# NOTE: Derived from lib/Getopt/Long.pm. # Changes made here will be lost when autosplit again. # See AutoSplit.pm. package Getopt::Long; #line 921 "lib/Getopt/Long.pm (autosplit into lib/auto/Getopt/Long/Configure.al)" # Getopt::Long Configuration. sub Configure (@) { my (@options) = @_; my $prevconfig = [ $error, $debug, $major_version, $minor_version, $autoabbrev, $getopt_compat, $ignorecase, $bundling, $order, $gnu_compat, $passthrough, $genprefix ]; if ( ref($options[0]) eq 'ARRAY' ) { ( $error, $debug, $major_version, $minor_version, $autoabbrev, $getopt_compat, $ignorecase, $bundling, $order, $gnu_compat, $passthrough, $genprefix ) = @{shift(@options)}; } my $opt; foreach $opt ( @options ) { my $try = lc ($opt); my $action = 1; if ( $try =~ /^no_?(.*)$/s ) { $action = 0; $try = $+; } if ( ($try eq 'default' or $try eq 'defaults') && $action ) { ConfigDefaults (); } elsif ( ($try eq 'posix_default' or $try eq 'posix_defaults') ) { local $ENV{POSIXLY_CORRECT}; $ENV{POSIXLY_CORRECT} = 1 if $action; ConfigDefaults (); } elsif ( $try eq 'auto_abbrev' or $try eq 'autoabbrev' ) { $autoabbrev = $action; } elsif ( $try eq 'getopt_compat' ) { $getopt_compat = $action; } elsif ( $try eq 'gnu_getopt' ) { if ( $action ) { $gnu_compat = 1; $bundling = 1; $getopt_compat = 0; $permute = 1; } } elsif ( $try eq 'gnu_compat' ) { $gnu_compat = $action; } elsif ( $try eq 'ignorecase' or $try eq 'ignore_case' ) { $ignorecase = $action; } elsif ( $try eq 'ignore_case_always' ) { $ignorecase = $action ? 2 : 0; } elsif ( $try eq 'bundling' ) { $bundling = $action; } elsif ( $try eq 'bundling_override' ) { $bundling = $action ? 2 : 0; } elsif ( $try eq 'require_order' ) { $order = $action ? $REQUIRE_ORDER : $PERMUTE; } elsif ( $try eq 'permute' ) { $order = $action ? $PERMUTE : $REQUIRE_ORDER; } elsif ( $try eq 'pass_through' or $try eq 'passthrough' ) { $passthrough = $action; } elsif ( $try =~ /^prefix=(.+)$/ && $action ) { $genprefix = $1; # Turn into regexp. Needs to be parenthesized! $genprefix = "(" . quotemeta($genprefix) . ")"; eval { '' =~ /$genprefix/; }; Croak ("Getopt::Long: invalid pattern \"$genprefix\"") if $@; } elsif ( $try =~ /^prefix_pattern=(.+)$/ && $action ) { $genprefix = $1; # Parenthesize if needed. $genprefix = "(" . $genprefix . ")" unless $genprefix =~ /^\(.*\)$/; eval { '' =~ /$genprefix/; }; Croak ("Getopt::Long: invalid pattern \"$genprefix\"") if $@; } elsif ( $try eq 'debug' ) { $debug = $action; } else { Croak ("Getopt::Long: unknown config parameter \"$opt\"") } } $prevconfig; } # end of Getopt::Long::Configure 1;