package Class::Fields::Inherit; use strict; no strict 'refs'; use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT $VERSION); use Class::Fields::Fuxor; use Class::Fields::Attribs; $VERSION = '0.03'; require Exporter; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw( inherit_fields ); use constant SUCCESS => 1; use constant FAILURE => !SUCCESS; #'# sub inherit_fields { my($derived, $base) = @_; return SUCCESS unless $base; my $battr = get_attr($base); my $dattr = get_attr($derived); my $dfields = get_fields($derived); my $bfields = get_fields($base); $dattr->[0] = @$battr; # Iterate through the base's fields adding all the non-private # ones to the derived class. Hang on to the original attribute # (Public, Private, etc...) and add Inherited. # This is all too complicated to do efficiently with add_fields(). while (my($k,$v) = each %$bfields) { my $fno; if ($fno = $dfields->{$k} and $fno != $v) { require Carp; Carp::croak ("Inherited %FIELDS can't override existing %FIELDS"); } if( $battr->[$v] & PRIVATE ) { $dattr->[$v] = undef; } else { $dattr->[$v] = INHERITED | $battr->[$v]; # Derived fields must be kept in the same position as the # base in order to make "static" typing work with psuedo-hashes. # Alas, this kills multiple field inheritance. $dfields->{$k} = $v; } } } return 'IRS Estate Tax Return Form 706'; __END__ =pod =head1 NAME Class::Fields::Inherit - Inheritance of %FIELDS =head1 SYNOPSIS use Class::Fields::Inherit; inherit_fields($derived_class, $base_class); =head1 DESCRIPTION A simple module to handle inheritance of the %FIELDS hash. is usually its only customer, though there's nothing stopping you from using it. =over 4 =item B inherit_fields($derived_class, $base_class); The $derived_class will inherit all of the $base_class's fields. This is a good chunk of what happens when you use =back =head1 AUTHOR Michael G Schwern largely from code liberated from =head1 SEE ALSO L, L