#!/usr/local/bin/perl eval 'exec /usr/local/bin/perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}' if 0; # not running under some shell #$Id: ldat,v 1998/02/25 21:13:00 schwartz Exp $ # # ldat, Display Authress Title # # This program demonstrates how to evaluate property sets. # # See also usage() of this file. General information at: # http://wwwwbs.cs.tu-berlin.de/~schwartz/pmh/index.html # # Copyright (C) 1996, 1997 Martin Schwartz # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, you should find it at: # # http://wwwwbs.cs.tu-berlin.de/~schwartz/pmh/COPYING # # You can contact me via schwartz@cs.tu-berlin.de # my $PROGNAME = "ldat"; my $VERSION=do{my@R=('$Revision: $'=~/\d+/g);sprintf"%d."."%d"x$#R,@R}; my $DATE = ('$Date: 1998/02/25 21:13:00 $' =~ / ([^ ]*) /) && $1; use Getopt::Long; use OLE::Storage::Std; my ($Doc, $Startup, $Var); my %opt = (); { $|=1; GetOptions (\%opt, "all", "debug", "xdebug", "no_apps", "slow", "log", "from_stdin|from_0|from0", "help", "recurse|recursive", ); usage() if $opt{"help"} || (!@ARGV && !$opt{"from_stdin"}); require Startup; fail(1) if !($Startup = new Startup); require OLE::Storage; require OLE::PropertySet; $Startup -> init ({ SUB_FILES => \&handle_files, SUB_STREAM => \&handle_stream, PROG_NAME => $PROGNAME, PROG_VER => $VERSION, FROM_STDIN => $opt{"from_stdin"}, SRCPATH => ".", RECURSE => $opt{"recurse"}, }); $Startup->allow_logging if $opt{"log"}; $Startup->open_log(); if (!($Var = OLE::Storage->NewVar())) { _error("No Var handle!"); exit 1; } $Doc = undef; $Startup->go(@ARGV); $Startup->close_log(); exit 1; } sub handle_stream { my ($dp) = @_; $Startup->log('processing '); $Startup->msg_silent(0); $Startup->msg_nl('processing '); { return $Startup->error("Nothing to do!") if -t STDIN; undef $/; return 0 if !($Doc = OLE::Storage->open($Startup, $Var, "", 2**4, \<>) ); do_directory(0,0); } $Startup->msg_finish("done"); 1} sub handle_files { my ($sp, $sf, $dp, $status) = @_; $Startup->msg_reset(); $Startup->log("processing $sp/$sf"); $Startup->msg_nl("Processing \"$sf\""); return error ("File \"$sf\" doesn't exist!") if !$status; return 1 if $status < 0; { if (!($Doc = OLE::Storage->open($Startup, $Var, "$sp/$sf"))) { $Startup -> log ($Startup->err_str, "!"); return 0; } # # Start examination at Root Property Set (pps handle is always 0) # with indent level 0 (indent level is just a variable, that enables # some more proper output formatting). # do_directory(0,0); # # Close the Document # $Doc->close(); } $Startup->msg_finish("done"); 1} sub _error { $Startup -> msg_error(@_) if defined $Startup; } sub fail { my ($num) = @_; print "Strange error #$num! Exiting!\n"; exit 0; } sub basename { # # $basename = basename($filepath) # (substr($_[0], rindex($_[0],'/')+1) =~ /(^[^.]*)/) && $1; } sub usage { _print_usage ( "$PROGNAME V$VERSION ($DATE)\n" ."usage: $PROGNAME {--option} file(s)", [ "all Show even 'empty' objects.", "debug Give more detailed information about property sets.", "no_apps Do not look at special application data.", "help Shows this help.", "slow (For debugging purposes)", "log Write a logfile.", "from_stdin Take input from stdin.", "recurse Operate recursively on directories.", ] ); exit 0; } sub _print_usage { my ($header, $bodylistR, $footer) = @_; print "$header\n" if $header; print map " --$_\n", sort { lc($a) cmp lc($b) } @$bodylistR; print "$footer\n" if $footer; } ## ## main things ## sub do_directory { # !recursive! # # void = do_directory (directory pps, indent level); # local($directory_pps, $level)=@_; local($indent) = " " x $level; local($pps); my @list; # # Read current directory into hash %dir, apply method "string" on # properties. # my %dir = (); return if !$Doc->directory($directory_pps, \%dir, "string"); # # --- Read standard properties ------------------------------------------ # # This shows how to ask for properties. You don't have to be concerned # about, if they actually are available. If a property is not available, # result of method string() is "". You have to have knowledge about the # property ids, e.g. by trying out "ldat -d LEGACY1.doc". You will see # then, that e.g. id 2 of property set "\05SummaryInformation" stands for # the title property. # # # (Fake) PropertySet \01CompObj # # Example with tie. Apply method string() on returned properties # automatically. # @list=(); if ($pps = $dir{"\01CompObj"}) { if (tie my %P, OLE::PropertySet, $Startup, $Var, $pps, $Doc, "string") { @list = ($P{0}, $P{2}) }} local($type1, $type2) = @list; # # PropertySet \05DocumentSummaryInformation # # Example with tie. Apply method string() by hand. # @list=(); if ($pps = $dir{"\05DocumentSummaryInformation"}) { if (tie my %P, OLE::PropertySet, $Startup, $Var, $pps, $Doc) { @list = string {$P{15}}; }} local ( $org ) = @list; # # PropertySet \05SummaryInformation # # Example without tie. (don't rely on line number of debug information!) # @list=(); if ($pps = $dir{"\05SummaryInformation"}) { if (my $P = load OLE::PropertySet ($Startup, $Var, $pps, $Doc)) { @list = string {$P->property(2,4,7,8,9,18,12,13)}; }} local ($title, $authress, $template, $lastauth, $revnum, $appname, $created, $lastsvd ) = @list; # --- Word, Excel printer info ------------------------------------------ local (@printer); if (!$opt{"no_apps"}) { read_wordinfo() if $pps = $dir{"WordDocument"}; if ($opt{"slow"}) { read_excelinfo_slow() if $pps = $dir{"Book"}; } else { read_excelinfo() if $pps = $dir{"Book"}; } } # --- "Debug". Shows how to read all properties ------------------------- if ($opt{"debug"}) { foreach $pps (values %dir) { debug_property($pps); } } # --- Print information about current object ---------------------------- show: { if (!$opt{"all"}) { last if !$type1 && !($title || $authress || $appname); } print_compobj(); print_suminfo(); print_printerinfo(); } # # --- Recurse ----------------------------------------------------------- # # Look for directories in current directory (that means, look for # embedded objects). If available, recurse into them. The indenting # level of the output is growing in that case. # foreach $pps (values %dir) { do_directory($pps, $level+1) if $Doc->is_directory($pps); } } ## ## -------------------------- Output --------------------------------------- ## sub print_compobj { my $out; $out = "$indent# $type1 ($type2, " if $type1; $out .= "$indent# (unknown, " if !$type1; $out .= string {$Doc->date($directory_pps)}; $out .= ", rev $revnum" if $revnum; $out .= ")"; print "$out\n"; } sub print_suminfo { my $out; $out = "$indent Title: $title\n" if $title; if ($authress || $lastauth) { $out .= "$indent Authress: $authress"; $out .= " (former: $lastauth)" if $lastauth && $lastauth ne $authress; $out .= "\n"; } $out .= "$indent Organization: $org\n" if $org; $out .= "$indent Application: $appname\n" if $appname; $out .= "$indent Template: $template\n" if $template; $out .= "$indent Created: $created\n" if $created; $out .= "$indent Last saved: $lastsvd\n" if $lastsvd && ($lastsvd ne $created) ; print $out; } sub print_printerinfo { return if !@printer; print "$indent Printer: $printer[0]"; print " ($printer[2])" if $printer[2]; print "\n"; } ## ## --------------------------- Special Data -------------------------------- ## ## Get information out of application data. This requires special knowledge ## about the application considered. It actually has nothing to do with OLE ## or OLE::Storage. It might look a little bit strange. ## sub read_wordinfo { # # Word (MSWordDoc) style, read some printer info # # Word defines a lot of information in its header block. At 0x130 # is a long offset and a long size of a printer info chunk. # my ($pairbuf, $infobuf, $o, $l); return if !$Doc->read($pps, \$pairbuf, 0x130, 8); return if !($o = get_long(\$pairbuf, 0x00)); return if !($l = get_long(\$pairbuf, 0x04)); return if !$Doc->read($pps, \$infobuf, $o, $l); @printer = ($infobuf =~ /^([^\00]*)\00([^\00]*)\00([^\00]*)/ ); } sub read_excelinfo { # # Excel (Biff5) style, read some printer info # # Biff is build as a long chain of data chunks. To find a chunk one has to # go hand over hand through the file. Printer info chunks have the type 0x4d. # @printer = (); my ($buf, $fsize, $infobuf, $l, $o, $type); return if !$Doc->read($pps, \$buf); $fsize=length($buf); $o = 0; while ($o<$fsize) { $type = get_word(\$buf, $o); $l = get_word(\$buf, $o+2); if ($opt{"xdebug"}) { printf("type = %04x (o=%06x, l=%04x):\n", $type, $o, $l); my @list = (); my $str = substr($buf, $o+4, $l); while($str) { push(@list, substr($str, 0, 16)); substr($str, 0, 16)=""; } for (@list) { my $s = " "; my $l = length($_); next if !$l; $s .= sprintf("%02x " x $l, unpack("C$l", $_)); $s .= " " x (55 - length($s)); s/[^0-9a-zA-Z äöüÄÖÜ\!\"\§\$\%\&\/\(\)\]]/./g; $s .= $_; print "$s\n"; } } if ($type == 0x4d) { $infobuf = substr($buf, $o+4, $l); last unless $opt{"xdebug"}; } $o += (4+$l); } @printer = ($infobuf =~ /^..([^\00]*)\00/ ); } sub read_excelinfo_slow { # # Excel (Biff5) style, read some printer info. # # This is alternative to read_excelinfo(). It reads not the whole file at # once, but does many little read calls. You can use it to see, how fast # or slow io practically is. In fact you will notice, that many io calls # are slower than one io call (hard to believe, isn't it ?-) # @printer = (); my ($buf, $infobuf, $fsize, $l, $o, $type); $o = 0; $fsize = $Doc->size($pps); while ($o<$fsize) { $Doc->read($pps, \$buf, $o, 4); $type = get_word(\$buf, 0); $l = get_word(\$buf, 2); if ($type == 0x4d) { $Doc->read($pps, \$infobuf, $o+4, $l); last; } $o += (4+$l); } @printer = ($infobuf =~ /^..([^\00]*)\00/ ); } ## ## ------------------------ Read all properties ---------------------------- ## sub debug_property { # # void debug_property($pps) # my $pps = shift; return 0 if !type OLE::PropertySet($Doc, $pps); my ($PSet, %PSet); my $i=0; debug_head($Doc->name($pps)->string()); # Tie the property set to %PSet: if ($PSet = tie %PSet, OLE::PropertySet, $Startup, $Var, $pps, $Doc) { # Loop over all properties: for (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %PSet) { # debug_body(Prop, Prop_Id, Prop_Idstr, ...): debug_body($PSet{$_}, $_, $PSet->idstr($_), ++$i); } } else { error(); } debug_tail(); } sub debug_head { my $name = shift; $name =~ s/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]//g; print fill("--- PSet \"$name\" ", 70, "-"); print " n id id_name vartype contents\n"; } sub debug_tail { print fill("", 70, "-"); } sub debug_body { # # void debug_body ($Prop, $token, $token_str, $index, $ii) # # ii 0: print a line with current $index and $token # !0: print a line with current $token.$ii # # debug_body has to handle three situations: # # 1. A property can be of type "variant". In this case the properties data # is an own property. To handle this, "Property" module applies method # string() on the data property. Methods type and typestr can get a # parameter, that will make them to return the data property's type. # # 2. A property can be an array. In this case the properties data is # an anonymous array of properties. You can get it with the method # arrays(). # # 3. A property is quite "normal", that means it is a non variant scalar. # my ($P, $token, $token_str, $i, $ii) = @_; my (@out); my $j = 0; if (!$ii) { @out = ( sprintf("%2x %x", $i, $token), 8, " ", sprintf("%s", $token_str), 28, " " ); } else { @out = ( sprintf(" %x.%02x ", $token, $ii), 28, " " ); } push (@out, ( sprintf("%4x (%s) ", $P->type, $P->typestr||"unknown"), 44, " " )); # Property contents if (is_scalar $P) { print fill(@out, $P->string); } elsif (is_array $P) { print fill(@out); foreach (@{array $P}) { debug_body($_, $token, 0, $i, ++$j); } } 1} # # ------------------------------ Utils ------------------------------------- # sub error { printf "Error! %s\n\n", $Startup->error() } sub fill { # # void == fill ($str, $pos, $fillchar, ...) # # Fills string $str upto position $pos with char $fillchar. When given more # than one variable set, substrings are concatenated; $pos still referes to # the total length of the string then. Appends a "\n"; # my ($str, $pos, $char); my $out = ""; while (@_) { ($str, $pos, $char) = (shift, shift, shift); $out .= $str; $out .= $char x ($pos - length($out)); } "$out\n"; } __END__ =head1 NAME ldat - Display Authress Title =head1 SYNOPSIS ldat V0.387 (1998/02/12) usage: ldat {--option} file(s) --all Show even 'empty' objects. --debug Give more detailed information about property sets. --from_stdin Take input from stdin. --help Shows this help. --log Write a logfile. --no_apps Do not look at special application data. --recurse Operate recursively on directories. --slow (For debugging purposes) =head1 DESCRIPTION Shows some information about the Property Sets stored in MS Windows Structured Storage documents. Options are: =over 4 =item C<--all> This shows also those entries consisting out of directories only and containing no data stream at all. =item C<--debug> This shows additionally a list of all property set entries. It is quite useful if you want to see, which type properties have. =item C<--no_apps> Do not look at special application data. Normally ldat looks for some information in Word documents and Excel books, but this costs time. This switch is useful, if you want to glance quickly and have big document files. =back Demonstration program for OLE::Storage =head1 SEE ALSO L =head1 AUTHOR Martin Schwartz EFE. =cut