require 5; package HTML::AsSubs; #Time-stamp: "2000-06-28 13:06:25 MDT" =head1 NAME HTML::AsSubs - functions that construct a HTML syntax tree =head1 SYNOPSIS use HTML::AsSubs; $h = body( h1("This is the heading"), p("This is the first paragraph which contains a ", a({href=>'link.html'}, "link"), " and an ", img({src=>'img.gif', alt=>'image'}), "." ), ); print $h->as_HTML; =head1 DESCRIPTION This module exports functions that can be used to construct various HTML elements. The functions are named after the tags of the correponding HTML element and are all written in lower case. If the first argument is a hash reference then it will be used to initialize the attributes of this element. The remaining arguments are regarded as content. For a similar idea (i.e., it's another case where the syntax tree of the Perl source mirrors the syntax tree of the HTML produced), see HTML::Element's C method. For what I now think is a cleaner implementation of this same idea, see the excellent module C, which is what I suggest for actual real-life use. (I suggest this over C and over C's HTML-making functions.) =head1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This module was inspired by the following message: Date: Tue, 4 Oct 1994 16:11:30 +0100 Subject: Wow! I have a large lightbulb above my head! Take a moment to consider these lines: %OVERLOAD=( '""' => sub { join("", @{$_[0]}) } ); sub html { my($type)=shift; bless ["<$type>", @_, ""]; } :-) I *love* Perl 5! Thankyou Larry and Ilya. Regards, Tim Bunce. p.s. If you didn't get it, think about recursive data types: html(html()) p.p.s. I'll turn this into a much more practical example in a day or two. p.p.p.s. It's a pity that overloads are not inherited. Is this a bug? =head1 BUGS The exported link() function overrides the builtin link() function. The exported tr() function must be called using &tr(...) syntax because it clashes with the builtin tr/../../ operator. =head1 SEE ALSO L, L =cut use strict; use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION @EXPORT); require HTML::Element; require Exporter; @ISA = qw(Exporter); $VERSION = '1.16'; # Problem: exports so damned much. Has no concept of "export only HTML4 # elements". TODO:?? make something that make functions that just # wrap XML::Generator calls? use vars qw(@TAGS); @TAGS = qw(html head title base link meta isindex nextid script style body h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 p pre div blockquote a img br hr ol ul dir menu li dl dt dd dfn cite code em kbd samp strong var address b i u tt center font big small strike sub sup table tr td th caption form input select option textarea object applet param map area frame frameset noframe ); my @code; for (@TAGS) { push(@code, "sub $_ { _elem('$_', \@_); }\n"); push(@EXPORT, $_); } eval join('', @code); if ($@) { die $@; } sub _elem { my $tag = shift; my $attributes; if (@_ and defined $_[0] and ref($_[0]) eq "HASH") { $attributes = shift; } my $elem = HTML::Element->new( $tag, %$attributes ); $elem->push_content(@_); $elem; } 1;