package Astro::Time; use strict; =head1 NAME Astro::Time - Time based astronomical routines =head1 SYNOPSIS use Astro::Time; $dayno = cal2dayno($day, $month, $year); print "It's a leap year!\n" if (leap($year)); $lmst = mjd2lst($mjd, $longitude, $dUT1); $turns = str2turn($string, 'H'); $str = turn2str($turn, 'D', $sig); =head1 DESCRIPTION Astro::Time contains an assorted set Perl routines for time based conversions, such as conversion between calendar dates and Modified Julian day and conversion of UT to local sidereal time. Include are routines for conversion between numerical and string representation of angles. =head1 AUTHOR Chris Phillips =head1 FUNCTIONS =cut BEGIN { use Exporter (); use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK @EXPORT_FAIL $PI $StrSep $StrZero $Quiet ); $VERSION = '1.00'; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw( cal2dayno dayno2cal leap yesterday tomorrow mjd2cal cal2mjd mjd2dayno dayno2mjd now2mjd jd2mjd mjd2jd gst mjd2lst cal2lst dayno2lst rise lst2mjd turn2str deg2str rad2str str2turn str2deg str2rad hms2time time2hms deg2rad rad2deg turn2rad rad2turn turn2deg deg2turn $PI ); @EXPORT_OK = qw ( daynoOK monthOK dayOK utOK nint $StrSep $StrZero ); @EXPORT_FAIL = qw ( @days ); use Carp; use POSIX qw( fmod floor ceil acos ); } $PI = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751; $StrZero = 0; $StrSep = ':'; my $debug = 0; # Used for debugging str2turn $Quiet = 0; my @days = (31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31); # Is the dayno valid? sub daynoOK ($$) { my ($dayno, $year) = @_; if ($dayno<1 || $dayno>366 || ($dayno>365 && !leap($year))) { carp '$dayno out of range' if (!$Quiet); return 0; } else { return 1; } } # Is the month valid? sub monthOK ($) { my $month = shift; if ($month > 12 || $month < 1) { carp '$month out of range' if (!$Quiet); return 0; } else { return 1 } } # IS the day of month OK? (assumes month IS ok - should be checked first) sub dayOK ($$$) { my ($day, $month, $year) = @_; $month--; # For array indexing if (leap($year)) { $days[1] = 29; } else { $days[1] = 28; } if ($day < 1 || $day > $days[$month]) { carp '$day out of range' if (!$Quiet); return 0; } else { return 1; } } # Is the day fraction OK? sub utOK ($) { my $ut = shift; if ($ut < 0.0 || $ut >= 1.0) { carp '$ut out of range' if (!$Quiet); return 0; } else { return 1; } } # Return the nearest integer (ie round) sub nint ($) { my ($x) = @_; ($x<0.0) ? return(ceil($x-0.5)) : return(floor($x+0.5)) } =item B $str = turn2str($turn, $mode, $sig); $str = turn2str($turn, $mode, $sig, $strsep); Convert fraction of a turn into string representation $turn Angle in turns $mode Mode of string to convert to: 'H' for hours 'D' for degrees $sig number of significant figures $strsep String separator (override for default $Astro::Time::StrSep) Note: The behavior can be modified by the following two variables: $Astro::Time::ZeroStr Minimum number of leading digits (zero padded if needed) $Astro::Time::StrSep (Overridden by optional fourth argument) Deliminator used in string (Default ':') This may also equal one of a number of special values: 'HMS' 12H45M12.3S or 170D34M56.2S 'hms' 12h45m12.3s or 170d34m56.2s 'deg' 170d34'56.2" =cut sub turn2str ($$$;$) { my($turn, $mode, $sig, $strsep) = @_; $mode = uc $mode; if (($mode ne 'H') && ($mode ne 'D')) { carp 'turn2str: $mode must equal \'H\' or \'D\''; return undef; } $strsep = $StrSep if (!defined $strsep); my ($angle, $str, $sign, $wholesec, $secfract, $min); if ($mode eq 'H') { $angle = $turn * 24; } else { $angle = $turn * 360; } if ($angle < 0.0) { $sign = -1; $angle = -$angle; } else { $sign = 1; } my $wholeangle = (int $angle); $angle -= $wholeangle; $angle *= 3600; # Get second fraction $wholesec = int $angle; $secfract = $angle - $wholesec; $wholesec %= 60; $min = ($angle-$wholesec - $secfract)/60.0; $secfract = int ($secfract * 10**$sig + 0.5); # Add 0.5 to ensure rounding # Check we have not rounded too far if ($secfract >= 10**$sig) { $secfract -= 10**$sig; $wholesec++; if ($wholesec >= 60.0) { $wholesec -= 60; $min++; if ($min >= 60.0) { $min -= 60; $wholeangle++; } } } my $angleform; if ($StrZero > 0) { $angleform = "%0$StrZero"; } else { $angleform = '%'; } my ($sep1, $sep2, $sep3); if ($strsep eq 'HMS') { if ($mode eq 'H') { $sep1 = 'H'; } else { $sep1 = 'D'; } $sep2 = 'M'; $sep3 = 'S'; } elsif ($strsep eq 'hms') { if ($mode eq 'H') { $sep1 = 'h'; } else { $sep1 = 'd'; } $sep2 = 'm'; $sep3 = 's'; } elsif ($strsep eq 'deg') { # What if $mode eq 'H'?? $sep1 = 'd'; $sep2 = "'"; $sep3 = '"'; } else { $sep1 = $sep2 = $strsep; $sep3 = ''; } if ($sig > 0) { $str = sprintf("${angleform}d$sep1%02d". "$sep2%02d.%0${sig}d$sep3", $wholeangle, $min, $wholesec, $secfract); } else { $str = sprintf("${angleform}d$sep1%02d". "$sep2%02d$sep3", $wholeangle, $min, $wholesec); } if ($sign == -1) { $str = '-'.$str; } return $str; } =item B $str=deg2str($deg, $mode, $sig); Convert degrees into string representation $deg angle in degrees $mode mode of string to convert to: 'H' for hours 'D' for degrees $sig number of significant figures See note for turn2str =cut sub deg2str ($$$;$) { my($deg, $mode, $sig, $strsep) = @_; return turn2str($deg/(360), $mode, $sig, $strsep); } =item B $str=rad2str($rad, $mode, $sig); Convert radians into string representation $rad angle in radians $mode mode of string to convert to: 'H' for hours 'D' for degrees $sig is number of significant figures See note for turn2str =cut sub rad2str ($$$;$) { my($rad, $mode, $sig, $strsep) = @_; return turn2str($rad/(2*$PI), $mode, $sig, $strsep); } =item B $turns = str2turn($string,$mode); Convert angle from string representation into fraction of a turn $string a : or space delimited angle $mode type of angle 'H' if $string is in hours,min,sec 'D' if $string is in deg,arcmin,arcsec The format of $string can be fairly flexible e.g.: 12.2 12:34 12:34:45.1 -23 34 12.3 -34 34.3 Note: You cannot mix spaces and : =cut sub str2turn ($$) { my($str,$mode) = @_; $mode = uc $mode; if (($mode ne "H") && ($mode ne "D")) { carp 'str2turn: $mode must equal "H" or "D"'; return undef; } my $sign = 1.0; my $angle = 0.0; my $min = 0.0; my $sec = 0.0; # Does it match dd:dd:dd.d form if ($str =~ /^\s*(?:([+-])\s*)? # Sign (optional) (\d*): # Hours degrees (\d{0,2})(?:: # Minutes (\d{0,2}(?:\.\d*)?))? # Seconds and fractions (both optional) /x) { print STDERR "Matches dd:dd:dd.d\n" if $debug; $sign = -1 if (defined($1) && $1 eq "-"); $angle = $2 if ($2); $min = $3 if ($3); $sec = $4 if ($4); # Does it match hms form 12h33m34.6s } elsif ($str =~ /^\s*(?:([+-])\s*)? # Sign (optional) (\d+)\s*(h)\s* # Hours (?:(\d{0,2})\s*m\s* # Minutes optional (?:(\d{0,2} # Seconds and fractions (optional) (?:\.\d*)?)\s*s)?)? /x) { print STDERR "Matches hms\n" if $debug; $sign = -1 if (defined($1) && $1 eq "-"); $angle = $2 if ($2); $mode = 'H'; $min = $4 if ($4); $sec = $5 if ($5); # Does it match dms form 12d33m34.6s or 12d33'34.6" } elsif ($str =~ /^\s*(?:([+-])\s*)? # Sign (optional) (\d+)\s*([d])\s* # Degrees (?:(\d{0,2})\s*[m']\s* # Minutes optional (?:(\d{0,2} # Seconds and fractions (optional) (?:\.\d*)?)\s*[s"])?)? /x) { print STDERR "Matches dms\n" if $debug; $sign = -1 if (defined($1) && $1 eq "-"); $angle = $2 if ($2); #$mode = uc($3); $mode = 'D'; $min = $4 if ($4); $sec = $5 if ($5); # Does is match dd dd dd.d form } elsif ($str =~ /^\s*(?:([+-])\s*)? # Sign (optional) (\d+)\s+ # Hours degrees (\d{0,2})(?:\s+ # Minutes (\d{0,2}(?:\.\d*)?))? # Seconds and fractions /x) { print STDERR "Matches dd dd dd.d\n" if $debug; $sign = -1 if (defined($1) && $1 eq "-"); $angle = $2 if ($2); $min = $3 if ($3); $sec = $4 if ($4); # Does it match dd.d form } elsif ($str =~ /^\s*(?:([+-])\s*)?(\d+(?:\.\d*)?)/) { print STDERR "Matches dd.d\n" if $debug; $sign = -1 if (defined($1) && $1 eq "-"); $angle = $2 if ($2); } else { return undef; } my $factor; if ($mode eq "H") { $factor = 24.0; } else { $factor = 360.0; } print "Got ($sign) $angle/$min/$sec [$mode]\n" if $debug; return $sign * (($angle + ($min + $sec/60.0)/60.0)/ $factor); } =item B $degrees=str2deg($string,$mode); Convert angle from string representation into degrees $string a : or space delimited angle $mode 'H' if $string is in hours,min,sec 'D' if $string is in deg,arcmin,arcsec See note for str2turn =cut sub str2deg ($$) { my($str, $mode) = @_; return str2turn($str, $mode) * 360; } =item B $radians=str2rad($string,$mode); Convert angle from string representation into radians $string a : or space delimited angle $mode 'H' if $string is in hours,min,sec 'D' if $string is in deg,arcmin,arcsec See note for str2turn =cut sub str2rad ($$) { my($str, $mode) = @_; return str2turn($str, $mode) * 2*$PI; } =item B ($time) = hms2time($hour, $minute, $second); ($time) = hms2time($hour, $minute, $second, $mode); Returns the day fraction given hours minutes and seconds (or degrees) $time Day fraction $hour Hours $minutes Minutes $second Seconds $mode 'H' or 'D' to interpret as hours or degrees (default hours) =cut sub hms2time ($$$;$) { my($hour, $minute, $second, $mode) = @_; $mode = 'H' if (!defined $mode); my $factor; if ($mode eq 'H' || $mode eq 'h') { $factor = 24.0; } elsif ($mode eq 'D' || $mode eq 'd') { $factor = 360.0; } else { carp 'Illegal $mode value'; return undef; } return (($second/60 + $minute)/60 + $hour)/$factor; } =item B ($sign, $hour, $minute, $second) = time2hms($time, $mode, $sig); Returns hours (or degrees), minutes and seconds given the day fraction $sign Sign of angle ('+' or '-') $hour Hours $minutes Minutes $second Seconds $time Day fraction $mode Return degrees or Hours? 'H' for hours 'D' for degrees $sig Number of significant digits for $second =cut sub time2hms ($$$) { my($turn, $mode, $sig) = @_; $mode = uc $mode; if (($mode ne 'H') && ($mode ne 'D')) { carp 'time2hms: $mode must equal \'H\' or \'D\''; return undef; } my ($angle, $str, $sign, $wholesec, $secfract, $min); if ($mode eq 'H') { $angle = $turn * 24; } else { $angle = $turn * 360; } if ($angle < 0.0) { $sign = '-'; $angle = -$angle; } else { $sign = '+'; } my $wholeangle = (int $angle); $angle -= $wholeangle; $angle *= 3600; # Get second fraction $wholesec = int $angle; $secfract = $angle - $wholesec; $wholesec %= 60; $min = ($angle-$wholesec - $secfract)/60.0; $secfract = int ($secfract * 10**$sig + 0.5); # Add 0.5 to ensure rounding # Check we have not rounded too far if ($secfract >= 10**$sig) { $secfract -= 10**$sig; $wholesec++; if ($wholesec >= 60.0) { $wholesec -= 60; $min++; if ($min >= 60.0) { $min -= 60; $wholeangle++; } } } if ($sig > 0) { return($sign, $wholeangle, $min, "$wholesec.$secfract"); } else { return($sign, $wholeangle, $min, $wholesec); } } =item B $rad=deg2rad($deg); Convert degrees to radians =cut sub deg2rad ($) { return $_[0] / 180*$PI; } =item B $deg=rad2deg($rad); Convert radians to degrees =cut sub rad2deg ($) { return $_[0] * 180/$PI; } =item B $rad=turn2rad($turn); Convert turns to radians =cut sub turn2rad ($) { return $_[0] * 2*$PI; } =item B $turn=rad2turn($rad); Convert radians to turns =cut sub rad2turn ($) { return $_[0] / (2*$PI); } =item B $deg=turn2deg($turn); Convert turns to radians =cut sub turn2deg ($) { return $_[0] * 360.0; } =item B $turn=deg2turn($deg); Convert degrees to turns =cut sub deg2turn ($) { return $_[0] / 360.0; } =item B $dayno = cal2dayno($day, $month, $year); Returns the day number corresponding to $day of $month in $year. =cut # VERIFYED sub cal2dayno ($$$) { my ($day, $month, $year) = @_; return undef if (!monthOK($month)); return undef if (!dayOK($day, $month, $year)); $month--; # For array indexing if (leap($year)) { $days[1] = 29; } else { $days[1] = 28; } my $mon; my $dayno = $day; for ($mon=0; $mon<$month; $mon++) { $dayno += $days[$mon]; } return($dayno); } =item B ($day, $month) = dayno2cal($dayno, $year); Return the $day and $month corresponding to $dayno of $year. =cut # Verified sub dayno2cal ($$) { my($dayno, $year) = @_; return undef if (!daynoOK($dayno, $year)); if (leap($year)) { $days[1] = 29; } else { $days[1] = 28; } my $month = 0; my $end = $days[$month]; while ($dayno>$end) { $month++; $end+= $days[$month]; } $end -= $days[$month]; my $day = $dayno - $end; $month++; return($day, $month); } =item B $isleapyear = leap($year); Returns true if $year is a leap year. $year year in full =cut # NOT Verified sub leap ($) { my $year = shift; return (((!($year%4))&&($year%100))||(!($year%400))); } =item B ($dayno, $year) = yesterday($dayno, $year); ($day, $month, $year) = yesterday($day, $month, $year); Winds back the day number by one, taking account of year wraps. $dayno Day number of year $year Year $month Month $day Day of month =cut # Verified sub yesterday($$;$) { my ($day, $month, $dayno, $year); if (scalar(@_)==2) { ($dayno, $year) = @_; return undef if (!daynoOK($dayno, $year)); } else { ($day, $month, $year) = @_; return undef if (!monthOK($month)); return undef if (!dayOK($day, $month, $year)); $dayno = cal2dayno($day, $month, $year); } $dayno--; if ($dayno==0) { $year--; if (leap($year)) { $dayno = 366; } else { $dayno = 365; } } if (scalar(@_)==2) { return ($dayno, $year); } else { ($day, $month) = dayno2cal($dayno, $year); return($day, $month, $year); } } =item B ($dayno, $year) = tomorrow($dayno, $year); ($day, $month, $year) = tomorrow($day, $month, $year); Advances the day number by one, taking account of year wraps. $dayno Day number of year $year Year $month Month $day Day of month =cut # Verified sub tomorrow($$;$) { my ($day, $month, $dayno, $year); if (scalar(@_)==2) { ($dayno, $year) = @_; return undef if (!daynoOK($dayno, $year)); } else { ($day, $month, $year) = @_; return undef if (!monthOK($month)); return undef if (!dayOK($day, $month, $year)); $dayno = cal2dayno($day, $month, $year); } $dayno++; if (($dayno==366 && !leap($year)) || $dayno==367) { $year++; $dayno = 1; } if (scalar(@_)==2) { return ($dayno, $year); } else { ($day, $month) = dayno2cal($dayno, $year); return($day, $month, $year); } } =item B ($day, $month, $year, $ut) = mjd2cal($mjd); Converts a modified Julian day number into calendar date (universal time). (based on the slalib routine sla_djcl). $mjd Modified Julian day (JD-2400000.5) $day Day of the month. $month Month of the year. $year Year $ut UT day fraction =cut # VERIFIED sub mjd2cal($) { my $mjd = shift; my $ut = fmod($mjd,1.0); if ($ut<0.0) { $ut += 1.0; $mjd -= 1; } use integer; # Calculations require integer division and modulation # Get the integral Julian Day number my $jd = nint($mjd + 2400001); # Do some rather cryptic calculations my $temp1 = 4*($jd+((6*(((4*$jd-17918)/146097)))/4+1)/2-37); my $temp2 = 10*((($temp1-237)%1461)/4)+5; my $year = $temp1/1461-4712; my $month =(($temp2/306+2)%12)+1; my $day = ($temp2%306)/10+1; return($day, $month, $year, $ut); } =item B $mjd = cal2mjd($day, $month, $year, $ut); Converts a calendar date (universal time) into modified Julian day number. $day Day of the month. $month Month of the year. $year Year $ut UT dayfraction $mjd Modified Julian day (JD-2400000.5) =cut # Verified sub cal2mjd($$$;$) { my($day, $month, $year, $ut) = @_; $ut = 0.0 if (!defined $ut); return undef if (!monthOK($month)); return undef if (!dayOK($day, $month, $year)); return undef if (!utOK($ut)); my ($m, $y); if ($month <= 2) { $m = int($month+9); $y = int($year-1); } else { $m = int($month-3); $y = int($year); } my $c = int($y/100); $y = $y-$c*100; my $x1 = int(146097.0*$c/4.0); my $x2 = int(1461.0*$y/4.0); my $x3 = int((153.0*$m+2.0)/5.0); return($x1+$x2+$x3+$day-678882+$ut); } =item B ($dayno, $year, $ut) = mjd2dayno($mjd); Converts a modified Julian day number into year and dayno (universal time). $mjd Modified Julian day (JD-2400000.5) $year Year $dayno Dayno of year =cut # NOT Verified sub mjd2dayno($) { my $mjd = shift; my ($day, $month, $year, $ut) = mjd2cal($mjd); return (cal2dayno($day,$month,$year), $year, $ut); } =item B $mjd = dayno2mjd($dayno, $year, $ut); Converts a dayno and year to modified Julian day $mjd Modified Julian day (JD-2400000.5) $year Year $dayno Dayno of year =cut # Not verified - wrapper to cal2mjd sub dayno2mjd($$;$) { my ($dayno, $year, $ut) = @_; $ut = 0.0 if (!defined $ut); return undef if (!daynoOK($dayno,$year)); return undef if (!utOK($ut)); my ($day, $month) = dayno2cal($dayno, $year); return cal2mjd($day, $month, $year, $ut); } =item B $mjd = now2mjd() =cut # Not verified - just wrapper sub now2mjd() { my ($s, $m, $h, $day, $month, $year) = gmtime(); $month++; $year += 1900; return(cal2mjd($day, $month, $year, ((($s/60+$m)/60+$h)/24))); } =item B $mjd = jd2mjd($jd); Converts a Julian day to Modified Julian day $jd Julian day $mjd Modified Julian day =cut sub jd2mjd($) { return (shift)-2400000.5; } =item B $jd = mjd2jd($mjd); Converts a Modified Julian day to Julian day $mjd Modified Julian day $jd Julian day =cut sub mjd2jd($) { return (shift)+2400000.5; } =item B $gst = gmst($mjd); $gmst = gmst($mjd, $dUT1); $gtst = gmst($mjd, $dUT1, $eqenx); Converts a modified Julian day number to Greenwich sidereal time $mjd modified Julian day (JD-2400000.5) $dUT1 difference between UTC and UT1 (UT1 = UTC + dUT1) (seconds) $eqenx Equation of the equinoxes (not yet supported) $gst Greenwich sidereal time (turns) $gmst Greenwich mean sidereal time (turns) $gtst Greenwich true sidereal time (turns) =cut # Verified sub gst($;$$) { my ($mjd, $dUT1, $eqenx) = @_; $dUT1 = 0.0 if (! defined $dUT1); if ($dUT1 > 0.5 || $dUT1 < -0.5) { carp '$dUT1 out of range'; return undef; } if (defined $eqenx) { croak '$eqenx is not supported yet'; } my $JULIAN_DAY_J2000 = 2451545.0; my $JULIAN_DAYS_IN_CENTURY = 36525.0; my $SOLAR_TO_SIDEREAL = 1.002737909350795; my $a=101.0 + 24110.54841/86400.0; my $b=8640184.812866/86400.0; my $e=0.093104/86400.0; my $d=0.0000062/86400.0; my $tu = (int($mjd)-($JULIAN_DAY_J2000-2400000.5))/$JULIAN_DAYS_IN_CENTURY; my $sidtim = $a + $tu*($b + $tu*($e - $tu*$d)); $sidtim -= int($sidtim); if ($sidtim < 0.0) {$sidtim += 1.0}; my $gmst = $sidtim + ($mjd - int($mjd) + $dUT1/86400.0)*$SOLAR_TO_SIDEREAL; while ($gmst<0.0) { $gmst += 1.0; } while ($gmst>1.0) { $gmst -= 1.0; } return $gmst; } # Not verified - wrapper to gmst =item B $lst = mjd2lst($mjd, $longitude); $lmst = mjd2lst($mjd, $longitude, $dUT1); $ltst = mjd2lst($mjd, $longitude, $dUT1, $eqenx); Converts a modified Julian day number into local sidereal time (lst), local mean sidereal time (lmst) or local true sidereal time (ltst). Unless high precisions is required dUT1 can be omitted (it will always be in the range -0.5 to 0.5 seconds). $mjd Modified Julian day (JD-2400000.5) $longitude Longitude for which the LST is required (turns) $dUT1 Difference between UTC and UT1 (UT1 = UTC + dUT1)(seconds) $eqenx Equation of the equinoxes (not yet supported) $lst Local sidereal time (turns) $lmst Local mean sidereal time (turns) $ltst Local true sidereal time (turns) =cut sub mjd2lst($$;$$) { my ($mjd, $longitude, $dUT1, $eqenx) = @_; my $lst = gst($mjd, $dUT1, $eqenx); return undef if (!defined $lst); $lst += $longitude; while ($lst>1.0) { $lst-= 1; } while ($lst < 0.0) { $lst += 1; } return $lst; } =item B $lst = cal2lst($day, $month, $year, $ut, $longitude); $lmst = cal2lst($day, $month, $year, $ut, $longitude, $dUT1); $ltst = cal2lst($day, $month, $year, $ut, $longitude, $dUT1, $eqenx); Wrapper to mjd2lst using calendar date rather than mjd =cut sub cal2lst($$$$$;$$) { my ($day, $month, $year, $ut, $longitude, $dUT1, $eqenx) = @_; my $mjd = cal2mjd($day, $month, $year, $ut); return undef if (!defined $mjd); return mjd2lst($mjd, $longitude, $dUT1, $eqenx); } =item B $lst = dayno2lst($dayno, $year, $ut, $longitude); $lmst = dayno2lst($dayno, $year, $ut, $longitude, $dUT1); $ltst = dayno2lst($dayno, $year, $ut, $longitude, $dUT1, $eqenx); Wrapper to mjd2lst using calendar date rather than mjd =cut sub dayno2lst($$$$;$$) { my ($dayno, $year, $ut, $longitude, $dUT1, $eqenx) = @_; my $mjd = dayno2mjd($dayno, $year, $ut); return undef if (!defined $mjd); return mjd2lst($mjd, $longitude, $dUT1, $eqenx); } # Not verified =item B ($lst_rise, $lst_set) = rise($ra, $dec, $obslat, $el_limit); Return the lst rise and set time of the given source $lst_rise, $lst_set Rise and set time (turns) $ra, $dec RA and Dec of source (turns) $obslat Latitude of observatory (turns) $el_limit Elevation limit of observatory (turns, 0 horizontal) Returns 'Circumpolar' if source circumpolar Returns undef if source never rises Uses the formula: cos $z_limit = sin $obslat * sin $dec + cos $obslat * cos $dec * cos $HA where: $z_limit is the zenith angle limit corresponding to $el_limit $HA is the Hour Angle of the source NOTE: For maximum accuracy source coordinated should be precessed to the current date. =cut sub rise ($$$$) { #print "rise: Got @_\n"; my ($ra, $dec, $obslat, $el_limit) = @_; $ra = turn2rad($ra); $dec = turn2rad($dec); $obslat = turn2rad($obslat); $el_limit = turn2rad($el_limit); my $z_limit = $PI/2-$el_limit; #print "Check it\n"; # Check whether the source ever rises or is circumpolar my $z = acos(sin($obslat)*sin($dec) + cos($obslat)*cos($dec)); # Highest point return (undef) if ($z>$z_limit); #print "Got here\n"; $z = acos(sin($obslat)*sin($dec) - cos($obslat)*cos($dec)); # Lowest point return ('Circumpolar') if ($z<$z_limit); my $cos_ha = (cos($z_limit) - sin($obslat)*sin($dec)) /(cos($obslat)*cos($dec)); my $ha = acos($cos_ha); my $lst_rise = $ra - $ha; my $lst_set = $ra + $ha; $lst_rise += 2*$PI if ($lst_rise < 0.0); $lst_set -= 2*$PI if ($lst_set >= 2*$PI); return rad2turn($lst_rise), rad2turn($lst_set); } =item B $mjd = lst2mjd($lmst, $dayno, $year, $longitude); $mjd = lst2mjd($lmst, $dayno, $year, $longitude, $dUT1); This routine calculates the modified Julian day number corresponding to the local mean sidereal time $lmst at $longitude, on a given UT day number ($dayno). Unless high precision is required dUT1 can be omitted. The required inputs are : $lmst - The local mean sidereal time (turns) $dayno - The UT day of year for which to do the conversion $year - The year for which to do the conversion $longitude - The longitude of the observatory (turns) $dUT1 - Difference between UTC and UT1 (UT1 = UTC + dUT1) (seconds) $mjd The modified Julian day corresponding to $lmst on $dayno =cut sub lst2mjd($$$$;$) { my ($lmst, $dayno, $year, $longitude, $dUT1) = @_; $dUT1 = 0.0 if (!defined $dUT1); my $SOLAR_TO_SIDEREAL = 1.002737909350795; my ($day, $month) = dayno2cal($dayno, $year); my $mjd = cal2mjd($day, $month, $year, 0.0); # Time in turns from passed lmst to lmst at the start of $dayno my $delay = $lmst-mjd2lst($mjd, $longitude); if ($delay < 0.0) { $delay += 1.0/$SOLAR_TO_SIDEREAL; } return($mjd + $delay); } 1; __END__