#========================================================================== # Module: GD::Graph::bars3d # # Copyright (C) 1999,2000 Wadsack-Allen. All Rights Reserved. # # Based on GD::Graph::bars.pm,v 1.16 2000/03/18 10:58:39 mgjv # Copyright (c) 1995-1998 Martien Verbruggen # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Date Modification Author # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 1999SEP18 Created 3D bar chart class (this module) JAW # 1999SEP19 Rewrote to include a single bar-drawing JAW # function and process all bars in series # 1999SEP19 Implemented support for overwrite 2 style JAW # 1999SEP19 Fixed a bug in color cycler (colors were off by 1) JAW # 2000JAN19 Converted to GD::Graph class JAW # 2000MAR10 Fixed bug where bars ran off bottom of chart JAW # 2000APR18 Modified to be compatible with GD::Graph 1.30 JAW # 2000APR24 Fixed a lot of rendering bugs and added shading JAW # 2000AUG21 Added 3d shading JAW # 2000AUG24 Fixed shading on cycle_clrs option JAW #========================================================================== package GD::Graph::bars3d; use strict; use GD::Graph::axestype3d; use GD::Graph::utils qw(:all); use GD::Graph::colour qw(:colours); @GD::Graph::bars3d::ISA = qw(GD::Graph::axestype3d); $GD::Graph::bars3d::VERSION = '0.55'; my %Defaults = ( # Spacing between the bars bar_spacing => 0, # The 3-d extrusion depth of the bars bar_depth => 10, ); sub initialise { my $self = shift; my $rc = $self->SUPER::initialise(); $self->set(correct_width => 1); while( my($key, $val) = each %Defaults ) { $self->{$key} = $val } # end while return $rc; } # end initialise sub set { my $s = shift; my %args = @_; $s->{_set_error} = 0; for (keys %args) { /^bar_depth$/ and do { $s->{bar_depth} = $args{$_}; delete $args{$_}; next; }; } return $s->SUPER::set(%args); } # CONTRIB Jeremy Wadsack # This is a complete overhaul of the original GD::Graph::bars # design, because all versions (overwrite = 0, 1, 2) # require that the bars be drawn in a loop of point over sets sub draw_data { my $self = shift; my $g = $self->{graph}; my $bar_s = _round($self->{bar_spacing}/2); my $zero = $self->{zeropoint}; my $i; for $i (0 .. $self->{_data}->num_points()) { my ($xp, $t); my $overwrite = 0; $overwrite = $self->{overwrite} if defined $self->{overwrite}; my $j; for $j (1 .. $self->{_data}->num_sets()) { my $value = $self->{_data}->get_y( $j, $i ); next unless defined $value; my $bottom = $self->_get_bottom($j, $i); $value = $self->{_data}->get_y_cumulative($j, $i) if ($self->{cumulate}); # Pick a data colour, calc shading colors too, if requested # cycle_clrs option sets the color based on the point, not the dataset. my @rgb; if( $self->{cycle_clrs} ) { @rgb = $self->pick_data_clr( $i + 1 ); } else { @rgb = $self->pick_data_clr( $j ); } # end if my $dsci = $self->set_clr( @rgb ); if( $self->{'3d_shading'} ) { $self->{'3d_highlights'}[$dsci] = $self->set_clr( $self->_brighten( @rgb ) ); $self->{'3d_shadows'}[$dsci] = $self->set_clr( $self->_darken( @rgb ) ); } # end if # contrib "Bremford, Mike" my $brci; if( $self->{cycle_clrs} > 1 ) { $brci = $self->set_clr($self->pick_data_clr($i + 1)); } else { $brci = $self->set_clr($self->pick_border_clr($j)); } # end if # get coordinates of top and center of bar ($xp, $t) = $self->val_to_pixel($i + 1, $value, $j); # calculate offsets of this bar my $x_offset = 0; my $y_offset = 0; if( $overwrite == 1 ) { $x_offset = $self->{bar_depth} * ($self->{_data}->num_sets() - $j); $y_offset = $self->{bar_depth} * ($self->{_data}->num_sets() - $j); } $t -= $y_offset; # calculate left and right of bar my ($l, $r); if( (ref $self eq 'GD::Graph::mixed') || ($overwrite >= 1) ) { $l = $xp - $self->{x_step}/2 + $bar_s + $x_offset; $r = $xp + $self->{x_step}/2 - $bar_s + $x_offset; } else { $l = $xp - $self->{x_step}/2 + ($j - 1) * $self->{x_step}/$self->{_data}->num_sets() + $bar_s + $x_offset; $r = $xp - $self->{x_step}/2 + $j * $self->{x_step}/$self->{_data}->num_sets() - $bar_s + $x_offset; } if ($value >= 0) { # draw the positive bar $self->draw_bar( $g, $l, $t, $r, $bottom-$y_offset, $dsci, $brci, 0 ) } else { # draw the negative bar $self->draw_bar( $g, $l, $bottom-$y_offset, $r, $t, $dsci, $brci, -1 ) } # end if } # end for } # end for # redraw the 'zero' axis, front and right if( $self->{zero_axis} ) { $g->line( $self->{left}, $self->{zeropoint}, $self->{right}, $self->{zeropoint}, $self->{fgci} ); $g->line( $self->{right}, $self->{zeropoint}, $self->{right}+$self->{depth_3d}, $self->{zeropoint}-$self->{depth_3d}, $self->{fgci} ); } # end if # redraw the box face if ( $self->{box_axis} ) { # Axes box $g->rectangle($self->{left}, $self->{top}, $self->{right}, $self->{bottom}, $self->{fgci}); $g->line($self->{right}, $self->{top}, $self->{right} + $self->{depth_3d}, $self->{top} - $self->{depth_3d}, $self->{fgci}); $g->line($self->{right}, $self->{bottom}, $self->{right} + $self->{depth_3d}, $self->{bottom} - $self->{depth_3d}, $self->{fgci}); } # end if return $self; } # end draw_data # CONTRIB Jeremy Wadsack # This function draws a bar at the given # coordinates. This is called in all three # overwrite modes. sub draw_bar { my $self = shift; my $g = shift; my( $l, $t, $r, $b, $dsci, $brci, $neg ) = @_; # get depth of the bar my $depth = $self->{bar_depth}; # get the bar shadow depth and color my $bsd = $self->{shadow_depth}; my $bsci = $self->set_clr(_rgb($self->{shadowclr})); my( $xi ); # shadow if( $bsd > 0 ) { my $sb = $b - $depth; my $st = $t - $depth + $bsd; if( $neg != 0 ) { $st -= $bsd; if( $self->{zero_axis_only} ) { $sb += $bsd; } else { $sb = _min($b-$depth+$bsd, $self->{bottom}-$depth); } # end if } # end if # ** If this isn't the back bar, then no side shadow should be # drawn or else the top should be lowered by # ($bsd * dataset_num), it should be drawn on the back surface, # and a shadow should be drawn behind the front bar if the # bar is positive and the back is negative. $g->filledRectangle($l+$depth+$bsd, $st, $r+$depth+$bsd, $sb, $bsci); # Only draw bottom shadow if at the bottom and has bottom # axis. Always draw top shadow if( ($neg == 0) || ($sb >= $self->{bottom}-$depth) ) { my $poly = new GD::Polygon; $poly->addPt( $r, $b ); $poly->addPt( $r+$bsd, $b ); $poly->addPt( $r+$depth+$bsd, $b-$depth ); $poly->addPt( $r+$depth, $b-$depth ); $g->filledPolygon( $poly, $bsci ); } # end if } # end if # side my $poly = new GD::Polygon; $poly->addPt( $r, $t ); $poly->addPt( $r+$depth, $t-$depth ); $poly->addPt( $r+$depth, $b-$depth ); $poly->addPt( $r, $b ); if( $self->{'3d_shading'} ) { $g->filledPolygon( $poly, $self->{'3d_shadows'}[$dsci] ); } else { $g->filledPolygon( $poly, $dsci ); } # end if $g->polygon( $poly, $brci ); # top # -- only draw negative tops if the bar starts at zero if( ($neg == 0) || ($t <= $self->{zeropoint}) ) { $poly = new GD::Polygon; $poly->addPt( $l, $t ); $poly->addPt( $l+$depth, $t-$depth ); $poly->addPt( $r+$depth, $t-$depth ); $poly->addPt( $r, $t ); if( $self->{'3d_shading'} ) { $g->filledPolygon( $poly, $self->{'3d_highlights'}[$dsci] ); } else { $g->filledPolygon( $poly, $dsci ); } # end if $g->polygon( $poly, $brci ); } # end if # face $g->filledRectangle( $l, $t, $r, $b, $dsci ); $g->rectangle( $l, $t, $r, $b, $brci ); } # end draw_bar # [JAW] Overrides axestype's set_max_min. # Go through the parent's process then adjust the baseline to 0 for bar graphs. sub set_max_min { my $self = shift; $self->SUPER::set_max_min( @_ ); # This code is taken from Martien's axestype.pm for my $i (1..($self->{two_axes} ? 2 : 1)) { # If at the same side of the zero axis if( $self->{y_max}[$i] && $self->{y_min}[$i]/$self->{y_max}[$i] > 0 ) { $self->{y_min}[$i] > 0 ? $self->{y_min}[$i] = 0 : $self->{y_max}[$i] = 0 ; } # end if } # end for return $self; } # end set_max_min 1;