package Graph::DFS; use strict; local $^W = 1; use Graph::Traversal; use vars qw(@ISA); @ISA = qw(Graph::Traversal); =head1 NAME Graph::DFS - graph depth-first search =head1 SYNOPSIS B =head1 DESCRIPTION =over 4 =cut =pod =item new $dfs = Graph::DFS->new($G, %param) Returns a new depth-first search object for the graph $G and the (optional) parameters %param. =cut sub new { my $class = shift; my $graph = shift; Graph::Traversal::new( $class, $graph, current => sub { $_[0]->{ active_list }->[ -1 ] }, finish => sub { pop @{ $_[0]->{ active_list } } }, @_); } =pod =back See also C. =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 1999, O'Reilly & Associates. This code is distributed under the same copyright terms as Perl itself. =cut 1;