package Convert::Units::Temperature; require 5.004; require Exporter; use vars qw($VERSION $self); $VERSION = "0.21"; use Convert::Units::Base; my $self = new Convert::Units::Base ( # The actual units, relative to each other (in this case, in inches) { 'celsius' => [1.0, 0], 'fahrenheight' => [5/9, -32], 'kelvin' => [1.0, -273] }, # Synonyms and abbreviations for these units { 'centigrade' => 'celsius', 'c' => 'celsius', 'f' => 'fahrenheight', 'k' => 'kelvin' }, # Mulipliers (), # The default unit to convert to (when none is specified) "celsius" ); # A stub for converting units sub convert { return $self->convert_units (@_); } # A stub for parsing strings (such as "1 foot, 3 inches") sub parse { return $self->parse_string (@_); } 1; __END__