf eq ''; } } else { $retval = $request->exec($comp_path, %args); } undef $request; # ward off leak return $retval; } # # Get %args hash via CGI package # sub _cgi_args { my ($self, $rref, $request) = @_; my $r = $$rref; if ($r->method eq 'GET' && !scalar($r->args)) { # For optimization, don't bother creating a CGI object if request # is a GET with no query string return (); } else { my $q = CGI->new; $request->cgi_object($q); my %args; foreach my $key ( $q->param ) { foreach my $value ( $q->param($key) ) { if (exists($args{$key})) { if (ref($args{$key}) eq 'ARRAY') { push @{ $args{$key} }, $value; } else { $args{$key} = [$args{$key}, $value]; } } else { $args{$key} = $value; } } } return %args; } } # # Get %args hash via Apache::Request package. As a side effect, assign the # new Apache::Request package back to $r, unless $r is already an Apache::Request. # sub _mod_perl_args { my ($self, $rref, $request) = @_; my $apr = $$rref; unless (UNIVERSAL::isa($apr, 'Apache::Request')) { $apr = Apache::Request->new($apr); $$rref = $apr; } return unless $apr->param; my %args; foreach my $key ( $apr->param ) { foreach my $value ( $apr->param($key) ) { if (exists($args{$key})) { if (ref($args{$key}) eq 'ARRAY') { push @{ $args{$key} }, $value; } else { $args{$key} = [$args{$key}, $value]; } } else { $args{$key} = $value; } } } return %args; } sub simulate_debug_request { my ($infoRef) = @_; my %info = %$infoRef; my $r = new HTML::Mason::FakeApache; while (my ($key,$value) = each(%{$info{server}})) { $r->{server}->{$key} = $value; } while (my ($key,$value) = each(%{$info{connection}})) { $r->{connection}->{$key} = $value; } delete($info{server}); delete($info{connection}); while (my ($key,$value) = each(%info)) { $r->{$key} = $value; } return $r; } # # Determines whether the http header has been sent. # sub http_header_sent { shift->header_out("Content-type") } #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # APACHEHANDLER MASON COMMANDS # package HTML::Mason::Commands; use vars qw($m); # no longer needed sub mc_suppress_http_header {} 1;