package Class::Fields::Attribs; use strict; use vars qw( @EXPORT @ISA $VERSION ); @EXPORT = qw(PUBLIC PRIVATE INHERITED PROTECTED); require Exporter; @ISA = qw(Exporter); $VERSION = '0.02'; # Inheritance constants. # Its too bad I can't use 0bXXX since its 5.6 only. use constant PUBLIC => 2**0; # Open to the public, will be inherited. use constant PRIVATE => 2**1; # Not to be used by anyone but that class, # will not be inherited use constant INHERITED => 2**2; # This member was inherited use constant PROTECTED => 2**3; # Not to be used by anyone but that class # and its subclasses, will be inherited. # For backwards compatibility. # doesn't like leading underscores. Damn. sub _PUBLIC () { PUBLIC } sub _PRIVATE () { PRIVATE } sub _INHERITED () { INHERITED } sub _PROTECTED () { PROTECTED } return 'FIRE!'; __END__ =pod =head1 NAME Class::Fields::Attribs - Attribute constants for use with data members =head1 SYNOPSIS # Export the attribute constants use Class::Fields::Attribs; =head1 DESCRIPTION Simply exports a set of constants used for low level work on data members. Each constant is a bitmask used to represent the type of a data member (as in Public, Private, etc...). The exported attributes are: =over 4 =item PUBLIC =item PRIVATE =item PROTECTED =item INHERITED Each of these constants is a bitmask representing a possible setting of a field attribute. They can be combined by using a bitwise OR and attributes can be checked for using a bitwise AND. For example: # Indicate a piece of data which is both public and inherited. $attrib = PUBLIC | INHERITED; # Check to see if an attribute is protected. print "Protected" if $attrib & PROTECTED; It is rare that one has to use these constants and it is generally better to use the functions provided by Class::Fields. =back =head1 AUTHOR Michael G Schwern =head1 SEE ALSO L =cut