#========================================================================== # Copyright (c) 1995-1998 Martien Verbruggen #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Name: # GD::Graph::pie.pm # # $Id: pie.pm,v 1.16 2000/05/06 10:03:19 mgjv Exp $ # #========================================================================== package GD::Graph::pie; $GD::Graph::pie::VERSION = '$Revision: 1.16 $' =~ /\s([\d.]+)/; use strict; use constant PI => 4 * atan2(1,1); use GD; use GD::Graph; use GD::Graph::utils qw(:all); use GD::Graph::colour qw(:colours :lists); use GD::Text::Align; use Carp; @GD::Graph::pie::ISA = qw( GD::Graph ); my $ANGLE_OFFSET = 90; my %Defaults = ( # Set the height of the pie. # Because of the dependency of this on runtime information, this # is being set in GD::Graph::pie::initialise # pie_height => _round(0.1*${'width'}), pie_height => undef, # Do you want a 3D pie? '3d' => 1, # The angle at which to start the first data set # 0 is at the front/bottom start_angle => 0, # Angle below which a label on a pie slice is suppressed. suppress_angle => 0, # CONTRIB idea ryan # and some public attributes without defaults label => undef, # This misnamed attribute is used for pie marker colours axislabelclr => 'black', ); # PRIVATE sub _has_default { my $self = shift; my $attr = shift || return; exists $Defaults{$attr} || $self->SUPER::_has_default($attr); } sub initialise { my $self = shift; $self->SUPER::initialise(); while (my($key, $val) = each %Defaults) { $self->{$key} = $val } $self->set( pie_height => _round(0.1 * $self->{height}) ); $self->set_value_font(gdTinyFont); $self->set_label_font(gdSmallFont); } # PUBLIC methods, documented in pod sub plot { my $self = shift; my $data = shift; $self->check_data($data) or return; $self->init_graph() or return; $self->setup_text() or return; $self->setup_coords() or return; $self->draw_text() or return; $self->draw_pie() or return; $self->draw_data() or return; return $self->{graph}; } sub set_label_font # (fontname) { my $self = shift; $self->_set_font('gdta_label', @_) or return; $self->{gdta_label}->set_align('bottom', 'center'); } sub set_value_font # (fontname) { my $self = shift; $self->_set_font('gdta_value', @_) or return; $self->{gdta_value}->set_align('center', 'center'); } # Inherit defaults() from GD::Graph # inherit checkdata from GD::Graph # Setup the coordinate system and colours, calculate the # relative axis coordinates in respect to the canvas size. sub setup_coords() { my $self = shift; # Make sure we're not reserving space we don't need. $self->{'3d'} = 0 if $self->{pie_height} <= 0; $self->set(pie_height => 0) unless $self->{'3d'}; my $tfh = $self->{title} ? $self->{gdta_title}->get('height') : 0; my $lfh = $self->{label} ? $self->{gdta_label}->get('height') : 0; # Calculate the bounding box for the pie, and # some width, height, and centre parameters $self->{bottom} = $self->{height} - $self->{pie_height} - $self->{b_margin} - ( $lfh ? $lfh + $self->{text_space} : 0 ); $self->{top} = $self->{t_margin} + ( $tfh ? $tfh + $self->{text_space} : 0 ); return $self->_set_error('Vertical size too small') if $self->{bottom} - $self->{top} <= 0; $self->{left} = $self->{l_margin}; $self->{right} = $self->{width} - $self->{r_margin}; return $self->_set_error('Horizontal size too small') if $self->{right} - $self->{left} <= 0; $self->{w} = $self->{right} - $self->{left}; $self->{h} = $self->{bottom} - $self->{top}; $self->{xc} = ($self->{right} + $self->{left})/2; $self->{yc} = ($self->{bottom} + $self->{top})/2; return $self; } # inherit open_graph from GD::Graph # Setup the parameters for the text elements sub setup_text { my $self = shift; if ( $self->{title} ) { #print "'$s->{title}' at ($s->{xc},$s->{t_margin})\n"; $self->{gdta_title}->set(colour => $self->{tci}); $self->{gdta_title}->set_text($self->{title}); } if ( $self->{label} ) { $self->{gdta_label}->set(colour => $self->{lci}); $self->{gdta_label}->set_text($self->{label}); } $self->{gdta_value}->set(colour => $self->{alci}); return $self; } # Put the text on the canvas. sub draw_text { my $self = shift; $self->{gdta_title}->draw($self->{xc}, $self->{t_margin}) if $self->{title}; $self->{gdta_label}->draw($self->{xc}, $self->{height} - $self->{b_margin}) if $self->{label}; return $self; } # draw the pie, without the data slices sub draw_pie { my $self = shift; my $left = $self->{xc} - $self->{w}/2; $self->{graph}->arc( $self->{xc}, $self->{yc}, $self->{w}, $self->{h}, 0, 360, $self->{acci} ); $self->{graph}->arc( $self->{xc}, $self->{yc} + $self->{pie_height}, $self->{w}, $self->{h}, 0, 180, $self->{acci} ) if ( $self->{'3d'} ); $self->{graph}->line( $left, $self->{yc}, $left, $self->{yc} + $self->{pie_height}, $self->{acci} ); $self->{graph}->line( $left + $self->{w}, $self->{yc}, $left + $self->{w}, $self->{yc} + $self->{pie_height}, $self->{acci} ); return $self; } # Draw the data slices sub draw_data { my $self = shift; my $total = 0; my @values = $self->{_data}->y_values(1); # for now, only one pie.. for (@values) { $total += $_ } return $self->_set_error("Pie data total is <= 0") unless $total > 0; my $ac = $self->{acci}; # Accent colour my $pb = $self->{start_angle}; for (my $i = 0; $i < @values; $i++) { # Set the data colour my $dc = $self->set_clr_uniq($self->pick_data_clr($i + 1)); # Set the angles of the pie slice # Angle 0 faces down, positive angles are clockwise # from there. # --- # / \ # | | # \ | / # --- # 0 # $pa/$pb include the start_angle (so if start_angle # is 90, there will be no pa/pb < 90. my $pa = $pb; $pb += my $slice_angle = 360 * $values[$i]/$total; # Calculate the end points of the lines at the boundaries of # the pie slice my ($xe, $ye) = cartesian( $self->{w}/2, $pa, $self->{xc}, $self->{yc}, $self->{h}/$self->{w} ); $self->{graph}->line($self->{xc}, $self->{yc}, $xe, $ye, $ac); # Draw the lines on the front of the pie $self->{graph}->line($xe, $ye, $xe, $ye + $self->{pie_height}, $ac) if in_front($pa) && $self->{'3d'}; # Make an estimate of a point in the middle of the pie slice # And fill it ($xe, $ye) = cartesian( 3 * $self->{w}/8, ($pa+$pb)/2, $self->{xc}, $self->{yc}, $self->{h}/$self->{w} ); $self->{graph}->fillToBorder($xe, $ye, $ac, $dc); # If it's 3d, colour the front ones as well # # if one slice is very large (>180 deg) then we will need to # fill it twice. sbonds. # # Independently noted and fixed by Jeremy Wadsack, in a slightly # different way. if ($self->{'3d'}) { foreach my $fill ($self->_get_pie_front_coords($pa, $pb)) { $self->{graph}->fillToBorder( $fill->[0], $fill->[1] + $self->{pie_height}/2, $ac, $dc); } } } # CONTRIB Jeremy Wadsack # # Large text, sticking out over the pie edge, could cause 3D pies to # fill improperly: Drawing the text for a given slice before the # next slice was drawn and filled could make the slice boundary # disappear, causing the fill colour to flow out. With this # implementation, all the text is on top of the pie. $pb = $self->{start_angle}; for (my $i = 0; $i < @values; $i++) { next unless $values[$i]; my $pa = $pb; $pb += my $slice_angle = 360 * $values[$i]/$total; next if $slice_angle <= $self->{suppress_angle}; my ($xe, $ye) = cartesian( 3 * $self->{w}/8, ($pa+$pb)/2, $self->{xc}, $self->{yc}, $self->{h}/$self->{w} ); $self->put_slice_label($xe, $ye, $self->{_data}->get_x($i)); } return $self; } #GD::Graph::pie::draw_data sub _get_pie_front_coords # (angle 1, angle 2) { my $self = shift; my $pa = level_angle(shift); my $pb = level_angle(shift); my @fills = (); if (in_front($pa)) { if (in_front($pb)) { # both in front # don't do anything # Ah, but if this wraps all the way around the back # then both pieces of the front need to be filled. # sbonds. if ($pa > $pb ) { # This takes care of the left bit on the front # Since we know exactly where we are, and in which # direction this works, we can just get the coordinates # for $pa. my ($x, $y) = cartesian( $self->{w}/2, $pa, $self->{xc}, $self->{yc}, $self->{h}/$self->{w} ); # and move one pixel to the left, but only if we don't # fall out of the pie!. push @fills, [$x - 1, $y] if $x - 1 > $self->{xc} - $self->{w}/2; # Reset $pa to the right edge of the front arc, to do # the right bit on the front. $pa = level_angle(-$ANGLE_OFFSET); } } else { # start in front, end in back $pb = $ANGLE_OFFSET; } } else { if (in_front($pb)) { # start in back, end in front $pa = $ANGLE_OFFSET - 180; } else { # both in back return; } } my ($x, $y) = cartesian( $self->{w}/2, ($pa + $pb)/2, $self->{xc}, $self->{yc}, $self->{h}/$self->{w} ); push @fills, [$x, $y]; return @fills; } # return true if this angle is on the front of the pie # XXX UGLY! We need to leave a slight room for error because of rounding # problems sub in_front { my $a = level_angle(shift); return $a > ($ANGLE_OFFSET - 180 + 0.00000001) && $a < $ANGLE_OFFSET - 0.000000001; } # XXX Ugh! I need to fix this. See the GD::Text module for better ways # of doing this. # return a value for angle between -180 and 180 sub level_angle # (angle) { my $a = shift; return level_angle($a-360) if ( $a > 180 ); return level_angle($a+360) if ( $a <= -180 ); return $a; } # put the slice label on the pie sub put_slice_label { my $self = shift; my ($x, $y, $label) = @_; return unless defined $label; $self->{gdta_value}->set_text($label); $self->{gdta_value}->draw($x, $y); } # return x, y coordinates from input # radius, angle, center x and y and a scaling factor (height/width) # # $ANGLE_OFFSET is used to define where 0 is meant to be sub cartesian { my ($r, $phi, $xi, $yi, $cr) = @_; return ( $xi + $r * cos(PI * ($phi + $ANGLE_OFFSET)/180), $yi + $cr * $r * sin(PI * ($phi + $ANGLE_OFFSET)/180) ) } "Just another true value";