# # If you've loaded this file via a browser # select "Save As..." from your file menu # # ptkdb Perl Tk perl Debugger # # Copyright 1998, Andrew E. Page # All rights reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of either: # # a) the GNU General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any # later version, or # # b) the "Artistic License" which comes with this Kit. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See either # the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License for more details. # #################################### ### Sample .Xresources for ptkdb ### #################################### # /* # * Perl Tk Debugger XResources. # * Note... These resources are subject to change. # * # * Use 'xfontsel' to select different fonts. # * # * Append these resource to ~/.Xdefaults | ~/.Xresources # * and use xrdb -override ~/.Xdefaults | ~/.Xresources # * to activate them. # */ # /* Set Value to se to place scrollbars on the right side of windows # CAUTION: extra whitespace at the end of the line is causing # failures with Tk800.011. # */ # ptkdb*scrollbars: sw # # /* controls where the code pane is oriented, down the left side, or across the top */ # /* values can be set to left, right, top, bottom */ # ptkdb*codeside: left # /* # * Background color for the balloon # * CAUTION: For certain versions of Tk trailing # * characters after the color produces an error # */ # ptkdb.frame2.frame1.rotext.balloon.background: green # ptkdb.frame2.frame1.rotext.balloon.font: fixed /* Hot Variable Balloon Font */ # # # ptkdb.frame*font: fixed /* Menu Bar */ # ptkdb.frame.menubutton.font: fixed /* File menu */ # ptkdb.frame2.frame1.rotext.font: fixed /* Code Pane */ # ptkdb.notebook.datapage.frame1.hlist.font: fixed /* Expression Notebook Page */ # # ptkdb.notebook.subspage*font: fixed /* Subroutine Notebook Page */ # ptkdb.notebook.brkptspage*entry.font: fixed /* Delete Breakpoint Buttons */ # ptkdb.notebook.brkptspage*button.font: fixed /* Breakpoint Expression Entries */ # ptkdb.notebook.brkptspage*button1.font: fixed /* Breakpoint Expression Entries */ # ptkdb.notebook.brkptspage*checkbutton.font: fixed /* Breakpoint Checkbuttons */ # ptkdb.notebook.brkptspage*label.font: fixed /* Breakpoint "Cond" label */ # # ptkdb.toplevel.frame.textundo.font: fixed /* Eval Expression Entry Window */ # ptkdb.toplevel.frame1.text.font: fixed /* Eval Expression Results Window */ # ptkdb.toplevel.button.font: fixed /* "Eval..." Button */ # ptkdb.toplevel.button1.font: fixed /* "Clear Eval" Button */ # ptkdb.toplevel.button2.font: fixed /* "Clear Results" Button */ # ptkdb.toplevel.button3.font: fixed /* "Clear Dismiss" Button */ # # # /* # * Background color for where the debugger has stopped # */ # ptkdb*stopcolor: blue # # /* # * Background color for set breakpoints # */ # ptkdb*breaktagcolor: red # # /* # * Font for where the debugger has stopped # */ # ptkdb*stopfont: -*-fixed-bold-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* # # /* # * Background color for the search tag # */ # ptkdb*searchtagcolor: green use strict ; use vars qw($VERSION @dbline %dbline); # # This package is the main_window object # for the debugger. We start with the Devel:: # prefix because we want to install it with # the DB:: package that is required to be in a Devel/ # subdir of a directory in the @INC set. # package Devel::ptkdb ; =head1 NAME Devel::ptkdb - Perl debugger using a Tk GUI =head1 DESCRIPTION ptkdb is a debugger for perl that uses perlTk for a user interface. Features include: Hot Variable Inspection Breakpoint Control Panel Expression List Subroutine Tree =begin html =end html =head1 SYNOPSIS To debug a script using ptkdb invoke perl like this: perl -d:ptkdb myscript.pl =head1 Usage perl -d:ptkdb myscript.pl =head2 Code Pane =item Line Numbers Line numbers are presented on the left side of the window. Lines that have lines through them are not breakable. Lines that are plain text are breakable. Clicking on these line numbers will insert a breakpoint on that line and change the line number color to $ENV{'PTKDB_BRKPT_COLOR'} (Defaults to Red). Clicking on the number again will remove the breakpoint. If you disable the breakpoint with the controls on the BrkPt notebook page the color will change to $ENV{'PTKDB_DISABLEDBRKPT_COLOR'}(Defaults to Green). =item Cursor Motion If you place the cursor over a variable (i.e. $myVar, @myVar, or %myVar) and pause for a second the debugger will evaluate the current value of the variable and pop a balloon up with the evaluated result. I If Data::Dumper(standard with perl5.00502)is available it will be used to format the result. If there is an active selection, the text of that selection will be evaluated. =head2 Notebook Pane =item Exprs This is a list of expressions that are evaluated each time the debugger stops. The results of the expresssion are presented heirarchically for expression that result in hashes or lists. Double clicking on such an expression will cause it to collapse; double clicking again will cause the expression to expand. Expressions are entered through B entry, or by Alt-E when text is selected in the code pane. The B entry, will take an expression, evaluate it, and replace the entries contents with the result. The result is also transfered to the 'clipboard' for pasting. =item Subs Displays a list of all the packages invoked with the script heirarchially. At the bottom of the heirarchy are the subroutines within the packages. Double click on a package to expand it. Subroutines are listed by their full package names. =item BrkPts Presents a list of the breakpoints current in use. The pushbutton allows a breakpoint to be 'disabled' without removing it. Expressions can be applied to the breakpoint. If the expression evaluates to be 'true'(results in a defined value that is not 0) the debugger will stop the script. Pressing the 'Goto' button will set the text pane to that file and line where the breakpoint is set. Pressing the 'Delete' button will delete the breakpoint. =head1 Menus =head2 File Menu =item About... Presents a dialog box telling you about the version of ptkdb. It recovers your OS name, version of perl, version of Tk, and some other information =item Open Presents a list of files that are part of the invoked perl script. Selecting a file from this list will present this file in the text window. =item Save Config... Requires Data::Dumper. Prompts for a filename to save the configuration to. Saves the breakpoints, expressions, eval text and window geometry. If the name given as the default is used and the script is reinvoked, this configuration will be reloaded automatically. B You may find this preferable to using =item Restore Config... Requires Data::Dumper. Prompts for a filename to restore a configuration saved with the "Save Config..." menu item. =item Goto Line... Prompts for a line number. Pressing the "Okay" button sends the window to the line number entered. =item Find Text... Prompts for text to search for. Options include forward search, backwards search, and regular expression searching. =item Quit Causes the debugger and the target script to exit. =head2 Control Menu =item Run The debugger allows the script to run to the next breakpoint or until the script exits. =item Run To Here Runs the debugger until it comes to wherever the insertion cursor in text window is placed. =item Set Breakpoint Sets a breakpoint on the line at the insertion cursor. =item Clear Breakpoint Remove a breakpoint on the at the insertion cursor. =item Clear All Breakpoints Removes all current breakpoints =item Step Over Causes the debugger to step over the next line. If the line is a subroutine call it steps over the call, stopping when the subroutine returns. =item Step In Causes the debugger to step into the next line. If the line is a subroutine call it steps into the subroutine, stopping at the first executable line within the subroutine. =item Return Runs the script until it returns from the currently executing subroutine. =item Restart Saves the breakpoints and expressions in a temporary file and restarts the script from the beginning. CAUTION: This feature will not work properly with debugging of CGI Scripts. =item Stop On Warning When C<-w> is enabled the debugger will stop when warnings such as, "Use of uninitialized value at undef_warn.pl line N" are encountered. The debugger will stop on the NEXT line of execution since the error can't be detected until the current line has executed. This feature can be turned on at startup by adding: $DB::ptkdb::stop_on_warning = 1 ; to a .ptkdbrc file =head2 Data Menu =item Enter Expression When an expression is entered in the "Enter Expression:" text box, selecting this item will enter the expression into the expression list. Each time the debugger stops this expression will be evaluated and its result updated in the list window. =item Delete Expression Deletes the highlighted expression in the expression window. =item Delete All Expressions Delete all expressions in the expression window. =item Expression Eval Window Pops up a two pane window. Expressions of virtually unlimitted length can be entered in the top pane. Pressing the 'Eval' button will cause the expression to be evaluated and its placed in the lower pane. If Data::Dumper is available it will be used to format the resulting text. Undo is enabled for the text in the upper pane. HINT: You can enter multiple expressions by separating them with commas. =item Use Data::Dumper for Eval Window Enables or disables the use of Data::Dumper for formatting the results of expressions in the Eval window. =head2 Stack Menu Maintains a list of the current subroutine stack each time the debugger stops. Selecting an item from this menu will set the text in the code window to that particular subourtine entry point. =head2 Bookmarks Menu Maintains a list of bookmarks. The booksmarks are saved in ~/.ptkdb_bookmarks =item Add Bookmark Adds a bookmark to the bookmark list. =head1 Options Here is a list of the current active XResources options. Several of these can be overridden with environmental variables. Resources can be added to .Xresources or .Xdefaults depending on your X configuration. To enable these resources you must either restart your X server or use the xrdb -override resFile command. xfontsel can be used to select fonts. /* * Perl Tk Debugger XResources. * Note... These resources are subject to change. * * Use 'xfontsel' to select different fonts. * * Append these resource to ~/.Xdefaults | ~/.Xresources * and use xrdb -override ~/.Xdefaults | ~/.Xresources * to activate them. */ /* Set Value to se to place scrollbars on the right side of windows CAUTION: extra whitespace at the end of the line is causing failures with Tk800.011. sw -> puts scrollbars on left, se puts scrollars on the right */ ptkdb*scrollbars: sw /* controls where the code pane is oriented, down the left side, or across the top */ /* values can be set to left, right, top, bottom */ ptkdb*codeside: left /* * Background color for the balloon * CAUTION: For certain versions of Tk trailing * characters after the color produces an error */ ptkdb.frame2.frame1.rotext.balloon.background: green ptkdb.frame2.frame1.rotext.balloon.font: fixed /* Hot Variable Balloon Font */ ptkdb.frame*font: fixed /* Menu Bar */ ptkdb.frame.menubutton.font: fixed /* File menu */ ptkdb.frame2.frame1.rotext.font: fixed /* Code Pane */ ptkdb.notebook.datapage.frame1.hlist.font: fixed /* Expression Notebook Page */ ptkdb.notebook.subspage*font: fixed /* Subroutine Notebook Page */ ptkdb.notebook.brkptspage*entry.font: fixed /* Delete Breakpoint Buttons */ ptkdb.notebook.brkptspage*button.font: fixed /* Breakpoint Expression Entries */ ptkdb.notebook.brkptspage*button1.font: fixed /* Breakpoint Expression Entries */ ptkdb.notebook.brkptspage*checkbutton.font: fixed /* Breakpoint Checkbuttons */ ptkdb.notebook.brkptspage*label.font: fixed /* Breakpoint Checkbuttons */ ptkdb.toplevel.frame.textundo.font: fixed /* Eval Expression Entry Window */ ptkdb.toplevel.frame1.text.font: fixed /* Eval Expression Results Window */ ptkdb.toplevel.button.font: fixed /* "Eval..." Button */ ptkdb.toplevel.button1.font: fixed /* "Clear Eval" Button */ ptkdb.toplevel.button2.font: fixed /* "Clear Results" Button */ ptkdb.toplevel.button3.font: fixed /* "Clear Dismiss" Button */ /* * Background color for where the debugger has stopped */ ptkdb*stopcolor: blue /* * Background color for set breakpoints */ ptkdb*breaktagcolor*background: yellow ptkdb*disabledbreaktagcolor*background: white /* * Font for where the debugger has stopped */ ptkdb*stopfont: -*-fixed-bold-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* /* * Background color for the search tag */ ptkdb*searchtagcolor: green =head1 Environmental Variables =over 4 =item PTKDB_BRKPT_COLOR Sets the background color of a set breakpoint =item PTKDB_DISABLEDBRKPT_COLOR Sets the background color of a disabled breakpoint =item PTKDB_CODE_FONT Sets the font of the Text in the code pane. =item PTKDB_CODE_SIDE Sets which side the code pane is packed onto. Defaults to 'left'. Can be set to 'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'. Overrides the Xresource ptkdb*codeside: I. =item PTKDB_EXPRESSION_FONT Sets the font used in the expression notebook page. =item PTKDB_EVAL_FONT Sets the font used in the Expression Eval Window =item PTKDB_EVAL_DUMP_INDENT Sets the value used for Data::Dumper 'indent' setting. See man Data::Dumper =item PTKDB_SCROLLBARS_ONRIGHT A non-zero value Sets the scrollbars of all windows to be on the right side of the window. Useful for Windows users using ptkdb in an XWindows environment. =item PTKDB_LINENUMBER_FORMAT Sets the format of line numbers on the left side of the window. Default value is %05d. useful if you have a script that contains more than 99999 lines. =item PTKDB_DISPLAY Sets the X display that the ptkdb window will appear on when invoked. Useful for debugging CGI scripts on remote systems. =item PTKDB_BOOKMARKS_PATH Sets the path of the bookmarks file. Default is $ENV{'HOME'}/.ptkdb_bookmarks =item PTKDB_STOP_TAG_COLOR Sets the color that highlights the line where the debugger is stopped =back =head1 FILES =head2 .ptkdbrc If this file is present in ~/ or in the directory where perl is invoked the file will be read and executed as a perl script before the debugger makes its initial stop at startup. There are several 'api' calls that can be used with such scripts. There is an internal variable $DB::no_stop_at_start that may be set to non-zero to prevent the debugger from stopping at the first line of the script. This is useful for debugging CGI scripts. There is a system ptkdbrc file in $PREFIX/lib/perl5/$VERS/Devel/ptkdbrc =over 4 =item brkpt($fname, @lines) Sets breakspoints on the list of lines in $fname. A warning message is generated if a line is not breakable. =item condbrkpt($fname, @($line, $expr) ) Sets conditional breakpoints in $fname on pairs of $line and $expr. A warning message is generated if a line is not breakable. NOTE: the validity of the expression will not be determined until execution of that particular line. =item brkonsub(@names) Sets a breakpoint on each subroutine name listed. A warning message is generated if a subroutine does not exist. NOTE: for a script with no other packages the default package is "main::" and the subroutines would be "main::mySubs". =item brkonsub_regex(@regExprs) Uses the list of @regExprs as a list of regular expressions to set breakpoints. Sets breakpoints on every subroutine that matches any of the listed regular expressions. =item textTagConfigure(tag, ?option?, ?value?) Allows the user to format the text in the code window. The option value pairs are the same values as the option for the tagConfigure method documented in Tk::Text. Currently the following tags are in effect: 'code' Format for code in the text pane 'stoppt' Format applied to the line where the debugger is currently stopped 'breakableLine' Format applied to line numbers where the code is 'breakable' 'nonbreakableLine' Format applied to line numbers where the code is no breakable 'breaksetLine' Format applied to line numbers were a breakpoint is set 'breakdisabledLine' Format applied to line numbers were a disabled breakpoint is set 'search_tag' Format applied to text when located by a search. Example: # # Turns off the overstrike on lines that you can't set a breakpoint on # and makes the text color yellow. # textTagConfigure('nonbreakableLine', -overstrike => 0, -foreground => "yellow") ; =item add_exprs(@exprList) Add a list of expressions to the 'Exprs' window. NOTE: use the single quote character \' to prevent the expression from being "evaluated" in the string context. Example: # # Adds the $_ and @_ expressions to the active list # add_exprs('$_', '@_') ; =back =head1 NOTES =head2 Debugging Other perlTk Applications ptkdb can be used to debug other perlTk applications if some cautions are observed. Basically, do not click the mouse in the application's window(s) when you've entered the debugger and do not click in the debugger's window(s) while the application is running. Doing either one is not necessarily fatal, but it can confuse things that are going on and produce unexpected results. Be aware that most perlTk applications have a central event loop. User actions, such as mouse clicks, key presses, window exposures, etc will generate 'events' that the script will process. When a perlTk application is running, its 'MainLoop' call will accept these events and then dispatch them to appropriate callbacks associated with the appropriate widgets. Ptkdb has its own event loop that runs whenever you've stopped at a breakpoint and entered the debugger. However, it can accept events that are generated by other perlTk windows and dispatch their callbacks. The problem here is that the application is supposed to be 'stopped', and logically the application should not be able to process events. A future version of ptkdb will have an extension that will 'filter' events so that application events are not processed while the debugger is active, and debugger events will not be processed while the target script is active. =head2 Debugging CGI Scripts One advantage of ptkdb over the builtin debugger(-d) is that it can be used to debug CGI perl scripts as they run on a web server. Be sure that that your web server's perl instalation includes Tk. Change your #! /usr/local/bin/perl to #! /usr/local/bin/perl -d:ptkdb TIP: You can debug scripts remotely if you're using a unix based Xserver and where you are authoring the script has an Xserver. The Xserver can be another unix workstation, a Macintosh or Win32 platform with an appropriate XWindows package. In your script insert the following BEGIN subroutine: sub BEGIN { $ENV{'DISPLAY'} = "myHostname:0.0" ; } Be sure that your web server has permission to open windows on your Xserver (see the xhost manpage). Access your web page with your browswer and 'submit' the script as normal. The ptkdb window should appear on myHostname's monitor. At this point you can start debugging your script. Be aware that your browser may timeout waiting for the script to run. To expedite debugging you may want to setup your breakpoints in advance with a .ptkdbrc file and use the $DB::no_stop_at_start variable. NOTE: for debugging web scripts you may have to have the .ptkdbrc file installed in the server account's home directory (~www) or whatever username your webserver is running under. Also try installing a .ptkdbrc file in the same directory as the target script. =head1 KNOWN PROBLEMS =item Breakpoint Controls If the size of the right hand pane is too small the breakpoint controls are not visible. The breakpoints are still there, the window may have to be enlarged in order for them to be visible. =item Balloons and Tk400 The Balloons in Tk400 will not work with ptkdb. All other functions are supported, but the Balloons require Tk800 or higher. =head1 AUTHOR Andrew E. Page, aep@world.std.com =head1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Matthew Persico For suggestions, and beta testing. =cut require 5.004 ; ## ## Perform a check to see if we have the Tk library, if not, attempt ## to load it for the user ## sub BEGIN { eval { require Tk ; } ; if( $@ ) { print << "__PTKDBTK_INSTALL__" ; *** *** The PerlTk library could not be found. Ptkdb requires the PerlTk library. *** Preferably Tk800.015 or better: In order to install this the following conditions must be met: 1. You have to have access to a C compiler. 2. You must have sufficient permissions to install the libraries on your system. To install PerlTk: a Download the Tk library source from http://www.perl.com/CPAN/modules/by-category/08_User_Interfaces/Tk b Uncompress the archive and run "perl Makefile.PL" c run "make install" If this process completes successfully ptkdb should be operational now. We can attempt to run the CPAN module for you. This will, after some questions, download and install the Tk library automatically. Would you like to run the CPAN module? (y/n) __PTKDBTK_INSTALL__ my $answer = ; chomp $answer ; if( $answer =~ /y|yes/i) { require CPAN ; CPAN::install Tk ; } # if } # if $@ } # end of sub BEGIN use Tk 800 ; use Data::Dumper ; require Tk::Dialog; require Tk::TextUndo ; require Tk::ROText; require Tk::NoteBook ; require Tk::HList ; require Tk::Table ; use vars qw(@dbline) ; use Config ; # # Check to see if the package actually # exists. If it does import the routines # and return a true value ; # # NOTE: this needs to be above the 'BEGIN' subroutine, # otherwise it will not have been compiled by the time # that it is called by sub BEGIN. # sub check_avail { my ($mod, @list) = @_ ; eval { require $mod ; import $mod @list ; } ; return 0 if $@ ; return 1 ; } # end of check_avail sub BEGIN { $DB::on = 0 ; $DB::subroutine_depth = 0 ; # our subroutine depth counter $DB::step_over_depth = -1 ; # # the bindings and font specs for these operations have been placed here # to make them accessible to people who might want to customize the # operations. REF The 'bind.html' file, included in the perlTk FAQ has # a fairly good explanation of the binding syntax. # # # These lists of key bindings will be applied # to the "Step In", "Step Out", "Return" Commands # $Devel::ptkdb::pathSep = '\x00' ; $Devel::ptkdb::pathSepReplacement = "\0x01" ; @Devel::ptkdb::step_in_keys = ( '', '', '' ) ; # step into a subroutine @Devel::ptkdb::step_over_keys = ( '', '', '' ) ; # step over a subroutine @Devel::ptkdb::return_keys = ( '', '' ) ; # return from a subroutine @Devel::ptkdb::toggle_breakpt_keys = ( '' ) ; # set or unset a breakpoint # Fonts used in the displays # # NOTE: The environmental variable syntax here works like this: # $ENV{'NAME'} accesses the environmental variable "NAME" # # $ENV{'NAME'} || 'string' results in $ENV{'NAME'} or 'string' if $ENV{'NAME'} is not defined. # # @Devel::ptkdb::button_font = $ENV{'PTKDB_BUTTON_FONT'} ? ( "-font" => $ENV{'PTKDB_CODE_FONT'} ) : () ; # font for buttons @Devel::ptkdb::code_text_font = $ENV{'PTKDB_CODE_FONT'} ? ( "-font" => $ENV{'PTKDB_CODE_FONT'} ) : () ; @Devel::ptkdb::expression_text_font = $ENV{'PTKDB_EXPRESSION_FONT'} ? ( "-font" => $ENV{'PTKDB_EXPRESSION_FONT'} ) : () ; @Devel::ptkdb::eval_text_font = $ENV{'PTKDB_EVAL_FONT'} ? ( -font => $ENV{'PTKDB_EVAL_FONT'} ) : () ; # text for the expression eval window $Devel::ptkdb::eval_dump_indent = $ENV{'PTKDB_EVAL_DUMP_INDENT'} || 1 ; # # Windows users are more used to having scroll bars on the right. # If they've set PTKDB_SCROLLBARS_ONRIGHT to a non-zero value # this will configure our scrolled windows with scrollbars on the right # # this can also be done by setting: # # ptkdb*scrollbars: se # # in the .Xdefaults/.Xresources file on X based systems # if( exists $ENV{'PTKDB_SCROLLBARS_ONRIGHT'} && $ENV{'PTKDB_SCROLLBARS_ONRIGHT'} ) { @Devel::ptkdb::scrollbar_cfg = ('-scrollbars' => 'se') ; } else { @Devel::ptkdb::scrollbar_cfg = ( ) ; } # # Controls how far an expression result will be 'decomposed'. Setting it # to 0 will take it down only one level, setting it to -1 will make it # decompose it all the way down. However, if you have a situation where # an element is a ref back to the array or a root of the array # you could hang the debugger by making it recursively evaluate an expression # $Devel::ptkdb::expr_depth = -1 ; $Devel::ptkdb::add_expr_depth = 1 ; # how much further to expand an expression when clicked $Devel::ptkdb::linenumber_format = $ENV{'PTKDB_LINENUMBER_FORMAT'} || "%05d " ; $Devel::ptkdb::linenumber_length = 5 ; $Devel::ptkdb::linenumber_offset = length sprintf($Devel::ptkdb::linenumber_format, 0) ; $Devel::ptkdb::linenumber_offset -= 1 ; # # Check to see if "Data Dumper" is available # if it is we can save breakpoints and other # various "functions". This call will also # load the subroutines needed. # $Devel::ptkdb::DataDumperAvailable = 1 ; # assuming that it is now $Devel::ptkdb::useDataDumperForEval = $Devel::ptkdb::DataDumperAvailable ; # # DB Options (things not directly involving the window) # # Flag to disable us from intercepting $SIG{'INT'} $DB::sigint_disable = defined $ENV{'PTKDB_SIGINT_DISABLE'} && $ENV{'PTKDB_SIGINT_DISABLE'} ; # # Possibly for debugging perl CGI Web scripts on # remote machines. # $ENV{'DISPLAY'} = $ENV{'PTKDB_DISPLAY'} if exists $ENV{'PTKDB_DISPLAY'} ; } # end of BEGIN sub DESTROY { my ($self) = @_ ; $self->save_bookmarks($self->{BookMarksPath}) if $Devel::ptkdb::DataDumperAvailable && $self->{'bookmarks_changed'}; } # end of ptkdb::DESTROY ## ## subroutine provided to the user for initializing ## files in .ptkdbrc ## sub brkpt { my ($fName, @idx) = @_ ; my($offset) ; local(*dbline) = $main::{'_<' . $fName} ; $offset = $dbline[1] =~ /use\s+.*Devel::_?ptkdb/ ? 1 : 0 ; for( @idx ) { if( !&DB::checkdbline($fName, $_ + $offset) ) { my ($package, $filename, $line) = caller ; print "$filename:$line: $fName line $_ is not breakable\n" ; next ; } $DB::window->insertBreakpoint($fName, $_, 1) ; # insert a simple breakpoint } } # end of brkpt # # Set conditional breakpoint(s) # sub condbrkpt { my ($fname) = shift ; my($offset) ; local(*dbline) = $main::{'_<' . $fname} ; $offset = $dbline[1] =~ /use\s+.*Devel::_?ptkdb/ ? 1 : 0 ; while( @_ ) { # arg loop my($index, $expr) = splice @_, 0, 2 ; # take args 2 at a time if( !&DB::checkdbline($fname, $index + $offset) ) { my ($package, $filename, $line) = caller ; print "$filename:$line: $fname line $index is not breakable\n" ; next ; } $DB::window->insertBreakpoint($fname, $index, 1, $expr) ; # insert a simple breakpoint } # end of arg loop } # end of conditionalbrkpt sub brkonsub { my(@names) = @_ ; for( @names ) { # get the filename and line number range of the target subroutine if( !exists $DB::sub{$_} ) { print "No subroutine $_. Try main::$_\n" ; next ; } $DB::sub{$_} =~ /(.*):([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)$/o ; # file name will be in $1, start line $2, end line $3 for( $2..$3 ) { next unless &DB::checkdbline($1, $_) ; $DB::window->insertBreakpoint($1, $_, 1) ; last ; # only need the one breakpoint } } # end of name loop } # end of brkonsub # # set breakpoints on subroutines matching a regular # expression # sub brkonsub_regex { my(@regexps) = @_ ; my($regexp, @subList) ; # # accumulate matching subroutines # foreach $regexp ( @regexps ) { study $regexp ; push @subList, grep /$regexp/, keys %DB::sub ; } # end of brkonsub_regex brkonsub(@subList) ; # set breakpoints on matching subroutines } # end of brkonsub_regex # # Allow the user Access to our tag configurations # sub textTagConfigure { my ($tag, @config) = @_ ; $DB::window->{'text'}->tagConfigure($tag, @config) ; } # end of textTagConfigure ## ## Change the tabs in the text field ## sub setTabs { $DB::window->{'text'}->configure(-tabs => [ @_ ]) ; } # # User .ptkdbrc API # allows the user to add expressions to # the expression list window. # sub add_exprs { push @{$DB::window->{'expr_list'}}, map { 'expr' => $_, 'depth' => $Devel::ptkdb::expr_depth }, @_ ; } # end of add_exprs ## ## register a subroutine reference that will be called whenever ## ptkdb sets up it's windows ## sub register_user_window_init { push @{$DB::window->{'user_window_init_list'}}, @_ ; } # end of register_user_window_init ## ## register a subroutine reference that will be called whenever ## ptkdb enters from code ## sub register_user_DB_entry { push @{$DB::window->{'user_window_DB_entry_list'}}, @_ ; } # end of register_user_DB_entry sub get_notebook_widget { return $DB::window->{'notebook'} ; } # end of get_notebook_widget # # Run files provided by the user # sub do_user_init_files { use vars qw($dbg_window) ; local $dbg_window = shift ; eval { do "$Config{'installprivlib'}/Devel/ptkdbrc" ; } if -e "$Config{'installprivlib'}/Devel/ptkdbrc" ; if( $@ ) { print "System init file $Config{'installprivlib'}/ptkdbrc failed: $@\n" ; } eval { do "$ENV{'HOME'}/.ptkdbrc" ; } if exists $ENV{'HOME'} && -e "$ENV{'HOME'}/.ptkdbrc" ; if( $@ ) { print "User init file $ENV{'HOME'}/.ptkdbrc failed: $@\n" ; } eval { do ".ptkdbrc" ; } if -e ".ptkdbrc" ; if( $@ ) { print "User init file .ptkdbrc failed: $@\n" ; } &set_stop_on_warning() ; } # # Constructor for our Devel::ptkdb # sub new { my($type) = @_ ; my($self) = {} ; bless $self, $type ; # Current position of the executing program $self->{DisableOnLeave} = [] ; # List o' Widgets to disable when leaving the debugger $self->{current_file} = "" ; $self->{current_line} = -1 ; # initial value indicating we haven't set our line/tag $self->{window_pos_offset} = 10 ; # when we enter how far from the top of the text are we positioned down $self->{search_start} = "0.0" ; $self->{fwdOrBack} = 1 ; $self->{BookMarksPath} = $ENV{'PTKDB_BOOKMARKS_PATH'} || "$ENV{'HOME'}/.ptkdb_bookmarks" || '.ptkdb_bookmarks' ; $self->{'expr_list'} = [] ; # list of expressions to eval in our window fields: {'expr'} The expr itself {'depth'} expansion depth $self->{'brkPtCnt'} = 0 ; $self->{'brkPtSlots'} = [] ; # open slots for adding breakpoints to the table $self->{'main_window'} = undef ; $self->{'user_window_init_list'} = [] ; $self->{'user_window_DB_entry_list'} = [] ; $self->setup_main_window() ; return $self ; } # end of new sub setup_main_window { my($self) = @_ ; # Main Window $self->{main_window} = MainWindow->new() ; $self->{main_window}->geometry($ENV{'PTKDB_GEOMETRY'} || "800x600") ; $self->setup_options() ; # must be done after MainWindow and before other frames are setup $self->{main_window}->bind('', \&DB::dbint_handler) ; # # Bind our 'quit' routine to a close command from the window manager (Alt-F4) # $self->{main_window}->protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', sub { $self->close_ptkdb_window() ; } ) ; # Menu bar $self->setup_menu_bar() ; # # setup Frames # # Setup our Code, Data, and breakpoints $self->setup_frames() ; } # # This supports the File -> Open menu item # We create a new window and list all of the files # that are contained in the program. We also # pick up all of the perlTk files that are supporting # the debugger. # sub DoOpen { my $self = shift ; my ($topLevel, $listBox, $frame, $selectedFile, @fList) ; # # subroutine we call when we've selected a file # my $chooseSub = sub { $selectedFile = $listBox->get('active') ; print "attempting to open $selectedFile\n" ; $DB::window->set_file($selectedFile, 0) ; destroy $topLevel ; } ; # # Take the list the files and resort it. # we put all of the local files first, and # then list all of the system libraries. # @fList = sort { # sort comparison function block my $fa = substr($a, 0, 1) ; my $fb = substr($b, 0, 1) ; return $a cmp $b if ($fa eq '/') && ($fb eq '/') ; return -1 if ($fb eq '/') && ($fa ne '/') ; return 1 if ($fa eq '/' ) && ($fb ne '/') ; return $a cmp $b ; } grep s/^_{main_window}->Toplevel(-title => "File Select", -overanchor => 'cursor') ; $listBox = $topLevel->Scrolled('Listbox', @Devel::ptkdb::scrollbar_cfg, @Devel::ptkdb::expression_text_font, 'width' => 30)->pack(side => 'top', fill => 'both', -expand => 1) ; # Bind a double click on the mouse button to the same action # as pressing the Okay button $listBox->bind('' => $chooseSub) ; $listBox->insert('end', @fList) ; $topLevel->Button( text => "Okay", -command => $chooseSub, @Devel::ptkdb::button_font, )->pack(side => 'left', fill => 'both', -expand => 1) ; $topLevel->Button( text => "Cancel", @Devel::ptkdb::button_font, -command => sub { destroy $topLevel ; } )->pack(side => 'left', fill => 'both', -expand => 1) ; } # end of DoOpen sub do_tabs { my($tabs_str) ; my($w, $result, $tabs_cfg) ; require Tk::Dialog ; $w = $DB::window->{'main_window'}->DialogBox(-title => "Tabs", -buttons => [qw/Okay Cancel/]) ; $tabs_cfg = $DB::window->{'text'}->cget(-tabs) ; $tabs_str = join " ", @$tabs_cfg if $tabs_cfg ; $w->add('Label', -text => 'Tabs:')->pack(-side => 'left') ; $w->add('Entry', -textvariable => \$tabs_str)->pack(-side => 'left')->selectionRange(0,'end') ; $result = $w->Show() ; return unless $result eq 'Okay' ; $DB::window->{'text'}->configure(-tabs => [ split /\s/, $tabs_str ]) ; } sub close_ptkdb_window { my($self) = @_ ; $DB::window->{'event'} = 'run' ; $self->{current_file} = "" ; # force a file reset $self->{'main_window'}->destroy ; $self->{'main_window'} = undef ; } sub setup_menu_bar { my ($self) = @_ ; my $mw = $self->{main_window} ; my ($mb, $items) ; # # We have menu items/features that are not available if the Data::DataDumper module # isn't present. For any feature that requires it we add this option list. # my @dataDumperEnableOpt = ( state => 'disabled' ) unless $Devel::ptkdb::DataDumperAvailable ; $self->{menu_bar} = $mw->Frame(-relief => 'raised', -borderwidth => '1')->pack(side => 'top', -fill => 'x') ; $mb = $self->{menu_bar} ; # file menu in menu bar $items = [ [ 'command' => 'About...', -command => sub { $self->DoAbout() ; } ], "-", [ 'command' => 'Open', -accelerator => 'Alt+O', -underline => 0, -command => sub { $self->DoOpen() ; } ], [ 'command' => 'Save Config...', -underline => 0, -command => \&DB::SaveState, @dataDumperEnableOpt ], [ 'command' => 'Restore Config...', -underline => 0, -command => \&DB::RestoreState, @dataDumperEnableOpt ], [ 'command' => 'Goto Line...', -underline => 0, -accelerator => 'Alt-g', -command => \&DB::RestoreState, @dataDumperEnableOpt ] , [ 'command' => 'Find Text...', -accelerator => 'Ctrl-f', -underline => 0, -command => sub { $self->FindText() ; } ], [ 'command' => "Tabs...", -command => \&do_tabs ], "-", [ 'command' => 'Close Window and Run', -accelerator => 'Alt+W', -underline => 6, -command => sub { $self->close_ptkdb_window ; } ], [ 'command' => 'Quit...', -accelerator => 'Alt+Q', -underline => 0, -command => sub { exit } ] ] ; $mw->bind('' => sub { $self->GotoLine() ; }) ; $mw->bind('' => sub { $self->FindText() ; }) ; $mw->bind('' => \&Devel::ptkdb::DoRestart) ; $mw->bind('' => sub { $self->{'event'} = 'quit' } ) ; $mw->bind('' => sub { $self->close_ptkdb_window ; }) ; $self->{file_menu_button} = $mb->Menubutton(text => 'File', underline => 0, -menuitems => $items )->pack(side =>, 'left', anchor => 'nw', 'padx' => 2) ; # Control Menu my $runSub = sub { $DB::step_over_depth = -1 ; $self->{'event'} = 'run' } ; my $runToSub = sub { $DB::window->{'event'} = 'run' if $DB::window->SetBreakPoint(1) ; } ; my $stepOverSub = sub { &DB::SetStepOverBreakPoint(0) ; $DB::single = 1 ; $DB::window->{'event'} = 'step' ; } ; my $stepInSub = sub { $DB::step_over_depth = -1 ; $DB::single = 1 ; $DB::window->{'event'} = 'step' ; } ; my $returnSub = sub { &DB::SetStepOverBreakPoint(-1) ; $self->{'event'} = 'run' ; } ; $items = [ [ 'command' => 'Run', -accelerator => 'Alt+r', underline => 0, -command => $runSub ], [ 'command' => 'Run To Here', -accelerator => 'Alt+t', -underline => 5, -command => $runToSub ], '-', [ 'command' => 'Set Breakpoint', -underline => 4, -command => sub { $self->SetBreakPoint ; }, -accelerator => 'Ctrl-b' ], [ 'command' => 'Clear Breakpoint', -command => sub { $self->UnsetBreakPoint } ], [ 'command' => 'Clear All Breakpoints', -underline => 6, -command => sub { $DB::window->removeAllBreakpoints($DB::window->{current_file}) ; &DB::clearalldblines() ; } ], '-', [ 'command' => 'Step Over', -accelerator => 'Alt+N', -underline => 0, -command => $stepOverSub ], [ 'command' => 'Step In', -accelerator => 'Alt+S', -underline => 5, -command => $stepInSub ], [ 'command' => 'Return', -accelerator => 'Alt+U', -underline => 3, -command => $returnSub ], '-', [ 'command' => 'Restart...', -accelerator => 'Ctrl-r', -underline => 0, -command => \&Devel::ptkdb::DoRestart ], '-', [ 'checkbutton' => 'Stop On Warning', -variable => \$DB::ptkdb::stop_on_warning, -command => \&set_stop_on_warning ] ] ; # end of control menu items $self->{control_menu_button} = $mb->Menubutton(text => 'Control', -underline => 0, -menuitems => $items, )->pack(side =>, 'left', 'padx' => 2) ; $mw->bind('' => $runSub) ; $mw->bind('', $runToSub) ; $mw->bind('', sub { $self->SetBreakPoint ; }) ; for( @Devel::ptkdb::step_over_keys ) { $mw->bind($_ => $stepOverSub ); } for( @Devel::ptkdb::step_in_keys ) { $mw->bind($_ => $stepInSub ); } for( @Devel::ptkdb::return_keys ) { $mw->bind($_ => $returnSub ); } # Data Menu $items = [ [ 'command' => 'Enter Expression', -accelerator => 'Alt+E', -command => sub { $self->EnterExpr() } ], [ 'command' => 'Delete Expression', -accelerator => 'Ctrl+D', -command => sub { $self->deleteExpr() } ], [ 'command' => 'Delete All Expressions', -command => sub { $self->deleteAllExprs() ; $self->{'expr_list'} = [] ; # clears list by dropping ref to it, replacing it with a new one } ], '-', [ 'command' => 'Expression Eval Window...', -accelerator => 'F8', -command => sub { $self->setupEvalWindow() ; } ], [ 'checkbutton' => "Use DataDumper for Eval Window?", -variable => \$Devel::ptkdb::useDataDumperForEval, @dataDumperEnableOpt ] ] ; $self->{data_menu_button} = $mb->Menubutton(text => 'Data', -menuitems => $items, underline => 0, )->pack(side => 'left', 'padx' => 2) ; $mw->bind('' => sub { $self->EnterExpr() } ) ; $mw->bind('' => sub { $self->deleteExpr() } ); $mw->bind('', sub { $self->setupEvalWindow() ; }) ; # # Stack menu # $self->{stack_menu} = $mb->Menubutton(text => 'Stack', underline => 2, )->pack(side => 'left', 'padx' => 2) ; # # Bookmarks menu # $self->{bookmarks_menu} = $mb->Menubutton('text' => 'Bookmarks', underline => 0, @dataDumperEnableOpt )->pack(-side => 'left', 'padx' => 2) ; $self->setup_bookmarks_menu() ; # # Windows Menu # my($bsub) = sub { $self->{'text'}->focus() } ; my($csub) = sub { $self->{'quick_entry'}->focus() } ; my($dsub) = sub { $self->{'entry'}->focus() } ; $items = [ [ 'command' => 'Code Pane', -accelerator => 'Alt+0', -command => $bsub ], [ 'command' => 'Quick Entry', -accelerator => 'F9', -command => $csub ], [ 'command' => 'Expr Entry', -accelerator => 'F11', -command => $dsub ] ] ; $mb->Menubutton('text' => 'Windows', -menuitems => $items )->pack(-side => 'left', -padx => 2) ; $mw->bind('', $bsub) ; $mw->bind('', $csub) ; $mw->bind('', $dsub) ; # # Bar for some popular controls # $self->{button_bar} = $mw->Frame()->pack(side => 'top') ; $self->{stepin_button} = $self->{button_bar}->Button(-text, => "Step In", @Devel::ptkdb::button_font, -command => $stepInSub) ; $self->{stepin_button}->pack(-side => 'left') ; $self->{stepover_button} = $self->{button_bar}->Button(-text, => "Step Over", @Devel::ptkdb::button_font, -command => $stepOverSub) ; $self->{stepover_button}->pack(-side => 'left') ; $self->{return_button} = $self->{button_bar}->Button(-text, => "Return", @Devel::ptkdb::button_font, -command => $returnSub) ; $self->{return_button}->pack(-side => 'left') ; $self->{run_button} = $self->{button_bar}->Button(-background => 'green', -text, => "Run", @Devel::ptkdb::button_font, -command => $runSub) ; $self->{run_button}->pack(-side => 'left') ; $self->{run_to_button} = $self->{button_bar}->Button(-text, => "Run To", @Devel::ptkdb::button_font, -command => $runToSub) ; $self->{run_to_button}->pack(-side => 'left') ; $self->{breakpt_button} = $self->{button_bar}->Button(-text, => "Break", @Devel::ptkdb::button_font, -command => sub { $self->SetBreakPoint ; } ) ; $self->{breakpt_button}->pack(-side => 'left') ; push @{$self->{DisableOnLeave}}, @$self{'stepin_button', 'stepover_button', 'return_button', 'run_button', 'run_to_button', 'breakpt_button'} ; } # end of setup_menu_bar sub edit_bookmarks { my ($self) = @_ ; my ($top) = $self->{main_window}->Toplevel(-title => "Edit Bookmarks") ; my $list = $top->Scrolled('Listbox', -selectmode => 'multiple')->pack(-side => 'top', -fill => 'both', -expand => 1) ; my $deleteSub = sub { my $cnt = 0 ; for( $list->curselection ) { $list->delete($_ - $cnt++) ; } } ; my $okaySub = sub { $self->{'bookmarks'} = [ $list->get(0, 'end') ] ; # replace the bookmarks } ; my $frm = $top->Frame()->pack(-side => 'top', -fill => 'x', -expand => 1 ) ; my $deleteBtn = $frm->Button(-text => 'Delete', -command => $deleteSub)->pack(-side => 'left', -fill => 'x', -expand => 1 ) ; my $cancelBtn = $frm->Button(-text => 'Cancel', -command => sub { destroy $top ; })->pack(-side =>'left', -fill => 'x', -expand => 1 ) ; my $dismissBtn = $frm->Button(-text => 'Okay', -command => $okaySub)->pack(-side => 'left', -fill => 'x', -expand => 1 ) ; $list->insert('end', @{$self->{'bookmarks'}}) ; } # end of edit_bookmarks sub setup_bookmarks_menu { my ($self) = @_ ; # # "Add bookmark" item # my $bkMarkSub = sub { $self->add_bookmark() ; } ; $self->{'bookmarks_menu'}->command(-label => "Add Bookmark", -accelerator => 'Alt+k', -command => $bkMarkSub ) ; $self->{'main_window'}->bind('', $bkMarkSub) ; $self->{'bookmarks_menu'}->command(-label => "Edit Bookmarks", -command => sub { $self->edit_bookmarks() } ) ; $self->{'bookmarks_menu'}->separator() ; # # Check to see if there is a bookmarks file # return unless -e $self->{BookMarksPath} && -r $self->{BookMarksPath} ; use vars qw($ptkdb_bookmarks) ; local($ptkdb_bookmarks) ; # ref to hash of bookmark entries do $self->{BookMarksPath} ; # eval the file $self->add_bookmark_items(@$ptkdb_bookmarks) ; } # end of setup_bookmarks_menu # # $item = "$fname:$lineno" # sub add_bookmark_items { my($self, @items) = @_ ; my($menu) = ( $self->{'bookmarks_menu'} ) ; $self->{'bookmarks_changed'} = 1 ; for( @items ) { my $item = $_ ; $menu->command( -label => $_, -command => sub { $self->bookmark_cmd($item) }) ; push @{$self->{'bookmarks'}}, $item ; } } # end of add_bookmark_item # # Invoked from the "Add Bookmark" command # sub add_bookmark { my($self) = @_ ; my $line = $self->get_lineno() ; my $fname = $self->{'current_file'} ; $self->add_bookmark_items("$fname:$line") ; } # end of add_bookmark # # Command executed when someone selects # a bookmark # sub bookmark_cmd { my ($self, $item) = @_ ; $item =~ /(.*):([0-9]+)$/ ; $self->set_file($1,$2) ; } # end of bookmark_cmd sub save_bookmarks { my($self, $pathName) = @_ ; return unless $Devel::ptkdb::DataDumperAvailable ; # we can't save without the data dumper local(*F) ; eval { open F, ">$pathName" || die "open failed" ; my $d = Data::Dumper->new([ $self->{'bookmarks'} ], [ 'ptkdb_bookmarks' ]) ; $d->Indent(2) ; # make it more editable for people my $str ; if( $d->can('Dumpxs') ) { $str = $d->Dumpxs() ; } else { $str = $d->Dump() ; } print F $str || die "outputing bookmarks failed" ; close(F) ; } ; if( $@ ) { $self->DoAlert("Couldn't save bookmarks file $@") ; return ; } } # end of save_bookmarks # # This is our callback from a double click in our # HList. A click in an expanded item will delete # the children beneath it, and the next time it # updates, it will only update that entry to that # depth. If an item is 'unexpanded' such as # a hash or a list, it will expand it one more # level. How much further an item is expanded is # controled by package variable $Devel::ptkdb::add_expr_depth # sub expr_expand { my ($path) = @_ ; my $hl = $DB::window->{'data_list'} ; my ($parent, $root, $index, @children, $depth) ; $parent = $path ; $root = $path ; $depth = 0 ; for( $root = $path ; defined $parent && $parent ne "" ; $parent = $hl->infoParent($root) ) { $root = $parent ; $depth += 1 ; } #end of root search # # Determine the index of the root of our expression # $index = 0 ; for( @{$DB::window->{'expr_list'}} ) { last if $_->{'expr'} eq $root ; $index += 1 ; } # # if we have children we're going to delete them # @children = $hl->infoChildren($path) ; if( scalar @children > 0 ) { $hl->deleteOffsprings($path) ; $DB::window->{'expr_list'}->[$index]->{'depth'} = $depth - 1 ; # adjust our depth } else { # # Delete the existing tree and insert a new one # $hl->deleteEntry($root) ; $hl->add($root, -at => $index) ; $DB::window->{'expr_list'}->[$index]->{'depth'} += $Devel::ptkdb::add_expr_depth ; # # Force an update on our expressions # $DB::window->{'event'} = 'update' ; } } # end of expr_expand sub line_number_from_coord { my($txtWidget, $coord) = @_ ; my($index) ; $index = $txtWidget->index($coord) ; # index is in the format of lineno.column $index =~ /([0-9]*)\.([0-9]*)/o ; # # return a list of (col, line). Why # backwards? # return ($2 ,$1) ; } # end of line_number_from_coord # # It may seem as if $txtWidget and $self are # erroneously reversed, but this is a result # of the calling syntax of the text-bind callback. # sub set_breakpoint_tag { my($txtWidget, $self, $coord, $value) = @_ ; my($idx) ; $idx = line_number_from_coord($txtWidget, $coord) ; $self->insertBreakpoint($self->{'current_file'}, $idx, $value) ; } # end of set_breakpoint_tag sub clear_breakpoint_tag { my($txtWidget, $self, $coord) = @_ ; my($idx) ; $idx = line_number_from_coord($txtWidget, $coord) ; $self->removeBreakpoint($self->{'current_file'}, $idx) ; } # end of clear_breakpoint_tag sub change_breakpoint_tag { my($txtWidget, $self, $coord, $value) = @_ ; my($idx, $brkPt, @tagSet) ; $idx = line_number_from_coord($txtWidget, $coord) ; # # Change the value of the breakpoint # @tagSet = ( "$idx.0", "$idx.$Devel::ptkdb::linenumber_length" ) ; $brkPt = &DB::getdbline($self->{'current_file'}, $idx + $self->{'line_offset'}) ; return unless $brkPt ; # # Check the breakpoint tag # if ( $txtWidget ) { $txtWidget->tagRemove('breaksetLine', @tagSet ) ; $txtWidget->tagRemove('breakdisabledLine', @tagSet ) ; } $brkPt->{'value'} = $value ; if ( $txtWidget ) { if ( $brkPt->{'value'} ) { $txtWidget->tagAdd('breaksetLine', @tagSet ) ; } else { $txtWidget->tagAdd('breakdisabledLine', @tagSet ) ; } } } # end of change_breakpoint_tag # # God Forbid anyone comment something complex and tightly optimized. # # We can get a list of the subroutines from the interpreter # by querrying the *DB::sub typeglob: keys %DB::sub # # The list appears broken down by module: # # main::BEGIN # main::mySub # main::otherSub # Tk::Adjuster::Mapped # Tk::Adjuster::Packed # Tk::Button::BEGIN # Tk::Button::Enter # # We would like to break this list down into a heirarchy. # # main Tk # | | | | # BEGIN mySub OtherSub | | # Adjuster Button # | | | | # Mapped Packed BEGIN Enter # # # We translate this list into a heirarchy of hashes(say three times fast). # We take each entry and split it into elements. Each element is a leaf in the tree. # We traverse the tree with the inner for loop. # With each branch we check to see if it already exists or # we create it. When we reach the last element, this becomes our entry. # # # An incoming list is potentially 'large' so we # pass in the ref to it instead. # # New entries can be inserted by providing a $topH # hash ref to an existing tree. # sub tree_split { my ($listRef, $separator, $topH) = @_ ; my ($h, $list_elem) ; $topH = {} unless $topH ; foreach $list_elem ( @$listRef ) { $h = $topH ; for( split /$separator/o, $list_elem ) { # Tk::Adjuster::Mapped -> ( Tk Adjuster Mapped ) $h->{$_} or $h->{$_} = {} ; # either we have an entry for this OR we create one $h = $h->{$_} ; } @$h{'name', 'path'} = ($_, $list_elem) ; # the last leaf is our entry } # end of tree_split loop return $topH ; } # end of tree_split # # callback executed when someone double clicks # an entry in the 'Subs' Tk::Notebook page. # sub sub_list_cmd { my ($self, $path) = @_ ; my ($h) ; my $sub_list = $self->{'sub_list'} ; if ( $sub_list->info('children', $path) ) { # # Delete the children # $sub_list->deleteOffsprings($path) ; return ; } # # split the path up into elements # end descend through the tree. # $h = $Devel::ptkdb::subs_tree ; for ( split /\./o, $path ) { $h = $h->{$_} ; # next level down } # # if we don't have a 'name' entry we # still have levels to decend through. # if ( !exists $h->{'name'} ) { # # Add the next level paths # for ( sort keys %$h ) { if ( exists $h->{$_}->{'path'} ) { $sub_list->add($path . '.' . $_, -text => $h->{$_}->{'path'}) ; } else { $sub_list->add($path . '.' . $_, -text => $_) ; } } return ; } $DB::sub{$h->{'path'}} =~ /(.*):([0-9]+)-[0-9]+$/o ; # file name will be in $1, line number will be in $2 */ $self->set_file($1, $2) ; } # end of sub_list_cmd sub fill_subs_page { my($self) = @_ ; $self->{'sub_list'}->delete('all') ; # clear existing entries my @list = keys %DB::sub ; $Devel::ptkdb::subs_tree = tree_split(\@list, "::") ; # setup to level of list for ( sort keys %$Devel::ptkdb::subs_tree ) { $self->{'sub_list'}->add($_, -text => $_) ; } # end of top level loop } sub setup_subs_page { my($self) = @_ ; $self->{'subs_page_activated'} = 1 ; $self->{'sub_list'} = $self->{'subs_page'}->Scrolled('HList', -command => sub { $self->sub_list_cmd(@_) ; } ) ; $self->fill_subs_page() ; $self->{'sub_list'}->pack(side => 'left', fill => 'both', expand => 1 ) ; $self->{'subs_list_cnt'} = scalar keys %DB::sub ; } # end of setup_subs_page sub setup_search_panel { my ($self, $parent, @packArgs) = @_ ; my ($frm, $srchBtn, $regexBtn, $entry) ; $frm = $parent->Frame() ; $frm->Button(-text => 'Goto', -command => sub { $self->DoGoto($entry) })->pack(side => 'left') ; $srchBtn = $frm->Button(-text => 'Search', -command => sub { $self->FindSearch($entry, $srchBtn, 0) ; } )->pack(side => 'left' ) ; $regexBtn = $frm->Button(-text => 'Regex', -command => sub { $self->FindSearch($entry, $regexBtn, 1) ; } )->pack(side => 'left', ) ; $entry = $frm->Entry(width => 50)->pack(side => 'left', fill => 'both', expand => 1) ; $frm->pack(@packArgs) ; } # end of setup search_panel sub setup_breakpts_page { my ($self) = @_ ; $self->{'breakpts_page'} = $self->{'notebook'}->add("brkptspage", -label => "BrkPts") ; $self->{'breakpts_table'} = $self->{'breakpts_page'}->Table(-columns => 1, -scrollbars => 'se')-> pack(side => 'top', fill => 'both', expand => 1 ) ; $self->{'breakpts_table_data'} = { } ; # controls addressed by "fname:lineno" } # end of setup_breakpts_page sub setup_frames { my ($self) = @_ ; my $mw = $self->{'main_window'} ; my ($txt, $place_holder, $frm) ; require Tk::ROText ; require Tk::NoteBook ; require Tk::HList ; require Tk::Balloon ; require Tk::Adjuster ; # get the side that we want to put the code pane on my($codeSide) = $ENV{'PTKDB_CODE_SIDE'} || $mw->optionGet("codeside", "") || 'left' ; $mw->update ; # force geometry manager to map main_window $frm = $mw->Frame(-width => $mw->reqwidth()) ; # frame for our code pane and search controls $self->setup_search_panel($frm, side => 'top', fill => 'x') ; # # Text window for the code of our currently viewed file # $self->{'text'} = $frm->Scrolled('ROText', -wrap => "none", @Devel::ptkdb::scrollbar_cfg, @Devel::ptkdb::code_text_font ) ; $txt = $self->{'text'} ; for( $txt->children ) { next unless (ref $_) =~ /ROText$/ ; $self->{'text'} = $_ ; last ; } $frm->packPropagate(0) ; $txt->packPropagate(0) ; $frm->packAdjust(side => $codeSide, fill => 'both', expand => 1) ; $txt->pack(side => 'left', fill => 'both', expand => 1) ; # $txt->form(-top => [ $self->{'menu_bar'} ], -left => '%0', -right => '%50') ; # $frm->form(-top => [ $self->{'menu_bar'} ], -left => '%50', -right => '%100') ; $self->configure_text() ; # # Notebook # $self->{'notebook'} = $mw->NoteBook() ; $self->{'notebook'}->packPropagate(0) ; $self->{'notebook'}->pack(side => $codeSide, fill => 'both', -expand => 1) ; # # an hlist for the data entries # $self->{'data_page'} = $self->{'notebook'}->add("datapage", -label => "Exprs") ; # # frame, entry and label for quick expressions # my $frame = $self->{'data_page'}->Frame()->pack(side => 'top', fill => 'x') ; my $label = $frame->Label('text' => "Quick Expr:")->pack(side => 'left') ; $self->{'quick_entry'} = $frame->Entry()->pack(side => 'left', fill => 'x', -expand => 1) ; $self->{'quick_entry'}->bind('', sub { $self->QuickExpr() ; } ) ; # # Entry widget for expressions and breakpoints # $frame = $self->{'data_page'}->Frame()->pack(side => 'top', fill => 'x') ; $label = $frame->Label('text' => "Enter Expr:")->pack(side => 'left') ; $self->{'entry'} = $frame->Entry()->pack(side => 'left', fill => 'x', -expand => 1) ; $self->{'entry'}->bind('', sub { $self->EnterExpr() }) ; # # Hlist for data expressions # $self->{data_list} = $self->{'data_page'}->Scrolled('HList', @Devel::ptkdb::scrollbar_cfg, separator => $Devel::ptkdb::pathSep, @Devel::ptkdb::expression_text_font, -command => \&Devel::ptkdb::expr_expand, -selectmode => 'multiple' ) ; $self->{data_list}->pack(side => 'top', fill => 'both', expand => 1 ) ; $self->{'subs_page_activated'} = 0 ; $self->{'subs_page'} = $self->{'notebook'}->add("subspage", -label => "Subs", -createcmd => sub { $self->setup_subs_page }) ; $self->setup_breakpts_page() ; } # end of setup_frames sub configure_text { my($self) = @_ ; my($txt, $mw) = ($self->{'text'}, $self->{'main_window'}) ; my($place_holder) ; $self->{'expr_balloon'} = $txt->Balloon(); $self->{'balloon_expr'} = ' ' ; # initial expression # If Data::Dumper is available setup a dumper for the balloon if ( $Devel::ptkdb::DataDumperAvailable ) { $self->{'balloon_dumper'} = new Data::Dumper([$place_holder]) ; $self->{'balloon_dumper'}->Terse(1) ; $self->{'balloon_dumper'}->Indent($Devel::ptkdb::eval_dump_indent) ; $self->{'quick_dumper'} = new Data::Dumper([$place_holder]) ; $self->{'quick_dumper'}->Terse(1) ; $self->{'quick_dumper'}->Indent(0) ; } $self->{'expr_ballon_msg'} = ' ' ; $self->{'expr_balloon'}->attach($txt, -initwait => 300, -msg => \$self->{'expr_ballon_msg'}, -balloonposition => 'mouse', -postcommand => \&Devel::ptkdb::balloon_post, -motioncommand => \&Devel::ptkdb::balloon_motion ) ; # tags for the text my @stopTagConfig = ( -foreground => 'white', -background => $mw->optionGet("stopcolor", "background") || $ENV{'PTKDB_STOP_TAG_COLOR'} || 'blue' ) ; my $stopFnt = $mw->optionGet("stopfont", "background") || $ENV{'PTKDB_STOP_TAG_FONT'} ; push @stopTagConfig, ( -font => $stopFnt ) if $stopFnt ; # user may not have specified a font, if not, stay with the default $txt->tagConfigure('stoppt', @stopTagConfig) ; $txt->tagConfigure('search_tag', "-background" => $mw->optionGet("searchtagcolor", "background") || "green") ; $txt->tagConfigure("breakableLine", -overstrike => 0) ; $txt->tagConfigure("nonbreakableLine", -overstrike => 1) ; $txt->tagConfigure("breaksetLine", -background => $mw->optionGet("breaktagcolor", "background") || $ENV{'PTKDB_BRKPT_COLOR'} || 'red') ; $txt->tagConfigure("breakdisabledLine", -background => $mw->optionGet("disabledbreaktagcolor", "background") || $ENV{'PTKDB_DISABLEDBRKPT_COLOR'} || 'green') ; $txt->tagBind("breakableLine", '', [ \&Devel::ptkdb::set_breakpoint_tag, $self, Ev('@'), 1 ] ) ; $txt->tagBind("breakableLine", '', [ \&Devel::ptkdb::set_breakpoint_tag, $self, Ev('@'), 0 ] ) ; $txt->tagBind("breaksetLine", '', [ \&Devel::ptkdb::clear_breakpoint_tag, $self, Ev('@') ] ) ; $txt->tagBind("breaksetLine", '', [ \&Devel::ptkdb::change_breakpoint_tag, $self, Ev('@'), 0 ] ) ; $txt->tagBind("breakdisabledLine", '', [ \&Devel::ptkdb::clear_breakpoint_tag, $self, Ev('@') ] ) ; $txt->tagBind("breakdisabledLine", '', [ \&Devel::ptkdb::change_breakpoint_tag, $self, Ev('@'), 1 ] ) ; } # end of configure_text sub setup_options { my ($self) = @_ ; my $mw = $self->{main_window} ; return unless $mw->can('appname') ; $mw->appname("ptkdb") ; $mw->optionAdd("stopcolor" => 'cyan', 60 ) ; $mw->optionAdd("stopfont" => 'fixed', 60 ) ; $mw->optionAdd("breaktag" => 'red', 60 ) ; $mw->optionAdd("searchtagcolor" => 'green') ; $mw->optionClear ; # necessary to reload xresources } # end of setup_options sub DoAlert { my($self, $msg, $title) = @_ ; my($dlg) ; my $okaySub = sub { destroy $dlg ; } ; $dlg = $self->{main_window}->Toplevel(-title => $title || "Alert", -overanchor => 'cursor') ; $dlg->Label( 'text' => $msg )->pack( side => 'top' ) ; $dlg->Button( 'text' => "Okay", -command => $okaySub )->pack( side => 'top' )->focus ; $dlg->bind('', $okaySub) ; } # end of DoAlert sub simplePromptBox { my ($self, $title, $defaultText, $okaySub, $cancelSub) = @_ ; my ($top, $entry, $okayBtn) ; $top = $self->{main_window}->Toplevel(-title => $title, -overanchor => 'cursor' ) ; $Devel::ptkdb::promptString = $defaultText ; $entry = $top->Entry('-textvariable' => 'Devel::ptkdb::promptString')->pack('side' => 'top', fill => 'both', -expand => 1) ; $okayBtn = $top->Button( text => "Okay", @Devel::ptkdb::button_font, -command => sub { &$okaySub() ; $top->destroy ;} )->pack(side => 'left', fill => 'both', -expand => 1) ; $top->Button( text => "Cancel", -command => sub { &$cancelSub() if $cancelSub ; $top->destroy() }, @Devel::ptkdb::button_font, )->pack(side => 'left', fill => 'both', -expand => 1) ; $entry->icursor('end') ; $entry->selectionRange(0, 'end') if $entry->can('selectionRange') ; # some win32 Tk installations can't do this $entry->focus() ; return $top ; } # end of simplePromptBox sub get_entry_text { my($self) = @_ ; return $self->{entry}->get() ; # get the text in the entry } # end of get_entry_text # # Clear any text that is in the entry field. If there # was any text in that field return it. If there # was no text then return any selection that may be active. # sub clear_entry_text { my($self) = @_ ; my $str = $self->{'entry'}->get() ; $self->{'entry'}->delete(0, 'end') ; # # No String # Empty String # Or a string that is only whitespace # if( !$str || $str eq "" || $str =~ /^\s+$/ ) { # # If there is no string or the string is just white text # Get the text in the selction( if any) # if( $self->{'text'}->tagRanges('sel') ) { # check to see if 'sel' tag exists (return undef value) $str = $self->{'text'}->get("sel.first", "sel.last") ; # get the text between the 'first' and 'last' point of the sel (selection) tag } # If still no text, bring the focus to the entry elsif( !$str || $str eq "" || $str =~ /^\s+$/ ) { $self->{'entry'}->focus() ; $str = "" ; } } # # Erase existing text # return $str ; } # end of clear_entry_text sub brkPtCheckbutton { my ($self, $fname, $idx, $brkPt) = @_ ; my ($widg) ; change_breakpoint_tag($self->{'text'}, $self, "$idx.0", $brkPt->{'value'}) if $fname eq $self->{'current_file'} ; } # end of brkPtCheckbutton # # insert a breakpoint control into our breakpoint list. # returns a handle to the control # # Expression, if defined, is to be evaluated at the breakpoint # and execution stopped if it is non-zero/defined. # # If action is defined && True then it will be evalled # before continuing. # sub insertBreakpoint { my ($self, $fname, @brks) = @_ ; my ($btn, $cnt, $item) ; my($offset) ; local(*dbline) = $main::{'_<' . $fname} ; $offset = $dbline[1] =~ /use\s+.*Devel::_?ptkdb/ ? 1 : 0 ; while( @brks ) { my($index, $value, $expression) = splice @brks, 0, 3 ; # take args 3 at a time my $brkPt = {} ; my $txt = &DB::getdbtextline($fname, $index) ; @$brkPt{'type', 'line', 'expr', 'value', 'fname', 'text'} = ('user', $index, $expression, $value, $fname, "$txt") ; &DB::setdbline($fname, $index + $offset, $brkPt) ; $self->add_brkpt_to_brkpt_page($brkPt) ; next unless $fname eq $self->{'current_file'} ; $self->{'text'}->tagRemove("breakableLine", "$index.0", "$index.$Devel::ptkdb::linenumber_length") ; $self->{'text'}->tagAdd($value ? "breaksetLine" : "breakdisabledLine", "$index.0", "$index.$Devel::ptkdb::linenumber_length") ; } # end of loop } # end of insertBreakpoint sub add_brkpt_to_brkpt_page { my($self, $brkPt) = @_ ; my($btn, $fname, $index, $frm, $upperFrame, $lowerFrame) ; my ($row, $btnName, $width) ; # # Add the breakpoint to the breakpoints page # ($fname, $index) = @$brkPt{'fname', 'line'} ; return if exists $self->{'breakpts_table_data'}->{"$fname:$index"} ; $self->{'brkPtCnt'} += 1 ; $btnName = $fname ; $btnName =~ s/.*\/([^\/]*)$/$1/o ; # take the last leaf of the pathname $frm = $self->{'breakpts_table'}->Frame(-relief => 'raised') ; $upperFrame = $frm->Frame()->pack('side' => 'top', '-fill' => 'x', 'expand' => 1) ; $btn = $upperFrame->Checkbutton(-text => "$btnName:$index", -variable => \$brkPt->{'value'}, # CAUTION value tracking -command => sub { $self->brkPtCheckbutton($fname, $index, $brkPt) }) ; $btn->pack(side => 'left') ; $btn = $upperFrame->Button(-text => "Delete", -command => sub { $self->removeBreakpoint($fname, $index) ; } ) ; $btn->pack('side' => 'left', -fill => 'x', -expand => 1) ; $btn = $upperFrame->Button(-text => "Goto", -command => sub { $self->set_file($fname, $index) ; } ) ; $btn->pack('side' => 'left', -fill => 'x', -expand => 1) ; $lowerFrame = $frm->Frame()->pack('side' => 'top', '-fill' => 'x', 'expand' => 1) ; $lowerFrame->Label(-text => "Cond:")->pack('side' => 'left') ; $btn = $lowerFrame->Entry(-textvariable => \$brkPt->{'expr'}) ; $btn->pack('side' => 'left', fill => 'x', -expand => 1) ; $frm->pack(side => 'top', fill => 'x', -expand => 1) ; $row = pop @{$self->{'brkPtSlots'}} or $row = $self->{'brkPtCnt'} ; $self->{'breakpts_table'}->put($row, 1, $frm) ; $self->{'breakpts_table_data'}->{"$fname:$index"}->{'frm'} = $frm ; $self->{'breakpts_table_data'}->{"$fname:$index"}->{'row'} = $row ; $self->{'main_window'}->update ; $width = $frm->width ; if ( $width > $self->{'breakpts_table'}->width ) { $self->{'notebook'}->configure(-width => $width) ; } } # end of add_brkpt_to_brkpt_page sub remove_brkpt_from_brkpt_page { my($self, $fname, $idx) = @_ ; my($table) ; $table = $self->{'breakpts_table'} ; # Delete the breakpoint control in the breakpoints window $table->put($self->{'breakpts_table_data'}->{"$fname:$idx"}->{'row'}, 1) ; # delete? # # Add this now empty slot to the list of ones we have open # push @{$self->{'brkPtSlots'}}, $self->{'breakpts_table_data'}->{"$fname:$idx"}->{'row'} ; $self->{'brkPtSlots'} = [ sort { $b <=> $a } @{$self->{'brkPtSlots'}} ] ; delete $self->{'breakpts_table_data'}->{"$fname:$idx"} ; $self->{'brkPtCnt'} -= 1 ; } # end of remove_brkpt_from_brkpt_page # # Supporting the "Run To Here..." command # sub insertTempBreakpoint { my ($self, $fname, $index) = @_ ; my($offset) ; local(*dbline) = $main::{'_<' . $fname} ; $offset = $dbline[1] =~ /use\s+.*Devel::_?ptkdb/ ? 1 : 0 ; return if( &DB::getdbline($fname, $index + $offset) ) ; # we already have a breakpoint here &DB::setdbline($fname, $index + $offset, {'type' => 'temp', 'line' => $index, 'value' => 1 } ) ; } # end of insertTempBreakpoint sub reinsertBreakpoints { my ($self, $fname) = @_ ; my ($brkPt) ; foreach $brkPt ( &DB::getbreakpoints($fname) ) { # # Our breakpoints are indexed by line # therefore we can have 'gaps' where there # lines, but not breaks set for them. # next unless defined $brkPt ; $self->insertBreakpoint($fname, @$brkPt{'line', 'value', 'expr'}) if( $brkPt->{'type'} eq 'user' ) ; $self->insertTempBreakpoint($fname, $brkPt->{line}) if( $brkPt->{'type'} eq 'temp' ) ; } # end of reinsert loop } # end of reinsertBreakpoints sub removeBreakpointTags { my ($self, @brkPts) = @_ ; my($idx, $brkPt) ; foreach $brkPt (@brkPts) { $idx = $brkPt->{'line'} ; if ( $brkPt->{'value'} ) { $self->{'text'}->tagRemove("breaksetLine", "$idx.0", "$idx.$Devel::ptkdb::linenumber_length") ; } else { $self->{'text'}->tagRemove("breakdisabledLine", "$idx.0", "$idx.$Devel::ptkdb::linenumber_length") ; } $self->{'text'}->tagAdd("breakableLine", "$idx.0", "$idx.$Devel::ptkdb::linenumber_length") ; } } # end of removeBreakpointTags # # Remove a breakpoint from the current window # sub removeBreakpoint { my ($self, $fname, @idx) = @_ ; my ($idx, $chkIdx, $i, $j, $info) ; my($offset) ; local(*dbline) = $main::{'_<' . $fname} ; $offset = $dbline[1] =~ /use\s+.*Devel::_?ptkdb/ ? 1 : 0 ; foreach $idx (@idx) { # end of removal loop next unless defined $idx ; my $brkPt = &DB::getdbline($fname, $idx + $offset) ; next unless $brkPt ; # if we do not have an entry &DB::cleardbline($fname, $idx + $offset) ; $self->remove_brkpt_from_brkpt_page($fname, $idx) ; next unless $brkPt->{fname} eq $self->{'current_file'} ; # if this isn't our current file there will be no controls # Delete the ext associated with the breakpoint expression (if any) $self->removeBreakpointTags($brkPt) ; } # end of remove loop return ; } # end of removeBreakpoint sub removeAllBreakpoints { my ($self, $fname) = @_ ; $self->removeBreakpoint($fname, &DB::getdblineindexes($fname)) ; } # end of removeAllBreakpoints # # Delete expressions prior to an update # sub deleteAllExprs { my ($self) = @_ ; $self->{'data_list'}->delete('all') ; } # end of deleteAllExprs sub EnterExpr { my ($self) = @_ ; my $str = $self->clear_entry_text() ; if( $str && $str ne "" && $str !~ /^\s+$/ ) { # if there is an expression and it's more than white space $self->{'expr'} = $str ; $self->{'event'} = 'expr' ; } } # end of EnterExpr # # # sub QuickExpr { my ($self) = @_ ; my $str = $self->{'quick_entry'}->get() ; if( $str && $str ne "" && $str !~ /^\s+$/ ) { # if there is an expression and it's more than white space $self->{'qexpr'} = $str ; $self->{'event'} = 'qexpr' ; } } # end of QuickExpr sub deleteExpr { my ($self) = @_ ; my ($entry, $i, @indexes) ; my @sList = $self->{'data_list'}->info('select') ; # # if we're deleteing a top level expression # we have to take it out of the list of expressions # foreach $entry ( @sList ) { next if ($entry =~ /\//) ; # goto next expression if we're not a top level ( expr/entry) $i = 0 ; grep { push @indexes, $i if ($_->{'expr'} eq $entry) ; $i++ ; } @{$self->{'expr_list'}} ; } # end of check loop # now take out our list of indexes ; for( 0..$#indexes ) { splice @{$self->{'expr_list'}}, $indexes[$_] - $_, 1 ; } for( @sList ) { $self->{'data_list'}->delete('entry', $_) ; } } # end of deleteExpr sub fixExprPath { my(@pathList) = @_ ; for (@pathList) { s/$Devel::ptkdb::pathSep/$Devel::ptkdb::pathSepReplacement/go ; } # end of path list return $pathList[0] unless wantarray ; return @pathList ; } # end of fixExprPath ## ## Inserts an expression($theRef) into an HList Widget($dl). If the expression ## is an array, blessed array, hash, or blessed hash(typical object), then this ## routine is called recursively, adding the members to the next level of heirarchy, ## prefixing array members with a [idx] and the hash members with the key name. ## This continues until the entire expression is decomposed to it's atomic constituents. ## Protection is given(with $reusedRefs) to ensure that 'circular' references within ## arrays or hashes(i.e. where a member of a array or hash contains a reference to a ## parent element within the heirarchy. ## # # Returns 1 if sucessfully added 0 if not # sub insertExpr { my($self, $reusedRefs, $dl, $theRef, $name, $depth, $dirPath) = @_ ; my($label, $type, $result, $saveW, $selfCnt, @circRefs) ; # # Add data new data entries to the bottom # $dirPath = "" unless defined $dirPath ; $label = "" ; $selfCnt = 0 ; while( ref $theRef eq 'SCALAR' ) { $theRef = $$theRef ; } $saveW = $^W ; $^W = 0 ; # spare us uncessary warnings about comparing strings with == REF_CHECK: for( ; ; ) { push @circRefs, $theRef ; $type = ref $theRef ; last unless ($type eq "REF") ; $theRef = $$theRef ; # dref again $label .= "\\" ; # append a if( grep $_ == $theRef, @circRefs ) { $label .= "(circular)" ; last ; } } $^W = $saveW ; if( !$type || $type eq "" || $type eq "GLOB" || $type eq "CODE") { $saveW = $^W ; $^W = 0 ; eval { if( !defined $theRef ) { $dl->add($dirPath . $name, -text => "$name = $label" . "undef") ; } else { $dl->add($dirPath . $name, -text => "$name = $label$theRef") ; } } ; $^W = $saveW ; $self->DoAlert($@), return 0 if $@ ; return 1 ; } if( $type eq 'ARRAY' or "$theRef" =~ /ARRAY/ ) { my ($r, $idx) ; $idx = 0 ; eval { $dl->add($dirPath . $name, -text => "$name = $theRef") ; } ; if( $@ ) { $self->DoAlert($@) ; return 0 ; } $result = 1 ; foreach $r ( @{$theRef} ) { $saveW = $^W ; if( grep $_ == $r, @$reusedRefs ) { # check to make sure that we're not doing a single level self reference eval { $dl->add($dirPath . fixExprPath($name) . $Devel::ptkdb::pathSep . "__ptkdb_self_path" . $selfCnt++, -text => "[$idx] = $r REUSED ADDR") ; } ; $self->DoAlert($@) if( $@ ) ; next ; } $^W = 0 ; push @$reusedRefs, $r ; $result = $self->insertExpr($reusedRefs, $dl, $r, "[$idx]", $depth-1, $dirPath . fixExprPath($name) . $Devel::ptkdb::pathSep) unless $depth == 0 ; pop @$reusedRefs ; return 0 unless $result ; $idx += 1 ; } return 1 ; } # end of array case if( "$theRef" !~ /HASH\050\060x[0-9a-f]*\051/o ) { eval { $dl->add($dirPath . fixExprPath($name), -text => "$name = $theRef") ; } ; if( $@ ) { $self->DoAlert($@) ; return 0 ; } return 1 ; } # # Anything else at this point is # either a 'HASH' or an object # of some kind. # my($r, @theKeys, $idx) ; $idx = 0 ; @theKeys = sort keys %{$theRef} ; $dl->add($dirPath . $name, -text => "$name = $theRef") ; $result = 1 ; foreach $r ( @$theRef{@theKeys} ) { # slice out the values with the sorted list $saveW = $^W ; if( grep $_ == $r, @$reusedRefs ) { # check to make sure that we're not doing a single level self reference eval { $dl->add($dirPath . fixExprPath($name) . $Devel::ptkdb::pathSep . "__ptkdb_self_path" . $selfCnt++, -text => "$theKeys[$idx++] = $r REUSED ADDR") ; } ; print "bad path $@\n" if( $@ ) ; next ; } $^W = 0 ; push @$reusedRefs, $r ; $result = $self->insertExpr($reusedRefs, # recursion protection $dl, # data list widget $r, # reference whose value is displayed $theKeys[$idx], # name $depth-1, # remaining expansion depth $dirPath . $name . $Devel::ptkdb::pathSep # path to add to ) unless $depth == 0 ; pop @$reusedRefs ; return 0 unless $result ; $idx += 1 ; } # end of ref add loop return 1 ; } # end of insertExpr # # We're setting the line where we are stopped. # Create a tag for this and set it as bold. # sub set_line { my ($self, $lineno) = @_ ; my $text = $self->{'text'} ; return if( $lineno <= 0 ) ; if( $self->{current_line} > 0 ) { $text->tagRemove('stoppt', "$self->{current_line}.0 linestart", "$self->{current_line}.0 lineend") ; } $self->{current_line} = $lineno - $self->{'line_offset'} ; $text->tagAdd('stoppt', "$self->{current_line}.0 linestart", "$self->{current_line}.0 lineend") ; $self->{'text'}->see("$self->{current_line}.0 linestart") ; } # end of set_line # # Set the file that is in the code window. # # $fname the 'new' file to view # $line the line number we're at # $brkPts any breakpoints that may have been set in this file # use Carp ; sub set_file { my ($self, $fname, $line) = @_ ; my ($lineStr, $offset, $text, $i, @text) ; my (@breakableTagList, @nonBreakableTagList) ; return unless $fname ; # we're getting an undef here on 'Restart...' local(*dbline) = $main::{'_<' . $fname}; # # with the #! /usr/bin/perl -d:ptkdb at the header of the file # we've found that with various combinations of other options the # files haven't come in at the right offsets # $offset = 0 ; $offset = 1 if $dbline[1] =~ /use\s+.*Devel::_?ptkdb/ ; $self->{'line_offset'} = $offset ; $text = $self->{'text'} ; if( $fname eq $self->{current_file} ) { $self->set_line($line) ; return ; } ; $fname =~ s/^\-// ; # Tk does not like leadiing '-'s $self->{main_window}->configure('-title' => $fname) ; # Erase any existing text $text->delete('0.0','end') ; my $len = $Devel::ptkdb::linenumber_length ; # # This is the tightest loop we have in the ptkdb code. # It is here where performance is the most critical. # The map block formats perl code for display. Since # the file could be potentially large, we will try # to make this loop as thin as possible. # # NOTE: For a new perl individual this may appear as # if it was intentionally obfuscated. This is not # not the case. The following code is the result # of an intensive effort to optimize this code. # Prior versions of this code were quite easier # to read, but took 3 times longer. # $lineStr = " " x 200 ; # pre-allocate space for $lineStr $i = 1 ; my $saveW = $^W ; # spares us useless warnings under -w when checking $dbline[$_] != 0 $^W = 0 ; # # The 'map' call will build list of 'string', 'tag' pairs # that will become arguments to the 'insert' call. Passing # the text to insert "all at once" rather than one insert->('end', 'string', 'tag') # call at time provides a MASSIVE savings in execution time. # $text->insert('end', map { # # build collections of tags representing # the line numbers for breakable and # non-breakable lines. We apply these # tags after we've built the text # ($_ != 0 && push @breakableTagList, "$i.0", "$i.$len") || push @nonBreakableTagList, "$i.0", "$i.$len" ; $lineStr = sprintf($Devel::ptkdb::linenumber_format, $i++) . $_ ; # line number + text of the line $lineStr .= "\n" unless /\n$/o ; # append a \n if there isn't one already ($lineStr, 'code') ; # return value for block, a string,tag pair for text insert } @dbline[$offset+1 .. $#dbline] ) ; $^W = $saveW ; # restore the state of the -w flag # # Apply the tags that we've collected # NOTE: it was attempted to incorporate these # operations into the 'map' block above, but that # actually degraded performance. # $text->tagAdd("breakableLine", @breakableTagList) if @breakableTagList ; # apply tag to line numbers where the lines are breakable $text->tagAdd("nonbreakableLine", @nonBreakableTagList) if @nonBreakableTagList ; # apply tag to line numbers where the lines are not breakable. # # Reinsert breakpoints (if info provided) # $self->set_line($line) ; $self->{current_file} = $fname ; return $self->reinsertBreakpoints($fname) ; } # end of set_file # # Get the current line that the insert cursor is in # sub get_lineno { my ($self) = @_ ; my ($info) ; $info = $self->{'text'}->index('insert') ; # get the location for the insertion point $info =~ s/\..*$/\.0/ ; return int $info ; } # end of get_lineno sub DoGoto { my ($self, $entry) = @_ ; my $txt = $entry->get() ; $txt =~ s/(\d*).*/$1/ ; # take the first blob of digits if( $txt eq "" ) { print "invalid text range\n" ; return if $txt eq "" ; } $self->{'text'}->see("$txt.0") ; $entry->selectionRange(0, 'end') if $entry->can('selectionRange') } # end of DoGoto sub GotoLine { my ($self) = @_ ; my ($topLevel) ; if( $self->{goto_window} ) { $self->{goto_window}->raise() ; $self->{goto_text}->focus() ; return ; } # # Construct a dialog that has an # entry field, okay and cancel buttons # my $okaySub = sub { $self->DoGoto($self->{'goto_text'}) } ; $topLevel = $self->{main_window}->Toplevel(-title => "Goto Line?", -overanchor => 'cursor') ; $self->{goto_text} = $topLevel->Entry()->pack(side => 'top', fill => 'both', -expand => 1) ; $self->{goto_text}->bind('', $okaySub) ; # make a CR do the same thing as pressing an okay $self->{goto_text}->focus() ; # Bind a double click on the mouse button to the same action # as pressing the Okay button $topLevel->Button( text => "Okay", -command => $okaySub, @Devel::ptkdb::button_font, )->pack(side => 'left', fill => 'both', -expand => 1) ; # # Subroutone called when the 'Dismiss' # button is pushed. # my $dismissSub = sub { delete $self->{goto_text} ; destroy {$self->{goto_window}} ; delete $self->{goto_window} ; # remove the entry from our hash so we won't } ; $topLevel->Button( text => "Dismiss", @Devel::ptkdb::button_font, -command => $dismissSub )->pack(side => 'left', fill => 'both', -expand => 1) ; $topLevel->protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', sub { destroy $topLevel ; } ) ; $self->{goto_window} = $topLevel ; } # end of GotoLine # # Subroutine called when the 'okay' button is pressed # sub FindSearch { my ($self, $entry, $btn, $regExp) = @_ ; my (@switches, $result) ; my $txt = $entry->get() ; return if $txt eq "" ; push @switches, "-forward" if $self->{fwdOrBack} eq "forward" ; push @switches, "-backward" if $self->{fwdOrBack} eq "backward" ; if( $regExp ) { push @switches, "-regexp" ; } else { push @switches, "-nocase" ; # if we're not doing regex we may as well do caseless search } $result = $self->{'text'}->search(@switches, $txt, $self->{search_start}) ; # untag the previously found text $self->{'text'}->tagRemove('search_tag', @{$self->{search_tag}}) if defined $self->{search_tag} ; if( !$result || $result eq "" ) { # No Text was found $btn->flash() ; $btn->bell() ; delete $self->{search_tag} ; $self->{'search_start'} = "0.0" ; } else { # text found $self->{'text'}->see($result) ; # set the insertion of the text as well $self->{'text'}->markSet('insert' => $result) ; my $len = length $txt ; if( $self->{fwdOrBack} ) { $self->{search_start} = "$result +$len chars" ; $self->{search_tag} = [ $result, $self->{search_start} ] ; } else { # backwards search $self->{search_start} = "$result -$len chars" ; $self->{search_tag} = [ $result, "$result +$len chars" ] ; } # tag the newly found text $self->{'text'}->tagAdd('search_tag', @{$self->{search_tag}}) ; } # end of text found $entry->selectionRange(0, 'end') if $entry->can('selectionRange') ; } # end of FindSearch # # Support for the Find Text... Menu command # sub FindText { my ($self) = @_ ; my ($top, $entry, $rad1, $rad2, $chk, $regExp, $frm, $okayBtn) ; # # if we already have the Find Text Window # open don't bother openning another, bring # the existing one to the front. # if( $self->{find_window} ) { $self->{find_window}->raise() ; $self->{find_text}->focus() ; return ; } $self->{search_start} = $self->{'text'}->index('insert') if( $self->{search_start} eq "" ) ; # # Subroutine called when the 'Dismiss' button # is pushed. # my $dismissSub = sub { $self->{'text'}->tagRemove('search_tag', @{$self->{search_tag}}) if defined $self->{search_tag} ; $self->{search_start} = "" ; destroy {$self->{find_window}} ; delete $self->{search_tag} ; delete $self->{find_window} ; } ; # # Construct a dialog that has an entry field, forward, backward, regex option, okay and cancel buttons # $top = $self->{main_window}->Toplevel(-title => "Find Text?") ; $self->{find_text} = $top->Entry()->pack('side' => 'top', fill => 'both', -expand => 1) ; $frm = $top->Frame()->pack('side' => 'top', fill => 'both', -expand => 1) ; $self->{fwdOrBack} = 'forward' ; $rad1 = $frm->Radiobutton('text' => "Forward", 'value' => 1, 'variable' => \$self->{fwdOrBack}) ; $rad1->pack(side => 'left', fill => 'both', -expand => 1) ; $rad2 = $frm->Radiobutton('text' => "Backward", 'value' => 0, 'variable' => \$self->{fwdOrBack}) ; $rad2->pack(side => 'left', fill => 'both', -expand => 1) ; $regExp = 0 ; $chk = $frm->Checkbutton('text' => "RegExp", 'variable' => \$regExp) ; $chk->pack(side => 'left', fill => 'both', -expand => 1) ; # Okay and cancel buttons # Bind a double click on the mouse button to the same action # as pressing the Okay button $okayBtn = $top->Button( text => "Okay", -command => sub { $self->FindSearch($self->{find_text}, $okayBtn, $regExp) ; }, @Devel::ptkdb::button_font, )->pack(side => 'left', fill => 'both', -expand => 1) ; $self->{find_text}->bind('', sub { $self->FindSearch($self->{find_text}, $okayBtn, $regExp) ; }) ; $top->Button( text => "Dismiss", @Devel::ptkdb::button_font, -command => $dismissSub)->pack(side => 'left', fill => 'both', -expand => 1) ; $top->protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', $dismissSub) ; $self->{find_text}->focus() ; $self->{find_window} = $top ; } # end of FindText sub main_loop { my ($self) = @_ ; my ($evt, $str, $result) ; my $i = 0; SWITCH: for ($self->{'event'} = 'null' ; ; $self->{'event'} = undef ) { Tk::DoOneEvent(0); next unless $self->{'event'} ; $evt = $self->{'event'} ; $evt =~ /step/o && do { last SWITCH ; } ; $evt =~ /null/o && do { next SWITCH ; } ; $evt =~ /run/o && do { last SWITCH ; } ; $evt =~ /quit/o && do { $self->{main_window}->destroy if $self->{main_window} ; $self->{main_window} = undef if defined $self->{main_window} ; exit ; } ; $evt =~ /expr/o && do { return $evt ; } ; # adds an expression to our expression window $evt =~ /qexpr/o && do { return $evt ; } ; # does a 'quick' expression $evt =~ /update/o && do { return $evt ; } ; # forces an update on our expression window $evt =~ /reeval/o && do { return $evt ; } ; # updated the open expression eval window $evt =~ /balloon_eval/ && do { return $evt } ; } # end of switch block return $evt ; } # end of main_loop # # $subStackRef A reference to the current subroutine stack # sub goto_sub_from_stack { my ($self, $f, $lineno) = @_ ; $self->set_file($f, $lineno) ; } # end of goto_sub_from_stack ; sub refresh_stack_menu { my ($self) = @_ ; my ($str, $name, $i, $sub_offset, $subStack) ; # # CAUTION: In the effort to 'rationalize' the code # are moving some of this function down from DB::DB # to here. $sub_offset represents how far 'down' # we are from DB::DB. The $DB::subroutine_depth is # tracked in such a way that while we are 'in' the debugger # it will not be incremented, and thus represents the stack depth # of the target program. # $sub_offset = 1 ; $subStack = [] ; # clear existing entries for( $i = 0 ; $i <= $DB::subroutine_depth ; $i++ ) { my ($package, $filename, $line, $subName) = caller $i+$sub_offset ; last if !$subName ; push @$subStack, { 'name' => $subName, 'pck' => $package, 'filename' => $filename, 'line' => $line } ; } $self->{stack_menu}->menu->delete(0, 'last') ; # delete existing menu items for( $i = 0 ; $subStack->[$i] ; $i++ ) { $str = defined $subStack->[$i+1] ? "$subStack->[$i+1]->{name}" : "MAIN" ; my ($f, $line) = ($subStack->[$i]->{filename}, $subStack->[$i]->{line}) ; # make copies of the values for use in 'sub' $self->{stack_menu}->command(-label => $str, -command => sub { $self->goto_sub_from_stack($f, $line) ; } ) ; } } # end of refresh_stack_menu no strict ; sub get_state { my ($self, $fname) = @_ ; my ($val) ; local($files, $expr_list, $eval_saved_text, $main_win_geometry) ; do "$fname" ; if( $@ ) { $self->DoAlert($@) ; return ( undef ) x 4 ; # return a list of 4 undefined values } return ($files, $expr_list, $eval_saved_text, $main_win_geometry) ; } # end of get_state use strict ; sub restoreStateFile { my ($self, $fname) = @_ ; local(*F) ; my ($saveCurFile, $s, @n, $n) ; if (!(-e $fname && -r $fname)) { $self->DoAlert("$fname does not exist") ; return ; } my ($files, $expr_list, $eval_saved_text, $main_win_geometry) = $self->get_state($fname) ; my ($f, $brks) ; return unless defined $files || defined $expr_list ; &DB::restore_breakpoints_from_save($files) ; # # This should force the breakpoints to be restored # $saveCurFile = $self->{current_file} ; @$self{ 'current_file', 'expr_list', 'eval_saved_text' } = ( "" , $expr_list, $eval_saved_text) ; $self->set_file($saveCurFile, $self->{current_line}) ; $self->{'event'} = 'update' ; if ( $main_win_geometry && $self->{'main_window'} ) { # restore the height and width of the window $self->{main_window}->geometry( $main_win_geometry ) ; } } # end of retstoreState sub updateEvalWindow { my ($self, @result) = @_ ; my ($leng, $str, $d) ; $leng = 0 ; for( @result ) { if( !$Devel::ptkdb::DataDumperAvailable || !$Devel::ptkdb::useDataDumperForEval ) { $str = "$_\n" ; } else { $d = Data::Dumper->new([ $_ ]) ; $d->Indent($Devel::ptkdb::eval_dump_indent) ; $d->Terse(1) ; if( Data::Dumper->can('Dumpxs') ) { $str = $d->Dumpxs( $_ ) ; } else { $str = $d->Dump( $_ ) ; } } $leng += length $str ; $self->{eval_results}->insert('end', $str) ; } } # end of updateEvalWindow sub setupEvalWindow { my($self) = @_ ; my($top, $dismissSub) ; my $f ; $self->{eval_window}->focus(), return if exists $self->{eval_window} ; # already running this window? $top = $self->{main_window}->Toplevel(-title => "Evaluate Expressions...") ; $self->{eval_window} = $top ; $self->{eval_text} = $top->Scrolled('TextUndo', @Devel::ptkdb::scrollbar_cfg, @Devel::ptkdb::eval_text_font, width => 50, height => 10, -wrap => "none", )->packAdjust('side' => 'top', 'fill' => 'both', -expand => 1) ; $self->{eval_text}->insert('end', $self->{eval_saved_text}) if exists $self->{eval_saved_text} && defined $self->{eval_saved_text} ; $top->Label(-text, "Results:")->pack('side' => 'top', 'fill' => 'both', -expand => 'n') ; $self->{eval_results} = $top->Scrolled('Text', @Devel::ptkdb::scrollbar_cfg, width => 50, height => 10, -wrap => "none", @Devel::ptkdb::eval_text_font )->pack('side' => 'top', 'fill' => 'both', -expand => 1) ; my $btn = $top->Button(-text => 'Eval...', -command => sub { $DB::window->{event} = 'reeval' ; } )->pack('side' => 'left', 'fill' => 'x', -expand => 1) ; $dismissSub = sub { $self->{eval_saved_text} = $self->{eval_text}->get('0.0', 'end') ; $self->{eval_window}->destroy ; delete $self->{eval_window} ; } ; $top->protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', $dismissSub ) ; $top->Button(-text => 'Clear Eval', -command => sub { $self->{eval_text}->delete('0.0', 'end') } )->pack('side' => 'left', 'fill' => 'x', -expand => 1) ; $top->Button(-text => 'Clear Results', -command => sub { $self->{eval_results}->delete('0.0', 'end') } )->pack('side' => 'left', 'fill' => 'x', -expand => 1) ; $top->Button(-text => 'Dismiss', -command => $dismissSub)->pack('side' => 'left', 'fill' => 'x', -expand => 1) ; } # end of setupEvalWindow ; sub filterBreakPts { my ($breakPtsListRef, $fname) = @_ ; my $dbline = $main::{'_<' . $fname}; # breakable lines my $saveW ; # # Go through the list of breaks and take out any that # are no longer breakable # $saveW = $^W ; # we're getting some warnings about using the line array like this $^W = 0 ; for( @$breakPtsListRef ) { next unless defined $_ ; next if $dbline->[$_->{'line'}] != 0 ; # still breakable $_ = undef ; } $^W = $saveW ; } # end of filterBreakPts sub DoAbout { my $self = shift ; my $str = "ptkdb $DB::VERSION\nCopyright 1998 by Andrew E. Page\nFeedback to aep\@world.std.com\n\n" ; my $threadString = "" ; $threadString = "Threads Available" if $Config::Config{usethreads} ; $threadString = " Thread Debugging Enabled" if $DB::usethreads ; $str .= <<"__STR__" ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: a) the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any later version, or b) the "Artistic License" which comes with this Kit. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See either the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License for more details. OS $^O Tk Version $Tk::VERSION Perl Version $] Data::Dumper Version $Data::Dumper::VERSION $threadString __STR__ $self->DoAlert($str, "About ptkdb") ; } # end of DoAbout # # return 1 if succesfully set, # return 0 if otherwise # sub SetBreakPoint { my ($self, $isTemp) = @_ ; my $dbw = $DB::window ; my $lineno = $dbw->get_lineno() ; my $expr = $dbw->clear_entry_text() ; my $saveW = $^W ; $^W = 0 ; if( !&DB::checkdbline($DB::window->{current_file}, $lineno + $self->{'line_offset'}) ) { $^W = $saveW ; $dbw->DoAlert("line $lineno in $DB::window->{current_file} is not breakable") ; return 0 ; } $^W = $saveW ; if( !$isTemp ) { $dbw->insertBreakpoint($DB::window->{current_file}, $lineno, 1, $expr) ; return 1 ; } else { $dbw->insertTempBreakpoint($DB::window->{current_file}, $lineno) ; return 1 ; } return 0 ; } # end of SetBreakPoint sub UnsetBreakPoint { my ($self) = @_ ; my $lineno = $self->get_lineno() ; $self->removeBreakpoint($DB::window->{current_file}, $lineno) ; } # end of UnsetBreakPoint sub balloon_post { my $self = $DB::window ; my $txt = $DB::window->{'text'} ; return 0 if ($self->{'expr_ballon_msg'} eq "") || ($self->{'balloon_expr'} eq "") ; # don't post for an empty string return $self->{'balloon_coord'} ; } sub balloon_motion { my ($txt, $x, $y) = @_ ; my ($offset_x, $offset_y) = ($x + 4, $y + 4) ; my $self = $DB::window ; my $txt2 = $self->{'text'} ; my $data ; $self->{'balloon_coord'} = "$offset_x,$offset_y" ; $x -= $txt->rootx ; $y -= $txt->rooty ; # # Post an event that will cause us to put up a popup # if( $txt2->tagRanges('sel') ) { # check to see if 'sel' tag exists (return undef value) $data = $txt2->get("sel.first", "sel.last") ; # get the text between the 'first' and 'last' point of the sel (selection) tag } else { $data = $DB::window->retrieve_text_expr($x, $y) ; } if( !$data ) { $self->{'balloon_expr'} = "" ; return 0 ; } return 0 if ($data eq $self->{'balloon_expr'}) ; # nevermind if it's the same expression $self->{'event'} = 'balloon_eval' ; $self->{'balloon_expr'} = $data ; return 1 ; # ballon will be canceled and a new one put up(maybe) } # end of balloon_motion sub retrieve_text_expr { my($self, $x, $y) = @_ ; my $txt = $self->{'text'} ; my $coord = "\@$x,$y" ; my($idx, $col, $data, $offset) ; ($col, $idx) = line_number_from_coord($txt, $coord) ; $offset = $Devel::ptkdb::linenumber_length + 1 ; # line number text + 1 space return undef if $col < $offset ; # no posting $col -= $offset ; local(*dbline) = $main::{'_<' . $self->{current_file}} ; return undef if( !defined $dbline[$idx] || $dbline[$idx] == 0 ) ; # no executable text, no real variable(?) $data = $dbline[$idx] ; # if we're sitting over white space, leave my $len = length $data ; return unless $data && $col && $len > 0 ; return if substr($data, $col, 1) =~ /\s/ ; # walk backwards till we find some whitespace $col = $len if $len < $col ; while( --$col >= 0 ) { last if substr($data, $col, 1) =~ /[\s\$\@\%]/ ; } substr($data, $col) =~ /^([\$\@\%][a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/ ; return $1 ; } # # after DB::eval get's us a result # sub code_motion_eval { my ($self, @result) = @_ ; my $str ; if( exists $self->{'balloon_dumper'} ) { my $d = $self->{'balloon_dumper'} ; $d->Reset() ; $d->Values( [ $#result == 0 ? @result : \@result ] ) ; if( $d->can('Dumpxs') ) { $str = $d->Dumpxs() ; } else { $str = $d->Dump() ; } chomp($str) ; } else { $str = "@result" ; } # # Cut the string down to 1024 characters to keep from # overloading the balloon window # $self->{'expr_ballon_msg'} = "$self->{'balloon_expr'} = " . substr $str, 0, 1024 ; } # end of code motion eval # # Subroutine called when we enter DB::DB() # In other words when the target script 'stops' # in the Debugger # sub EnterActions { my($self) = @_ ; # $self->{'main_window'}->Unbusy() ; } # end of EnterActions # # Subroutine called when we return from DB::DB() # When the target script resumes. # sub LeaveActions { my($self) = @_ ; # $self->{'main_window'}->Busy() ; } # end of LeaveActions sub BEGIN { $Devel::ptkdb::scriptName = $0 ; @Devel::ptkdb::script_args = @ARGV ; # copy args } ## ## Save the ptkdb state file and restart the debugger ## sub DoRestart { my($fname) ; $fname = $ENV{'TMP'} || $ENV{'TMPDIR'} || $ENV{'TMP_DIR'} || $ENV{'TEMP'} || $ENV{'HOME'} ; $fname .= '/' if $fname ; $fname = "" unless $fname ; $fname .= "ptkdb_restart_state$$" ; # print "saving temp state file $fname\n" ; &DB::save_state_file($fname) ; $ENV{'PTKDB_RESTART_STATE_FILE'} = $fname ; ## ## build up the command to do the restart ## $fname = "perl -w -d:ptkdb $Devel::ptkdb::scriptName @Devel::ptkdb::script_args" ; # print "$$ doing a restart with $fname\n" ; exec $fname ; } # end of DoRestart ## ## Enables/Disables the feature where we stop ## if we've encountered a perl warning such as: ## "Use of uninitialized value at undef_warn.pl line N" ## sub stop_on_warning_cb { &$DB::ptkdb::warn_sig_save() if $DB::ptkdb::warn_sig_save ; # call any previously registered warning $DB::window->DoAlert(@_) ; $DB::single = 1 ; # forces debugger to stop next time } sub set_stop_on_warning { if( $DB::ptkdb::stop_on_warning ) { return if $DB::ptkdb::warn_sig_save == \&stop_on_warning_cb ; # prevents recursion $DB::ptkdb::warn_sig_save = $SIG{'__WARN__'} if $SIG{'__WARN__'} ; $SIG{'__WARN__'} = \&stop_on_warning_cb ; } else { ## ## Restore any previous warning signal ## my($saveW) ; $saveW = $^W ; # save the warning -w setting $^W = 0 ; # warning disabled since undef is a valid value to set the signal to $SIG{'__WARN__'} = $DB::ptkdb::warn_sig_save ; $^W = 0 ; # resore the warning } } # end of set_stop_on_warning 1 ; # end of Devel::ptkdb package DB ; use vars '$VERSION', '$header' ; $VERSION = '1.1074' ; $header = "ptkdb.pm version $DB::VERSION"; $DB::window->{current_file} = "" ; # # Here's the clue... # eval only seems to eval the context of # the executing script while in the DB # package. When we had updateExprs in the Devel::ptkdb # package eval would turn up an undef result. # sub updateExprs { my ($package) = @_ ; # # Update expressions # $DB::window->deleteAllExprs() ; my ($expr, @result); foreach $expr ( @{$DB::window->{'expr_list'}} ) { next if length $expr == 0 ; @result = &DB::dbeval($package, $expr->{'expr'}) ; if( scalar @result == 1 ) { $DB::window->insertExpr([ $result[0] ], $DB::window->{'data_list'}, $result[0], $expr->{'expr'}, $expr->{'depth'}) ; } else { $DB::window->insertExpr([ \@result ], $DB::window->{'data_list'}, \@result, $expr->{'expr'}, $expr->{'depth'}) ; } } } # end of updateExprs no strict ; # turning strict off (shame shame) because we keep getting errrs for the local(*dbline) # # returns true if line is breakable # use Carp ; sub checkdbline($$) { my ($fname, $lineno) = @_ ; return 0 unless $fname; # we're getting an undef here on 'Restart...' local(*dbline) = $main::{'_<' . $fname} ; my $saveW = $^W ; $^W = 0 ; # spares us warnings under -w my $flag = $dbline[$lineno] != 0 ; $^W = $saveW ; return $flag; } # end of checkdbline # # sets a breakpoint 'through' a magic # variable that perl is able to interpert # sub setdbline($$$) { my ($fname, $lineno, $value) = @_ ; local(*dbline) = $main::{'_<' . $fname}; $dbline{$lineno} = $value ; } # end of setdbline sub getdbline($$) { my ($fname, $lineno) = @_ ; local(*dbline) = $main::{'_<' . $fname}; return $dbline{$lineno} ; } # end of getdbline sub getdbtextline { my ($fname, $lineno) = @_ ; local(*dbline) = $main::{'_<' . $fname}; return $dbline[$lineno] ; } # end of getdbline sub cleardbline($$;&) { my ($fname, $lineno, $clearsub) = @_ ; local(*dbline) = $main::{'_<' . $fname}; my $value ; # just in case we want it for something $value = $dbline{$lineno} ; delete $dbline{$lineno} ; &$clearsub($value) if $value && $clearsub ; return $value ; } # end of cleardbline sub clearalldblines(;&) { my ($clearsub) = @_ ; my ($key, $value, $brkPt, $dbkey) ; local(*dbline) ; while ( ($key, $value) = each %main:: ) { # key loop next unless $key =~ /^_{$file} = $list ; } # end of file loop return $brkList ; } # end of breakpoints_to_save # # When we restore breakpoints from a state file # they've often 'moved' because the file # has been editted. # # We search for the line starting with the original line number, # then we walk it back 20 lines, then with line right after the # orginal line number and walk forward 20 lines. # # NOTE: dbline is expected to be 'local' # when called # sub fix_breakpoints { my(@brkPts) = @_ ; my($startLine, $endLine, $nLines, $brkPt) ; my (@retList) ; my $saveW = $^W ; $^W = 0 ; $nLines = scalar @dbline ; foreach $brkPt (@brkPts) { $startLine = $brkPt->{'line'} > 20 ? $brkPt->{'line'} - 20 : 0 ; $endLine = $brkPt->{'line'} < $nLines - 20 ? $brkPt->{'line'} + 20 : $nLines ; for( (reverse $startLine..$brkPt->{'line'}), $brkPt->{'line'} + 1 .. $endLine ) { next unless $brkPt->{'text'} eq $dbline[$_] ; $brkPt->{'line'} = $_ ; push @retList, $brkPt ; last ; } } # end of breakpoint list $^W = $saveW ; return @retList ; } # end of fix_breakpoints # # Restore breakpoints saved above # sub restore_breakpoints_from_save { my ($brkList) = @_ ; my ($offset, $key, $list, $brkPt, @newList) ; while ( ($key, $list) = each %$brkList ) { # reinsert loop next unless exists $main::{$key} ; local(*dbline) = $main::{$key} ; $offset = 0 ; $offset = 1 if $dbline[1] =~ /use\s+.*Devel::_?ptkdb/ ; @newList = fix_breakpoints(@$list) ; foreach $brkPt ( @newList ) { if( !&DB::checkdbline($key, $brkPt->{'line'} + $offset) ) { print "Breakpoint $key:$brkPt->{'line'} in config file is not breakable.\n" ; next ; } $dbline{$brkPt->{'line'}} = { %$brkPt } ; # make a fresh copy } } # end of reinsert loop } # end of restore_breakpoints_from_save ; use strict ; sub dbint_handler { my($sigName) = @_ ; $DB::single = 1 ; print "signalled\n" ; } # end of dbint_handler # # Do first time initialization at the startup # of DB::DB # sub Initialize { my ($fName) = @_ ; return if $DB::ptkdb::isInitialized ; $DB::ptkdb::isInitialized = 1 ; $DB::window = new Devel::ptkdb ; $DB::window->do_user_init_files() ; $DB::dbint_handler_save = $SIG{'INT'} unless $DB::sigint_disable ; # saves the old handler $SIG{'INT'} = "DB::dbint_handler" unless $DB::sigint_disable ; # Save the file name we started up with $DB::startupFname = $fName ; # Check for a 'restart' file if( $ENV{'PTKDB_RESTART_STATE_FILE'} && $Devel::ptkdb::DataDumperAvailable && -e $ENV{'PTKDB_RESTART_STATE_FILE'} ) { ## ## Restore expressions and breakpoints in state file ## $DB::window->restoreStateFile($ENV{'PTKDB_RESTART_STATE_FILE'}) ; unlink $ENV{'PTKDB_RESTART_STATE_FILE'} ; # delete state file # print "restoring state from $ENV{'PTKDB_RESTART_STATE_FILE'}\n" ; $ENV{'PTKDB_RESTART_STATE_FILE'} = "" ; # clear entry } else { &DB::restoreState($fName) if $Devel::ptkdb::DataDumperAvailable ; } } # end of Initialize sub restoreState { my($fName) = @_ ; my ($stateFile, $files, $expr_list, $eval_saved_text, $main_win_geometry, $restoreName) ; $stateFile = makeFileSaveName($fName) ; if( -e $stateFile && -r $stateFile ) { ($files, $expr_list, $eval_saved_text, $main_win_geometry) = $DB::window->get_state($stateFile) ; &DB::restore_breakpoints_from_save($files) ; $DB::window->{'expr_list'} = $expr_list if defined $expr_list ; $DB::window->{eval_saved_text} = $eval_saved_text ; if ( $main_win_geometry ) { # restore the height and width of the window $DB::window->{main_window}->geometry($main_win_geometry) ; } } } # end of Restore State sub makeFileSaveName { my ($fName) = @_ ; my $saveName = $fName ; if( $saveName =~ /.p[lm]$/ ) { $saveName =~ s/.pl$/.ptkdb/ ; } else { $saveName .= ".ptkdb" ; } return $saveName ; } # end of makeFileSaveName sub save_state_file { my($fname) = @_ ; my($files, $d, $saveStr) ; $files = &DB::breakpoints_to_save() ; $d = Data::Dumper->new( [ $files, $DB::window->{'expr_list'}, "" ], [ "files", "expr_list", "eval_saved_text" ] ) ; $d->Purity(1) ; if( Data::Dumper->can('Dumpxs') ) { $saveStr = $d->Dumpxs() ; } else { $saveStr = $d->Dump() ; } local(*F) ; open F, ">$fname" || die "Couldn't open file $fname" ; print F $saveStr || die "Couldn't write file" ; close F ; } # end of save_state_file sub SaveState { my($name_in) = @_ ; my ($top, $entry, $okayBtn, $win) ; my ($fname, $saveSub, $cancelSub, $saveName, $eval_saved_text, $d) ; my ($files, $main_win_geometry); # # Create our default name # $win = $DB::window ; # # Extract the height and width of our window # $main_win_geometry = $win->{main_window}->geometry ; if ( defined $win->{save_box} ) { $win->{save_box}->raise ; $win->{save_box}->focus ; return ; } $saveName = $name_in || makeFileSaveName($DB::startupFname) ; $saveSub = sub { $win->{'event'} = 'null' ; my $saveStr ; delete $win->{save_box} ; if( exists $win->{eval_window} ) { $eval_saved_text = $win->{eval_text}->get('0.0', 'end') ; } else { $eval_saved_text = $win->{eval_saved_text} ; } $files = &DB::breakpoints_to_save() ; $d = Data::Dumper->new( [ $files, $win->{'expr_list'}, $eval_saved_text, $main_win_geometry ], [ "files", "expr_list", "eval_saved_text", "main_win_geometry"] ) ; $d->Purity(1) ; if( Data::Dumper->can('Dumpxs') ) { $saveStr = $d->Dumpxs() ; } else { $saveStr = $d->Dump() ; } local(*F) ; eval { open F, ">$saveName" || die "Couldn't open file $saveName" ; print F $saveStr || die "Couldn't write file" ; close F ; } ; $win->DoAlert($@) if $@ ; } ; # end of save sub $cancelSub = sub { delete $win->{'save_box'} } ; # end of cancel sub # # Create a dialog # $win->{'save_box'} = $win->simplePromptBox("Save Config?", $saveName, $saveSub, $cancelSub) ; } # end of SaveState sub RestoreState { my ($top, $restoreSub) ; $restoreSub = sub { $DB::window->restoreStateFile($Devel::ptkdb::promptString) ; } ; $top = $DB::window->simplePromptBox("Restore Config?", makeFileSaveName($DB::startupFname), $restoreSub) ; } # end of RestoreState sub SetStepOverBreakPoint { my ($offset) = @_ ; $DB::step_over_depth = $DB::subroutine_depth + ($offset ? $offset : 0) ; } # end of SetStepOverBreakPoint # # NOTE: It may be logical and somewhat more economical # lines of codewise to set $DB::step_over_depth_saved # when we enter the subroutine, but this gets called # for EVERY callable line of code in a program that # is being debugged, so we try to save every line of # execution that we can. # sub isBreakPoint { my ($fname, $line, $package) = @_ ; my ($brkPt) ; if ( $DB::single && ($DB::step_over_depth < $DB::subroutine_depth) && ($DB::step_over_depth > 0) && !$DB::on) { $DB::single = 0 ; return 0 ; } # # doing a step over/in # if( $DB::single || $DB::signal ) { $DB::single = 0 ; $DB::signal = 0 ; $DB::subroutine_depth = $DB::subroutine_depth ; return 1 ; } # # 1st Check to see if there is even a breakpoint there. # 2nd If there is a breakpoint check to see if it's check box control is 'on' # 3rd If there is any kind of expression, evaluate it and see if it's true. # $brkPt = &DB::getdbline($fname, $line) ; return 0 if( !$brkPt || !$brkPt->{'value'} || !breakPointEvalExpr($brkPt, $package) ) ; &DB::cleardbline($fname, $line) if( $brkPt->{'type'} eq 'temp' ) ; $DB::subroutine_depth = $DB::subroutine_depth ; return 1 ; } # end of isBreakPoint # # Check the breakpoint expression to see if it # is true. # sub breakPointEvalExpr { my ($brkPt, $package) = @_ ; my (@result) ; return 1 unless $brkPt->{expr} ; # return if there is no expression no strict ; @result = &DB::dbeval($package, $brkPt->{'expr'}) ; use strict ; $DB::window->DoAlert($@) if $@ ; return $result[0] or @result ; # we could have a case where the 1st element is undefined # but subsequent elements are defined } # end of breakPointEvalExpr # # Evaluate the given expression, return the result. # MUST BE CALLED from within DB::DB in order for it # to properly interpret the vars # sub dbeval { my ($ptkdb__package, $ptkdb__expr) = @_ ; my (@ptkdb__result, $ptkdb__str, $ptkdb__saveW) ; no strict ; $ptkdb__saveW = $^W ; # save the state of the "warning"(-w) flag $^W = 0 ; # # This substitution is done so that # we return HASH, as opposed to an ARRAY. # An expression of %hash results in a # list of key/value pairs. # $ptkdb__expr =~ s/^\s*%/\\%/o ; @ptkdb__result = eval <<__EVAL__ ; \$\@ = \$DB::save_err ; package $ptkdb__package ; $ptkdb__expr ; __EVAL__ @ptkdb__result = ("ERROR ($@)") if $@ ; $^W = $ptkdb__saveW ; # restore the state of the "warning"(-w) flag use strict ; return @ptkdb__result ; } # end of dbeval # # Call back we give to our 'quit' button # and binding to the WM_DELETE_WINDOW protocol # to quit the debugger. # sub dbexit { exit ; } # end of dbexit # # This is the primary entry point for the debugger. When a perl program # is parsed with the -d(in our case -d:ptkdb) option set the parser will # insert a call to DB::DB in front of every excecutable statement. # # Refs: Progamming Perl 2nd Edition, Larry Wall, O'Reilly & Associates, Chapter 8 # sub DB { $DB::save_err = $@ ; # save value of $@ my ($package, $filename, $line) = caller ; my ($stop, $cnt) ; &DB::Initialize($filename) unless $DB::ptkdb::isInitialized ; # do some setup stuff our first time through if (!isBreakPoint($filename, $line, $package) ) { $DB::single = 0 ; $@ = $DB::save_err ; return ; } if ( !$DB::window ) { # not setup yet $@ = $DB::save_err ; return ; } $DB::window->setup_main_window() unless $DB::window->{'main_window'} ; $DB::window->EnterActions() ; my ($saveP) ; $saveP = $^P ; $^P = 0 ; $DB::on = 1 ; # # The user can specify this variable in one of the startup files, # this will make the debugger run right after startup without # the user having to press the 'run' button. # if( $DB::no_stop_at_start ) { $DB::no_stop_at_start = 0 ; $DB::on = 0 ; $@ = $DB::save_err ; return ; } if( !$DB::sigint_disable ) { $SIG{'INT'} = $DB::dbint_handler_save if $DB::dbint_handler_save ; # restore original signal handler $SIG{'INT'} = "DB::dbexit" unless $DB::dbint_handler_save ; } #$DB::window->{main_window}->raise() ; # bring us to the top make sure OUR event loop runs $DB::window->{main_window}->focus() ; $DB::window->set_file($filename, $line) ; # # Refresh the exprs to see if anything has changed # updateExprs($package) ; # # Update subs Page if necessary # $cnt = scalar keys %DB::sub ; if ( $cnt != $DB::window->{'subs_list_cnt'} && $DB::window->{'subs_page_activated'} ) { $DB::window->fill_subs_page() ; $DB::window->{'subs_list_cnt'} = $cnt ; } # # Update the subroutine stack menu # $DB::window->refresh_stack_menu() ; $DB::window->{run_flag} = 1 ; my ($evt, @result, $r) ; for( ; ; ) { # # we wait here for something to do # $evt = $DB::window->main_loop() ; last if( $evt eq 'step' ) ; $DB::single = 0 if ($evt eq 'run' ) ; if ($evt eq 'balloon_eval' ) { $DB::window->code_motion_eval(&DB::dbeval($package, $DB::window->{'balloon_expr'})) ; next ; } if ( $evt eq 'qexpr' ) { my $str ; @result = &DB::dbeval($package, $DB::window->{'qexpr'}) ; $DB::window->{'quick_entry'}->delete(0, 'end') ; # clear old text if (exists $DB::window->{'quick_dumper'}) { $DB::window->{'quick_dumper'}->Reset() ; $DB::window->{'quick_dumper'}->Values( [ $#result == 0 ? @result : \@result ] ) ; if( $DB::window->{'quick_dumper'}->can('Dumpxs') ) { $str = $DB::window->{'quick_dumper'}->Dumpxs() ; } else { $str = $DB::window->{'quick_dumper'}->Dump() ; } } else { $str = "@result" ; } $DB::window->{'quick_entry'}->insert(0, $str) ; #enter the text $DB::window->{'quick_entry'}->selectionRange(0, 'end') ; # select it $evt = 'update' ; # force an update on the expressions } if( $evt eq 'expr' ) { # # Append the new expression to the list # but first check to make sure that we don't # already have it. # if ( grep $_->{'expr'} eq $DB::window->{'expr'}, @{$DB::window->{'expr_list'}} ) { $DB::window->DoAlert("$DB::window->{'expr'} is already listed") ; next ; } @result = &DB::dbeval($package, $DB::window->{expr}) ; if( scalar @result == 1 ) { $r = $DB::window->insertExpr([ $result[0] ], $DB::window->{'data_list'}, $result[0], $DB::window->{'expr'}, $Devel::ptkdb::expr_depth) ; } else { $r = $DB::window->insertExpr([ \@result ], $DB::window->{'data_list'}, \@result, $DB::window->{'expr'}, $Devel::ptkdb::expr_depth) ; } # # $r will be 1 if the expression was added succesfully, 0 if not, # and it if wasn't added sucessfully it won't be reevalled the # next time through. # push @{$DB::window->{'expr_list'}}, { 'expr' => $DB::window->{'expr'}, 'depth' => $Devel::ptkdb::expr_depth } if $r ; next ; } if( $evt eq 'update' ) { updateExprs($package) ; next ; } if( $evt eq 'reeval' ) { # # Reevaluate the contents of the expression eval window # my $txt = $DB::window->{'eval_text'}->get('0.0', 'end') ; my @result = &DB::dbeval($package, $txt) ; $DB::window->updateEvalWindow(@result) ; next ; } last ; } $^P = $saveP ; $SIG{'INT'} = "DB::dbint_handler" unless $DB::sigint_disable ; # set our signal handler $DB::window->LeaveActions() ; $@ = $DB::save_err ; $DB::on = 0 ; } # end of DB # # This is another place where we'll try and keep the # code as 'lite' as possible to prevent the debugger # from slowing down the user's application # # When a perl program is parsed with the -d(in our case a -d:ptkdb) option # the parser will route all subroutine calls through here, setting $DB::sub # to the name of the subroutine to be called, leaving it to the debugger to # make the actual subroutine call and do any pre or post processing it may # need to do. In our case we take the opportunity to track the depth of the call # stack so that we can update our 'Stack' menu when we stop. # # Refs: Progamming Perl 2nd Edition, Larry Wall, O'Reilly & Associates, Chapter 8 # # sub sub { my ($result, @result) ; # # See NOTES(1) # if( wantarray ) { $DB::subroutine_depth += 1 unless $DB::on ; $DB::single = 0 if ( ($DB::step_over_depth < $DB::subroutine_depth) && ($DB::step_over_depth >= 0) && !$DB::on) ; no strict ; # otherwise perl gripes about calling the sub by the reference @result = &$DB::sub ; # call the subroutine by name use strict ; $DB::subroutine_depth -= 1 unless $DB::on ; $DB::single = 1 if ($DB::step_over_depth >= $DB::subroutine_depth && !$DB::on) ; return @result ; } else { $DB::subroutine_depth += 1 unless $DB::on ; $DB::single = 0 if ( ($DB::step_over_depth < $DB::subroutine_depth) && ($DB::step_over_depth >= 0) && !$DB::on) ; no strict ; # otherwise perl gripes about calling the sub by the reference $result = &$DB::sub ; # call the subroutine by name use strict ; $DB::subroutine_depth -= 1 unless $DB::on ; $DB::single = 1 if ($DB::step_over_depth >= $DB::subroutine_depth && !$DB::on) ; return $result ; } } # end of sub 1 ; # return true value